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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1910)
I A G R AXDE EVENING OBSERVER WEDNESDAY, JULY 20. 1910 PAGE SEVEN HEW TALES THAT JE TOLD King Edward Stood the Test. King Edward's good humor was pro- Terbial. There are few men lo private , Ufe who could face the house of lords, jiave their headgear crushed down over their ears by the swinging fists of en-, tbusiastic friends and yet emerge from I tDe smashed tile with a good natured I fogb. Yet King Edward actually passed this teet- Blstory seldom records an jnstaoce cf any subject having struck his king Jind yet survived and being accounted W ' thu mwit AaHmnHla r f man This record, however, belongs to the veteran Lord Wemyss. who recently celebrated bis eighty-third birthday. The inci dent occurred In the house of lord bout twelve years ago. There wan a vigorous debate on. The king, then heir apparent, was seated on the cross U'lK-ht-s llsti'ulng eagerly. Immediately behind him Urd vVemyw Arose to address the house. He be trayed his earnestness in the subject at Issue by the wild, vigorous swinging of his arms. More than once the earl's fists swoop ed dangerously near the prince's shin ing bat. With a period of eloquence the venerable neer concluded hln d. dress. Down came bis arms in a ges ture delivered wltb all the vigor he could command plump on the crown of the prince's high hat. driving it down and over the royal eyes. The earl's argument ended right there and turned into n refuse analo gies to the prince. The latter Inter rupted with a smile of good humor. "No harm." aaM Edward, laughing, "but I'll just ove out of the danger rone." Market Quotations. ft Any loose stock In the city will he taken to the pound at once. Phone Black 3721. 0. W. F ARRIS, Poundmaster . IHE EARL'S FISTS BWOOPKD NEAB THE HiINCE'8 HAT. We Have Them. What? Six pound Elec tric Flat Irons at $3.75 Each EASTERN OREGON Light and Power Company For Sale, Second hand furniture for sale, par ty leaving before August 1, 1401, cor ner 6th and N. SUGAR Cash Price Sugar, J6.75; beet sugar $8.75. VEGETABLES New dry onions. 6c; spinach, 3 lb for 25c; fresh peaa 10c; rhubarb 3c; head lettuce 10c; radishes, 3 bunches for 10c; green onions, 3 bunches for 10c; tomatoes 10c per pound; new potatoes, 6Ibs for 25c. FRUIT Oranges. 46c per dozen; lemons, $2.00 per crate; bananas, 40c per dozen; strawberries, 16c .to tor 25c; cherries, 26 to 36c per gallon; gooseberries, 30 cents per gallon; red raspberries, 2 boxes for 26c; black berries, 2 boxes for 26c; dewberries, 2 boxes for 2l Reaches, 10c- lb. MEATS Hogs, live weight, well finished, $10 cwt; cows, 3 l-i to 4c; veal 4 to 4 l-2c; mutton, 6 1-2; chick ens 13c. Portland Markets BUTTER Extra Creamery, 30c; Btore 2323tt. BUTTER PAT Delllver f. o. b. at Portland, sw, cream 27 1-2; sour 26 1-2 EGGS Local, candled, 26 27c. POULTRY Mixed chickens, 161-2; fancy 16 cents; turkeys alive, 20 21; dressed 27 lb 28; pigeons squabs. $2.60, dressed chickens, 1 to 2c higher than alive. BARLEY Producers price, 1909 Feed, $23; rolled, $26; brewiug, $24. WHEAT Nominal track, club. 78; bluestem, 82; Willamette valley. 81c. MHO-STUFFS Selling price Bran $20; midllngs, $29; shorts, $1; choo, $190$26. FLOUR New crop patents, $6.16 Notice of Street Improvement To Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of I a Grande, Oregon, on the 5th day of mnn rrMflrte TmnrnvmcTt District No. 1, and designating Adams Avenue, or street, as such district, and In pursuance of a resolution adopted by said Common Council on the 15;h day of September, 1909, whereby said Council determined and declared its intention to improve all that portion of Adams Avenue, or Street, in said improvement district as hereinafter described, by laying tnereon maca dam, the Council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such improvement, or der that the above described Improve ment be made: that the boundaries of said district to be bo improved are as follows: All that portion of Adams Avenue, from the east side of Fourth street, to the west side of Alder street Notice is hereby further given that the Council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such