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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1910)
4 ' PAGE EIGHT LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1910. inJ 1 TOESPAY . Tuesday is positively the last day of our great sale. 3COME and lay in your supplies at a great saving. Your greatest opportunity to buy seasonable merchandise. I ou can always uo oeuer ana oetier now than ever at rvn 11 101 TOU'LL BE STRUCK ' WITH AMAZEMEM If you could see how tome factory made clothing Is put together The skimptrg of materials, the Inferior Interllnings. B t none of these things occur In a suit of our tailoring, i uai why one suit of ours will outlast two of the factory made. Order one and the wear will prove it " G TV. BAKER. DRINK Natural Mineral Water Bottled as It Flows From the Spring It's flood for what Mis You XCSIC TREAT WELL RECEITED Large Audience Hears Stars Sender Concert at L, D S. Church Saturday evening heard another an nual concert under the management of the local L.- Dr fc-church. The num bers include prominent stars In -the musical world. Mrs . Jay VanBuren delighted the audience with one of her popular pieces. -Mrs. Jane Ed wards, Prof. Ballard and the 100 voice choir were features that pleased the audfence well The attendance was good., y vv- '" 1 ; These annual events have come to mean something in Eastern Oregon and Saturday evening's performance was but a repetition of former events; when excellency of numbers is con sidered All numbers on the program were carried out as announced. train for the event The mill is to be ten rounds or more, and the location, of the fight may be changed in ac cordance with the" notion of the promo ter, who Is not mentioned. The di vision of the purse will likely be 73 and 25 HKh00hXOOO 000000 Hi C0XFERE CE IS ENDED Prominent Churchmen Retnrn to their Homes In Salt Lake The L. D. S. stake conference whkh . was held here Saturday and Sunday, ' and which drew hundreds to the church Sunday, is over and the promi nent churchmen from Salt Lake have returned to their homes. . Usual conference affairs were at tended to and addresses by various . churchmen made the affair Interes't- 1V1LL MEET MULLIX AGAIN. Mai tor Borgo Will Clash With Mullln at Standfleld, July 4th. Ing. Walter Burgo, the La Grande ma chinist, and Barney Mullln, the Pen dleton scrapper, who met at Pendle ton last week and where Burgo lost the decision la the fifteenth round, will meet again July 4 at Standfleld. Articles of agreement were drawn up Saturday and Burgo Is here again to Wholesale Pardon Day. Augusta, : Me., June 27. This U a day of anxiety for many of the pris oners in the state penitentiary and county Jails, since the fate of numer ous application for pardon is to be ae clded tomorrow by Gov. Fernal J ajd Lis counsel. , They will inaugurate a new idea for making tomorrow a general pardon day, when the petition of criminals will be taken up in job lot and disposed of at one sitting t fSIEGRIST & COMPANY 5 JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. I J Oregon. : LA GRANDE ,Ore. - n.t nl TT J Ti. J fll-i.' CU1.. . tk yuv uiuoo) X4Muu a. tu-uvvVt viuuuj 14, - . ware, Sterling and Plated), ever shown in Eastern Oregon for . . ; ' JUNE WEDDING GIFTS. We also have a large stock of Plain Band Wedding Rings, any style or size, 14 Kart Solid Gold, at $1.25 dwt; . WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. 0 mm TAL PLAY ir""4 II ME g) (o) Rf We will display a la These goods were selected by our special representative in Constantinople. Now is your opportunity to examine a line never before shown in La Grande. Mr. A. W. Hunt, representing one of the largest importing firms in the United States will be with us to explain the designs and weaves. Any one interested in Rugs will be well repaid for the time spent in examining this display of Oriental and Domestic Rugs. TUT 0. V A P P t n n