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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1910)
v .A -4 A A .A .-A . ill M I h h ! M ii V, !J ::;:J r VOL. XI LA UKAAuii tiiMOiN U)U NTi, OKKliOM. MONDAY, JULY 25, 1910. NUMUFJt 227 Mil AM f 1 " 9 ;-rr 1 J . ft AC i la V staofield if! IS MUTILATED 01 IDDERS SECRETARY OF STANFIELD IRRL GATION CONCERN ALL BUT KILLED TODAY TOHGUE SPLIT. JIfl -CM Victim of Holdup Writes Details of Hor he was Mutilated by Holdups Xrar His Home la Portland Victim Has Been Id Portland Bat Ten Days Aid by Sound of Firing. PA5TSACHEM TO ASTORIA PAST GREAT SACHEM CHERRY WILL ATTEND GREAT COUNCIL On His Return, Mdttlonal Laundry Machinery Will ht Purchased A. B. Cherry, pa3t Great Sachem of the Improved Order of Red Men, left Saturday evening for Astoria to at tend the annual great council of Red Men. ; Returning from Astoria, several days will be spent. in Portland com pleting his purchases of machinery for the new laundry, Dr. Davidson Buchanan, to Lecture. Friday night at the Christian church. Lecture, "London by Day and Night" ' BE SUIT PRECEDES GOFALLEGE CASES TO IE I LOOG 3 OOOTLEGGIilG Til it HUGE Portland, July 25. With, his tongue clipped In two, and the lower part of his Jaw broken and carried away, R. II. Irwin, secretary of the Inland Ir rigation company, with head offices at Stanfleld, Oregon, wrote a statement today which may help the police find the robbers who waylaid, shot and robbed hint early today near his ' home. Irwin wrote that they stepped from a woodpile and ordered his hands up. He refused. . One poked a revolver against his head and fired. They searched his pockets and fled while Irwin's wife came to the rescue to ascertain the troubie. . He had been here ten days. :i ?- ,f. g?gSI 1 U.G. GROUCH INJURED Experiment With "Frisky"- Colt and Is Thrown Against Wire Fence " U. G. Grouch the Island Cty or chardist is confined to his home with considerable suffering today as the result of a frisky "monoplane." His friends say he was experimenting with the motive power Qf his mono plane, when, after a 'flight of about ten feat, he was precipitated to the ground with much force, sustaining considerable injury about the hip which, however will not be perman ent. : ".-' ,' The truth of the matter Is he was trying to break his colt ; ana was thrown from a sulky and after mono- planing for something like ten feet, struck a fence post. , RATTLER KILLED 1ST ID Trial of some forty-two Indict ments charging bootlegging In Union county by an adjourned term of the circuit court will be ushered in to morrow, probably, when Adolph New Hn becomes defendant at trial on one of several counts alleging illegal sale of liquors. Circuit Judge Knowles convened this morning as an adjourn ed session but the first case on the docket was that of Joseph M. Mills against the George Palmer lumber company. " Wills Is suing the com pany for $5000 as damage money for inlurles racelved at the mill . The Jury was drawn at noon and the after noon session heard evidence Introduc ed. While the Newlln case is the first liquor case on the docket, it Is doubt ful If the case now on hand will bo disposed f In time to allow any ap preciably headway on the liquor case tomorrow. However It is next up and for some time to come, liquor cases will be the sole subject consld ered. There are forty-two Indictments though not as many defendants lor there are several Indictments against some oLthe men accused. III COTS BED JOSEPH LAKE AT HEIGHT OF ITS 1 SEASON JUST NOW iMEIT La Grande People, Prominent in So cial Functions at "The Lake" hi' AFTER I'M 0F1ESSEL STRIKE Oil ERA! TR0II5 IIEAR ASETTLEIEIT MR. AND MRS. TOPPERWEIN HOLD EXHIBITION SHOOT Lady Also a Startling Adept Wttb Rifle and" Entertains Crowd Toronto, July 25. Through , trains are running on the Grand Trunk lines on schedule time though the strike by conductors and trainmen Is not declared off. The men are not acting while the conference Is pend ing; '. . ' . r" ' ' ; South Bend, July , 25. Rioting has broken out here as the result of the shootmg of a car repairer during the Grand Trunk strike, by a Plnkerton strike breaker. . Strikers are ugly and state troops are held in readiness to suppress disorders. , HIED HUE ITALY SPRING 111 I TORS NORTHERN ITALY VISITED BY DISASTROUS WIND STORM B GARFIELD LEADS ; FORTHEG.D.P. lOliffl Head-of-the-Lake. Joseph. July 23 Special Thi3 cool, resort has been the mecca for n.any families from all over eastern Oregon and Wash ington the past week. At the public functions La Granda people are much In evidence. . Among those who camped here dur ing the week Just ending are Messrs and Meadames T. J. Scroggln, Will French, Colon R. Eberhard, : F. P. Chllders, Wallace Chllders and Ray Logan; Mrs. McCall and daughters Florence and Marjorle, Miss Ivy Long, Arcnie oagou, nuuaui r iuv uu i. II. Steward. leasers Scroggln and French made a fishing side trip to the Iininaha river Friday, returning with a large catch. Most of the La Grande people men tioned above will return Sunday or Monday. Among those who will; not return until arter the nm or the month are the Eberhards. They have their own camp and besides entertain lug La Grande peope. have at their domicile many "people from Joseph, their old home. : ' From Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Har ris and Mr. and, Mrs. Masterson are i registered at the office of the com pany, ;, .