im provement. That the estimated cost of such improvement Is the turn of $12,000. That the Council wttl, on the 20th day of July, 1910, Airt at the Council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m. to consider the estima ted cost, and the levy of said assess ment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling aggrieved by such assessment. La Grande. Oregon, July 6, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON. By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. J9--20 2jBr J IT CERTAINLY LOOKS GOOD to the children when they tee the delicious bread made from the North Powder Best of the Rest Patent flour. It is a meal tor the little ones, with butter, jam or jelly, that is wholesome and muscle building. It looks good also to the housewife when she sees the goldei. brown crisp and the white bread inside when it comes from the oven. It alio smells appetizing when mado from Best of Best Flour. FOR SALE EY ALL GROCERS M4M THE CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALWAYS BRINGS RETURN TO TRADE 160 acres of timber land to trade for city property. Mac Wood, Golden Rule store. FURNISHED ROOMS 1612 Adamo Ave., $8.00 per month, phone red 741. NOW Get that summer auit cleaned and pressed at Pennington's. Phone Black 881 or 44, FOR SALE 6-H-P gasoline engine. V're condition. Price lltfttO. At amh' Garage. XliRNISHED ROOM For cnly. Nice location. Close in. Call m Red 152. It AUTO FOR SALE 15-H-P. low cylinder Ford roadster. Good con dition. Price $360. Smith's Garage. FOR RENT Modern five room house. Inquire of D. Brichoux. WANTED A. limited number of hoarders and roomers. Phone Red 3712 or call 1311 N. avenue. WANTED Masons to lay concrete blocks. Apply at the Oregon Engin eering and Construction Company, Joseph, Oregon. WANTED Girl for general house work. Call at Henry ft Carr. ROOM and BOARD 1617 tourm aw. WANTED A good cook, woman pre ferred ; good wages to right party Apply at Observer office. LOST Ladies' watch chain and cress Finder leave at Model restaurant FOR SALE All barley hay. O. D. Huffman, phone Farmers 73. FOR SALE High grade piano very cheap for cash. Also other furni ture. Phone Independent 661. FOR RENT Barn suitable for three horses. Inquire at this office. i Safer than National Banks t better than U. i. tic d Bonds ? UNION COUNTY LANDS. V j Why invest in foreign cities and wireless stock, when j you have a sure thing at home ? nee i .i. DL,rti. w. FOR RENT OR SALE Nicely fur nished rooming and boarding house at Condon. Oredon. all furnished. Must be taken at once. Suitable for a lady with small family and limited means. Apply at Hotel Oregon, Depot street. WANTED A grl or woman to do general housework. Good wages. Call in morning at 902 Pennsylvan ia avenue, Mrs. Ash WANTED At Hotel Enterprise, a good chambermaid. Canteleup Sundie today at Solder's. Wilson & Brittian, Electrical Contractors. Prompt and careful attention given all work. All work guar anteed to pass underwriters' examination. Best ELECTRIC IRON on the market; also ELEC1RIC FANS One Door south of Observer Office 1 ttolu An sViit ,. Town Site. The plat of survey for the hew town Bite of Evans, situated adjoining the depot grounds at Lostlne, has been accepted by the county officials and the sale of lots is now on. If you wish to get in on the ground floor, now Is your opprtunity. Phone or write Couch ft McDonald, at Wallowa, Oregon, as they have the handling of the entire tract. couch & Mcdonald. B. J. who has a large list of money makers. DIRECTORY OF THE. FRATERNAL ORDERS LA GRANDE., ORE 'n- u 1 ! 31 i All Who Love Little Ones will provide purest of the pure in Candy look tor wo seal 01 run 17 Patronize the "Modem Dealer lateS CinfMtlcntry C., Sin., Porting I i 1 in Order Rock Springs COAL For Winter Now G. E. FOWLER Cherries For Sale. May Dukes are now ripe. Order st once as they are going quick! v. F. H. Tatman, European Plan Only Rooms 50c to $1.50 First class Throughout SAVOY HOTEL D. G. BRIGHOUX. Proprietor. 0HE BLOCK FROM DEP01 La Grande, Oregon M. