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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1910)
.1 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1910. PAGE THREE Y A A7 a"' 11 - - v v NY V! ) m u2 ! : I! i l! XrX n n D U U U n ;. ...... ...-. , T ' G. VJ. BAKER, Manager. 35 Characters.'. Sixteen Head .of Horses,.: Ptarie 'SdicomeB 'ff :. U' 0' Mask fey I a 'Sfand is M PCi 13 11M U q n I 'M I 1 1 1 111 ID liJuUiiiyij n 'Y-v'Yy'-; V-':;lir;'vt:::V:v''N;' Hie Offl Thomas Bruce, Managed TO-NIGHT! Ethel Tucker Stock Co. ! 884 IN SERVICE AGAIN. Engine Which Was Badly Knocked to Pieces Is Out of Albina Shops. Engine 384, -which knocked itself to pieces ai uiover some umo ogo, hub ( reached La Grande again after a gen- i eral overhauling at Albina. The en gine is practically, as good as new again. vr-" ' Engines 72 and 383 are on the pit In the round house here for repairs. I The first named was considerably bruised up at Huntington recently. I. B. BOAK EE.ELECTED 4. I "How Baxter Butted In" I mkki vlXK 1 1 -Srt.--i ...... X 'rortiaivd. Or too F cri of KisUturf tt.. JohaBtr.t'ttCEpMvoiiiillA CO'lfStntff, Acn?ir.e nop jciemenmrT HcDt. Mium'. Ar. Horuilon, lijmninluir. '".i nlrDt pupils n: out t ovi r 14 cri o( ( nd I fir. Aoi'liMiiloa ulioold h irfi esrly.) AiUWf ( fhfVrVirt-i''',C'''aB.Ci.t--v.Hi'l,Pjr!!;ri,rr FOR nouons -ciirae w Gyifiias golds ' f . fl7 .1 THE WONDER WORKER THROAT LUTJCS 03 LIUO'S 1 JV. jULj JDtS ''hi, 1,j , ifV La Grande Woodmen of the World will be interested In knowing that I. H. Boak was elected Head Consul yes terday following a strenuous fight. , FOR COUGHS AMD COLDS PnEVE3TS?iPiSEyOGHIA ' ' I had the most deiflHtating coogh a mortal was eyer afflicted with, and my f rienda expected that whea I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable, but ; thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's Kew Discovery cured me so completely that I am all sound and well. MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Groyertown, Ind. YIca 50c and $K00 ABSCI ?LY. GUARAHTEEP 1 Trial Bottle Fru q; J AND GUARANTEED DY fc-. Yt,,' I . . SWEET Home Corn Roasting tars DRINK """7 0 Natural Mineral Water Bottled as It Flows From the Spring It's food for what Ails You ? i 25 cents doz. i i ! n t-1 ' ' PA s p. PA t CITY GROCERY , AND i: BMERY NORTH BEACH Queen of the Northwest Resorts I Near the Sleuth of the Columbia River, on theWash- ington Coa?': The place to spend Your ' Summer Vacation Twenty-five Miles of Magnificent Reach. Level, compact and smooth. ; , Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful ho tel, cottage, tent and camp life. All the comforts of home and the healthful, invigorating recreation of the seaside surf bathing, fishing, clam digging beach bonfires; riding, racing,; hunting, strolls and, drives through picturesque wooded headlands. , Reduced Rates from all parts of Oregon and Wash. ::;v-:;. ; . Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co Y Season Rate: From Portland Round Trip, $4.00 Three Dav- Saturdav to Monaav Rate. $3.00 ' Purc!iaie tickets and make rese vat Ions at City Ticket Office, 3rd and Washington Streets, Port land, or Inquire of any-O. R.'r;."Vi & N. : agent elsewh ere for information W3L McMCRHAT, General Passcn ser Ag:nt, Portland," Orcgot '