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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1910)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER MONDAY, JULY 18, 1910 PAGE THREE if er than National Banks Better than U. S. Gold Bonds UNION COUNTY I ANnQ 4 Why invest in foreign cities and wireless stock, when i t j you have a sure thing at home ? J See C. J. BLACK, who has a large list of money makers. C. L DARLEY, 1205 N Avenue, or McKennon, Phy & Roberts. i Irrigation and Structural Engineer. i Suneying, Plain and Reinforced Concrete, General Con- hading. Estimates Furnished. Reference, United States p Reclamation Service. in . i lie ucwi jc f aimer RETAIL DEPARTMENT We solicit your orders for Shingtes, Rubberoid IRoofing Oeadening Felt, Building Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. NORTH .i Queen of the Northwest Resorts Near the Mouth of .the Columbia River, on theWash- ington Coa?:: The place to spend Your Summer Vacation Twenty-five Miles of Magnificent Beach. Level, compact and smooth. Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful ho tel, cottage, tent and camp life. All the comforts of home and the healthful, invigorating recreation of the seaside surf bathing, fishing, clam digging beach bonfires, riding, racing, hunting, strolls and drives through picturesque wooded headlands. Reduced Rates from all parts of Oregon and Wash. VIA Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co Season Rate: From Portland Round Trip, $4.Q0 Three Day Saturday to Monday Rate. $3.00 Purchase tickets and make reset"- ations at City Ticket Office, 3rd and Washington Streets, Port land, or inquire of any 0. R. & N. agent elsewhere for Information WM. McMUHRAT, General Passenger Air ut, Portland, Oregcit 2 Gomplete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS 0. FilZGERALD, Proprietor Compete Machine Shops and Foundry x 1 0 9 ER CO BEACH i i T0l"LL BE STRUCK WITH AMAZEMENT If you could see how some factory made clothing is put together The skimping of materials, the inferior interlining8. B t none of these things occur In a suit cf our tailoring. That's why one suit of ours will outlast two of the factory made. Order one and the wear will prove It. C. W. BAKER. THE FUEGIANS. Thsy Art Stunted and MitsHapsn as Wall as Hideously Ugly. At tbe two extremes of tbe Amer ican continent dwell the most wretch ed races of beings-the Eskimo at tbe nonb and tbe Kueglans at tbe south. Of tbe two the Puegians apear to be tbe lowest in tbe civilized scale, tbeir general aspect being wretched and de graded. Tbeir hideously ugly faces express tbe grossest stupidity, and tbeir tier sons are both stunted and misshapen. Tbe average height of tbe men does not exceed Ave feet two Inches, that of the women four feet eight Inches, and owing to then habit of standing in a stooping attitude they look even less than tbeir actual height. But, although they are veritable pyg mies in stature, yet their bodies are exceedingly large, and their general appearance is such as might result from tacking on to the trunk of a giant the arms and legs Of u child. Their color appears to be a copper bronze, but as nearly all are begrimed with smoke it is difficult to specify their precise hue.. The very young children are light brown In color with the exception of the palms of the hands and the soles of tbe feet, which are of a dirty yellow. The heads of the adults are covered with coarse black hair which falls in lank masses to the neck behind and on each side of the face, but Is em away from before the eyes. The forehead Is low and retreating, the nose broad, flat and tarnished with Immense nostrils, and the mouth is very wide, with thick, protruding lips, the upper one being very mu h obli gated. The eyes are small aud placed some what obliquely, the iris is Invariably black in color, and the white of the eye has a distinctly yellowish tinge. Moreover, owing apparently to the irri tation produced by the smoke of the fires over which they are so constant ly crouching, they are very generally blear eyed. The teeth, although very much dis colored, are, as a rule, regular and sound. The men have naturally only a few black bristles scattered over the upper Hp and chin. These, however, are carefully extracted from time to time by means of two mussel shells, and very frequently the hair of the eyebrows Is removed by a similar process. The males appear to pay no attention whatever to the dressing of their hair, but the women are some what more particular and may fre quently be seen employing In Its ar rangement the toothed jaw of a por poise in lieu of a comb. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Halibut In Canada. "One cannot be long in any hotel or restaurant in Canada without seeing halibut on tbe bill of fare." says a writer in Canada. "In this respect it assumes the position of a national dish. It la there on Christmas day and again on midsummer day, and there are not many days In between these two dates when halibut finds no place on tbe menu. So' plentiful Is halibut in tbe waters of tbe wesr. coast of Vancouver island that Ernest McGaffey on one occasion watched a few Indians, with their crude fishing arrangements, catch 21,000 pounds in Clayoquot sound In one day. When It is remembered that a halibut some times weighs as much as 300 pounds perhaps this achievement will lose a tiny part of its glory." Color Harmony. Tbe key to all color harmony is sim ply this that kindred or related colors harmonize, go well together, while un related colors tire antagonistic to each other. Those colors are kindred which are side by side on tbe spectrum band or the color circuit. Red is kindred to orange because orange is an admix ture of red and yellow; orange is kin dred to yellow because of tbe yellow in the orange; yellow is akin to green because green is an admixture of yel low and blue. A Street In Moscow. One street in Moscow, Miasnitskaya Ulitza, is devoted almost entirely to stores selling machinery. The win dows of these shops are large and of plate glass and display the various wares to good advantage. Many win dows are devoted to large exhibits of various mechanisms, and at a certain hour In the afternoon these machines are so far as possible set in motion to give practical illustration of their workings. His Safeguard. I knew that Mr. iturales lived on a much traveled turnpike, and I asked him If be and bis family were not greatly troubled ly tramps stopping at bis bousp. "We're not troubled at all," he re plied, smiling shrewdly. "There's a magical sign on tbe front gate." "A magical sign?" 1 repeated. "Yes," he said, with a grin "It reads, 'Employment Agency.' "Chica go Xcn Precisely That. Braggsby I tell you I'm overwork ing. I am turning out an awful lot of work Just now. Xocker That's Just exactly the word your employer used in describing your present work. Bal timore American. TIMELY BREVITIES It la now denied that spinach la the vegetable richest lu iron. It Is lettuce cabbage. Last year 222.755 people left Great Britain for Canada, the United States and Australia. Life Insurance baa made great prog ress in Japan, and there are already forty-two companies operating there. England'a imports since the middle of last year have averaged $268,000,000 monthly against 1243,000,000 a year ago. A French-German dictionary has been recently issued from Vienna, printed in Braille type, for tbe use of tbe blind. It Is on record that a mass of gold weighing fifty pounds was taken from a Bolivian mine In former times by Spaniards. Tbe proposed international exhibl tion at Bilboa. Spain, in 1012, Is now practically a certainty. It is to cost $1,280,000. The air is clarified effectively by keeping the blades of a ventilatiug fan moistened with water. This col lects all the Impurities. For every person who dies in n j .! there arc two people constantly ill Each persons loses ou au average Mm teen days n year by illuess. All the carcasses of dead ahlmais lu New York ne removed to phuspfotti factories on Rarreji island ami i,n verted into fen lilting material. ...' m - ,. . ... uuuui.'n MM.B4 V fcuv ........ ... estimated at $4.".750.300,000. of Which $17,642,700,000 is In tbe United States and $4,553,700,000 is In the city of New York. The record attendance at a football match in the United Kingdom Is 121. 452 at the England versus Scotland contest of 1008 at Hampden park. Glasgow. Tbe legislature of Prince Edward Is land has unanimously voted uot to re peal the law making It a penal offense to run any kind of motor vehicle iu the province. After a hard fight with the board of education Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, su perintendent of schools of Chicago, has succeeded in having adopted a rule that hereafter all applicants for prln clpalsbips must be college graduates. What is said to be the biggest bean field in the world is in Santa Ana, Cal. Of the 17,000 acres in the field 14,000 are planted with llmas and 3,000 with black eyed beans. The field is owned by one company, but let out on leases. An enterprising American showman has recently been reaping a golden har vest by exhibiting moving pictures in the cities of Arabia. One of the ex hibitions was given in tbe palace of tbe sultan of Oman. Tbe sheiks cheer fully paid tbe prices of admission 65, 33 and 16 cents. The Chilean government after a care ful study of the relative cost of the two systems of telegraph between San tiago and Punta Arenas has decided that tbe wireless Is the most practical, as it will cost less for upkeep, as most of the route is through a wild and rough country. A bird expert has returned to Europe from the West Indies with over 200 captives. He boiled down tree sap into a thick, sticky mess and put it on shrubs and branches at places where birds took food and drink. Once they grasped the sticky perches they were fast and could not fly away, says th expert. An odd error was made in tbe In scription on King Edward's coffin. The last line of the Inscription read "Ueg nique Sui IX."