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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1910)
LA GRANDE EVENING OUSEHVEH -TITUnSDAT, JULY 7, 1910 - PAGE FTVT! THE ISIS Cowpuncher's Ward. Trimming of Paradise. ' , Buddhists In India. Romantic Girl. - f Song "I'm Awfully Glad I am Irish." - Beaatiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matinee. See dis play In lobby. AAA 66 A AAA AAA A .v. - A J LOCAL, TIMS. . X O A A 66666666 Attorney John -8... Hodgins is noma from a business viBit to Enterprise. Mrs. J. W. Walden, wife of the chief of police, is In Pendleton visiting her son. .; .. Mrs. Clyde Scheurer of North Pow der, in a euest in the city today with friends. Mrs. George Stevenson of, Elgin is a business visitor in the city this' af ternoon. . John II. Hays of Heppner, was one of those Interested in land affairs to day. William Heimsoth one of the popu lar mail carriers of Baker, is here with his family to attend the Chautau qua. County .Commissioner Welch and Roy Corey, chairman of the republi-1 can county central committee of Ba-1 ker county, are In the city to attend the Chautauqua and hear Governor Folk's address tonight Miss Leona Bean has returned to La Grande, after visiting friends In Ida ho points, and will assume the man agement of the Western Union here to succeed Acting Manager Howard. SOME is going to "be disappointed wnen the five acre tracts we have been offering you are all gone, and they are, all but two. , We have some fine buys in residence lots at $125.00 each ; $25.00 down and $5.00 a month. Better Investigate these. Bell Phone, Red 801 Independent 262 LA GRANDE Inv. CO.- Foley Hotel Bid.; 666666666666666 6HTT1 A o H lie mraome! Thomas Bruce, Manager. f f A Ethel Tucker Stock Go. !"IN THE HANDS OF THE CZAR" f 666666666666666 AAAAAAAAAAAAA Mr. and Mrs. Fank Graham of El gin are guests th'.n afternoon wtta Mr and Mrs." L. F. Massee. Miss Hazel Myrick has returned to her. home In Pendleton. She spent sev eral days visiting with Mr. and Mr. John Gardner. James L. Hall of Grant county, and John 8. Buslck of Hamilton. Gmnt county, were land office visitors fiis morning. Mrs.'L. A. Gaily and Mrs. A..M. Galley of Sterling, Kansas, and W. E. Galley of Anaconda, Mont, are Foley hotel guests today. They are looking after, land In Eastern Oregon. J. .P. Walker, clerk of the Ijcal :ar.ip of the Wooilmen of the WorH :e.urned yesterliy from a visit of a few days to the towns of Union and Coe, la Union county. PendW.'n East Oregonlaa. Attorney Daniel Boyd and family of Enterprise, are guests with Circuit Judge and Mrs. J. W. Knowles. Mr. Boyd is a prominent citizen of Enter lr!se, and at one time was mayor of the Wallowa county metropolis. PERS , - v Doctor and Mrs.. W. S. Seeman re turned last evening from their trip to Atlantic City N. J., where they at tended the national assembly of ihs Presbyterian church. At the conclus ion of the assembly Mr. and Mrs. See mann toured the East, visiting at New York, Washington, points in Ohio, Chicago, Topeka and Kansas City. Fight Pullman Reductions. ..' Chicago, July 7. Declaring a re duction of the pullman rates would cause a loss of $166,000 between Se attle and St. Paul alone, and propor tionate loss between other cities, At torney Fernald for the Pullman com pany, today argued for a re-hearing for an Injunction prohibiting the ef fectiveness of the pullman rates. "In the Hunds of the Czar." A bill different from most stock company plays in that it deals with the Intrigues of a foreign .court, "In the. Hands of the Czar," will, open to night at the Airdome. Miss Tucker is exceptionally clever In this play, she having received very flattering press notices from all the leading papers of the country. i BODY La Grande A66666666666666 t uirrnn nnurnr nrc HvllUu v ua DL - tr nil iiiiiii - i LAWS REGARDING OBXOXIOrS v WEEDS SPECIFIC. Turner Oliver Deals With Question of Weeds Throughout County - To the Editor: The law of this state regarding the extirpation of noxious weeds is be ing so flagrantly violated In Union county and especially Vi the city of La Grande that I think the attention of the people ought to be called to the matter. Certain noxious weeds have got such a start in this state that they are causing millions of dollars worth of damage, to the