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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1910)
PAGE EIGHT LA GRaDB ijVENING OBSERVEIt SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1910. 3G y I r. mh Grade ' Tailored ! Skirts n h :::-jvl: . : : mm MM Dress Skirts We have just received America's Choicest Productions in Skirts Beautiful Voiles, Hew Braid Trim, The flew Grey Street and Walking Skirt, lew Blue in Panamas, tlovelty Trims and all the new llovelty Weaves. Dress Skirts, six to twelve dollars Work skirts, three to eight dollars OVER FIVE HUNDRED DESIGNS THE FAIR THEFAIR Street Skirts son is h FROM EAST HIGHLY ELATED OYEB SEWS HE PICKED UP MERE Conference With Promoter Alexander ' Convinces the Elglnlte. morning, Mr. Sommer did not have time to elucidate on what he knew, but he affirmed with emphasis that the situation is encouraging. Just when the road will be built he did not say, but affirmed that work will start soon. That it is going to be built, he says, there is no disputing, and the Doston engineers and promoters are merely giving the ' finishing touches to details before ordering the, construction. With a hatful of optimistic news about railroad construction in Union county. Dan Sommer returned last night from a two months' stay in New York and Boston, where he conferred with eGorge Alexander, the engineer, who had charge of the surveys in the Blue Mountains last winter, wren the proposition of extending the Union Central from Cove to Walla Walla, was "given a test. Mr. Sommer spent sev eral days with Mr. Alexander at Bos ton. He was his guest for nearly n , week, and in that time learned many things pertaining to the . railroad work. In his hurry to reach his train this PRACTICALLY ETERV DEALER I TOWS FEELS INSPECTION Tomato Shipment Distributed Over the City is Found to Be Bad concerned, but the tomatoes on the market today were In bad shape. Mr. Stlllwell Is sparing no one in his cam paign for clean fruits. The shipper is the loser and not the dealer, hence his vigilance is not a financial loss," di rectly, to the dealer. The Immediate result of his work is to keep stands purged of infected fruit. Apples Free from Pests. After a careful inspection of the orchards of the valley, Mr. Stlllwell find that a o.---'- --- markably free from pests, and declares that if the orchardlsts will continue to spray liberally from now until Sep tember, the crop will be a record breaker for cleanliness. LOCAL MARKETS GOOD. I'lcnljf of Vegetables and Fruit Tills Season. Own Rifles, the most famous body of Candadian troops, left today for Que bec, from whence, afer a week's pre liminary training, they will sail for England. Practically every fruit stand and grocery store in the city felt the pres sure of fruit Inspection this morn ing when a large stock of shlpped-ln-tomatoes, distributed to nearly every dealer in the city, was confiscated by Fruit Inspector Stlllwell. The mar kets, were found to be in good condi tion at far as local-grown fruit was The supply of fruit and vegetables on the local markets this month is very plentiful and shows a marked Improvement over last year. The ber ry season la about over but peaches and apples are Just coming in. Early Muscat Grapes are now on the mar ket, and celery is expected In the first of the coming week. Toklo In Danger. Tokio, Aug. 13. The high wall sur rounding the upper half of Toklo,- Is threatened with destruction. Already the western half of the city contain ing 600,000' Japane J) of the poorer vldBHr was destroyed wben the river Shumlda overflowed. . Prostration of communication makes relief Work dif ficult.' ,: - .; .! The conditions at Tokio are worse than during any great flood of recent times in Japan. Weather continues stormy. In the outlying districts it is feared many passengers on trains are either drowned or washed away. , and again twenty bales in twenty-five minutes. IVANHOE A CANDIDATE CAN BALE HAY RAPIDLY . Records Claimed by McCIeary In Rail' lug Ha; with Uarnian Labor. Filed His Nomination with Salem Of , flclals Only one This Year A Salem dispatch says F. S. Ivanhoe of La Grande, has filed his declara tion for the office of prosecuting at- twtuc; tut tu aoucu wuuMiiat uiouitu Mr. Ivanhoe.. is a republican. The Tenth district Is the only one to elect a prosecuting attorney this year, and so far Ivanhoe is the only candidate for the office. , Forsakes Country for Bride. San Francisco. Aug, 13. As the re-' suit of the declaration of his fiancee that she would marry only an Ameri can, William Peter Burke, an Irish man from Dublin, who has become prominent in San Francisco's business and social life, recently made a dec laration of his intention to become a citizen of the United States, and will receive-his reward today when beau- orated as never before, with the nat ional colors flying-from every build ing, this little capital of a principality only 3,860 miles In extent, is today awaiting the greatest event in its his tory. Tomorrow the fiftieth anniver sary of the succession of Prince Nich olas to the throne, the principality will become a kingdom, and the Prince a King, by the grace of God, and the permission of the emperors and kings of Europe. . , ; In addition to these changes, the 'new King will use his influence to have the name of his country changed from Montenegro to the ancient name of Theta. He. will also inaugurate a new order of nobility, while the cour at Cettlnje, heretofore democratic in its' simplicity, will be remodeled on the lines of the stiff and formal court f -of Vtanna TfiA am Tmn a rVitr will ai t iivuua. sic uu tt tuvuaivu; m ! be the smallest In Europe. ! Queen's Own to England. Toronto, Aug. 13. The Harry McCleary, who is in charge of the A. . Harmon horsepower baler. claims a record for baling that few ttful Genevieve Walker, a descendant can duplicate and he Issues a defy to anyone ,to equal his record. ' He baled fifty-four tons In three and ono half days; nine and three-quarter tons , of Philadelphia, patriots,, becomes his bride. 