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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1910)
. i "J i Hi page eicih LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1910. 3 A 1 ) 1 I IFF vy u''P L U ID mm The Greatest Sale in our Stores History for a July Sale. You must see our many Departments before buying. vrisp, new summer mercnanaise ai riaicuious .... ' . : MEN'S UNDERWEAR MEN'S HOSIERY CORSETS SHOE VALUES ' GLOVE VALUES AS,oirto' A onebLaek Mc, doub,c hoor A large assortment of ladies' 10c heavy " canvass Drawers . and toe worth 15c ' assortment $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes Gloves July Sale 68c L July Sale, 11c ' July Sale, 89c July Sale, $1.89 July Sale, 7e STRAW HATS MEN'S UNDERWEAR SUN BONNETS WAIST VALUES CQRSET VALUES A broken line of up-to-date ;nn-A ' 0M.nm ;t,4. ta v . An ' , . . 50 pair summer Corsets, white Straw Hats, regular 75 and ('od 811 f ner worth ; I or nusses white and "colors, 60 colored and white Waists, and colo r lar fa and - $1,00 gi-ttde, iiiero aiid beys' twice the price asked regular 2oc to oOc grade,... worth up to $1.50 75c grade , v July Sale, , 25c July Sale, 23c July Sale, 10c - July Sale 69c ; July Sale 25c You Can Do Better Now than Ever at HE FAIR .flllMft) PLAY IS ATTEMPTED. (Continued from Page one demned and the street committee wll Investigate what procedure to fol low. . The Eastern Oregon Light and Power Company wants the city to en ter Into a life-long contract to have filled the contract. The committer will not pay them more than their ex penses, and It Is reported that they will sue the, cliy. - COFFEE FIRM IS LIBERAL. dered the contract entered into and ait evening read a bill from the Ob server for one cent per lino. In sharp ; Keventy-five arc lights used and the contrast to the Observer s bill was colnpany( on the other hand, to install , The 31. J. B. Company Donates Coffee one from a morning pa,per for three arr Entirely new -Bystem to carry the ' to the Ladles. cents per line, which publications had' increased burden: The matter was re-' One of the liberal acts recorded at been Issued previous to the accept-1 ferred to committees. . the Chautauqua grounds is that of the ance of the Observer's bid. with a L. 0. W. Moon sent a communication M. J. B Company, one of the largest from Pendleton alleging that Street coffee firms In the United States It Superintendent Matott and his son j has donated to the ladies running the had grossly overcharged Mr. Moon . park booth on the grounds, all of volume of work before them and the midnight hour drawing near, the council had wasted more than 30 min utes In the fllllbuster because of the ridiculous stand of the three obstruc tionists. .Other Business Transacted. Reports of officers we're read and referred to proper committees. A bill against Contactor Day. who is building the sewers, amounting to $32 against the Home Independent Telephone company for damage done to the cables by the contractors, was returned to Mr. Day without action. It being the opinion of the city attorney that the council Is not responsble. The cement walks on Fourth street and on the portion of Pennsylvania, In front of the city block, were de clared accepted and completed. A large batch of plank sidewalks were condemned and cement walks recommended by Street Superintend ent Matot. The district Includes some twelve solid blocks or forty-eight nldw, and thp districts He between Main and Adams and First and Fourth and between Washington and Pennsylvania, including; the Presby terian (lunch property, and t'i North side. The walks are now co.i Notice The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. church has the restaurant privileges on the Chautauqua grounds and dur ing the eleven days expect to net a neat sum which will be applied to ward building their new church. They will not only supply regular meals but will supply campers with bread, coffe, tea, milk, etc. They are pre paring to take care of a large crowd tomorrow and every day. 2 for Borne sidewalk work. Mr. Matott , the coffee used in that booth during ers explains that the prices were quoted Mr. Moou before the work was done, and that the final price charged was just as Mr. Moon had accepted when the work was considered. One block of macadam on East 'Ad ams avenue Is finished according to Engineer CurtIssreport. - The weed ordinance, including dan delions under the ban. was given Its final passage. The bicycle ordinance was also passed. A bid of $2289 was presented by the the Chautauqua gathering. The high est praise 1b heard from those inter ested in the park for this act, as the ladles are trying hard to make enough money to pay out on the piece of property that will always be the beauty spot of thte portion of the valley. Cherry Packers Wanted Highest price paid for cherry pack- Inquire Ramsey warehouse. Card of Thanks. I wish to personally thank the fire department and the cltlens of La Grande, who so kindly assisted me in Sutherlln company of Walla Walla ; saving property In the recent fire. I for the construction of sewer on cross ' feel deeply grateful for the spirit streets, the company to furnish every thing but the pipe. The matter was referred. There are 800 feet all told of this work. To officers will be given an annual vacation as Is the rule in other busi nesses, following the adoption of a resolution which prohibits any city officer, appointive or elective, from i i it i . . , . . leaving ma post ana uraw pay unless he Is away ou city business. This, of course, forstalls any vacations city employes, shown in removing furniture without breaking It, beyond necessary dam age. C. E. SUYDAM. 