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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1910)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVES SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1910. page tiire; s v SP01T1NG NEWSi rBOGBAMS FOB THE SUOOT. Complete Set of Events and Rules Gowning Them, are Now Out 111 Programs for the Handicap shoot at Elgin September 12, when the Union and Wallowa county Sportsmen asso ciation will hold the most important Blue Rock affair of the season, are out the local Eunmeu are growing mnr and more anxious for the event I to start. The program follows: If T.-vn 'o. 1. 10 singles. $10.00 ad ded; entrance, $1.00. Etrance No. 2 15 singles; $10.00 ad ded; entrance, $1.00. Event No. 3. 15 singles; $10.00 ad ded; entrance, $1.00. Event No. 4. 20 singles; $10.00 ad ded; entrance, $1.00. . ' Event No 5. 20 singles;' $10.00 ad ded; entrance, $1.00. Event No. 6. 20 singles, $10.00 ad ded; entrance, $1.00. Event No. 7.-25 singles, $10.00 ad ded, entrance, $1.00. La Grande Even ing Observer Gold Medal, 1st prlzei Event No. 8.-25 singles, $10.00 ad ded; entrance, $1.00. FirBt prize, silver cup. Event No. 9.-23 singles, $10.00 ad ded; entrance $1.00. First prize, gold medal Event No. 10. 25 singles, $10.00 ad ded; entrance first prlzej, Uu pont Trophy. ,v Rules and regulations governing the shoot, are: . - . All purses divided, 40, 30, 20 and 10 per cent ' Birds deducted at 3 cents each. , Shooting will commence promptly at 3 n. iu. . , Revised inter-state rules to govern til contests. " . ."' Contestants are required to ma':.' entries for. entire day. Money will be refunded In all uncontested events. Froiessionals and manufacturers' agents are invited to be with us, but will be permitted to shoot for targets only. ' . - ' ,-. . All events known traps; unknown angles. All atnunillon for sale on the grounds. . CHANGES RADICAL. sporting co::::ent and kindred subjects l.a Grande Footlmll Cans will Have to Apply Themselves Diligent I v. - New football rules arc so radically different from the old sort that La Grande fans will have to learn the game over again to understanding appreciate the progress of the game. The players, of course, have a serious problem in front of them In becoming accustomed to the new requirements. As no rule books are available at this time, it Is doubtful is the game will be thoroughly understood until later in the year. One of the problems that will foster disputes is the forward pass, whlcn has been so arranged that the exact meaning of the clause is hard to understand. .One self-evident fact is that the forward pass must not be over twenty yards toward the op ponent's goal, and also that no on must interfere with the receiver of a forward pass while In the tweny-yarr I zone. The position of quarterbac k will virtually disappear and the cer.t?r will not be the only one to Bnap the ball. Snapping also may be doni by either guards or tackles besides e.n ter( and can be received and carried by anyone back of the line when fhs ball is put In motion. The Observer's sporting department j will school Its readers in the " new rules as soon as It is possible to V"' the authority on all phases of the new 1 book. - ; A party cf Walla Walla people, traveling in a Tullniann, were iu La Grande yesterday. S. D. Crowe has traded a Pierce mo torcycle for the premier Bird Lewis machine, through L. C. Smith. J. Van Buren has signed up the 1911 contracts for the Overland ag ency In this county. : A party from Seattle traveling in a Pope-Hartford, was In La Grande yes terday enroute to the interior. Joe Dosse, an expert tire repairer from the Gorman Rubber Company at Seattle arrived yesterday and , Is at the Smith garage. , i .. ' . The 1910-1911 school season opens September 12, and football , practice will be inaugurate as soon as the school is( put In running order. Atfer a tour of the Central' Oregon country, which covered a periods ol three weeks' time, Dr. A. F. Poley and O. J. Poley of Enterprise, , Wallowa county, have returned in their Cadillac "30", and after a brief stop, continued on their journey home. ! Three Overlands are now in use iu La Grande the first year of their j presence here. W. E. Long of Sura-: j mervill has a model 38, W. Y. Stod- J j dard of Perry has a "38" and Jay Van Buren has a "42", Another Model j '3S' is coming next Tuesday for deliv- j ery. Advertised Letters. Following is a list of letters remain