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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1910)
LA GBA2TDE EVENING OBSERVES THURSDAY MAY 5. 1910. PAGE EIGHT BEAKY GOECK IS MID. Abmt The AISLE SALE AISLE SALE AISLS SAL3 AISL5 SALS ; Mas of Twenty Tears Residence Here City FRIDAY; IS- rasses Away A -4 Pats In Electric Power . Selders store Is today adding the finishing touches to Its motor driven Ice cream freezers and during, the summer months customers of that poular place will know their Ice cream Is being frozen while an elec tric motor turns the machine. Mr, Eelder did all the planning of the tew plant himself. ; 2Tew Office Fixtures The Savoy hotel is having new fix tures made for its ofllce and smoking rooms. New furniture, wljl also he added. Besides this it is Intended to cut a window In the north wall of the building at the bead Of the stair way, giving more light on the lobby. When completed Mine Host Brlschoux will have things very convenient and comfortable. ."'. Will Receive Later . Owing to the illness of Dr. Men delson the date for receiving friends at his home, which was to have been this evening, has been postponed. Make Trip to Cove 'Today .v Q. L. Cleaver, one of La Grande'B ardent blievers In the Grande Ronde fruit lands, and L. R. Drewllner, of Seattle who Is financially Interested in the valley, drove over to Cove to day to Inspect some of their holdings. Thompson V 111 Raise Fruit Jay Thompaon,has resigned his po sition with the 0. R, & N. company after a long, period of trusty service. He has purchased a tract of land sear Vancouver Washington, and will make that his home. His family ex- wa in inn him soon. La Grande I regrets losing Mr. Thompson and fam lly for they are among the splendid citizens here. He has a wide ac quaintance not only in railroad cir cles but throughout the entire East ern Oregon country. However, the Dbserver and all , the remainder of IrlendB here wish them prosperity D their new home. Training Mormon Choir Prof. : Edwards, one ' of the high class musicians of the northwest, is in La Grande for a few days from his home in Baker City, training a number of voices for the Mormon choir. The 'professor will make reg ular visits to La Grande for this pur pose, and It is possible he may lo cate here. The splendid vegetation of the Grande Rqnde valley appeals to him and he would like to make this city his home. attended Social Function. Frank Conners, ForeBt Ivanhoe, Er nest Gust, Misses Irene Murphy, Mar Jorle McCall and Jessie Baebler, Mr. and Mrs. Garrla, H. Varnum and W. G, Francis, composed a party of La Grande young people who visited at Hot take last evening and attended the House Warming. ; They report a most delightful evening which was taken up with games, dancing and refreHhments. '-. The Hot Lake hospi tality is legend and La Grande also count on having a splendid time when theyvlBlt that institution on a pleas ure-seeking trip. Firemen Fleet Officers Hose Company No. 1 of the Volun teer Firemen held its annual election last night and the following officers were chosen , for the coming year: C. L. Mackey, . president; James . G. Snodgrass, vice president; Cam Cay lor, secretary; Harvey Bay, treasurer Frank Bay, foreman; Lott Snodgrass. first lieutenant; Charles Murchlson, second assistant; Hugh McCall, his torian. Chief Jones appointed Clar ence Jackson of company No. 1 as first assistant chief and Ed Brady of No. 4 as second assistant chief, - .,; The only clothes that give full val ue for your money are all wool. The Peoples Store sells the Hart Schaff ner & Marx line because It is that kind.:; ,. ... ..r:;; y Morrow county man killed 17 young coyotes In one nest; bounty $25.50. Harrlsburg creamery is turning out about 900 pounds of butter a week. ; Some eastern women' have bought Ontario lots as an investment. Treasurer's (all for City Warrant Notice is hereby given that there are now funds on hand ' to pay all outstanding warrants Issued on Gen eral Fund of La Grande City, up to and Including No. , SOGfi. endorsed Dec. 17. 1908. v , . 'Intereut (in a'.l varrant3 on Gene ral Fund from No. 7939 to No P066, Inclusive, ccaseB from thin date. , RAY W. LOGAN, CJty Treasurer.' Your neighbor wil lask, where 'd!-' you get all of your new furniture A Bmall ran of Sunshine will do sll of this and more.