people and unless all the people act together there can be no hope of ever getting rid of these weeds. For that' season the legislature in 1907 passed an act which will be found at pages 322 to 325 of the General Laws of Oregon for that session. Of this act the fol lowing is a brief epitome: Section I makes It the duty of each road super- there are in his road district any Rift-' sian thistle, Canadian thistle, Chinese thistle, (Chinese lettuce), white mus tard, dagger cockleburr or silver hal; bush, and If he finds any such plants in his road district he must notify the Owners of the land before the plant sheds its bloom or commences to form seed, by serving notice upon" the own er or occupant of the land and if there Is no occupant, by posting up notices upon the premises. He shall then make his return to tho county clerk, showing notice posted or served. If the owner Bhall fail after three days notice to completely remove and des troy said weeds it shall be the duty of the road supervisor to go upon the premises with hired assistance and etirpate front the land, all such weeds and file the bill for his services with the county clerk, who will report the same to the county court and -the county court will pay for the services out of the county treasury and charge the expenses up to the land as a lien against the land the same as taxes, and the land can be sold to satisfy this Hen. The road supervisor shall receive for,, such services $3.00 per day for the time actually employed. Section 6 makes it a misdemeanor for any person to knowingly allow any Russian thistle, Canada thistle, Chinese thistle, white mustard,-dagger cockleburr or silver belt bush t stand until It sheds its bloom and be gins to form seed on any lands owned by him or under his control whether improved or unimproved, enclosed or unenclosed, and subjects such person to a fine of not to exceed $30.00 for the first offense and not to exceed $100 for each subsequent offense nud gives the Justice of the peace jurisdic tion to impose the fines. . Section 7 makes it the duty of each KRYPTOK " lr.- r .-."'??.TrTr-!! FARWaSfsss Lens VI DR. M. P. MENDLSSOBN DOCTOR OF OPTICS PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT 1105 ADAMS AVE., OP POSITE POST OFFICE. DR. MENDELSSOHN'S GLASSES GIVE THE BEST RESULTS. f . If You Use A HOLD LEAF: . A Brand of Butterl - '.. A You use the Best f mil ' W WW Ymhout linear VftniL. ! THP GOLDEH! RULE CO. THE 60LDEPJ P4ULE CO : i j . Males Home Canning a Pleasure The only jar in the world that Uses Nc Rubber Ring rmTiTZrlr Keeps all Vegetable, f roits,Mett,Fuh,etMperfeotly forever Airtight Self-Sealing-Sanitary No Screw CaJ - ORDER A DOZEN TODAY The Golden Rule road supervisor to extirpate all these weeds from tha mnntv rnniln wlthtn their respective road districts, and section 8 imposes a fine " not to ex ceed $150 for each offense of the road supervisor in failing to perform this duty. '' : : Section 9 makes it the duty .of ail municipal corporations In the state to exterminate these weeds within the corporation and imposes a fine of not more than $500 upon each municipal corporation for the offense, of allow ing any of these weeds to grow within the corporation. This fine to he recov ered in a suit against the city by the county in. which the city is located. Notwithstanding the stringent a. -.d wholesome provisions of this statute, only a few of the road supervisors are paying any attention to It and their work is being rendered useless by the failure of the rest. Nearly all these weeds exist in Union county, but the worst pest here, is the white mustard which was brought In and distributed along the railroad right of way by the cars and was allowed to seed because people did not know what it was. It is a thrifty plant; each weed bearing upwards of 200,000 seeds. As soon as it. ripens It breaks off at the ground and is rolled by the wind like a tum ble weed for many miles scattering Its seeds In its track. There are solid fields of this plant around La Grande and enough of It going to seed within the corporate limits to destroy , the crop of a state. It has already dropped its bloom and In many places the Beeds are now mature. There is now enough of it ripening on the sug ar company's grounds at La Grande to seed a whole county, notwithstand