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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1910)
tlbition start will be made later. FAMOUS-DOGS J'ESE Star -Theater : 1 ' Piflltll , , for II 0 L I D A PUTS FROM NOTED LINE.. ENG. Lisa BULLS, jTRCHASED., j V S PIOEER ATTORNEY OF EASTERN r i',-, t 1. 1 . tvOREGOX IREEE. r,- 4 W A, . : Tn 11 Vi 30LOSTESD -- Program ? The Warrior's Sacrifice, Drama Across the Isthmus, Industri- A . ' al and Scenlo. a, 'J ' J ... ? r ' ' Two side to a story, Comedy - i V . i . Baby has 8wallowed a Nlck. $ : '-"" W, 6raiedVi i j t J V -' i -l n i . . Illustrated Bong, "Nobody A - Knows, Nobody' Cares." 5 ' ' . , ' V change op program every tuesday, ; ... . friday and sunday- open every Afternoon and evening ' A Picture Program of merit with the Popular Price , -,- ' ' - " of ten cents ,u? . 1 4)j )) PoulM EGGS A-PLENTY If you give your bens the right sort of feed. , '( , , We have good wheats, oats, alfalfa meal, flax seed meal, POULTRY T05IC, EGG PRODUCER, OYSTER. SHELL, GRANULATED BONE GRIT, ETC ; Waters-Stanchfield; Produce Go. f- FLOUR, FEED; WOOD 1 4 1 o 5 Adarns Are 19fi i ' i PHOHES: Black 121! A RATIO ?nt?-r van, J. H. up-to-date sleigh. sleighing while you ri i BAY & ZWEIFEL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS. ; X2U DEPO) STRW r 7fte EliteDying arid Cleaning Works ; ' H B. WAUOE NEB, Peprleter. ; Steam and French Dry Cleaning caiied for and deliver I. Phone Main 64, Mahaffey Buildiw r Depof Sreef vrn .... .; ,. r Independent 451 THAT IS WELL MAINTAINED IX r; , ;oUH OPTICAL WORK , Waea you come to us 'to hare your eyes fitted we ascertain the exact con dition of your eyes fitting you care fully with the tens that relieve yeur eyes completely not by, making, the eye accommodate Itself to the lens, but by having the lens fit the eye perfectly.-i-w. V, Onr experience and genuine skill assure you of EXACT work always and without, exorbitant .charges. Will convert i - your buggy or : ,yehicle into an . Enjoy this fine may. : Ladles t-ik a upe rlalitr. Goods Whea be iraryonng he-was Judge t . er Tast E. 0. District Judge AL L. Olmstead, who Is prob ably the pioneer attorney In Eastern Oregon today, If not In years, in' the point of service, is registered at the tfotel Sommer. Howi time changes, the physical condition of the country as well as man. When Judge Olm stead-was on the bench, his district comprised what was then Grant, Ba ker, Union, Umatilla and Wasco coun ties. Courts were held at The Dalles, Pendleton, Union, Baker City and Canyon City. . . , i Wallowa county has been made "out of Union, Malheur out of Grant, Mor row out of Umatilla and two or three counties out of Wasco. Judge Olm stead 'served four years In the Civil War, his son, taking to the military, Is now awaiting a command on one of our peace missionaries, commonly known as war ships. For many years the Judge has made his home in Ba ker City and enjoys a large and re munerative practice. With him Is as sociated W, H. Strayer, also well known in this county. " , , CICUT CCilTC 11UUI ULrtlU ,4 L0CAL FANS AWAIT ARRIVAL OF NOTED SCRAPPTR. Grapplers and all Make a Combina tion well worth Attending A lively scramble for choice seats will no doubt occur tomorrow morn ing when the seat board for the Jef-frles-Gotch et al. show goes up at Van Buren'B, Fight lovers are al ready preparing for one of the treats that seldom comes this way. Every man and boy In this big country knows Jeff, and are anxious to see the big fellow. Definite announce ments as to the hour when the :ex- DIRECTORY OF THE :"' .'. F RATE RHX L. O RD E RS LA GRANDE, j ; B. IT. Ju La Grande camp No. 7703 aaeets very Monlay etjek month at I. p. F. HaIL All visiting neighbors are psrdlally Invite to attend. CAL JORDON, Clerk. , r , W. JB D. . ,;Hope Chapter No. 13. 0. B. B.. hold stated communications the see Dn .andp fpurth . Wednesdays of each month. Visiting members cor dially:: tovtted.j':t.s v-i : s'arfi i Paulina Lederlee, W. M. ' i - Mary E. Warnick, Secretary. L 0. 0. Fr Encampment Star Encampment No. 31, I. 0. 0. P., meets every second and fourth Wednesday In the month in Odd Fel lows' hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome, ;! - . H. E. COOLIDGB, G. P. W. A. WORSTELL, Scrilxt. La Grande Lodge No. 169, W. 0. w, meets every second and fourth Tuesday evening la K. of P. ball In th Corps bolldlnf all vtsltlng ansa en retcom . NKRI ACKLES, Consul Commander J . w .J. H. KEENBT, Clerk. L 0. 0. F. Subordinate. La Grande Lodge No. 16, meets la their ball every Saturday nlgnt Tisl ling brothers cordially Invited to at tend. Cemetery plat nay be seen at the Model restaurant' ; GEORGE; GROUT, N. G v I. R. SNOOK; Rea Secy. W. A. WORSTELL, H ; fcy. Tnree pedigreed English bull pups, block ; of renowned bulldogs, will be shipped in a few ; days from' Chicago :.nd from Texas " to George 1 Hibberi ot (his city. t .The canines will . on . nul:t'2y be the finest Kpeclraens cf their type that have ever'-been seen here and their coming is awaited not onl hy the new owner but by Ijca' dog'tanriers in general, i CLASSY GAHt SURE l.