7ow old are Vou Q dv your nAi k s J P y This is the lasi $ i chance to get Lo-1 gon Berries for t Canning $2.25 per t d f i -i? i c ;' 4 4 Lfde ureu uom 4 K vkkopum: meets accident. . f v3n I mi. Jw -V,L AUb to 1 Notice of Street Improvement i grower. Yestcnlii)N TrlaU it m Umh Those of (he Flrt Day. as The aeroplane flights, or rather the attempts at flight, were not so good as those of the fivst day and the few hundred people who went out to the fair b roti 11 (Is were disappointed again. Aviator DePrles did not attempt to make any flights, as he broke the crank shaft on his engine the first clay, and put it out of commission, re- there would be no baldness. How Old are Vou by Your llulrl , No man likes to look older than he Is. Every, woman on earth absolutely abhors such a condition. You may be 30 In years, but If you are baldheaded or grey, people will surely take you to be many yens old er, and you will be helpless to pre vent. Dandruff Is the root of all hal ev ils. If It were not for the little des tructive germs working with .i per sistency worthy of a better oause, CITY GROCERY I AND BAKERY lates the Daker City Herald. About o'clock Jack Manning put his machine on the runway and start ed It up. He got a pretty good speed and left the' ground for a couple of times for 20 or SO feet, when a gust of wind caught his machine and turned It from the course, it struck In the tall sage brush and smashed a couple of the wheels used for start ing. Manning also Injured his hand slightly when be Jumped. The plants were also damaged and no further attempt was made. Aviator -DePrles Is willing to ac cept the city's offer of his epense.i. but the Mannings want the gate Mon ey, claiming that their first flight ful- Parlsian Sage. America's ?retest hair-restorer, will keep you tasking young and attractive. I ; It Is guaranteed by A. Newlln to make hair grow, stop falling hair; to cure dandruff In two weeks; to sm Itching of the scalp almost Instant).. Tarlatan Sage Is the most tnvlgot" tlng, satisfyng, and pleasant hair dressing made; It makes the hair soft, luxuriant and handsome; it Is espe cially praised by women who love beautiful hair. Parisian Sage Is for sale by A. Newlln at 50 cents a, large bottle or by express, prepaid. the American makers. Glroux Mfg. Co. 'Buffalo. N. Y. The girl with the au burn hair on each bottle. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of tne City of La Grande, Oregon, on the 8th day of June, 1910. creating Improvement Dis trict No. 1, 2 and 3 and designating the alley between Adams Avenue and Jefferson Avenue from Willow Street to Spruce Street, the alley between Adams Avenue and Jefferson Avenue from Spruce Street to Oak Street on Jefferson Avenue; Fourth Street from Lot 1, in Block 3, to Lot 5 in Block 3, In Grandy'8 Addition; Third St. from Washington Avenue to Grandy Ave nue; Second Street from Pennsylva nia Avenue to Palmer Avenue; First Street from Spring Avenue to Palmer Avenue; Oak Street from Main Ave nue to Jefferson Avenue, as District No. 1, and In pursuance of a resolu tloin adopted by said Common Council on the 8th day of June, 1910, whereby said Council determined and declared Its Intention to Improve all that por tloin of said District No. 2, as herein after described by constructing sew ers therein, the council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefited by such improvement. order that said described improvement be made; that the boundaries of said district to be so Improved are as fol lows: The alley between Adams Ave nue and Jefferson Ave. from . Willow Street to Spruce Street, said last men tioned alley from Spruce street to Oak Street on Jefferson Avenue; Fourth Street from Lot 1, In Block 3, to Lot 5 in Block 3 In Grandy's Addi tion. Third Street from Washington Aveaue to Grandy Avenue, Second Street from Pennsylvania Avenue to Palmer Avenue, , First Street from Spring Avenue to Palmer Avenue, Cedar Street from Main Avenue to Palmer Avenue. Oak Street from Main Avenue to Jefferson Avenue. Notice Is hereby further given that the CpuacU will levy a special assess ment' on. ati the property affected and benefltetl iff -such improvement for the purpose of paying for such improve ment. That the estimated . cost of 840 ACRES 840 Of the finest farming and Fruit land in Eastern Oregon. Is growing alfalfa, timothy, grain, fruit and berries. Will sell you any amount from 20 or more acres. The price is right and terms very easy. Let us show you this for a home or a guaranteed investment H. 'JORDAN' Independent Phone 555 5 5 II If I J Mt W EX A. B. C. UNDRY such Improvement Is the sum of $71,800.08. That the Council will on the lath day of July, 1910, meet at the Council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock, P. M., to consider said estimated cost, and the levy of said assessment, when a hearing will be granted to any per son feeling aggrieved by such aaaesB laent. ? : ' , . . - La Grande, Oregon, June 22, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON. By D. E, COX. Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. .. . . i June 28-July-J i