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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1910)
TX70 LA GIUNDE EVnTETCr OLZZVLTl WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1910. ri i it i 2 t 'I: ' h. i : f Have a Summer i i I Without Headaches I 5 - .... 5 g . Summer should be a recreation time, a time when ? 5 life is really enjoyed and when vitality is stored for 5 the more trvinsr seasons. K , 0 rA Tl Thft nlraftiirp nf g aches. Travel, outings or exposure to the sun is apt A io Dnng on :nis aniicuon. Don't have headaches this 5 summer. Keep a supply of our llewlin's Instant Headache Cure 4 On hand. Thev StOD COminor hfar!arrie nr rnro hiA j aches that have already arrived. A simple reliable ? j remeaywitn a record ot many years back of them. E p The remedy you should always have and depend upon. 5 Prce 25 cens 2 Sold by us only NewIinjDrug Ijsi Grande. Orpornn Go 2 I I 0 We Have Them. Six pound Elec tric Flat Irons at $3JS Each EASTERN OREGON light and Power Company THE OUTLOOK for men's clothing is for a distinct change In styles. Stop in and, see what men who know, have decided will be worn during the fast approach ing season. We have the advance I)ntPa And olflA BAmnlA. . 4V-. . a. elegant of the new fabrics. And while I here why not order us to tailor you a ! suit in the newest fashion. e. c. aroouE. 1118 Adams Phone Mala 735 "Dw be depended upon" Is an expression we all like to hear, and when it is used in connection with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholers nd Diarrhoea Remedy it means XV V vy fails to cure diarrhoea, dystntt Lowe! complaints, It is pleasant to tale equally valuable for children and fd. . Wfhy pay Rent? We loan you wir money to build, and vou' pay us as you would rent. ' ' L it OLIVER. European Plan Only Rooms 60c to $1.60 First class Throughout AVOY o $ o o oooooooooooo A. L. EICHARDSOX ' Physician and Surgeon Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m. except Sun day. Sunday by appointments. Tele phones: Office, Black 1362; Ind. 353; residence, Main 55; Ind. 312. C. H. tPTOJf, Fk. G. TIL D. . Ppyslclan and Surgeon Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office in La Grande Nat ional Bank Building. Phones: Of fice Main 2. Residence Main 32. 5. ECUTCJt, E. D. Ppyslclan asd Snrgeoa Cter Asacr rs. and Depot atrteC C2 -c Mala SS Residue: C9 J. G PMCE, D. K. D. De&Ust . Room 23. La Grande Natlenal Building. vhout Black 2SJ GEO. W. ZUDTEE3LO Ostaopath Physician ' Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, t and 10 Phones: Home 1332. -Pacific Main 63, Residence phone, Black 951. Suc cessor to Dr. r. E. Moore. LA GRA5DE SCHOOL OP VtSIC. Cor. Adams avenue and Greenwood St FCOF. E. P02TE8 DAT Dt'vctor. T. H. CfiAWFOHD Attorney-at-law Practices In 'all the courts of the State and TJn'ted States. Office in La Grande National Bank Bldg L Gr nde, Oregon MOTE D. G. BRIGHOUX, ' Proprietor. ONE BLOCK FROll DtPOl ' ia' Grande. Oreodh DS. -.A CiIBLT0S : . Vs,er.7i rr Surgeon . Office at HiU'4 Drug Store, La GraaU Residence phone, Red 701; Oflot phone, alack 1361; Independent . phone 63; hth phones at lesldence Chas. E, Cochran Geo. T. Q X C0CHSAN k COCHSAI : Attorneys .. La Grande National Bank BJ La Grande . Oregot DB. M. P. ME5DELS )H5 Doctor ef Outlcs. LSpectacles rjid Eye Glasses Fltte ana maae to order. All Errors of Refraction Correctef 1105 Adams' Ave. Opposite P. O La Grande, ; Oregoa DS. H. L. lOnDESWOOD D2. D02A J. nrDESTTOOD OSSce ever Red Crota Dmg atore. Pflonea, office Mala 22; Rea. Mala 721 . IT. C XELSOlf Mialnr Engloeer FILLED WITH CURIOSITY. That Was Why He Was Anxiously Waiting Outside the House. The man was standing behind a tree in front of an apdrttuent house in a cross street wben tbe rop on tbat best came pounding along on tbe sidewalk. It was close to midnight, and naturally the cop stoppt-d and looked at tbe man standing behind ibe tree. : "Howdy," says i be cop. by way of opening conversation. , ."You're a Dot her," replied tbe man rood natnrpdiv. ' I "Whutcbub doln' waltln