ing in the post office, for the week ending August 19, 1910. Ladles, ; Davis, Miss M. E. " . Lake Louise Banff Glacier Field Via the Arrow and Kootenay Lakes ARE YOU IHTERES1ED? Hasklns, Mrs. Geo. Lang, Mary R. Lumbard, L. Okey, Miss Ethel (2) Orville, V(-s. Wm. (2) Stephens, Mrs. Clara Wise, Miss Anna Gcutlemeu. Bonyers & McKeley. Brady, Chas. Covillia.' Marion . England, Mr. J. II. England, Chas. Flldman, Mr. E. A. Graham, Mr. Roy Gray beal, Mr. j. A. Hoadley, George. , Hill, George Ingalls Mr. Elmer LIndale, C. G. N'elman. C. G. Payne. Mr. C. B. Stoll, Ira II , Skinner. Mr. Fred Steele. Mr. C. W. Wilson; Kid . When calling for the above please say, "Advertised." Same will be sont to the Dead Lt Orteef mmw aunw aow to the Dead Letter office on the 2ud of September, 1910G. M. Richey, P. M. ; Quality- I I Service 9 A party of Portland people are in the citv ndav. rntinw from A Hroanmo-i Journey over hundreds of miles 'of Interior Oregon. O. J. Gray of Port land, is the owner of the Reo car. I.J which the trip was nade, R. H. 1.111 driving. ; They struck in from Port iand to Madras, then to Redman, Sla ters, then fifty miles to the interior and " back to Sisters, on to Laidlow. Bend, Prineville, Water nights, Hepp ner. Monument, Hamilton, Long Crceic. Pilot Rock Pendleton and came to L Grande via Meacham. The. arty, iu eluded two ladies, who have taken the train out of La Grande. Ask your local agent how you can secure a circular-tour ticket right from you home town. You can make the trip in a week, tei days, two weeks, or a mouth. At all principal stop-over points the Canadian Pacific maintains its own hotels- nf rntM ruTiwIw. per day and up. covering room and all meals, " Write fcr detailed information, . " Write for Particulars. G. 31. JACKSON' GEO. A. WALTON ' Trav. Pass. Agt Gen. Ajct 1TT7 ; rass. Dit ft. -. . Al Wall St, Spokane. Bring In your second-hand school books at olice, for cash at Silver thorn's Drug store. , ' -. These are the two essentials la printing. We give full measure of both. ' " There's economy In quality. There's satisfaction In service. Our' printing is sold on the assumption that there's econo my In quality. 1. E. VJhiton's Printery Successor to Bird F. Uwis LEWIS BUILDING Phore: . Pacific, Main 747. " Home, 231. Z See about the Petticoat sale at Wests's.1 Petticoats worth $2.50 for $1.69 at West's. See the ad. -f.i v tr Wm 'mTtt vmmvii .vv. I A 1 1 IT CERTAIN LI LOOKS GOOD the delicious bread mada from the North Powder Best of the Best Patent f 3vr. o o o It Is a meat t v A.- UIV vx good also to she sees the r. iled iyor , iide, on ave-1 valk the now :om f the rves s. or. 10. un , the egon lx of , de-, ;aiust 0 pre :hers, fficei rands ande, 1 date , this y perry o If o yia the fJD Iq r-3 y 9 Schedule of Train Leave Baker Gity Tuesday, Aug. 23 Eagle 90 cents Box o o o i o tor the little ones, with butter, Jam or jelly, that Is wholesoma and muscle building. It locks the housewife whoa goldet. brown crlcrp and the white bread Inside when It comes from ths oven. It also smells appetizing when mada from Best of Best Flour. FOR SALE EI ALL GROCERS FOR THE Jj ..w HamiMs 4l ( it Haines North Powder Union Junction " -Hot Lake " La Grande " Arrive Portland Wednesday, Aug. 24 6:15 p. rn. 6:35 p. m. 6:50 p. m. 7:30 p. m.' 7:40 p. m. 8;00 p. m. 7:15 a. m. Special train Pullman, Tourist and Chair Cars Magnificent River Ride on the Steamer "L i. Poller v Round Trip Fares Baker Gity : - - Haines and North Powder ; ' ..- Union and Hot Lake La Grande - - ' - Joseph, Lostine, Enterprise and Wallowa Elgin and Imbler ' ; - $12.50 11.50' 10.50 10.00 12.50 10.50 iRoyalGrocery I and Bakery Save money on furnishing Your iome Herv f. D. HA1STEN FOR lOUGilS THE WOtyDER WORKER FOR GOLDS foh THROAT Tickets good for return ' until September 7th, and allow stop over at Portland one day and ni ht on going trip if desired, and any tim? within the limit of ticket on return-trip. V For further particulars call on J. H. Keeney, Agent, La Grande, or write to Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. AND LUTJGG n FOR COUGHS AND COLDS PREVEUTS PIIEUOOIIIA ! I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would' surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me bo completely that I am all sound and well. MRS. EVA DNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. - . -- ; -. Vlca 50c and $1.00 ABSO? SjfFELY- GUARAMTEED 1 Trial Bottla Fi OiJ AMD GUARANTEED DY fc;,;,;,, o