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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1910)
PAGE GIX LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1910 v . I Eyesight Specialist! Manufacturing Opti NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE fC9, ician The Only Specialist -IN Eastern Oregon Who Grinds all His GLASSES Any Lens Duplicated Exactly In a few. minutes without your PRESCRIPTION LOCATED PERMANENTLY IN: LA CRANDE SEVERAL REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD '. 1. I djvote my entire time to making and fitting glasses. , 2. My examination of the eyes is thorough and accurate, by methods not 40 jyears out of date, but the latest, scientific methods known to the science. 1 3. All my glasses are ground to fit the Eye and the Face. , 4, i All my glasses, are ground and frames repaired, in my own workshop in .; La Grande. ' , V'';-v' 5. I duplicate exactly, any lens, no matter who made .or prescribed it. : ; , 6, I do not misrepresent to you as some do, and you are invited to call and see ; my equipment, which is by far the most complete that has ever oeen in La Grande. 1. I have the most modern parlors in Eastern Oregon. If at any time within one year, I can improve your vision no charge is made for the changing of lenses. If your mountings get broken, I will repair them ; without cost We will resume business at our old stand,! Mil Aflams nve., I w a complete stock of ;f HA WOOD 1 I. w. ; PHONE ORDERS NOW TO BELL 42 AND 49,MrlN 748 r Tho natural color of mahogany when It ! too light tnaj be deepened by ap plying mixture composed of a bait' gallon of water, four ounces of madder and two ounces of fustic. ' Boil and ap ply while hot. While it is wet streak the grain with black. This will give new mahogany quite the coloring of old. " . ; . .:: .;i Ric. Elce has been the staff of life for I more' than half the population of the wurm niuee ueyoua uie ueguuuiig 01 recorded time. SQMEB0BY The Town of Mothers. The town of Leonberg, in Wurtteca berg, is known as the "town of moth era." for there the mothers of Schiller and Kepler lived. On the walk of th old castle where the Magna Charta of Wurttemberg liberties was signed by Ulrtch, the well beloved, tablets buve becu placed to honor of the mothers of the poet and the astronomer. I SHIER GNEC SENTENCE MUST SEEVE SEYEX YEARS FOB WRONG POIJiCS lias Been Taken to Paget Sound Penal Institution For Ills Crimes. The Portland Telegram of Thursday says: Jefferson W. Scrlber is today in the McNeil Island penitentiary op Pu get Sound, with a seven-year sent ence ahead of him. He has just en- be imposed, he read a written vate mtnt he had prepared, expatmu many ile'ts charged to him as a lost in the t' of more than fMO.OOO, wbich 1 tiis declared shortage of the defunct Tenners ft Traders National Bank of La Grande. In this same statement Mr. Scrlber also declare 1 tha: in counterfeiting notes h intendel 110 rccg. but wasrescfting to davice which he felt was harmless that he might tide over urgent difficultly with the faith that he could make a deal later and clear up everything, pay the depositors la' full. He even says i'ai had he been permitted to handle the bank affairs, Instead of pit'.ii 'hn institution into the hands of a re ceiver, he bellevesj he could neve nrcujht it out whole, without Iojs to .my of the depositors. . - For the Sumpter had loans an I Iok aep tustained there he blames J. H. bobbins, unUl 1903 president of the First Bank of Sumpter, and for one tered Upon the last stage of his ca reer that began with great promise. , term member of the state elglslature wnicn at one time was regarded as the model of eastern Oregon business. Al so, he is payjng the last unit of a tre mendous price for engaging In the bitterest banking and pollUcal war that has been known to the outside districts. Incidentally, the convicted man may be said to carry with him to the penitentary the stanchest follow ing of friends that has ever stood by an Oregon business man who was violations of the National banking law were not vicious, but with the aim of recouping for the depostors' money lost In bad investments.' - Subscribe for the Observer. 