ing the work being done by the road supervisors in the central part of the county. There Is enough of it along the railroad company's right of way within' two miles of La Grande, to destroy the crops In all parts of Grande Ronde valley, but I am pleas ed to notice that the railroad company Is cutting this plant on a part of Its right of way but ought to do It the rest. Between the court house and Ad ams avenue In La Grande, enough of this plant is going to seed to ruin many of the surrounding farms, while the O'Connor tract In the eastern part of this city Is maturing enough of this seed to cover Union and Wallowa counties. The plant Itself Is useless for any known purpose. It will grow anywhere that the seed may be drop ped, whether In the cultivated field or the rocky hillside, and the ripened plant will roll anywhere that the wind carries It. Then why not every body observe this law and extermin ate these pests? It will take a tre mendous effort but all must act to gether If the good end is ever accom plished and Is the city neglects this matter longer, it Is the duty of the public officials to prosecute both the municipality and the careless land owners within the same. A few vig orous prosecutions would probably have a wholesome effect, but In the prosecutions let It te borne in mind that the corporations are subject to the same penalties as the individuals. Yours very truly, ' TURNER OLIVIHt. Blag Cherries far Pale. Fine Blag Cherries far sale at 4 cents per penal Ramsey TTareboas. mm C aipig ECONOMY true the most economical Pints $1 AO, Quarts $1.75 per aSSeS aooco good water glass lelly has been used. open 45 cents per caps and rubbers, Jelly GI rarahrie wax for sealing. Co The Patrons of Lewis Prlntery. First, t wish to thank you for your kindness to me during the long years you have patronized my plant, and for the promptness In payment, and to announce that I have sold my print ing plant and good . will to Messrs. Whlton and Heubach, formerly of St. Charles, Minn., and to ask for them the same kind treatment always ac corded me, believing they will give you better service than I have.. ? BIRD F. LEWIS. As noted above, we have purchased the Lewis Prlntery and will conduct a general Job printing business in the Lewis building. We solicit a share of the public patronage, which we shall endeavor to merit.. The firm name will be Whlton & Heubach. . Respectfully, J. E. WHITON E. W HEUBACH. Notice to Heating and Ventilating Contractors and Plumbers Bids will be received by the School '4 i l SPECIALS i i Golden Elm j Solid Seats, cheap at 5 $1.35 Special this week at $1.10 t Solid Seat Oak Diners at $1.45, $1.60, $1.75, and $2.00. ? Leather Seat i Quarter Oak Di- ners,$3.25,$3.50 Worth $4 and $5 s 2 IF. B. Hmslen Furniture on Easy Payments to name, for it is Jar you can get. $1.35, 1-2 Galon Dozen PC Clear, weU made glass. A as well, after the Covered 50 cents; dozen; Mason jar Economy covers, Golden Rule Co a Board of School District No. One of La Grande Union County," Oregon, us to 7 o'ciock p. m., Tuesday, July lata, 1910, for Installing heating and venti lating and nlumbins for three school building located In School District No. One, La Grande, Oregon, as follows: The New High School Building, tha old high school building and tot North Side School Building, all ac cording to plana and specifications of ' the Architect for the School Board. All propositions must be accompanied . i . a a . . . m dt a cerunan cnecK rnr n ner rant nr the amount of bid, made payable to Arthur C. Williams, Clerk of the School Board. The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal or any portion of any proposal submitted., nans on me at tne omce of the Ar chitect, Newton C. Gauntt, . In La ( ran An. firArnn. PnntrBptnr in innrnTMl fnr full imnnii f ' .WV' w ww. w . wuiywii, m contract Dona by order of the School Board of District No. One, La Grande, Oregon, this 29th day, of June,' 1910. ARTHUR C. WILLIAMS. Clerk. July 1-13. v :. . y Golden Elm i . Braced, worth $2,25 I Special at $1.65 J Better Rockers in all grades $1 90, $2.25, ' f $2.75 and 55.25 ; Golden Quarter Oak Gloss Finish Rocker at $4.50, 0 Worth $6.00. j Heavy Leather Upnolster- j ed, Spring Seat, guaran- j teed construction at p $8.50and$10.50, worth a $12.00 and $1500