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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1910)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVE!; THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1910 Sheriff Sale. Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of an execution and order of aak and decree of foreclosure and sale is sued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Union, bearing date the 7th day of July, 1910, and to me directed and delivered upon a judg ment and decree duly rendered, en tered of record and docketed in said court on the 27th day of June, 1910, in a suit wherein William M. Blakely was plaintiff, and Asa L. Roberts and Hattle R. Roberts were defendants, said Judgment being in favor of said plaintiff. and against said defendants for the sum of $536.90, wlh Interest at 8 per cent per annum from June 27, 1910. and the further Bum of $20, for costs and disbursements. I will sell on Saturday, the 13tb day of Aug ust, 1910, at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day at the front door of the county court house in the city of La Grande, Oregon sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said plaintiffs Judgment, Interest, costs and disbursements and accru ing costs, all the rlgbt, title and In-, terest that the said defendants and each of them had on the date of said mortgage to-wlt, August 20, 1908, or have since therein obtained In and to the following described real proper ty, to-wlt: Lots Two, Three and Four of Block One Hundred' and Thirty-five of PhnnHn'd wMltlnn to n(m "vr. zi La, Grande, Union county, Oregon. Dated this 11th day of July, 1910. at La Grande, Oregon. P. P. CHILDERS, Sheriff of Union County, Ore. July 14-21-28 Aug4-ll FOR CANOY WRONUI THE MODERN DEALER Purity Htttm CcnftctitMnr Co., Mlrt.. Portland, Oregon j Peanut'i Butterl p We carry the following J brands : J 5 J Heinz, Beechnut, Imperial, f p Made from the finest e 4 t lected Peanuts, and con 5 p tains all the nutritious r yjo.1 to Ul IMC fJCCli IUI. 'p V. - p PHONE BLACK 81 PATTISON BROS Order Rock Springs COAL For Winter Now G. E. FOWLER Cherries For Sale. Dukes are now ripe. Ordr lce aj they are going qulcklv. a Tatmaa. "Man from Mexico" Tonight The "Man from Mexico," Willie Col lier's great bill, will open tonight at the Alrdome with a full cast of twelve people. There is nothing but fun in this ex cellent play and the interpolated music and continuous round of spec-' laltieB between acts, will make one of the best shows ever seen in La Grande. New Uh For the Tekphon. The rural telephone to .becoming more and more a thing of dally convenience and in oue state Is entering a Held that Is unusual and yet useful, for It Is becoming the dis seminator of the Sunday sermon. This experiment Is being made In Ola tbe. Kan., and baa so far proved a great success. Three churches in the town are using the service, which is especially for the old and sick. Each church la Httert A SERMON' BY PHONK. with a transmitter containing an ex tremely sensitive microphone arrange ment n;id provided with special batter ies and coils. The transmitter hangs suspended from a rod In front of the pulpit without obscuring the congre- sermon is delivered tbe transmitter takes in the tones and carries them over tbe wires to tbe various listeners. WORLD'S RICHEST BOYS. Tho Field Youngsters, Who Want to Com back to America. Most youngsters imagine that If they only bad pleuty of money they crukl be happy anywhere, but a month or two away from "run" and "dad" soon changes this Idea. Take tbe case of the two richest boys m tbe world. Henry and Marshall Field, graudsons of tbe late Marshall Field and chief BTCBSST BOT8 IN THE WORLD heirs to the hundred million dollars left by the Chicago merchant. They have been at Eton college. In England, since last fall and have now become so homesick they threaten to run away to sea unless allowed to return hovne. Tbe eldest of tbe two boys. Murshall Field 3d. is destined to become Chi cago's foremost millionaire, the sole bearer of tbe name of Marshall Field. Dntil he reaches his majority be will be trained mentally and physically for the work of conducting tbe business of tbe largest mercantile bouse in the world. He has always loved the great Interests of which his grandfather was the head and is known by scores of employees In the big Field establish ment. .''n': HWU in von i:'n - Mil ! r i i .I-..,,., European Plan Only Rooms 50c to $1.50 First class Throughout SAVOY HOTEL D. G. BRIGHOUX, Proprietor. ONE BLOCK FROM DEP01 La Grande, Otegon W vW- m BBBbT'Sa 'IBS! nanas Market Quotations. SUGAR Cash Price