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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1910)
PAGE SIX I. A GRANDE EVENING ODSEttVEK THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1910. YOU'LL HE STRUCK WITH AMAZEJIEXT If you could see how some factory made clothing la put together The skimplr.g of materials, the laferior Interlinlngs. B t none of these things occur In a suit of our tailoring. That'a why one suit of oura will outlast two of the factory made. Order one and the wear will prove it C. W. BAKES. 1 C. T. DARLEY, 1205 N Avenue, or McKennon, Phy & Roberts. Irrigation and Structural Engineer. I J , Surveying, Plain and Reinforced Concrete, General Con K trading: Estimates Furnished. Reference, Unit&d States J Reclamation Service. ThdZGeorge Palmer G-QJME EE (C(D ' RmilgpEPARTMENl We solicitjyour orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing Deadening Felt, Building Paper. . We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. Complete equipment' for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. " LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. F.J 2CERALD, Proprietor - Gmplete Machitu Shops and Foundry 0 We will resume business at our $ od stand, itw Rdams five., yith f a complete stock of HAY, GRAIN AND WOOD L W. WHITE PHONE ORDERS NOW TO BELL hi AND 49. MAW VtS OMEBODY is going to be disappointed when the, five acre tracts we have been offering you are . all gone, and they are, all but two. V We have some fine buys in residence lots at $125.00 each ; $25.00 down and $5.00 a ir.or.tli. Better Investigate these. Bell Phone, Red 801 Independent 262 i . ? 1 . A LA GRANDE Inv. CO., Foley Hotel Bid., La Grande Boad Fund Warrants ApiWTfd by Cotnty Court, Jaly Term, 1910. (Continued from page 2) - Wm. Eubanks, petit Juror June term circuit court 6.20 Wm. Hull, special Juror June . term circuit court ...... .V. 42.20 Conrad Nlederer, special Juror June term circuit court 29.20 Taos. Loftus, ipeclal Juror June term circuit court 42.20 A. P. Lllley, special Juror June term circuit court 39.20 H. F. Briggs, special Juror June term circuit court ........ 24.20 Perry Stephenson, special Juror June term circuit court .... .. 3.20 O. F." Coolldge. special Juror ; ' June term circuit court 39.20 James Mahady. special Juror June term circuit court .... 24.20 Al Roberts, special Juror June term circuit court .......... 21.20 G. M. .Rlchey. special Juror June term circuit court 39.20 J. B. Fisher, special juror June term circuit court .......... 24.20 John Cates, special Juror June term circuit court 39.20 Motler Elledge, special- juror June term circuit court ; . . . 39.20 James Nash, special juror June term circuit court .......... 39.20 B. Logsdon, special Juror June v ' term circuit court 24.20 J. E. Orvice, special Juror June term circuit -court ......... 24.20 P atem , .. ..TJJu . 8 aonwtaonw C. F. Minnick. special.' jnror June term circuit court .... 21.20 Emanuel Snider, special Juror ' June term circuit court .... 24.20 C. W. P. Ellsworth, special Juror Jue term circuit court ...... 39.20 J. L. Slater, special Juror June term circuit court W. H. Ferguson, witness before ' grand Jury , Annie Ferguson, witness before grand Jury ; ................ F. D. Halsten, witness before grand Jury Moses C. Thompson, witness before I grand Jury ................ W. F. West, witness before , grand Jury ................ Ed Luis, witness before grand jury ........ ...... P. W. Porter, witness before grand jury . v.. . Frank Elenhoff. witness be fore grand Jury W. D. Adams, witness before grand Jury B, F. Cook, , witness before grand Jury . .... ... ....... H-. Harshman, witness before grand Jury ............... .. Patrick Daly, witness before grand Jury ............... E. B. Wood, witness before grand Jury C. S. Dunn, witness before grand Jury .. John A-' Rogers, witness before ' grand Jury ................ Geo. L. Huffman, witness before grand jury Frank Foster, witness before grand jury W. M. Ramsey, witness before grand jury Turner Oliver, witness before Mrs. H. E. Springstead, witness before grand Jury 2.20 Miss G. V. Kooken, witness before grand Jury .,. 2 20 R. W. Logan.' witness before...' grand Jury 2.20 E. T. Wlndam,' witness before , grand Jury 2.20 T. J. ScroKRin. witness before grand jury A. C Rollins, witness before grand jury . . Frank E. Gray, witness before grand Jury ; W. A. Worstell, witness before grand jury - Ben Morgan, witness oerore grand jury Samuel Harris, witness before grand jury P. W. Porter, witness before grand Jury W. S. Crockett, witness before grand jury .............. Ford Ak Ellis, witness oetore grand jury Chas. L. Bonn, witness before grand Jury Wm. O. Atwood, witness before grand Jury W. J. .Spencer, witness before grand Jury W. H. Comptoti. witness before grand jury , P. A. Foley, meals for Jurors. . ; . Pioneer Flouring Mill Co., nulse. for poor farm E. O. Light & Power Co.. lights per bill iiome 1ml. Tel Co., phone rent per bill Pacific Tel. and Tel. Co.. phone rent per bill La Grande Observer, printing 3.