-.-l :f-i j i , I si- ;..: ;.. .. .. v f ( ; FOLLOWERS OF CALVIN AXD WES LEY WILL TOMPETE. Considerable Iutcreit Worked up Ot. er Club Game Tomorrow. What is considered by all to be a classy,game ot basket ball will take place tomorrow night when the B." M. A. meets the Lampda Phi Alpha.dub on the skating rink floor. Both trams are keyed up to a high point and what is more, each aggregation will have its followers to help win; the one from the Methodist " ' and the other from the Presbyterian "church.- For once, contrary to custom, the game will start promptly on' time, at 7:45. CHANDLER RECEIVES OFFICE ; ' v.,v:;; ; - Baker City Stockman. Chosen by Gov , . eraor to Important Place. , s A dispatch from Salem to the Ore gonlan says: W: F. Matlock "has teni dered his resignation as a member of the state board of agriculture and Vtli , afternoon Gov. Denson ap.i pointed to.succeed him, Qeo,. Chand-, ler, of Baker City. Chandler served on the board several years ago. He is a prominent republican and an au thority on all. matters pertaining to the breeding of blooded live stock and high grade horses. Mr. Matlock, who is In a Port land hospital, resigned on account of 111 health. On January 8th there will be a meeting of the state board In this city to elect officers and outline the work for the coming year. Ba ker Herald. ". ORE. Foresters of AHeriea. Court l&ld Jartoa He. 11 meeo raeb Wednesday ahjht tn K. of Pi hall. , Brothers are Invited to attend." ; j '"- "'v BEN HAISTEN, a 1M ! LEO niRRlNO, C. 8. ' ' ' ; a. f. a. i. , La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. $ K. M., holds regular meetings first anf third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. u r. Mri mi. fiL. LINCOLN. W. Il A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary. , Knights of Pythjafc. 2 j Red Cross Lodge No. 27, meets et ery Monday evening in Castle ball (old Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting knights. : ... j. r. baker, c c R. L. LINCOLN, K. of R. k S. B. P. 0. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433, meet each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock b Elk's club, corner Depot street ane Washington avenue. Visiting brotheri are cordially invited to attend. r v H. E. COOLIDGE, Exalted Ruler. ; -. , HUGH McCALL, Rec Secy .'. .. .. .. REBEKARS Crystal Lodge No. DO meets every Tuesday evening in the I. 0. 0. F. HalL All visiting memoersare In vited to attend, i ; ; Mra. Cora FlUgerald, N. G. Miss Susan Mclllfoy, Secretary 'J.WJ.J .1'" if-?;! I'm i q particular. Comeearly while the lines and size3 ara-S: complete. SPECIAL OFFEH 3 fa Your sliUDCra Tmt in H so desired kithout extra charge. , ; , , , C g - vve nave some Pure tnat will make excellent loujugu lur a uaoy carriage o a SMITH & 2 EVERYTHING IN Wev l! BE PATRIOTIC WUKX ORDEBIXG SUGAR 1ST) IXSIS7 UT09 RAVlWti HOME MADE. THE AiV FBKMB IS NOW IN ALL TRE CR0C11 STORES.'' ' , RAR E OPPORTUNITY CHEAPEST FUEL ON THE HAREET . A Carload of the best Chain Wood ; deliyered at your homes for only $2.23 per cord, measured in tha car Order NOW, while the joads are good and the prices low. ' . . . . v ,r , r ;,f,.i.,H,' j - (fifOME !i ' Complete equipment for rubber buggy tires.:, ; ;w!i2.:'.:jiwi Compfetr Machine IVann liKANUt Hosiery and Hair Goods : . IW WELLJMflW & CO. A ! - ADAMS AVENbe THE EYE IMPORTANT I The eyes Is one of the most import ant ani delicate part o tthe Jbody. "Sight Is Priceless.. . Glasses should not be worn where no error of refrac tion exists, but where an error does exist they should be put on aa soon as posible and worn constantly until the detect Is cared. Wearing glassses once does not signify, that they win always be worn. Ton can at any time (before the detect la cured) go back n.'1';" fjyy rtipma! flhristmia hnri if C White Angora Goat Elans i presents that are just the Y roDeor a, ueoroom rug. '.it GREEN o 0 bhoeiien;! FOOTWEAR.' - Sugar I RED 1741 ' resetting j and repairing :u 7! :l5ll v Or, OL PiKQElRALIlfsgnriator t u f si' tj Uij J). SHops nd FodiV'1; M and Comfortable to the poorer vision if yoa so deslra. The vision will not be poorer than It was before the glasses were worn, kit will be more notlcable om hmi ei having been aciitsaed U better vis ton. I have made a ceselal staiy f the eyes and have been filing glaasei for iouneen 7aars. , Aek anyoae (Lai I have flti d t ,r ronce as bs jV ability, thea give' me trial d i convinced. All work caarasteed.' ' - 7:e. w.Eswrrr. '; ' '" Optomstrltt 4 Jaweicr. Ult 1-1 Adaau ttna, U HrvU Cm (I hi- 4 5 - ltv I? ! .1 r i I iv