- .,: TOTAt NUMBER MISSING IS 155 WHEN JAPANESE BOAT SINKS ON ROCKY COAST ' MM 01! THE Sffilll OHIO SEEMS DIVIDED ON THE TAFT ADMINISTRATION MEASURES FOOT LONG AND CAR RIED ONE RATTLE Wind Does Damage of Many Million and Wrecks Entire Towns Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Topiierweln of San Antonio, Texas,. the celebrated marksmen, guve an exhibition of ex pert and fancy shooting inr West La Grande at 3 p. m. today. " This exhib ition well worth an effort to nee, as no such marvelous shooting has ever been done In this section. It will be a revelation to, all of the won derful possibilities of modern arms and ammunition In the bands of .ex perts. Mr. Topperweln Is the ac knowledged dean of. fancy and trick shots, his many feats being of a highly sensational character. Mrs. Topperweln Is without a peer among women In this line of work. Ladles are especially urged to come and wit ness her astonishing skill with shot gun, rifle and pistol. The exhibition Is free. . During the World's Fair In St, Lou is Mr. Topperweln broke 3,507 flying targets without a miss. The targets were a composition disc 2 1-4 Inches in diameter, and were thrown In the air 25 feet from him. This record was . made In four hours and ten minutes and was witnessed by hundreds of spectators. Another feat performed by him was to hit 85" out of 100 2 1-2-lnch targets thrown in the air, he doing the shoot ing while riding at full speed In an automobile. Mr. Tonnerwne Is the originator of many marvelous fancy and trick shots, and rlso the act of drawing" pictures with rifle bullets; 6hootn a rifle rapidly and drawing the outline of Indian chief or other I Serpent Sunning Itself on Sidewalk In Front of Stoddard Residence Rattle snakes are growing bold. This morning a pedestrian on First street,' coming down the hill walk at Spring a'nd First, discovered a rattler minnlne Itself on the sidewalk In front of the J. B. Stoddard residence, To kill it was riot a serious task for the snake was not yet fully -matured It measured one foot in length and could boast of one rattle. Even at that age the strike Is verypolnsonous and no doubt little fellows with Bhoes and stockings safely tucked away at home will meandering with consider Milan, July 25. One hundred deac" and more than 500 injured is the es timate today of the great hurrlcan results, that swept over northern Italy Saturday. : ' Many towns and villages were wip ed out by the gale. . Property loss will reach many millions. Assistance Is" being rushed to the wrecked towns and the homeess are being cared for. , - ' : Regulars Hope to Avert Defeat by Giving Liberal Compromise MISS LAMBERT IMPROVING ,Mlss Lambert the 14-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lambert of Fruitdale Is passed the immediate danger from acute anterior polio mye- able care in that section of La Grande litis, with which she has been suffer for a few days to come. The incident is without precedent In recent years it is believed certan- ly Is very unusual and rattlers usual ly, seek the more secluded rocks as their haunts.' Ing for some tme. Her case has lea her physician Doctor Moltor to be lieve that the disease Is most fatal when the patient Is under fifteen or sixteen years. . ' Columbus, Ohio, July 23. Politic ians declare the choice for republican nomination for governor of Ohio to morrow when the state' convention meets, is between Former Governor Garfield and Former Lieutenant Gov ernor Warren Harding. The Cox-Dick Burton combination of regulars are planning to offer a compromise to Garfield adhernts by giving them their nominations lfthey will endorse Taft's ,admlnlstrat6n, The ','Garfields" will agree only, It is said, to "Taft's Intentions." This will likely cause ablg fight. The regulars are trying .to keep the fight , from the convention floor be cause such a scrap would furnish a LARGE TABS IRRIGATION Two Boats Out of Six Launched Reach ' Shore Boats and Warships Sevkla? for Other Four-fifty Army OSicers With the Missing Captain and Most of Crew go Down With Ship 03 Rack? Shore....,..,,.......:, Nagas, July 