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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1910)
LA. GHANDE EVtimtQ. ZZZZlT-2 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1910. ' "iim ! m i ii nun i.i. i a. mmmv mi i ; L 7 HARDWARE,' w v I STOVES, TINWARE, u (i L. WINDMILLS r -:li'ilJ PLUMBING AND ' ' ' f4 ' V . STEAM FITTING . , K ' "7"". . GAIIMMZH) - KOil IVORK ' La Grande, - ."Oregon Didn't Want It Flattened. This atory ia told of Jerome K. Je rome. the humorist. Returning from Abroad one time, be fell Into food com pany, with the exception of one man, who waa what is known aa "a walking encyclopedia." This man persisted In giving all aorta of Information, much to the annoyance of Mr. Jerome and others. One morning, aa the travelers leaned over the rail, admiring the ris ing sun, the man with the Information turned to them and said almost sol menly; . "Gentlemen. If the earth were Cat- tened oat the sea would be two miles deep over the whole world." Mr. Jerome turned around, seeming ly a tunned. Then he grew Indignant, and, walking over to the other man. he said, shaking his finger menacingly: "Look here, man. If yon catcb any fellow trying to flatten out the earth ahoot him on the spot I can't swim." -Philadelphia Timet. PORTLAND. OREGON A SplMfdll Bor4ln and Day School (or , YOliNO MEN A.N I BOYS ErtnlTsncirta 1b OuIIiwa, Hih Hchool ud Com. mvolal work. Onounu cnuea taught to bon over U mn. OcbwJ open 8m. 13. 1910. OtUloi free. jltuOTU DMTBUcn, foatujrsk uaaeo. Special Train Excursion to the Beach To afford residents of Eastern Ore gon an opportunity for an outing the 0. R. & N. Co. have arrange a spe cial train excursion to Portland in connection with their steamers to the seashore (North Beach, Wash.) The rate from La Grande is $10.00, which permits of stop-over of two days and a night on the going trip, at Portland, as well as a Btop-over on the return trip ' within the limit of the ticket, which will be September 7th. The special train will consist of chair cars, tourist and standard sleeping cars. Make your reservations early. Ample hotel accomodations at the be tels on the beach. Enquire of agent for further particulars. . J, H. KEENEY, Agent ' SUGAR Cash Price Sugar, $6.75; .... J. mm .-'- i " - fttrtlll. " VEGETABLES New dry onions, 5c; head lettuce, 10c; green onions, 3 bunches for 10 c tomatoes 10c lb.; new potatoes, 10 for 25c; cabbage 4c; green corn 20c; string beans, 10c lb; green peppers, 15c lb. FRUIT Orangw, COc per dozen; lemons, 45c per dot en; cananas, 40c per doz; - j. " blackberries, 2 boxes for 25c water melons 2 l-2c lb; antalope 10 ft 16c lb.; peaches, 10c lb.; plums, 10c lbi MEATS Hogs, 'live weight, ... well finished, 19 c.wt: cows, 3 1-2 to 4c; 3 to 3 1-2; veal 4 to 4 1-2; mutton 3 to 4; chickens 1 13c; fries. 20c. Daddy's Bedtim Ha Lowered Hit Head and Made For Tbcm. TD Story How the Mascot Savet the Ship rsrtland Markets . r .- V ;. .... . BUiTHiK aactra creamery, S5J8 1-2; Btor 22 1-2&U 1-2. BUTTER FAT Delllver t oi b. at Portland aw cream 32 1-2; sour SO. EGGS Local, candled, 2t 27c POULTRY Mx chickens 18 18 1-2 7c ; fancy 19 cents ; turkeys, alive, 20 ft 21; pigeons squabs, S2.50; dres sed chickens, 1 to 2c higher than alive. BARLEY Producers price, 1910; Feed, 25; rolled 25.D026.80, brewing 25. "v .. ' -. WHEAT Nominal iraclt, club, 86; bluestem 93; Wlllam. Valley ,90. Valley 97. . MILLSTUFFS Selling prtce-Bran $22; mldling, 30; shorts, $24. chop 19 FLOUR Old crop patents. $5.35 fl !fhpp tt rnn kniw what maafiAl Ia9 AaAAw when all was ready for the evening story. T "Something good to eat" guessed Jack. "Well that's not very far, off". laughed daddy. A mascot Is something we think brings us good luck, and almost every ahlp has one, It being In most casea an animal aucb as a dog, a pig or a monkey. , The vessel 1 am going to tell you about was called the Surah Jane Smith, and her mascot waa a goat that the sailors called Biff. l tell yen the sea air gave that goat a big appetite, and there was no peace on the ship unless some one was feeding It. At last be became such a nuisance that the captain said: "'Boys, we can't stand .that fellow 'any longer. , Why, yesterday he ate four of my neckties, two of my shirts and my Sunday-go-to:meetlng Bhoes, and then he pitched into bis dinner as were starving. ; Let's throw biro overboard tomorrow . "The sailors laughed and agreed, and Biff -went to sleen that nlzht little Lendon'a Tewn Hall. r I dreamlns what was in store for bim. After a time., however, there came a The guildhall Is an Important public j big storm that blew the ship far out of Us course and In strange waters, and in the morning the men on the Sarah Jane smith saw.a big ship nearby with a black flag at the top of its mast " 'Boys' said the captain as he looked through his glass, 'there are wicked pirates aboard that vessel, and we want to look sharp. Come, crowd on all all before it Is too late.' . i . ' ' - . , "But there waa no escape for them.' The strange craft was soon along side and scores of men with knives in their hands leaped on the deck of the Sarah Jane Smith. s , - . "Now the racket made by the pirates in searching the ship awakened Biff. He had been dreaming that be hud eaten four suits of clothes, three hats and 200 bananas, and when be awoke and jfound it, was. only, a dream be was hungry and cross and disappointed. He started at once for the pantry, but soon he saw the strangers, and, thinking, they bad come to steal his break fast be lowered bis bead and made for them. My, but those wicked looking, : r , vj mM,u, mmwu m swat wiort. ' n vutiea oown very stranger he could catch, knocking some of them tight off the ship into the ocean, and in five minutes the last one had scrambled en to bis own Tessel. which sailed quickly out of sight" ; . ;y .