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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1910)
V LA-GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1910 PAGE THREE " " . ,' ...,, , ,,, , ,, ,,,. ,,,,,.,,. .,. ,. ii ' T ' W ';mi)M'm--HiM'Ts' Dollar: ' ' ).''?."!!, I-'LB-U. ";- ,;-jv:-..:.-... .--.-:.II.L'.1"'.1..1'""". "" " 1 " ""' "" !!""' 'Ji in "ii 1. 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 ) iji in i mmutmmwmmu ... .,. , ', ' , , ' ,,,,,, ' ' ' ' ' 1 . ...... ilium mi i inn il m in i i. i iniln,Ma,i,fc...... .....JSZi.:7. . . .,njxaF.-JS! t! .' y,7!g"L;" 'nmn " " ' ' j PATRIOTISM IS HOUR'S SEED. n ": .;. r:vr:n:if5 iconUDuea trom "p i iue r ucuryv ruuucr S n n irvn 0 (C(D) Ml y RETAIL DEPARTMEN1 , We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing Deadening Felt, Building Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, . ' promptly.- Phone Main 8. not enough to be merely honest, the good citizen should be aggressive in his opposition to graft and corrup tion. Law breakers have nothing to fear from passive opposition, but they must yield to active and aggressive fighters. We need more fighters in the army of peace. We must fight for e erythlng that is worth having, we must fight against everything bad. j The farmer must not only be person ally opposed to weeds, but he must cut them down and make an active welfare against them, or his crops will be ruined. In governmental af fairs the same relations exist ' be tween good and. evil as between the i ft 1 Yellowstone Park Excursion SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1910 Leaving Portland at 10 p. m. via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company and Oregon Short Uine $74.75 $74o75 Special Round Trip From La Grande Good for Return until October 31 Which includes rail transportation to and from Yellowstone Park; stage transporta tion through the Park; all meals and lodgings at Park hotels during the five days' tour GRANDEST SCENIC TRIP IN THE WORLD Embracing stops at the famous Park hotels," seeing the Geysers, Mountains, Lakes, Cataracts, Ganyons, Buffalo, Elk; Bear and other animals in tneir wild state. Parties desiring to return via Salt Lake through Galifcrrii can do so for $29.00 ad ditional, or $108.75 from Portland. ; ;.; ' ' . The Finest Equipped Train in the West will be provided for this event, and will include Pullman Sleepers, Diner, Parlor Ob servation Gar,1 and all the latest conveniences that go to make the trip pleasant and comfortable. ; y' . '" : ' ''-' : :' ' : :. . Full details, with pamphlet descriptive of the trip, map of the Park, etc., can be ob tained by writing to ; . H J. H, KEENEY, Agent, La Grande, Oregon. n?:ral; Grain pat must IS :feow;i iv j' laion ir, arm wuriniess'.tcistlca una wccilj that wll spring up of their own accord anywhere, A government neglected will no more become good than a neglected field will grow corn and wheat. "There are-no 'necessary evils' In government. It ia the abuses of gov ernment about which all good citizens have a right to complain. Those who have ' prof lted about the abuses are usually the loudest In the denuncia tion of those who point out abuses in public affairs. , "Civic evils, cannot exist where the public conscience is aroused. Nearly all public wrongs grow out of the in difference of the people. The expos ures recently brought about in differ ent places would have come years ago if the people had been aroused to a true understanding of the situation. Had the people been alert and had they taken as much Interest in mun icipal affairs as they would have ta ken in a corporation In which they were stockholders, the disgraceful conditions would never have existed. ; "Much has been done for good gov ernment during the past few yean. But we should not be content with what has been accomplished In the fight against public evils. There i , plenty of work yet to be done. States like men, should never be satisfied, but should ever strive for a higher de velopment. The man who is so self satisfied as to pronounce himself un deslrous of further Improvement s likely to be most in need of advance ment. "The future of our government rests upon the Integrity of the citi zens and upon the activity In public affairs. Good government must begin at home, In cities and towns and pro ceed from there to state and nation. This government rests not on the wealth of a few, but upon the charac ter and integrity of the average In dividual. - : "A government is good as the av erage morality of the average Indi vidual is progressive, and a govern ment is bad in proportion as the av erage morality is low and legarthic. When good citizens attend to their civic duties, their civic energy Is rep- resented In good officals. When the-' are careless their slothfulness Is rep resented by corrupt officials. "The character of government de pends entirely upon the will of the majorjty, and no government is be: ter than a majority of Its voters. If each individual were to give his "at tention to the public business as his own, which it is after all, every good official would have behind hlra the aggressive morality of his constitu ents, and this would confront every bad official and say to him, 'No fur ther shalt thou go.' "To arouse good citizens and make them realize their civic duties is a matter of Bupreme Importance. In a monarchy all authority " ts In the crown, -and delegated, to those be neath. In a republic such as ours, the people are sovereign. "Each man is one seventy-five mil lionth of a sovereign. It may seem small, but It marks the' distinction be tween the citizen and the subject. 1 Some of you may think if the gov ernment were lerr entirely to you, public evils would not exist. But you have a portion of the responsibility now. If you are unfaithful In part. ;i .. Notice Is hereby -further 'given that. ww ta4 uvj a special MBaeDD To Whom Jt May Concern:' ; . Notice Is hereby given that in pur suance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La ment on all the property affected and benefited by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such Improve ment. . That the estimated cost of such Imnrnvpmfinh 1st ' thn mm nf Grande, Oregon, on the 9th day of j $31,984.00. Feb., 1910, creating Improvement Dis- ; That the Council will on th 13th dr trlct No. 16 and designating Sixth Street, as such district, and in pur suance of a resolution adopted by said Common Council on the 17th day of June, 1910, whereby said Council de- of July, 1910, meet at the Council chamber at the hour of 3 o'clock, P. M., to consider said estimated cost, and the levy of said assessment, when a hearing will bv granted to any per- termlned and declared Its intention 80n feeling aggrieved by BUch assess to Improve all that portion of Sixth ; manL Street In said Improvement district as hereinafter described by laying thereon Bitullthlc pavement, the Council will, ten days after the ser vice of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefited hv llfh lmnrnvrmont nrAar tViaf ooM above described Improvement be made; 1 "Can be depended npon" iian exbrewlcn that the boundaries of said district to . we H like to hear, and when it iiuwd in be so Improved are as follows: All , .rTT'ft La Grando, Oregon, June 22, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE. OREGON. By I, E. COX, Recorder of the C:t,' of La Grande, Oregon. : ' ' ' June-28-July-9. that portion of Sixth Street, from the North line of Washington Avenue, to the North line of "K" Avenue, v and Diarrhoea Remedy it means that it never una to cure diarrhoea, dyitemery or bowel complaints. It ia pleasant to lake anj equally valuable for children and adults. 8 National Banks Better than U.S. Gold Bonds UNION COUNTY LANDS. Why invest in foreign cities and wireless stock, when you have a sure thing at home ? See C. J. BLACK, who has a large list of money makers. I 4 Surveying, Plain and Reinforced Concrete, General Con t, trading. Estimates Furnished." Reference, United States 4 Reclamation Service. - C. T. DARLEY, i205 N Avenue, or McKennon, Phy 6 Roberts. Irrigation and Structural Engineer. ft DRINK Natural IViineral Water I Bottled as It Flows From the Spring Good for what Mis You it; 'I: :i Mil si ? t 5 f tt ! Ii v t t itonunaea on , Fag 81x)