25. All efforts to send a wireless to the warships dispatches yesterday to find 105 passengers an fifty army officers adrift in small boats since the wreck and sinking of tVia Tnrtanooa Knot Mum Kntnrdav af- ternoon.oft the Chinese Islands of Korea, were unsuccessful todayf Additional war vessels have been ordered to the scene of the disaster to aid in the Bearch of the mlBslng'boats, carrying the human freight. Two Boats Reach Shore Only two boats reached shore, out ill M. .JLHf rtredth the fog" after tin I rock coast had beenf struck. The crew and passengers number 3ifi nd the captain and most of the crew went down with the ship. It in doubful the other four boita survived the sea. ' WHILE SMALLER TRACT OWNERS PRAY, THEY OBJECT Directors Attempt to Adjust Boundar ies to Solt Everyone. , . PLAIITER IIOPJE FROI SOUTH it E. Z. CARBINE, SPENDING WEEKS HERE - FEW That owners of a few farms In the proposed La Grande 'irrigation dis trlct are going to show strenuous op position to the district plan of lrr gatlon, developed Saturday afternoon when the directors of the Meadow- i brook association held a public nieet. Ing. From small tract owners "there ' is an lncesant cry for water, but some who own several hundred acres ob ject. S'-V -.V- Wherever It Is possible, such men's farms are left out of the district on their own -request , A few prominent 'Former La Grande Man Has Good Sue cess in Western Mexico . farmers are located In such a way bit. of campaign material for the dem-j that It seems Impossible for them to ocrat who would point i,o the, fact that Taft's own state was divided against him.' BOY'S LEG BROKEN Falls OTer Embankment While on a Trip up the River and Is n.nrt 111 BLOW (Continued on Pag Eight) Shirley Tucker, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Tucker of north La Grande, sus tained a painful break of his left leg yesterday while on an expedition up the river. In crawling over an em bankment he slipped and fell to the bottom, breaking his left leg below the knee. As both bones are brok en, the Injury Is' painful. The acci dent was witnessed by Geo. L. Cleav- j er, who brought the injured boy to La G.-ande. " If TO PIECES DYNAMITE DDI SHELL ' Rldgeway, Pa.; July 25, Mayor A Roseman was killed today by the ex plosion of a bomb hurled at him by an unidentified man. He was lyin?: In a hammock In his yard. The assassin hurled the dynamte and escaped Roseman's body was literally torn to pieces, but he lived several hours. A posse of COO started In pursuit, with great excitement. .. Psychology. Dr. Davidson Buchanan will con tinue his studies on Pschology Tues day evening at eight o'clock at the home of Mrs. Moore on Fourth st. All Interested are Invited. After spending a year or more la i . -i' m wnat s commonly cauea me uaiuor nla of Mexico, but geographically known as the state of SInola in west ern Mexico, E.-Z. Carbine the Fruit dale' orchardl8t Is home for a month's visit with relatives and,, to give at tention to his business affairs here. Mr,, Carbine Is located near the town of Machlcahue, Slnola. where he owns 560 acres of his own land and Is Interested In a, company that controls or plants something like 17000 acres. The plantation Is pro ductive of tropical fruits and also of. an abundance of tomatoes, canteloup and the like. The planter 'will return about Sep tember first, and his family will Join mm laier ia iub iau. . . I . .III.. BS uer 111 CUUUUIUii.jr mm vuo es of the people Involved as possible, though, they may not be always able to do so. .j.''.;-' ' ';.' ' One prominent Irrlgatlonist sad to day: "The big land owners overlook the fact that their land will be so val uable when water Is put on It that they cannot afford to own: a half- thouand acres, but can sell liberal portions of their holdings at greatly increased prices and still produce more than they do now. In this way Little else was done Saturday than It will be possible to bring more peo to listen to th discussions. The pie to Union county and still retain rectors are shaping their bounda; Ion Dose already here. . . ' i be placed without the boundaries of the district from such sources will come what objection there Is or, may be developed. 1, When the project Is in working or der for its completion seems surer today than at any time in the history of Irrigation agitation the men who are now objecting to the system will be able to buy water If there Is any to sell, but they will have to take what is left .and that, of course at much higher prices than those In the dis trict. From $1.25 to $1.50 Is the esti mated cost per year per acre and this very reasonable sum Is what la giv ing added pojularlty to the scheme. Other plans may be advanced, but cheaper water rights are hardly conceivable.