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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1910)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER THURSDAY , JULY 14, MQ PAGE THREE 200 FALL PATTERNS FOR MEN'S SUITS NOW Make your Selection Now. Have your Measure Taken and we will Finish the Suit when so Ordered. The Toggery. AL ANDREWS The George Palmer 'r t.EUIL DEPARTMEM1 We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing Deadening Felt, Building Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. n Orleans Iimntlon. NORTH BEACH Queen of the Northwest Resorts Near the Mouth of the Columbia River, on the Wash- ington Coas? :: The place to spend Your Summer Vacation Twenty-five Miles of Magnificent Beach. Level, compact and smooth. Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful ho tel, cottage, tent and camp life. All the comforts of home and the healthful, invigorating recreation of the seaside surf bathing, fishing, clam digging beach bonfires, riding, racing, hunting, strolls and drives through picturesque wooded headlands. Reduced Rates from all parts of Oregon and Wash. VTA Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co Season Rate: From Portland Round Trip, $4.00 Three Day Saturday to Monday Rate, $3.00 Purchase tickets and make reser-- ations at City Ticket Office, 3rd and Washington Streets, Port land, or Inquire of any O. R. & N. agent elsewh ere for Information WM. McMCKRAT, General Passen ger Ag nt, Portland. Oreg l X Complete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. F.2ZCERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry London, July 13. At the Bourne tnouin aviation meet tomorrow T. R. Phillips, the Liverpool inventor-engineer, will attempt a demonstration in connection with an aeroplane of his new invention for controlling and di recting aerostats by ctherically trans mitted electricity. Phillips recently gave a demonstra tion with a 20-foot Zeppelin airship and showed his ability to raise, lower, drive, stop and turn it at will by tho manipulation of the keyboard of a transmitter. Phillips claims the prin ciple Is applicable to man-carrying airships and aeroplanes, but primarily Is intended for aerial torpedoes. . "I can sit in an arm chair In Lon don," he says, "and make an airship drop a bunch of flowers in a friend's garden in Manchester, Paris or Ber lin, and with equal eae I can make it drop explosives wherever I like. I believe it will revolutionize the exist ing methods of warfare. I have of fered the invention to the British gov ernment, which will inspect it soon." A test that was carriod out recent ly shows it is possible to diagnose heart troubles by telephone a dis tance of 100 miles. The experiment was conducted between Mr. Milne's house, on the Isle of Wight, where the seismologist and four physicians, us ing an ordinary telephone, listened Interestedly to the beating of a wo man's heart in London. A stethoscope held over her heart in the familiar manner was attached to a telephone recently Invented by Sydney Brown by means of which sounds are magnified. LADD C AX YON NEWS 4 The NB 1-4 SE 1-4 Sec. 33, T. 3 9 R. 35 B. W. M. Serial No. 06912. Any persons claiming adversely the m, I uhnvp rtAprlKoH In, a m a Ata Ladd Cauyon Items. Ladd Canyon, July 13. Special Harvesting is well under way here now. Mr. Mann, father of Mrs. Cris. Miller who resides in Upper Ladd Canyon, died at Hot Lake Sanitarium last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Purdin, of En terprise, bnt formerly of North Yaki ma, Wash., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fuller one day last week. Mesdames E. T. and Adolph Pub ler drove to Cove one day last week to visit the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Johnson. E. E. Hughes has sold his farm to a man from the Willamette Valley. 1 Miss Frankie Publer spent the Fourth at Joseph with her sister, Mrs. Charles Dougherty, who now re sides there. I The lady clerks of N. K. West's store in La Grande, spent Sunday on ' the banks of Ladd Creek, coming in I the early morning and returning in ,'the evening. A ten-pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huntley at Hot Lake, July 11. The father, who has been In the hospital there for some time, is till in a critical condition. file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. F. C BRAMWELL, Register. COLON R. EBERHARD, Receiver. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Union county. Escar Farhaar, plaintiff, vs. Jasper Farhaar, defendant. To Jasper Farhaar, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled ac tion, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of .this sum mons, and in case you fail to so answer, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the court for the dis solution of the bonds of matrimony . Portland, Oreron J Tnmtdimt and Dnv tiohrwl for Glrl ondrr f fnrti of Birtoi'ff t-t...'ohn Brt'st(Kri:.ini n IVCPIA. ..I wr.ii , . Liwuijuu, i.iuiuunui . r ;,il'-o. wnitiln uiut b ovpr 11 yean. of aea an I mil n rcmntf m!d. The number if) limits u I "'tv. Ajv Ui arion fhoul : If nmle early.) A'lrtm i )N'f-fJt9orlw.C:ict 2Si SU'tieiuHil'.Pf-r'irr'.c- I NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION-ISOLATED TRACT Public Land Sale. Department of the Interior. .U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, Hay 2d, 1910. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provis ions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906 (34 Stats, 517), we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 7th day of July, 1910, at this office, the following described land: existing between the plaintiff and de fendant, and for her costs and dis bursements, and for such othe and iiuutw iouci as iu me court may seem proper. This snmmons is published In the La Grande Weekly Observer, by or der of the Hon. J. W. Knowles, judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Union county, which or der is dated the 30th day of June, 1910, and requires said summons to be published each week for six suc cessive weeks. The date of the first publication of this summons is the 7th day of July, 1910. EUGENE ASHWILL. Attorney for Plaintiff. 7-8-8-18 . , 3 '.berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar .... "ft Remedy is today tlio best known med r.s ti use for the relief and cure of bowel enwiainU. It cures srriitiair. diarrhoea. ujraeuiory, and should be taksn at the first ' . i i e ... i i . t . . unnatural luonenesa 01 me DoweiK. n u equally valuable for children and adults. It always cures. j Safer than National Banks j Better than U. S. Gold Bonds UNION COUNTY LANDS. Why invest in foreign cities and wireless stock, when j you have a sure thing at home P See C. J. BLACK, who has a larcra list of monev makers. I ' " YOU'LL BE STRUCK WITH AMAZEMEXT If you could see how some factory made clothing is put together The skimping of materials, the Inferior interlinings. B t none of these things occur in a suit of our tailoring. That's why one suit of ours will outlast two of the factory made. Order one and the wear will prove It. C. W. BAKER, Call Us-We'll Gall on You. Good Printing Is an essential factor i any business. Whiton & Heubach, Successors to Bird F. Lewis, are purveyors of Good Printing. La Grande, Oregon. D. Pacific Main 747 HnonesHome Ind. 231 Lewis Buiding j C. T. DARLEY, 1205 N Avenue, or McKennon, Phy & Roberts. i . . S 4 Survevina. Plain and Reinforced Concrete. General Con- d . . 5 trading. Estimates Furnished. Reference, United States d Reclamation Service. DRINK -o SAM Natural Mineral Water Bottled as It Flows From the Spring It's Good for what Ails You e