- Being demon strated now at THE GOLDEN RULE, Ageuts for Heath and MUllgan Paint. ' t . LDI CAXYON JiEYFS v. Ladd Canyon, May 5 Mrs. Arthur Van Fleet of La Grande visited over Saturday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. James McClure. ; The Grange Hall and Ladd Canyon boys will play ball here Sunday. The base ball diamond Is now located on Frank Counsel's premises. Ezra Meeker and his oxen visited mc last Thursday at 2 o'clock and stopped at the monument which he erected , when here four years ago, driving on to Hot Lake where he re mained until Sunday when he came back and proceeded on through Ladd Canyon to BakeV City. : Mrs. Lucy Graham and son Ed ward .returned home from Wolk Creek Monday evening ' where they drove to see" Mrs. Graham's brother-in-law, John Graham, who is In very poor health since his return from Eureka Springs where he had a large gland cancer removed. Last night ' death claimed Henry Goeck, one of Union county's well known citizens. He was born In Ba den, Germany, and twenty years ago located in La Grande where he has since resided. His wife passed away about eight years ago. Six children survive him. They are Mrs. Donnel ly and Ida and Emma Goeck of La Grande, Mrs. Frank O'ljara of Pen dleton, Frank and Herman Goeck of Walla Valla. The deceased was 64 years of age. Funeral announce ments will be made later. '"' THREE GENERATIONS St FlStl Elmo a Play That Has Lasted ! Long and Faithfully , Three generations of theatregoers are Interested In St Elmo; Grand parents, parents and children. It Is customary to hear the old people say, "I have read St Elmo off and on for 50 years 'but never hoped to see it on the stage children you must all go." . : : ': . , ' Men of ' business will phone for four or six seats, with a side ' re mary to their partners that "it has a splendid moral tone and the boys should sea it." - : The youths and the maidens are Vise' to the fact that it has a most appealing love story, and they like to witness it in one another's company. The small boy in the gallery 'falls' for it strong, for he can understand its simplicity and force. 4 . Ono of them remarked to a bro ther gallerlte after the San Francisco opening. "It's a. eral one, cut St. Elmo Is all to the good and the lead in' lady is a pippin. There's a dool In the foist act, because one guy swipes anothers skirt, and just be fore ce was shot he said. 'Gee I'm goln to die.' Then he .lean'ed up against a tree and made good." . Let us supply your wants American Beauty Mackerel Salmon Bellies Boneless Cod in 1 and 2 ' - pound Bricks All kinds pf Canned Fish City Grocery y ,' ''"'Arid - 7 BAKERY ? p " t t W -Ifa X it m T S3 5m v: ; ICRYPTOK $$$$$$$$$$$$ 4 t SOCIETY ':'.:: , 7";7 The contest between the two sec tions of the Ladles Aid Society of the Presbyterian church came to an end yesterday afternoon. Section No. 2, whose leader in the contest was Mrs. C. H. , Upton, came out victori ous, having raised $140.78 to the first division's $76.05. , Under the rules of the contest, the vanquished division will tender a banquet to the victors. The C. E. of the Christian church will hold a cake sate at Russell's meat market next Saturday. ' ; - The 1 Lyle Tuesday- Musicale will hold an open session on May; 10th. An exceljent program is being pre pared by Mesdames E. Polack, Fred Currey and E. D. Selder. A cordial invitation is extended to all members, friends and the public" generally. Ad mission 15 cents. , INVISIBLE BI-FOCAL Let us show you with what cenius and scientific accuracy a new principal has been applied to make the Krypton lenses per fect invisible bifocals. One solid piece no cement and perfect sight without the discom fort and unsightllness. Or - Glasses ground and frames repaired in my own shop, in most cases while you wait . 