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 10.40 9.80 2.20 2.20 7.C0 7.(50 7.60 7.60 2.20 2.20 ' 2.20 8.20 5.40 2.20 per bill 63.05 Morning Star, printing per bill. 17X5 Glass ft Prudhomme, ' printing per bill 19.75 Bushong ft Co., printing per bill 27.66 L. Stillwell, fruit Inspector May and June .......205.00 W. C Hansen, repairing Jail.. 4.00 Golden Rule Co, mdse. for pauper -70 Henry ft Carr, mdse per bill.. 211.00 Henry ft Carr, funeral expenses paupers ...,. A. C. Williams, J. P. fees, state vs. Brown ................... I. W. Folk, constable fees state vs. Brown ".... Emil Nelderer, extra work at courthouse L. C. Smith, auto hire for sher iff, etc ..................... F. P. Chllders, expenses arrest ing Stewart! et al ........... E. L. Bussey, hack hire for pau pers Valentine Kraemer, opening grave for pauper....;....'.. D. W. Souder, relief for June . . Maggie Slagner, relief for June 12.00 Mrs. John Hilderbrandt, relief ' for June Elizafieth A. Garren, relief for June E. M. Fellers, relief for June... Clara Searles, relief for June.. J. M. Selder, conv'ssloner's fees per bill ......'......... C. A. Galloway, commissioner's ' fees, per bill The monthly report of the county treasurer was approved. '' The following amounts were allow ed to various Indigent persons: Magr gle Slagner $12.00; D. W, Souder, $15.00; Mrs. John Hilderbrandt $25. 00; Elizabeth. A. Garren, $12.00; E M, Fellers, $15.00, and Mrs. Clara Searles, $10.00. The monthly statement of county clerk of scalp bounty warrants issued was approved. The resignation of H. E. Rodman at supervisor of JR. D. 27, was accepted. The bonds of Pacific Coast Eleva tor Co., for storing grain, were ap proved. I Ordered that the clerk cancel Road Warrant No. 3913, erroneously drawn. The disposal of the old court house building at 'Union,' continued for'th-. term. ... . : 35.00 8.10 1.00 6-.80 30.00 2.25 3.00 5.00 15.00 , 25.00 12.00 15.00 10.00 52.60 28.40 MAST ArPLE rWZES., Spokane Fair will UaTe Some Attrac Ure Features for Apple Growers V y : tt ' m i WC-i " WPYMdrii-. BY CllNE0iN5T Spokane, Wash., July 28.-Special. Five hundred dollars in cash prizes, of a total of $20,000 to be distributed will be awarded in special contests for state and foreign country displays of the best single barrel or three box es of apples, any variety, at the third National apple show In Spokane. Nch vember 14 to 19, as follows: Eastern states ' Special Competi tion limited to entries from Connecti cut, Deleware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont and Rhode Is land. First prize, $75; second prize, $25. .. Middlewestern Special Competi tion limited to entries from Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ohio and Wis consin. First prize, $75; second prize, $25.' ; :.. Southern States Special Competi tion limited to entries from Alabama.' Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Caroli na. Oklahoma, South Carolina, .Ten nessee, Texas, Virginia and West Vir ginia. First prize,. $75; second prize, $25. ; '."-v4; Western States Special Competi ilou tlutlUJ U i-trl:: frc Idaho, Oregon, . .evada,' New Mexico, Utah, California, Wyoming, Arizona, Colorado and Washington. First, $75; second '$25. : I : Foreign Country special Competi tion -open to entries from any pro vince, dominion, district or terrltj-y outside of the United States. Flrr'. prize, $75: second prize, $25. There were seven entries from New England and eastern states, two fnm the middlewest, six from the southern states, 47 from northwestern states, and 11 from foreign countries at tho 1909 show. It Is expected there will be between 125 and 150 entries in fore going contests at the coming exhibition. Expert Optical Work In eye examination, lens grind ing, and frame fitting, in what I have to offer my patrons. I am a specialist in Optics and devote my entire time and at tention to giving you the beBt possible results. I GRIND DEEP CTOYE LEXSES My stock of lenses and frames is the largest in La Grande and ?ou can be sure that it will not be necessary to send off for whatever you may require. Office next door to postoffice. Heacocktt, J. W. Paul. Engineer Known as Expert In Mine Kescue Work. w 1 Baren Uchlda. ihe new Japanese am- Minlng disasters call frequently for bassador In Wnshlnpitdn. formerly rep-; tne services of J. W. Paul, the engl- 2.20 8.40 2.20 2.20 2.20 c.: 2.20 2.20 2.20 4C00 . 2.20 2.20 8.40 4.R5 11.10 8.35 10.45 S3.66 resented the mikndo at the court of Austrla-Hungury. necr. known for his skill in devising preventive and rescue measures. 9 i THIS SPACE TAKEN BY M. & CO An Indian can be happy with out a Piano. But who wants to be an Indian? o 0 Cbttolene "Shortens yotp food Ungthens your life Contains no Hog Fat It is pure and whole some. 75c m Pails $1.75 101b Pails USE EITHER PH0NB . Pattison Bros. QUAKER PUFFED RICE and WHEAT Royal Grocery :.. ' AND, , Bakery STEINWAY, LUDWIGrKERTZMNN, A. B. CHASE and 1 J CQN0VER Pianos for sale by $ eo o i If Ynii 11 t -; SG0LD LEAF Brand of Butter You use the Best o. M 1 '""""n r si r (.I r