-tbat is, "and In the ninth year of his relgu." Edward's reign began Jan. 22. 1001, and the ninth year was completed Jan. 21, 1010; con sequently he died in the tenth year of bis reign. Tbe Journey from Buenos Aires to Valparaiso by way of the ull rail route through the new trnnsandean tunnel Is now made in about thirty-six hours, Including a layover in Los Andes of twelve hours. The first class fare is $6S.13. and the charge is a shilling per kilogram for baggage, or $1.22 for each eleven pounds. J. Waldo Smith, chief engineer of New York city's project of bringing a gigantic supply of water to the city from the heart of the Cat skill moun tains, 100 miles distant. Is carrying out a plan which calls for the expenditure of $162,000,000. This Is a civic enter prise second only to such feats as the building of tbe Panama canal. In the Spanisli city of Valeucla the continual tendency of the Butchers' as sociation and combinations of butchers and cattle salesmen to increase prices Is met by tbe municipal authorities, es tablishing what arc called "regulating butchers' stalls," at which first class beef and mutton are sold by the muni cipality at cost prices plus a moderate profit. Don Luis Terrazas. whose Mexican farm is 150 miles In extent north to south and 200 miles from east to west. Is receiving some government atten tion on account of the magnitude of his holdings. His "farmhouse" is the most magnificent In the world a pal ace, costing $1,600,000 in gold, superbly furnished, with rooms to accommodate 500 guests. An exciting music ball -turn." which will be known as the "human cup nnd ball." was rehearsed in a abed at the outskirts of Paris. A woman is shut inside a huge wicker ball, which is then rolled down a steep Inclined plane, terminating in an upward bend. The ball shoots wttb lightning speed down the slide and is burled up Into Ipace and caught by an elevated bowl shaped receptacle twenty-five feet away. KAMELA MECCA TO hi kleberk1es are m ahce and old-timers are IN RAGE Portablt Sawmill Said to be On Its Wii for Installation at kiiimla Kamela, July 18. Special. Huck leberries are scarce and the iHitklt hcrry craze Is on the decline, 'ur-cause ronle cannot find them. The over-heated valleys are driving people to the Kamela summit for fresh air and pure and cold water and also less heat. This Is an ideal cli mate in Bummer. Mrs. N. Seaman's father Is here on an extended visit from Michigan C. A. Norden, section foreman here, starts for Portland this week. We un derstand he haB property Interests at that place. . The rumor Is afloat that Kamela will have a portable sawmill soon. We hope the observing people will read all the news in the Observer. Wood is being sjilpped out quit rap fdly here and It ia feared the district ' can not supply the demand another : winter. I There are quite a number of aheep grazing in this vicinity now. ' Great Irish Convention. Portland, Ore., July 18. Portland today haa the appearance of a St. Patrick's Day in the mornhV. In honor . of the, Irish visitors -from all over the j country who are arriving by the hun I dreds to attend this week's national j convention of the Ancient Order of , i Hibernians Swiss CAMPERS Tillamook Cream Cheese You will always find i THE BEST I AT i Snodgrass' DRINK SAM Natural Bottled as It Flows From the Spring It's Qood for what Ails You 1ST TO SPEAK DOCTOR BUCHANAN WILL DELIV E RLECTURE TUESDAY NIGHT Popaar Subject wUl be Ably Handled By hantanqaa Speaker Dr. Davidson Buchanan, one of the recent Chautauqua speakers who cre ated much interest at the round table, ma been requested to give another talk on Psychology tomorrow, Tuea day evening at 8:00 o'clock In the parlors of Mrs. E. C. Moore's resi dence at 1817 Fourth Street. All who may be interested in this new and rapidly developing science will be cordially welcomed. "Can be demoded nnon" U in mr;nn We all lilt to hr and whan it ( rmA i- connection with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy it means t'r neTer fails to cure diarrhoea, dysentt, bowel complaints. It is pleasant to ta! r equally valuable for children and x It Costs No More TO USE THE r j: d vouauiuu a uvaaav Soo Spokane Route in either direction on your trip east. PurchaBe your ticket from you local agent and call for Can adian Pacific. We have many INTERESTING ATTRACTIONS to offer you. On a ticket routed via the Great Lakes meals and beft's are included. EASTERN EXCURS10NRATES luly 22 Aug. 3-Sept 8 Final Limit, Oct. 31. A card will bring a traveling representative to explain In detail any trip desired. Write for Particulars. G. M. Jackson Geo. A. Walton Trav. Pass. Agt Gen. Agt. 14 Wall St, Spokane. Cheese Water raw -O Mineral $