Sugar. $6.75; beet sugar $6.75. VEGETABLES New dry onions, 5c; spinach, 3 lb for 26c; fresh peas 10c; rhubarb 3c; head lettuce 10c; radishes, S bunchea for 10c; green onions, 3 bunches for 10c; tomatoes 10c per pound; new potatoes, 6 lbs for 25c. FRUIT Oranges, 45c per doaen; lemons, $2.00 per crate; bananas, 40c per dosen; strawberries, 16c ,to for 25c; cherries, 25 to 35c per gallon; gooseberries, 30 cents per gallon; red raspberries, 2 boxes for 25c; black berries, 2 boxes for 25c; dewberries, 2 boxes for 21 Reaches, 10c lb. MEATS Hogs, live weight, well finished, $10 cwt; cows. 3 1-2 to 4c; veal 4 to 4 l-2c; mutton, 6 1-2; chick ens 13c. DRY CHAIN WOOD I am prepared to furnish Dry GhainWood, al so partly seasoned wood, to all comers. Kind ly phone your order to V. E. BEAN PHONE RED 3741 , eee e ee) DIRECTORY OF THE FRATERNAL ORDERS CA GRANDE., ORE ; g b . t $ a. w. a. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets e7ery Monday in the month at the L 0. O. F. Hall. All viBiting neighbors are cordially Invited to attend. 1. R. SNOOK, C. D. E. COX, Clerk. Women of Woodcraft Grande Ronde Circl No. 47 meets every first and third Thursday even ing in the month at the I. O. O. F. Hall. All visiting members welcome. CHLOE ROBINSON, G. M. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH. Clerk. A. F. A. M. Ln Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. A M. holds reguler meetings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. JOHN 2. HODGIN, W. M. A C. WILLIAMS, Secretary B. P. 0. E. La Qranle Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's club corntr of Depot street and Washington Avenue. Visiting brothers I are cordially invited to attend. DR G. L. BIGGER8, Ex. Ruler.' HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec. I O. 0. F. Subordinate La Grande Lodge No. 16 meets in their hall every Sat ui day night. Vis iting brothers cordially Invited to at tend. GEO. GROUT, N. G. i. R. SNOOK, Rec. Sec. r7. A WOR3TELL, Fin. Sec. OBSERVER WANT ADS PAY i I rtland Markets BUTTER Extra Creamery, 30c; More 2323H. BUTTER FAT Delllver f. o. b. at Portland, sw, cream 27 1-2; sour 25 1-2 EGGS Local, candled, 26 27c. POULTRY Mixed chickens, 15 1-2; fancy 16 cents; turkeys alive, 20 21; dressed 27 Tb 28; pigeons squabs, $2.60; dressed chickens, 1 to 2c higher than alive. BARLEY Producers price, 1909 Feed, $23; rolled. $25; brewhig. $24. WHEAT Nominal track, dab, 78; bluestem, 82; Willamette valley, 81c. MILLSTUFFS Selling price Bran $20; midllnge, $29; shorts, $21; chop, $190$26. FLOUR New crop patents, $5.15 IT CERTAINLY LOOKS GOOD to the children when they see tne aencious bread made from the North Powder Best of the Best Patent flour. It is a meal for the little ones, with butter, Jam or jelly, that is wholesome and muscle building. It looks good also to the housewife when she sees the golden brown orlop and the wh bread Inside when It comes from the oven. It also smells appetising when mads from Best of Best Flour. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS & $ 4 K'bckahs Crystal Lodge Nc. 10 meets every Tuesday ening in the I. O. O. F. hall All visiting members are invited to attend. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. G. MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH, Set. Knights of Pythias Red Cross Lodge No. 27 meets ev ery Monday night in Castle hall, (old Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights. ED. WRIGHT, C. C. R. L. LINCOLN, M. of R. ft S. O. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. . holds stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month Visiting members cordially Invited. MARY A WARNICK.Sec. PAULINE LEDERLEE. W. M. Woodmen of the World La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. O. W. meets every second and fourth Tues day in the month. All visiting mem bers w el com NERI AJKLE8, C. C. J. H. KEENEY, ClerL. lilhy pay Rent? We loan you " money to build, and you pay us as you would rent. J. R. OLIVER. THE CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALWAYS ! BRINGS IMMM$ M$MMM$$ TO TRADE 160 acres of Umber land to trade foi city property. Mac Wood, Golden Rule store. FURNISHED ROOMS 1612 Adams Ave., $8.00 per month, phone red 741. NOW Get that summer auit cleaned and pressed at Pennington's. Phone Black 851 or 44. FOR SALE u-H-P gasoline engine. V'ne condition. Price $15'; 00. At Smnha Garage. WANTED A limited number of boarders and roomers. Phone Red 3712 or call 1311 N. avenue. WANTED MasonB to lay concrete blocks. Apply at the Oregon Englu- Joseph, Oregon. WANTED Girl for general house work. Call at Henry ft Carr. ROOM and BOARD 1617 Fourth NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISO LATED TRACT Public Land Sale. .Department of the Interior. .U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, May 4th, 1910. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provislos of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 517) , we will offer at public sale to the highest bidder, Maxwell Wins Thrills followed thrills as speeding automobiles shot around the course of tbe Ingleslde Race Course, on April 24th, in tbe second and final day events of the successful meet promoted by tbe members of Islam Temple of the Mystic Shrine. Thehonors of the day were divided between Barney Oldfield, with Ms 200 horsepower Benz machine, and C. O. King, with his Maxwell 80 horsepower stock car. Oldfield lowered his previous record of one mile to 51 5-6, which is a new coast record for the circular track. With the exception of this performance, Oldfield had to take second place ln the list of racing honors, as the world's champion met defeat in both the five and fifteen mile handicap events, and in both races King and his Maxwell were the victors. In fact, King proved the surprise of the meet, driving all of his races with much Judgment and taking the turns with his car as close to the fence as did Oldfield. In the five mile handicap, Oldfield drove his Knox racer to the utmost, but the handicap was too strong and he could not get the lead away from King. Not only in the handicap events did King and his Max well prove stars of the first order, but in one of the first events of the day, the five mile race for cars costing from $1200 to $1600, which was one of the bestmatches of the meet. The time for the five mile handicap was as follows: Maxwell, King, 4.40.30; Oakland, Nelson, 4.48.25; Chalmers, West, 4.49.30: Auto Car , finished fourth, and the Knox car. Barney Oldfield driving, fifth. In the event number eight, ten miles free-for-all handicap, King and his Maxwell again were the winners, the Maxwell's time belna 8 19.80. J. B. Whiteman & Son 108. Elm Street PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. C II. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D. Ppyslcian and Surgeon Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office in La Grande Nat ional Bank Building. Dhones: Of fice Main 2, Residence Main 32. GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 10 Phones: Home 1332, Pacific Main 63, Residence phone, Black 961. Suc cessor to Dr. r. E. Moore. LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Cor. Adams avenue and Greenwood St PROF. E. PORTER DAY Dt recto.-. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney-at-law Practices in all the courts of the State and Un'ted States. Office in La Grande National Bank Bldg La Gr nde, Oregon DSt.. 4 CHAALTO:. Vo'.er.y r- Surgeon Office at Hill's Drug Store, Ln Gran Residence phone, Red 701; Office phone, Black 1811; Independent phone 53; hnth phones at lesidence RETURN t xbRNISHED ROOM For gentleaaSt ctly. Nice location. Close In. OHO n;i Red 152. tf. FOR RENT Barn suitable for three horses. Inquire at this office. AUTO FOR SALE lfV-H-P. four cylinder Ford roadster. Good con dition. Price $350. Smith's Garage. FOR RENT Modern fire room house Inquire of D. Brlchoux. WANTED A good cook, woman pre ferred; good wages to right party Apply at Observer office. LOST Ladles' watch chain and cress Finder leave at Model restaurant FOR SALE All barley hay. cTd., yuuuo j? aimers 78. LOST A gold watch between River side Park and the city Saturday. Leave at ObBerver and receive liber al reward. at 10 o'clock a, m on the 6th da of July, 1910 at this office tbe fol lowing described land: The NW 1-4 SB 1-4 Sec. 18. T, 4 8., R. 35 B. W. M., Serial No. 06676 Any person claiming adversely the above described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale COLON R. EBERHARD, Receiver. F. C. BRAMWBLL, Register. n Chas. E. Cochran Geo. T. O COCHRAN ft COCHRAN Attorneys La Grande National Bank Bi La Grande Oregon DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor of Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Fitted and made to order. All Errors of Refraction Corrected 1106 Adams' Ave. Opposite P. O. La flrande, Oregon DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD Ppyslcian and Surgeon Over Red Cross Drag Store Special attention to diseases of Rye, and Ear. Office phone Main 22; Res. Main 7t 3. W. C. NELSON Mlnln? Engineer Baker City - - . Oregon N. MOLITOR, M. D. Ppyslcian and Surgeon Cter Aim hnd Depot etraet. Om-.o Main 68 Residue: 9 J. C PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande Natlonr Building, "ho .e Black 39