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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1910)
5 . I 5 t m f m LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1910, r II ONE us AXD MAKE AX APPOIXTMEXT TO LAURELIIURST IX OUB AUTOS K j- tl m mm ri I A moE CALL WILL BRIXG FURTHER LITERATURE 05 LAURELHURST IX TH SEXT MAIL 1 r V.1 it NATURE AND HIGH CLASS DEVELOPMENT rtTute I" r?t't",Uf residue secUon of Portia sLocal ImnsportaUoD facilities do 'llThJZT fftf0" but i6 ,0Cate Br reason of It accessibility by four car lines Laurel. MimJ Lanrn J . rB,fc "d We" "P' strict of fine homes, where values are ssareo. .Laurelhurst Is not on the outskirts-It Is on Ir one and a half mile, from the renter of th rUr. : . is II At present prices an Investment In Lanrelhnrst means .large profits, for this property Is being sold for less per front foot than any other high-class residence property In Portland. .It Is being sold for less per lot than Is belnjr asked for lots In other sections not Improved, n ot restricted and much farther. ont from town. .The fntnre of Lanrelhnrst Is so safeguarded that if yon boy for home yon are ever assured a residence In the district De Luxe of Portland. .Just realle this fact and yon will realize Lanrelhnrst Ther will be 26 miles of asphalt streets, four-Inch gas, eight-Inch water and KMnch sewer mains In Lanrelhnrst more miles of asphalt streets In this one addition than Is at present laid In the entire balance of East Side streets. .There will be 62 miles of highly restricted hones, nine-foot p arklng strips, handsome cluster lights, shade trees and cement walks. .See this property for yourself,- that Is .the only way. .Then compare It with other residence sections and yon will be convinced that lanrelhnrst Is the' most reasonably priced, most highly Improved and restrictedand the closest-in residence section of Portland. .Remember, Lanrelhnrst lots are cheaper than unimproved lots and Lanrelhnrst has improvments which can be found In no other residence sectllon of Portland. ' " Lots now Sdiihg from $900 up IBEML IS MCE AND DIRECTORS : f. Henry Co., Portland; owner Henry Bid. 'i Sec. Co., Seattle; ' . :' : - ... n Trust Co., Tacoma; V. P. Laurelhurst V- ; -V-.- -v.; aa, "Wood ft Linthicum, Portland. 7 Seattle Chamber of Commerce. ; . and manager Ladd ft Tllton Bank. la, wholesale grocers, Porttand. ; ace Co. rt Bros., bonda. . . ' : ; ; Co., real estate. ' w . S-:: JrteUEsute. ;. : .: ','' ' -r : pry Co.,'real estate?- - '. 1 For the ext week only, Mr. J. E. Moore, state man ager for the Lanrelhnrst Company, will be In La Grande. Parties Interested can get Information by addressing him at Foley HoteL .. .A handsomely IUastrated booklet Portland, In two colors an official map ef the entire elty and a boollet en "Thirty Seasons Why" the careful Investor h more safeguarded by an Investment la LaarelhHrst than In any other residence district of Portland. LAURELHURST CO., 522 Corbett Bldg Portland, Oregon. Kindly send me by return mail the above described literature on Laurelhurst. Name , 'Address ........ Town page sevi:::