- -, And was poor Biff drowned?" asked Evelyn. . 'No. indeed, chlckle." replied daddy. "He was the best fed and most petted mascot alive after that, for be bad saved the ship." building In London, which may be re garded as the town hall, and, Is the place of assembly of several courts, as the court of common council the court of aldermen, the cliamberlaln's court and a police court presided over by one of the aldermen. . The construction of the building was begun In 1411. It was partially destroyed In the great fire of 1GM, but waa soon restored, and in 1789 It. was altered to Its present form. The hall proper Is 153 feet in length. 4 lu breudth and 55 In height. It has been famous for centuries for the magnificence of Its civic feasts. xu nm time it was used for this purpose was In 1500. when Sir John Shaw, goldsmith, who had been knighted on the field of Bosworth, first gave here the lord mayor's feast Color Blind, i iraaw 1 must ba color blind; I don't know what Is right Wayman says that White ia black, And Brown la black White. i X thought myself, both White and Browne Were yollow through and through. But wife maintains that White la green, , And Browne la surely blue. , -Chicago Tribune. The Stiff Part. ' ' "The judge gave Townson Bowers a stiff sentence." "Why, It was only ten days In jail?" "I know, but the Judge recommend ed that the first day be spent B a straltjacket." Toledo Blad . ARC THE of Ws m American People Are Entirely Devoid of M By V. KOf K1NSON fMITH. Artlat-Authon Ifowa Counff: They sell more farms, mor t ranches; m fad mote i real estate than allmher dealers torn I b'meid. They have something especially good to off er in the new townsite of Evans, formerly known as the Lostine Depot. If you wish to get in on the ground floor and grow up with a good town here is your opportunity. If you want a lot or two for investment, here is your opportunity. They have lots, houses and business property for sale in Joseph and VJalloVia. They wiH be pleased to rshjiv oj prapzrly in any part of lhiCounfy Come to Waliovia and ihey vnll do lhe rest n o CHCff VJal o waj Oregon K HAVE NO MANNERS IN AMERICA. , WE HAD THEM ONCE. YE8, BUT jrVE HAVEL DEGENERATED IN THAT , RE PECT. WE NO LONGER VALUE MANNERS AS A NA TIONAL ASSET. THE GERMANS DO NOT EITHER, BUT THEN THEY HAVE NEVER HAD GOOD MANNERS. THEY. DO NOT KNOW WHAT IT MEANS TO" BE POLITE. The) generation; X belong to in Americ was taught how to behare, and ii pains me. to sgq that, w ? entirely LOSINO THE POWER OF APPREOIAHNO POIJTENES3. Politeness mty U s rar niflh, but it ia a pleasant one at least And do not tell me there U less sincerity about polite people. In s way .there is, of course. When tn American policeman says "Go to the deyU 1" he MEANS IT. The Prench policeman may mean it, but he does tot say it He merely shrugs his shoulders, and you may interpret his action as you like. Another thing which helps to make people polite in the French capital is the custom of nerer laying hands on anybody. Ton never see a policeman handle a man roughly. Ton neter see anybody strike another person. They may threaten all they want to A French policeman strikes but it NEVER COMES TO BLOWS. in self defense onlj. ' & W f f :$ ,1 DIRECTORY' FRATERNAL ORDERS LA GRANDE, ORE La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets erery Monday in the month at the I. O. O. F. Hall. All risltlns neljhbors are cordially inflted to attend. I. R. SNOOK, C. D. E. COX, Clerk. - - . TTenea ef lfeoleraft . Grande Ronde Clrcl No. 47 meets every first and third Thursday even lnc io the month at the I. O.O. F. Halt All visiting members welcome. CHLOB ROBINSON, G. If. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH, Clerk. A F S 1 II. . Lit Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F, k A. M. holds regular meetings first and third Satardays at 7:30 p. m. JOHN HODQIN, W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS SecreUry .. . B P. O. E. ... La Grange Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock lu Elk's club cormr of Depot street and Washington Avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially Invltod to attend.; DR. G. L. BIGGER3, Ex. Ruler. HUGH McCALL. Kec. Sec. Crystal Lodge No. fcO meets every Tuesday enlng in the I. O. O. F. hall Air visiting members are Invited to attend. ! ; ..'.... ; . MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. Q. Miijkts ef I-vthlae t Red Cross Lodge No. 27 meets ev ery Monday night in Castle hall, (old Elk's ball) A Pythian welcome . R. L. LIVCOLN, M. of R. Jb 8. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. 8. holds stated communications the second and fourth 'Wednesdays of each month VIs'ting members, cordially Invited. MART A. WARNICK,Sec. . PAULINE LEDERLEE. W. M. Weodmea ef the rTerld La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. O. W. meets every second and fourth Tuer tay in the month. All visiting mei bers welcom-. NERI ACKLES, a C. , J. H. KEENEY, Clert. 2asJ