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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1910)
PAGE SUC LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVED SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1910. ... i 3 wi SPORTING NEW S 1 HREE-I OREH GAME OFF. ( ami Elfin Will Very Likely lie Only Teams in the Tournament. There seems to be some obstruc tion In the way of arranging the three team Reach tournament at Elgin for this month as was planned. Weston the easy champion of the- Umatilla county teams, is disorganized since its schedule closed and these seems to be but little chance of resurrecting the players there. Elgin however, feels confident that Cove will come and in this way the championship of everything east of the Blue Mountains can be determined. Elgin was at the head of the intercounty league when the explosion took place, and Cove Is manifestly the leaders in the Eastern Oregon league. Cove has signified it Intentions of playing a three-game aeries with Elgin, one at Cove, one at Elgin and one on foreign grounds, though it may be found satisfactory to'plny two of the games at either of the two towns. 0 (J A ME TO WOHKOW Onl Possible Contest is Elgin at En terprlse Tomorrow Afternoon La Uranue is nui iu ue ftivyi4 ..1:!. a ball game tomorrow and it is doubt ful if there will be one In Wallowa county. Elgin is planning some on go ing to Enterprise tomorrow but it is doubtful if the game will materialize. Joseph is no more and neither Is I. a Orande in a very promising condi tion. While there may be an o cn sional game during the rest of the season, baseball of an organized sort is now a thing rif history- again for this year. Junior ( liHiiipfoiiships. New York. July Hi. Junior track and field championships of the Metro politan Association will lie decided this afternoon at Celtic Park, wilh some of the most promising young atheltes of the country taklnu part The following events are scheduled 100-yard tun, 220-yard tun. 440-yard run. 880-yard run, one-mile run. three mile run; 120 yard high hurdle and 220-yard low hurdle; shot, hammer and throwing the discus; throwing 56 pound weight; throwing Javelin; high and running broad jump; pole vault, running hop, step and jump. Regaltn on the Hndson. New York, July 16. Crack oars men of the metropolis will compete today in the regatta of the Hudson River Rowing association, the contest ants also including several up-state crews. The program embraces Jun ior single and double four-oared gigs, Junior and senior four-oarded barges and junior centipede. Protest Against Pictures. Doston, July Ifi Films illustrating the recent Jeffries-Johnson fight at Reno are said to be on the way to this city and it is the announced In tention of the moving picture men to place them on exhibition Monday. The mayor and chief of police and the gov ernor have been deluged with com munications demanding that the pre sentation of the pictures be prevent ed definite action to this end is ex pected. The picture exhibitors will doubtless appeal to the courts f nec essary, to protect their rights. Cyclists in Brussels. Brussels. July Some of the worlda best bicycle riders are in Brussels today in readiness for the races of the International Cyclists' Union, The preliminaries will be held tomorrow and the world's champion ship events will be decided next Thursday and the following Sunday. July 2b. It has already been decided to hold the 1011 International bicycle races in Turin. CHURCH NOTICES Central Church. Communion. Offering. Song. Prayer. Song. Announcements. Song. Reports from the convention. "Lee Tong's Address." Floy Coffey, "A- Greater Bible School," Ruth Cotner. "Vision of Christian Endeavor.' Maude Simpson. "The Juniors at Work," Eva Cotner "Power of Organized Women," Mrs Ford A. Ellis. Invocation. L. D. S. Church. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Samuel Storey, superintendent. Sacrament meeting at 2 p. m. Baptist . Church oti s. Sunday school at 9:415 a. m. and morning preaching service at 1 1 a. m. B. Y. P. U. Prayer meeting at 7 p. m and evening service at 8 p. in. Prayer meeting every Thursday even ing at 8 p. ni. If you are withou church hcir.c, or " tronror in the town, come and be at home with us. Frank E. Gray, Pastor. When Solid Iron Floats. Experiments have shown that if a ball of solid Iron he lowered into n mass of liquid 'Iron ly means of a metal fork the ball at first sinks to the bottom with the fork, but Hiut In a few second! It will leave the prongs nml rise to the surface. Where It con tluuea to Boat until it melts. The rla lug Is explained by the expansion of the ball, due to heating, whereby It becomes, bulk tor bulk, less dense than the molten metal - St. Louis Bepublli i : . -i-MHW&fr$4Q44&S&'t?t s4$444)444)44))4H 4H4)tM Success Cabinet Free. Where? How? j THINK OF IT Yotl may have a modern .steel, gas r electric range, an expensive refrigerator, a convenient sink with its hot and cold water; in Tact, everything I known to save time, labor and the drudgery of the kitchen, but the essential and most important neccs- : sity is yet lacking, and that is a SUCCESS CABINET It is constructed on scientific, hygienic and sanitary lines. Made !' metal, thoroughly enamel ed inside and out, and is proof against dust and mois- ture, bugs and