5 A 2 IRITIS 8 T4 from : Baker county. Scrlber . - sayf that $24,500 of bad debts came from Robblns' administration, which' he. Scrlber, had to assume in large meas ure himself. Other bad loans made there were by It. H. Miller,' nephew of the hapless banker. ' United States District Attorney John McCourt, a boyhood friend of Scriber's would not recommend the minimum sentence for the accused banker, stat- nv4 tn h rntUy nf mirh reat los- J Ing that he had put the government to ses as have been placed indisputably at the door of Scrlber. At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon L'cr'ber appeared In court, accompan ied by his attorney, ex-Senator C. W. Fulton. When asked If he had any vh'ng to say why sentence should not the expense of a long and costly trial and should bear something more than the minimum of five years. - Friends of Scrlber, who are yet le goln In the state; will concentrate their efforts for, a presidential pardon The plan will be to show that Scriber's SPORTSMAN and TELEPHONE wrnmn ' mm - m jr 1 1 . i 1 y.'f 1 1 at j Use Either Phone ija"PattisonBfosf IMPORTED SWISS ROQUEFORT ivcrnwM civicc t EMPIRE UMBERGER CREAM mm:, 3 1 EVERY TIME a man wants to get away from all.: w connection with the busy world, the telephone is an important helper. - - The local service is useful in arranging his affairs : at home, and the Long Distance service of the Bell System helps him to decide where to go and what to rtake.,' ; , . ' '': By means of his Bell telephone he can find out whether the fish are biting or the birds are flying, and whether guides or horses can be secured. After he has been out 'a while if he wants to get word from the city, the nearest Bell telephone is a friend in need. , , Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. Every Bell Telephone is the Centre of the System. ! Your complexion as wel oa yoar temper 1 is rendered miserable by a disordered liver. I5r l:ikintt Chamlx-Haiii's Stomach and Liver Tablets von run imnmve iwth. is going to be disappointed when 'the five acre tracts we have been offering you aro ; all gone, and they are, all but two. We have some fine buys in residence lots at $125.00 each; $23.00 down and $5.00 a mcxiL Setter Investigate these. ; 'Bell Phone, Red 801 . LA GRANDE Foley Hotel Bid., , Independent 262 Inv. CO., La Grande C. T. DARLEY, 1205 N Avenue, or McKennon, Phy & Roberts Irrigation and Structural Engineer. f 4 Surveying, Phin and Reinforced Concrete, General Con- Z trading. Estimates Furnished. Reference, United States d Reclamation Service. YOU'LL HE STRrCK WITil ! CALL FOR S00 SPOKANE ROUTE On YOU' . ; ".. ': EasternExcursionTrip $60.2- ST. PAUL, . MINNEAPOLIS, DULUTH, WINNIPEG 5 CHICAGO . BUFFALO . ST. LOUIS , NEW I0KK .$ 72.50 . 91.50 . 67.50 . 10S.o0 AMAZEME.M if you could . see how some factory made clothing is put together The skiitplrg- of materials, the inferior lnter 'ulnga. B t none of these things occur in a suit of our tailoring. That's why one suit of ours will outlast two of the "factory made. Order one and the wear will prove it. C. W. BAKER.' Proportionate rates to other destinations Selling dat?s-JoIt 22, Ang. 3, i rpt 8. I'iuul return limit, Oct. 31. Optional rontlrrirs. Sfnp-OTrrs. Write for Particulars. O. M. Jackson Ceo. A. Walton Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen. Agt. . H Wall St, Spokane. FARMERS' BUSINESS WE GIVE PARTICU LAR ATI ENT10N TO THE BUSINESS OF FARMERS. WE COR DIALLY INVITE THEM TO MAKE WIS 1HEIR BANKING HOME. TheUmtedS National Bank, LA GRANDE, OREGON. HOME- MADE Blackberry and I Raspberry lelleyl I on 2crc x Jars Royal Grocery AND Bakery i If You Use ! LEAF Brand of Butter You use the Best A.