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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1910)
LA GilASDE EVEStSQ OBSERVE! SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1910. -v ! I 1 " I t : ? i I ? 1 J 'i I . ) o o o o Four-ln-Hand and Bat Tmg Ties in Per sian Designs. If you ivant to be up to the minute you vill wear one. o o nrKni xoTins O EjtfUft Charts Xttes. Service Sunday at. the usual boor. S-m- -a; ' a. in. and preschtor at 11 a- m. B. T. P. TJ. yraysr meeting at 7 p. m. and cres ts service it p. m. Mr. Davidson Bachsaaa will speak is the evening st UU o'clock. His subject wil be "Drifting with Daajerotis Currents," Tie pastor will p react Is the lows school house, eight miles northeast of La Crude at 3 p. m. All without a church Lome aro invited to these services. Ton should sot miss the lec tors by Dr. Buchanan Sunday night Frank E. Gray. Pastor. day evening sermon. This traoa is based alone upon the facts which haTe bees presented in the courts this week. Those who desire to hear this subject discussed are Ie riled to attend. First PmbjUrias. ' whinroo Avenue and Sixth aL S. W. Seroann. D. D., Minister. Horn ing subject. The Power of Faith." Evening subject. The Uniqueness of Jesus." Mrs. A. L. Ricbaidson will sing at each of the services. 8unday school 9:45 a- m. Mr. W. Ll Brenholts, superintendent C. E. ser vice. 7:00 p. m. Mrs. J. K. Wright leader. Prayer meeting Thursday at 8:00 p. m . Tha Gtoanschain. t The Gepenscbein is the name given one of the most inexplicable object known to animn-MiMTv it H risible In ; the night sky under farorable condi J Uons. is rounded to outline and it eito- i tAiij viuiie toe piace 5of the sun. It bat been termed by one eminent astronomer "a sort of comet ery or meteoric satellite" attending the earth. lie supposes it to be composed of a cloud of meteors situated about a million miles from the earth and re volving around It in a period of Just one year, so that the sun and the me teors sre always on opposite sides of the earth. It l estimated that the k!zj of this ghostly satellite may be nearly roe same as that of the planet Jupiter l- e about bCOOO mile in dlsmofp- , Harper's Weekly. . Central Chares of CsrHt Ford A. Hlls. Mlntster. . ''Boldness of a Christian! is the sabjecf of the miming sermon. Biale school )kt 9:ii; communion ' at 11; church st 11:1$ and 8:00; Christian and Junior Endeavor st 7; prayer meeting on Thursday evening. "Boose and the Devil vs Truth." will be the all important topic of the Sun- Cstholle Chares Sotlee.' Early mass at 7:00 s. m. Later mass at 10 a. m. Evening service, at 7:30 p. m. JBethodJst EpHctpaL Corner M. avenue and 4th street All the regular services of the church will be at the regular hours of ser vice. H. EL McLeod. Ph., D, Pastor. Caught To Quick. "1 pleads pility ter stealin dem mel ons. Jede." ai6 the prifwntr. "but I wants de mercy er de court." "On what- prouDdsy asked the Judjre. "On dese prounds." replied the pris oner. -1 stole de melons, but de sher iff didn't te me a chance ter eat 'emr-Atlanta Constitution. The Embargo Ramovad. , S-My chaperon can't see a tnlng without her claiwe. and now she's mis laid them. He icbucklinKi-S'sn: Don't say anything I've got them to my pocset-Boston Transcript. 11 aim 321 Ieono.rB 01 tt day were divided between Barney Oldfleld, with fn i11 01 racins honor8' " the world's champion met defeat lil, een mIle handP events, and to th raS Kln and his MaxweU were the victors. In fact. Kinr a ! ,mtto -of the meet driving sll of hi. ces wiLudS Si taking the turn, vrith his car s. close to the. fence as did I Sid n fn! 5rvn;. hand,caP. Oldfield drove his Knox racer to toe umos? Jut the handicap was too strong and he could not get the iJadwar Sm n?"8- .NOt 111 016 tandlcap e'ent KJng id his Sx li ,ta! of fim ordcr- D 1 one of the firlt Vvents of Se &Wss& s from ,,2o 10 mngoTo! SA Car finished fourth, and the Knox car. Barney OlS driS fiS J. B. Whiteman & Son 108. Elm Street Vegetables Cabbage, Onions, Green Con. Cucumbers, Fresh loraatoes, f String Beans,, Green Peppers. i Royal Grocery AND Bakery. Vtk Bfe. Bk. B WM f BKB' wi s ws i., i I,,,. , , ;!MBesBj 1 I .asBstsiMMMiiMIIlA-ll.i L .T! mmmmimmmmmimmtmm mm .... .. . m. , n,M ,,,, , , ,, j - . .ii. in i mi ii i in t Lsdd Park, which is located In the tenter of TJ,n,iw. i. proved st once, and when the proposed Improvements have be .oade it win he the most magnificent p. tdc park in Portland. These improve menu include the creation of extensive botanical garden, an enlace ment of the present natural lake now there, and scenic driveways and Residence property fronting on or convenient to a public park is al ways in demand snd brings high values. The boulevards of Lsureihurst have been made to conform to the proposed driveways of the park. As soon as the Improvements in Ladd Park are completed, then prices la laurel hurst lots will sdvanse another notch or two. 0' . TI A I Tii. .-r ' raoii wit aracte; BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE Lsirelhnrst is s good place to Invest monev In. .The titles are perfect A warranty deed with full covenants a The prices are low. This Is nearly always the case In placing people Interested. The value of all the property increases valne. because they help to make it The population of Portland is growing at the rate of 30,000 for the past 21 months show that SI per cent of the permits day 73 per cent of the people In Portland live os the East side. Does this mean anything? It means wonderful advances In east side prices in general, about one-half of the real values. It surrounds the new city park that Is to be improved at one "to all adjacent property. The Iota now selling st sn average price of $1150 each will be We are offering Special Indarementi to those who commence nd a certified abstract of title will be given to each purchaser. new aaoiuon on tne market The prices are made very low to get as new homes are built, and those who buy early share In the increased a year, and all of these people must have homes. The building statistics granted for residences have been issued for home on the East side. To- uu .i yvr rem on me west side. and Laurelhurst in particular, because Laurelhurst prices are now Just e. and made one of the great scenic attractions of Portland, adding value worth double that amount in one year, building this year. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS H7. President Chas. K. Henry Co.. Portland: owner Henry Blu, mnk F. Mead, president Seaboard Sec Co., Seattle. Co!IsisSiwd,rCtor Btnker Trnrt T0010: V. P. Laurelhurst . B. Llnthlcum. secreUry WflUams, Vood & Llnthlcum. Portland. i'VB-ve,Jle' forner ,ecrUr' Seattle Chamber of Commerce Edw. Cookingham. vice-president and manager Ladd ft TTlton BanL Chss. K. Wnilams. manager Morris Bros., bonds. S'v1": of w&kefle'1. Fries ft Co., real estate. Robert H. Strong, manager of Corbett Estate. jew. weaum. or thas. K. Henry Co.. real esUte. . . . . V I 1 r 1 .. " r I ". , - , ri