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meeta every Monday in the month at the L O. O. F. Hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially Invited to attend. L R. SNOOK, C. D. E. COX. Clerk. Women ef Woodcraft Grande Ronde Glrcl No. 47 meet9 every first and third Thursday even ing In the month at the I. O. O. F. HalL All visiting members welcome. CHLOE ROBINSON, G. M. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH, Clerk. A. F. & A. M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. ft A M. holds re.euler meetings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. JOHN HODGIN, W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary rr b.p. TiT La Granle Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Elk' club, corntr of Depot street and Washington Avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. DR. G. L. BIGGERS, Ex. Ruler. HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec. IMwhahs Crystal Lodge No. to meets every Tuesday " -ening in the I. O. O. F. ball All visiting members are invited to attend. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. G. MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH, Sea. Knights of Pythias Red Cross Lodge No. 27 meets ev ery Monday night in Castle hall, (old Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights. ED. WRI3HT, C. C. R. L. LINCOLN, M. of R. ft S. X : Special Price Cut Glass and Hand Painted China From now until July 17, I will make a specially i 1 1!1. XT Ael Tl low nnce on cut glass ana nana pamtea unmu. 11 will pay you to examine my stock and get a good se Wtinn hftfnrfi huvin? vour erifts. -"w J O J O All stvles of wedding rings including Tiffany, - W W W V I round, oval, etc., at lowest prices in Eastern Oregon, - j j Vjfiiaiiry consiaereu. I will Save You Money. I -II La Grande's Leading" Jeweler, Je rCaiC, Opposite.Land Oft'ice 0. E. 8. . Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. S. holds stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month Visiting members cordially Invited. MARY A. WARNICK.Sec. PAULINE LEDERLEE, W. M. Woodmen of the World La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. O. W. meets eve second and fourth Tues day in the month. All viBltlng mem bers welcom:. NERI A 'KLKS, C. C. J. H. KEENEY, Clert. "Can be depended upon" is an expression we all like to hear, and when it is used iti connection with Chamlerlain'8Colic,Cholern and Diarrhoea Remedy it means t never fails to cure diarrhoea, dysen) bowel complaints. It is pleasant to Ui tqually valuable for children and : lilhy pay Rent ? We loan you money to build, and you pay us as you would rent. J. R. OLIVER. OBSERVER WANT ADS PAY PROFESSION AI. DIRECTORY. 4 . . II. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D. Ppysician and Surgeon Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office In La Grande Nat ional Bank Building. Phones: Of fice Main 2, Residence Main 32. GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 10 Phones: Home 1332, Pacific Main 63, Residence phone, Black 951. Suc cessor to Dr. r. E. Moore. LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF Ml SIC. Cor. Adams avenue and Greenwood St PBOF. E. PORTER DAT Dector. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney-at-law Practices in all the courts of the State and Un'ted States. Office In La Grande National Bank Bldg La Or nde, Oregon Chas. E. Cochran Geo. T. O COCHRAN A COCHBAI Attorneys La Grande National Bank K La Grande Oregon DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor of Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Pitted and made to order. All Errors of Refraction Corrected 1105 Adams' Ave. Opposite P. O. La Grande, - Oregon DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD Ppysician and Surgeon Over Red Cross Drug Store Special attention to diseases of Rye and Ear. Office phone Main 22: Res. Main 7tt. 3. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer Baker City Oiegon DS. ; . .4 CHUTOX Veter.u r- Snrgcon Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Gran It Residence phone, Red 701; Office phone, Black 1361; Independent phone 53: both phones at lesldence N. MOLITOR, M. D. Ppysician and Surgeon , CD'iier Adam- hml Depot strtvt. Offi:u Main 68 Residue: 69 J. V. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande Nations! Building, "'ho ,o Black