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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1910)
page Til in in ; ; LA UliANDE EVENING OBSERVER MONDAY, JtfLY 11, 1910. pvn u is3 rsn t fi (eh ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " ' " ' " ' ' ' " ' " , , . , ; . t I llbe FoggeirywsiI$4a!p.e' Al Andrews .n The George rainier WUMHBInl (CflD rWUL DEPARTMEN1 We solicit' your orders for Shngcs, Rubberoid Roofing Deadening Felt, Building Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. . NORTH BEACH Queen of the Northwest Resorts Near the Mouth of the Columbia River, on theWash- ington CoasV . The place to spend Your Summer Vacation I Twenty-five Miles of Magnificent Beach. Level, compact ana smootn. Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful ho tel, cottage, tent and camp life. All the comforts of home and the healthful, invigorating recreation 5 of the seaside surf bathing, fishing, clam digging beach bonfires, riding, racing, hunting, strolls and I drives through picturesque wooded headlands. Reduced Rates from all parts of Oregon and Wash. -VIA Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co Season Rate: From Portland Round Trip, $4.00 --Three Dav Saturday to Monday Rate, $3.00 Purchase tickets and .make resef ations at City Ticket Office, 3rd and Washington Streets, Port land, or inquire of any O. R. & N. agent elsewhere for Information Wjr. McMUSRAT, General Passen ger Aarnt, Portland Oregci. ' ' 1 flprn nc uri niii HDLU OU ILI M ILK SALT LAKE RESIDENT ATTEMPTS DIFFICULT FEAT. With Nearly One Hundred Yours to Ills Credit, Attempts a s Long Walk. Feats that will rival that of the great pedestrian Weston, are being at tempted by Marquis Coif, a resident of Salt Lake, who reached La Grande this morning, on a walking expedi tion from Salt Lake to Seattle. While that particular feat Is not so unusual, the strange part of the incident in this particular case is that Coif claims to be ninety-five years of age, and looks the part, too. He says he has been on the road about two weeks, and expects to "plug along" until he reaches his destination. lie walks mostly at night, sleeping along the road or railroad track dur ing the daytime. Some times, too, he braves the heat of the day and plods patiently on toward his destination. If he accomplishes the reat and is actual ly ninety-five years of age, he will have done something that will be em bossed on the pages of athletic history. Boone, Mr. Dot ', ' . plromquiaC J- A. . ' -Cotton. Mr. C. W. ; '; Cartmil!, Mr Charlie Collins, Mr. James , : Coggereshall, Mr. V. A. , Fisher, Mr. Fernanand Henderson, C. W. ' . Kroh, Mr. Henry : Louis, Mr. Allen - ,1 ' McMahan, Mr. 0. W. Miller, M. C. , ' Richards, J. T. Remington, Mr. M. Stoll, Mr. William . , Weaver, Mr. A M. When calling for the above, please say "Advertised." Same will be sent to the Dead Letter office on July 22, 1910. G. M. RICHEY, P. M. r. " ..... ... . Ail. tiUUilllllI Kl the exhibition and the sessions of the association, meetings will be he,ld" by the Federation or Woman Photograph ers of America and the American Con gress of Photographers. COMING BACK TO LOCATE. Brooklyn Grocer Will Return to lite Home and Bring Ills Family Here After staying In La Grande as a guest of his brother, E. Polack, leaves this evening for Brooklyn via Spo kane and other northwest cities, to fetch his family to the Pacific North- west to locate permanently. It is very likely that La Grande will be his permanent place of abode after he is joined by his family. 'Br 1 . A. , Gomplete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. : LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FilZQERALD, Proprietor . Oimpiete Machine Shops and Foundry YOU'LL BE STRUCK i WITH AMAZEMENT It you could see how some factory made clothing Is put together The Bkimplr.g of materials, the Inferior Interllnlngs. B t none of these things occur in a Buit of our tailoring. That's why one suit of ours will outlast two of the factory made. Order one and the wear will prove it C. W. BAKER. Advertised Letters. Following Is a list of letters re maining unclaimed in the La Grande postoffice for the week ending July 8, 1910. Ladle. Brown, Miss Emma Chaffee, Miss Sarah Hunt, Mrs. Arlenia . Gentlemen. . Brooks, Mr. John A. Bell, Mr. J. W. GlaHN Workers' Union. , Toledo, O., July It. What promises to be the most noteworthy convention since its organization in July, 1878, was commenced here today by the American Flint Glass Workers' Un ion. Many Important questions are before the union for discussion and settlement, and the meeting will prob ably continue two weeks. Photographers Meet. I Milwaukee, Wis., July 11. Photog I raphy as an art will be demonstrated J more effectively than ever before In i this country during the convention j this week of the Photographers' As- BLACKBERRIES Gaming t Now is the Time to Order SNODGRASS . t - Relall Hardware Dealt rs. Penver, Colo., July 11 Several hundred representaitve business men from all sections of the country are Jn attendance today at the annual con vention of tho National Retail Hard ware Dealers' Association. , One of the principle topics before the conven tion la the prevailing freight rates. ifuitti JAKE AT THE LAKE. Prominent Character of - Spokane Recuperating. I "Dutch Jake", (mo of the best known characters in Spokane and the Northwest,' Is at Hot Lake taking treatment and undergoing a general renovation. He is a very wealthy man and has been Identified with the west ern country, for many years. , ; To Enfranchise Women. London, July 11. In the House of Commons today, the second reading of . the bill providing for the enfranchise-f ment of women was begun. It will be read today and tomorrow,' . There will be no more Important legislation than this before the adjournment of Par liament at the end of July. Buy Good In Baltimore. ' Baltimore. Md.; July H. Baltimore manufacturers and jobberB expect to sell several million dollars' worth of goods as a result of the convention! here today of the national association "Can be depended npon" Is an exprewlon of buyers froni lumber camps! It is w 1L!ikt?r,.nd,hfnJt..,,,u?e! ,n . connection with Chamlwrlaia's Colic, Cholera ' expected that a majority of the vlsi- and Diarrhoea, Remedy it means thnt it tors will do their autumn ."shopping" neTep faiIs 10 cnre diarrhoea, dysentery oi in this city bowel complaints. It is pleasant to take nnl 1 - cquall valuable for children and adult. i Safer than National Banks 1 Better than U S. Gold Bonds $ I Union county lands.. j Why invest in foreign cities and wireless stock, when 4 ;vu iio.v o ou out o tujii at UVIUO t wa See C. J. BLACK, $ . who has a large list of money makers. r4 1205 N Avenue, or McKennon, Phy & Roberts. Irrigation and Structural Engineer. Suivevina. Plain and Reinforced fnnrret Cnnf fan! Wa ' " www wviiivf VVHVI Ml VVII g trading. Estimates Furnished. Reference, United States Reclamation Service. i DRINK Natural Mineral Water Bottled as It Flows From the Spring It's (loed for what Mis You