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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1910)
WOE TWO LA GRANDE EVEVINO OBSERVER WEDNESDAY. Jl'LY in. 1fW CLOSING OUT ict r stmt ijmt Clothing Shoes COST Now is le to Save Money by Buying th Clothes at Cost PENINGTON An Indian can be happy with- out a Piano. But who wants I 10 oe an Indian: STEMWAY, LUDWIG, KERTIHAHH, A. ft CHASE and CONOVER Pianos for sale b J J. T. Scott ! Special Price Glass From now until Julv IT r Will Mi:iL-ii ci ow price on cut glass and hand painted China. It po; uu hi cAuminc iny :ii aIK1 .rft a good se- vtivi whviii vur g-ins. All styles of wedtftog rings including Tiffanv, round, oval, etc., at lowest prie i & ctern Oregon, I will Save You Money. II D ........ La Grai.ct's Leadine Jewaier. M CMC, Opposite Land Office nrrTP Tiiuiiirn dll i g ininntu: AWAIT HARVEST C.TIIED DKOI GHT H W OT UEI D1SANTKOI T BEETS I'nion and Wallowa Coast) Crop Ulke Satifactr I p. I.. date. of truth lo it" be iiakiov hahlaxb TOSS i Batn vinu uiui ai kuiiev Forge, and nobody tried harder to keep op the spirit of the men. I recol lect particularM ..i,e bitter eold day when a dozen or so of the officers were amusing themselves, and trying to jet warm by leaping high up iu the air and trying to clap their tieeto to gether twice before they struck the ground. General Greene tried the feat, Dot Ml and Washington fairly held his sides with laughter." Tc Whom it May Cobcjix: Notice is hereby given that in por , auance of a resolution adopted by the j Common Council of the City of La Grende. Oregon, on the th day of Augost. creating Improvement District No. 1 . and designating Adams Avenue, or street, as such district, and j in pursuance of a resolution adopted by said Common Council on the lath day of September. 190$. whereby said , Council determined and declared iu ! intention to improve e'l that portion 1 of Adams Avenue, or Street in said improvement district as hereinafter t described, by laying thereon maca dam, the Council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the r . , t V. ............. ff.. ...... I w,A 1 benefitted by Buch improvement, or- . der that the above described improve ment be made: that the boundaries of said district to be so improved are as follows: All that portion of Adams Avenue, from the east side of Fourth street, to the west side of Alder street. Notice is hereby further given that the Council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefitted by such improvement for the purpose of paying for such im provement. That the estimated cost of such improvement is the sum of J $12,000. That the Council will, on I the 20th day of July, 1910, meet at the j Council chamber at the hour of 8 o clock, p. m. to consider the estima ted cost, and the levy of said assess ment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling aggrieved by such assessment. La Grande, Oregon, July C, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON. J By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande. Oregon. .'9-20 Wilson O Br ft an 9 ar w . or ah en all work, till ismHr anteed to pass underwriif examination. Best ELECTRIC IRON on . iifdr.irf. diu Li f i f mi a-n- Office r MMMM0M0QSiast. hrch Snnn tr C Pure From Union ! 1-2 Gal. Jars Also Comb Honey Royal Grocery AND Except for irrigation that is being carried on consistently where pos sible. 1'nion's sugar beets are await ing mature stages and harvest. Thin ning is ended, reports Filed Super intendent F. S. .Bramwell. and the crews are being laid off awaiting the arrival of puHing' time. The dry weather has not done appreciable damage to the crop thus far, and as far as the managers tan see or esti mate, the acreage production will be op to or better than the average crop. The same thing is true in Wallowa county where a large acreage is grow ing excellently. onr complexion ss n-e:. as temper is rendered ttiiR-rabie l a dinordeml liver. By l.tkiiiE LiiiierlKi!i'iSumac!i and Liver you run ifr-.t:r.v Urtli. Bakery. Not a minute shouid be lost when a child 1 iM$HH bo symptoms of croup. Chamberlain's ! ttraed gj sn as B'on ss the child BSOUSBei 1, : DSUsIl H- ".: l, i.r evn :r me cwupr In the Limelight Writers Whose Works Are Being Talked About j DONT YOU MISS This Opportunity Could You use another Suit at a price? the Price that will buy It We're going to do some gr eat stunts in the way of suit selling. We inaugurate We believe you can and will, after you learn the value of the suit and ss. - lists ' H Too Busy Selling Fruit for Canning To Write Ads. t i r A GREAT SUIT SALE choice Suits fab-thst The Suits are our best the newest we be All fashionably cut and excellently tailored from rlcs not a sale of old salts, but a sale of new suits you can wssr at any season of the year. There will be a rusk for these 8ulta, for everybody knows that whs wa advertis to do s thing, we never tail to deliver the goods. Select your suit at once don't delay. vk m iue wits the men who will carry these suits away Suits nelr srms snd savings n their Dockets Can toe afff . this opportunity! ASH BROTHERS, Clothiers and Furnishers a BarcB, denies Itoad, I a a ii a - - ' N all history there is no more pic turesque and ro mantic figure thaD Daniel Boone, ex plorer, hunter and Indian fighter, and. although be has been dimd nearly a ceu inry. his appeal re- . - as potent as v a lit- is describ ed anew In "Daniel Boone and the Wil- by H. Addington Hrui . i! ue Mncmltlan company), and the olil tory loves none of Its charm in Mr. Bruce's telling. Although the hern of many little and single encounters. .Boone wa a gentle and kindly character. No act ol cruelty is recorded against him. and he seems to have inspired attachment in all who knew tilin He wan a reunsylvaniau by birth. Ills father wan t Devon shire Englishman and his mother a Welshwoman. Quakers and foliowera of William I'enn, who came to Amer ica to enjoy religious freedom. A book of lufinite charm and that Is as inspiring a It to readable ha Just come from the pen of Marion II ar ia nd. s name that Is a household word throughout the country "Marion Har land's Autobiography" Is its title, and one of the interesting stories In the volume throws unexpected light upop the more human side of George Wsshlngton The ant bor & great onclea One old Revolutionary relic, whose okknsme In the army was "Old Solid Column" osed Indignantly to deny the story Washington never smiled during the eight years xtrog gle "Sni word SN0DGRASS eee We Have Them What? Six pound Elec trie Flat Irons a J3.75 Each EASTERN OREGON Light and Power Company FOR COUGHS FOR KING OF CURES THE WONDER WORKER FOR GOLDS 'MM throat DR. KING'S I LUNGS HEW DiSCOVEPV FOR COUGHS AND COLDS PREVENTS PNEUMONIA but thuk. be t. Cod, four bottle, of Dr Bnrt ilw JtSlZT" tics 50e ssd $1.00 AB8Q TELY GUARS WTFcn t O AND GUARANTEED BY oilverthorn s Drug re SBBBZi PLLLHHsbbbsbI bbbSsbbsbbbSbsbV , ..'' '-ffi