I'lies. worms and weevil, germs and I microbes, the rat and mouse and every other pollut- Ing thing. I IT IS NOW FREE Appreciating the great importance of every home having one of these modern necessities, the Associa ted Advertisers, of this city, composed of the follow intf firiEs and cornoratioiis, have arranged a plan by Which each of their patrons shall have one of these foiiyeuient, labor-saving and health-protecting cabinets free. ASSOCIATED ADVERTISERS ( o'ddes Bros., Groceries. rVdeook & fritts, Furniture, Xcwlin Drug Co. The Toggery, AJ Andrews. f. T. Scott, Music House 0. W, Baker, Tailor. J, II. I'eare. .Jeweler. Grande Ronde Meat Oo. Selder's Candv Store- y 1 " il the EXHIBITING ROOMS at once, where the Success Cabinet is being demon strated. Examine it. learn of our New Plan of Ad vertising and order one delivered to your home free. If it should be inconvenient for von to visit the Success Cabinet exhibit, phone Ind. 343, Bell, I?. 1071, or mail a card to the address given below, and you shall examine the Success Cabinet at von home. Exhibiting Rooms, .7. T. SCOTT MUSIC STORE 1316 Adams, G. R. Baker C. Mills. Demonstrators. Ford A. Kills of the Central church will speak Sunday evening on the subject, "The Breakers. " This sub ject was suggested by his recent visit to the beach. Pint Presbyterian Church. Washington avenue and Sixth street Rev. S. W. Seemann, I). I)., minister. Morning subject, "The Glory of the People that Know God." Evening subject, "The Presbyterian Church in the Light of the Last General Assem bly." Sunday school 9:45 a. m., Mr. W. L, Brenholts, Superintendent. C. E. service. 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday 8:00 p, m. It is hoped that after the long vacation the congrega tion will rally to the work. Friends and strangers are cordially Invited to attend the services. Methodist Kuisropal Church. Corner M. Ave. and Fourth street. The Chautauqua is now past and the regular services of the church will be resumed. Sunday School 9:45, G. H. Curry, superintendent. Morning ser vice, 11:00; subject, "The Conquor- ing Spirit." Class meeting, 12.00 for 30 minutes only. Epworth League, 7:00; evening lesson. "The Christian's Re ward Here." Leader, Mrs. Para Thorn ton. Evening service. 8:00. Theme what will the Harvest Be?" Every one Is cordially welcomed to each and e?ery service of the day. H. E. McLeod, pastor. MAN, STUDY YOUR HAIRI Than Beforu You Comb It Study tha Architecture of Your Fact. Just as surely as hair is woman's crowning glory it Is man's glorious crowning that Is, to those th;it have It. Those whose heads have pushed up through their huir usually use a Huckaback towel for the delloute proc ess of parting the hair, but unless one pas t lie peculiar requirements it is not worth while to cultivate thetn. Men with low. squatting foreheads biiwuM uul pull their hair down over their brows, and meu whose foreheads tire beginning to work back should ln vile their locks down If your hair lias quietly slipped down toward yot.i ears on cadi side, leave it there, If yon bring it up in strings and wisps it will merely look like climbing vim s and will never really have the free and easy homelike appearance thul ov.lit to be the pun ui outural hni Do noi part youi L ': an; tbau you can help. Hair Is In n hurry these days, anyway Usually It ,' u an'! stay more than long enough ti u.i'.e sure that the bnby Is going to b" a boy before It hastens off. It will ai ; of Itself soou enough the best you i an do. Before combing your hair you h u i get acquainted with the architecture of your face If your face Is of the harvest moon variety do not Inlay your hnlr. Puff It up as much ns pos slble. It's better to look like a feather duster on a Monday morning than a scratched billiard ball on a Baturday night. But If your face Is of n long, gallop ing ensemble do not encourage your hair to fluff Instead keep It down close to headquarters. If your head Inclines to run up to a cone do not spread your hair around In Imitation of a palm tree t hatch Itnther fluff It up ami windrow it tor fear some un I bred person wii: begin to talk about priog rortwh b i Homer Cms in gvMrekiWiret Hie Addition with Character 1000 Pleased Buyers Over 1000 Purchasers have seen Laurelhurst and have acknowledged that it is by far the best investment in Portland. Over J 000 Purchasers Over 1000 Purchasers "our womeVLTrilmP,Teme,U " " NW They have SEEX ir s ad Zo l? t ! .6r ,0,,J2,-Inthsewe'- mains. They have seen the shade lit . ton of asn nTl lZ " T th D0"'ev ards and have SEEN the asphalt plant vwt . tons of asphalt, all ready to be placed iu the 2S to 48 foot s treets Thev have sfW th mo m N claimed JXLTJR & Z. Over 1000 Purchasers Over 1000 Purchasers have comp.rl I.auielhur.1 ,,,1,-e. with price, of when 1. ,,. , ,h n . Over 1000 Purchasers have backed ihelr imlirmeat with liiiMtmnnt I.rlce. In LaurelhuM l a ho,t (law. "ol""e 0,er ',rMe"1 The last and Most beautiful Quarter of Laurelhurst is Now on the market. This quarter joins Ladd Park, part of our tract, will be the finest Residence 1 Section in Portland. There will never be another Laurelhurst ana never again will the opportunity pre sent itself to buy high grade property at such low prices and on the easy terms we offer. J. R. MOORE, La Grande Representative I .- Delineator "s