1 duplicate any Lens, no matter who who prescribed it ; Save , the pieces and I will do the rest. ' I have the" most scientific eye testing Instruments . In the opti cal field today. , If at any time In one year, I can Improve your Tlslon, no charge , is inade for the changing of lenses. If your mountings get broken, I will repair them for yon without cost ( ,:-.. :. ' '' I have the best equipped opti cal parlorsin the state outside of Portland. . '- HEAGOGK v: Eyesight Specialist Omce over Newlln's : Drug Store. A' " ( 1 . I 'OR 'FRIDAY- Sunshine in all finishes. Oak,. Fir, Mahogany, Walnut, Gilt, Sliver, etc; in fact any , finish you may desire. Being demonstrated now at, ..: .,v THE GOJiDEN RULE COMPANY, Agents for Heath and MUllgan; Paint Newest Dishes Tastiest Flavors: Best Served ' . Ice Cream Selder's Gonfectionery Store Dried Fruits Choice Strictly "' , ' . ; ' ' :. , , t !,'"':' ; .' ,:. -V- , . ' -,-.'' .''y , '',' EVAPORATED APPLES. EXTRA FAHCY APRICOTS CALIFORNIA BLACK AND y WHITE FGS r Extra Fancy Peaches, Extra Large Italian Prunes, Bleached Seedles Raisins PATTISON BROS A 4-, '4 VA H I f. r 9 5- 9. - T w "A 4 H 4 Below are a few of the many bargains you will find on the different aisles of our Store for Priday dash (foods Reduced Unons, Dimities and coIorIngs ' Fancy Wash Goods. .All the latest ,25c reg. Aisle sale.. 1 20c reg. 15c reg. Aisle Sale 19c Aisle" Sale.... 15c 10c 9c Wrapt ' . Notice to Contractors Notice Is hereby, given by the Dis trict School Board of School Dls trict No. one (La Grande) Union County, Oregon, that bids will be re celved up to 12 o'clock noon of Mon day, May 23, 1910, for the furnishing material and erection of t two sto. and basement brick high school build ; ins according to plans and speclft- cations on file with school clerk, and architect Newton C. Gauntt; also for i (he plumbing, heating and ventllat ing for said huildlnng. All bids to be Accompanied by a 'certified check of & per cent of amount of bid. : The Board reserves the right, to aecept or reject any or all bids or any por tion of bid submitted. Contractor to figure building with or without plumbing, heating and ventilating, Contractor, whose bid is accepted to give approved bond in amount satis factory to School Board. Contractor taking plana and specifications from omce must deposit $10.00 to Insure return of same within ten days. Bids to be presented to School Clerk, La Grande, Oregon. By order of District School Board .r ARTHUR C. WILLIAMS. School Clerk. MAKE NO ARRANGEMENTS 12 l-2c reg. Aisle Sale )ets , m m At a great reduction ' Xeqtherelts The latest designs in Ladles Belts. V ; All colors. Elastic and Leather ' . Reg. 76c to $1.00. Aisle Sale 78c mm 49 48c fancy Collars 600 of the choicest ; Wednes day. : lace and em broidery collars on' sale Reg, 75c collars. Aisle Sale. Reg, 35c collars. adies tSuits Aisle Sale. 49c 19c All Ladles Suits will be liberally reduced tomorrow. These are a few of 'the many prices. . NaTy Chiffon Panama. .,:,; .::.:. "Neatly trimmed, highly tailored. a w'ng Worth $25.00. Aisle Sale. fyi 4 O0 French Grey Coating - ,-; -' . .... Serge . suit, neatly finished Worth $22.50. Aisle Sale..... Fine 3'avy Blue Serges .. ' The very latest style and Worth $22.50. Aisle Sale.;..! . . ; ' . Ladies Fancy Fawn. - Striped suits, hlgWy finished. ' Worth' $20.00.' Aisle Sale.-; V. . $17.85 $17.35 $12.85 M Aadies fiats Reduced ' . . Ooime in , while ? the assortment is still full and complete. Ulnl WM o airs aisiv airs aisiv aivs aisiv airs aisivf THE GEORGE PALMER RETAIL DEPARTMENT . . ' ' i'. ' V. ' i v - . '.. r por your summer trip until 7bu have consulted the Soo-Spokane agent re- garding the excursion rates to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City and various eastern t " 1 .points. Through tickets are issuea w Pittsburg, Buffalo, New York, Boston and Many New York State, New Eng land and Canadian points. ; Let us help you plan a trip through the charming Kootenay Lakes," via. Glacier, Field, Lake Louise,; Banff, the Great Lakes," the St Lawrence River, quaint old Quebec, etc. Direct routes may be used returning. Correspondence invited, Booklets on request . GEO. A. WALTON, General Agent ' ' 4 Wall St., Spokane. Orders for V , We Solicit Your SHINGLES RUBBEROIP ROOFING DEADENiNG FELT 3UILDING PAPER tm MM trmrti fen ':'.!',:,:'. w'isjsuh.-:'-'.; -y' -y; : Nothing but wool fabrics in Hart Schaffner ft Marx "clothes. You buy .them at the Peoples Store. DEPOT STREET , V MAHAFFEY- BLDG THE ELITE DYE WORSCI Steam and Fiench dye cleaning of Ladies and Gent's clothing, Ladies' silk waists and evening gowns car e fully cleaned -and pressed. Felt and: Panama hats cleaned and blocked. All work guaranteed. We cal. .for and deliver work. H. B. Waggoner, Manager. u M I ti- H f ii 9 H W if 8 It A w K - i i ST A w 4 i