1 1 Queen's in a half-day, ten bales In te nmlnutes i ' Prince to Become King. Cettlnje, Montenegro, Aug. 13.- -Dec- Sacred Script Impersonated. - Ford A. Ellis will Bpeak Sunday evening on the subject, "Christ and the Harlot." He will read or recite a portion of the Seventh chapter of Matthew. Mr. Ellis will endeavo'r to bring out the important characteris tics of this passage of Sacred Script by Impersonation. The Bible is on ceded to be greaj literature.: If so, the reading of It should be a great reading. SS2JKS35 The Land of Opportunity Colon County where crop failures are unknown; whose- large diversified interests appeal to all; whose pa trolls are second to only one county in the state of Oregon. With ail our present activity and development we are Just entering apon an era of advancement A drive through beautiful Grande Ronde valley at this season when the golden fields are delivering their annual bounteous yields, when thousands npon thousands of fruit trees are bearing heavy loads of apples taut will enter the markets of our own and foreign lands, green alfalfa fields with constantly increasing acreage, telephone lines running everywhere rural deliveries, numerous school houses and churches, prosperous homes, all bespeak the certainty of Investment and the Insurance of independence. Who are the money kings of Grande Ronde? The farmer, whether wheat grower, fruit grower, or stock raiser in short the land owner. Enough said. Farm near Talocaset ICO acres of land near Telocaset. Thl stand was farmed for many yers. Pi Ice if taken' in near, future $3 per acre.- - ; ' .. Farm near Summerville SO acres fine fruit land. $60 per ac ere. If Interested call nd learn par ticulars. , Now in Gourse of Contraction Fine modern house in every re spect, plumbed, flue butlt for fur nace, large basement cellar. Every thing first class. Situated on east Adams avenue, $3,500 on easy terms. Grazing Land 240 acres, large spring, on placa. Good wagon road to tract; consider able can be cultivated. Price $7 per acre. . $4,000.00 Farm 320 acres. 60 tilable; good house, orchard consisting of 400 trees. Abun dance of spring water piped Into house and barn, sufficient for the irrigation of large garden. Ideal frut and ntoch ranch or dairying. Situated In lower Cove, about opposite Allcel. Ono third down, balance on time. Home in City Over two acres, splendid two-stoiy home, large commodious barn nn.l chicken house; nice large orchard; water right, situated in North La Grande. $4,000. Other Bargains We have other bargains in fruit land, several close to La Grande, and several tracts on the Sandrldge. in ' eluding some extra fine property ad joining Imbler.- It you want any thing in fruit bearing orchards call. Modern House 5 rooms, well plumbed, one block north of court house; new, $1800. Terms. Fruit Farms 20-acre tract may be subdlvlded'In to two ten acre tracts or owner would sell separate; 11 acres In orchard, good house and barn; other out-bulld-lngs; would trade for city property. Price, $7,500. ' 250 acre Farm 70 acres can be put under cultiva tion, 3 acres in bearing orchard, all fenced; several springs for irrigation, spring piped into house. Fine stock and fruit ranch situated two mPea south of La Gnyide, $8,000.00. ?2.100 cash. Will net 10 per cent Business property now rentln gfor $83 per month. Bonded lease for two years; will steadily. advance In value. Price $7,000. Sand Fidge Farm eigh'.y-four acres, splendid land, for either grain or fruit, $8,500; one mile from Imbler. At leact one-half cash required. ., A Real Home 80 acr farm one quarter of a mile from city limits. Good modern house with, furnace, bath, toilet, cement cel lar with living spring. , Commercial orchard' of seven acres, ideal dairy and "poultry farm, $3,000 on easy terms. , City Property House' and three lets on Pennsyl vania avenue, two story. In splendid repair. Just repainted and papered throughout, $2,500, reasonabe terms. Nice little ham Gracde, easy terns $1100.. - in North La on this place." Two-Btory house and three lota, on North Fir street desirable property, for only $1,400 . ' . f Twelve acres and nice two-story , house in South La Grande, $4,00 ; 100 fruit trees and an ideal place fo a few cows and poultry. This site Is a commanding view of beautiful Grande Ronde. i A new seven-room house on East Adams avenue, roomy basement, pastered, well finished throughout, $2,500. , Three lots on Main avenue, facing north for $350. . Three lots on the beautlfr- sightly hll side, west of La Grande JI.O'W.l 5 Desirabel lot and houses in nearly every portion of the city. Real Estate and Insurance, La Grande, Next Door to City Offices