for some body?" inquired tbe brave policeman. "Nope. "Just standln' there, heyr "Too've hit It." "Live near bere. do yon?" "Right In there." says the citizen, jerking bis thumb in tbe direction of tbe apartment bouse be was standing la front of. . , Tbe cop looked at him tboughtfuily for a minute. ' "Mebby it's none of my business." be says, "and then again mebby It is. I don't like to go round buttln into anybody's private affairs, but tell me. neighbor, what's your graft anyhow?" "Well," loosened up the citizen, "if croakln' from curiosity right in front of my eyes. Ill tell yon bow It is prbvlded It don't go any further. My wife says to me when 1 started down- town this evenlnVlf you're not borne by midnight I'm goln' to pack up and go right back to mother's. So there." " "WelL says tbe cop. "Well." repeated Jhe . citizen. "It's just about midnight now, and I'm like yoa-I'e got curiosity. I'm waltln bere to see if she's iroln' to boon hr word.' I The cop's curloBlty ceased at that point, and be walked on down tbe street whistling, without waiting to see tne thing out Cleveland Plain Dealer. . . v Attending to others' business is cer tainly worth a salary. Either see that you get it r let them run the Job themselves. Sometimes the difference tetween a num and a dog la largely in favor ot the latter. , Some men seem to be entirely im. mune from any amount of sense oi reason that yoa may attempt to In lect tnem with. Poverty Is said to be a barren thing, oui u Dreeaa mscomrort ana diseasi very rapidly. . ' ; The Problem. Mother thinks she'll make a doctor out of Jim. ' 1 Father thinks he'd better fill a judge' J cnair. . Uncle Job.i would mold a preacher out oil mm. , Really chooslnr & nrnfw1nn (a a Cousin May would like to see him trace! Uncle George Is sure a soldier's tradJ ? would fit. - ... 1 Charley says that millionaires are all the! rage; For a fine profession that la surely It Mother says that able doctors heal thel SICK ' And are useful to the world in many ways. Father says the legal trade Is still his! For the lawyers have such fine 'and win nine: ways. Uncle John is sure his choice would be u oesi. . s , .. Uncle George Is pleading strongly for uio nun. Cousin May is just as certain as the rest Charleys pick appears to him the only one. ,. Oh, It's surely lots of trouble picking out A profession for tbe little coming man! With a diagram his future life to plan. Tou may wonder when tbey all are tak ing hold Why thay do not give the lad himself a show. There's a reason-he Is only six weeks old. How Is one of tender years like that to know? The Twelve Inch Gun. . Tbe naval twelve Inch gfin has an effective range np to fifteen mllee, and will actually throw a projectile the astounding distance of twenty-three miles. '; v. . . , :.'". The Deadly Fly. . A fly bacteriologlcally examined has been found to carrs 409.000. bacteria , While He Waited. "Are you the girl that took my or der?" asked the old grouch as the pret ty waitress tripped in under the weight of her load. "I sure am." reolled the criri wasn't addicted to slang, but could use It on occasions. "I want to compliment you on one wing." . "What's that you're giving me nowr "It is this: You don't look a day old r than when you took It." Cautiaua. "Tou never kissed a girl in your ure r v "Never!'; "You don't know whtit you are mise Ing." . . , ; "Yes. 1 do." UTttt. - a. inti i - i a: nicrvum. . - , . ' I . " II & . I D .A. . v-. ' ' :. " ' '. . . ....... ........ .,,,:., f. v -: 1 l !. , ..;,'.!,. j , ' ... ' .... . y i " 'I II ( When you have tried other investments, When you have investigated other Counties. When you have Kstened to the town lot salesman, or heard of a great investment in Honolulu Get owm. Take aiew days off and see Wallowa County; Oregon. Take enough time to look at the country. See the farm houses Ughted by e Alfalfa Region. See the saw mills and bands of sheep. Raise everything that pays from a sugar beet to the Wallowa Steer Vr v W v.! Write Commercial Glub at Wall owa, Enterprise, Joseph or Lostine Kit