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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1909)
(T M ihry ft cfj. ( vci r Kyi O T 1 VOL. VIII. LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, 0I1E WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1!M)V 'KUMBEK 239. NORTH BANK TRAIN TOPPLES THIRTY-FOUR III DUE DEATHTRAP HIMES HERE TO LECTURE (AIM WEATHER 1 ES HISTORT-MAN OF OREGON TO LECTURE TONIGHT. CITYCANNOTTRY WALLOWA DAY NEXT FEATURE A Y BOOZE O o O o HAS OTT RIGHT TO TRY ALLEGED BOOTLEGGING Judge Ramsey Checks . Advance of Second Atkinson , Trial Witness Keller Ueld In Jail rending Com. plction of Trial State Has Another Charge Against Atkinson Evident That Case Will Last Until Tomor row Sometime. That the city of La Grande has no right to pass an ordinance prohibiting the sale of Intoxicating liquor under the state local option law, was the ef fect of a decision handed down at 4:15 . this afternoon. The Jury In the Atkinson trial was Instructed to return a verdict of not guilty and the third case against the . name defendant was dismissed. Hence forth the city has no right to meddfc with a booze case. It Is all np to tin district attorney and sheriff. . Another attempt to puncture the city ordinance prohibiting the sale of Intoxicating liquor ia being made to day by Attorney Ramsey for Ralph Atkinson. It is being argued this afternoon that under the state law the right to prohibit the sale of liquor Is taken out of the hands of the munici palities and that the charter of La Grande makes provision for such pro hibition. There will be no session to day as some new witnesses are yet to bo called. This legal argument checked the trial this morning after the defense- had placed Atkinson- on the stand. The facts In the case, according to the state's witnesses are that Atkin son sold a bottle of whisky to Keller. The whisky is In evidence and wit nesses swear postively ' that they bought it of Atkinson. The state's detective witness. Kell er, who has spent the past Bix weeks in the county Jail awaiting the trial, ENGINEER B1GEL0W KILLED NEAR ROOSEVELT. Several Passengers Hurt And, Two Are Fatally Injured. PORTLAND, Oct. 6. Train No. 4, leaving here at 5:40 last night on the North Bank road, crashed into a land slide across the track between Foun tain and Roosevelt, Washington, out side of Vancouver. The engine and baggage car left the tracks. Engineer Blgelow was killed." The fireman and mail clerk were fatally injured. Sev eral of the passengers are also seri ously injured. It was learned this afternoon that Fireman B. F. Roar wast bodlv inlur ed, Expresc Messenger F. A. Koehler, seriously, and Mail Clerk JL' C. Pettit was badly bruised. It is believed they will recover.' Is the man who claimed he was robbed in tuu O. R. & N. yards her?. The men accused, it will be recalled, were tried and released by Justice Stewart. . . , , That Keller has 'yet a long time to remain in his lonely cell because he knows too much is evident. ' The Btate has brought the same charges against Atkinson that he is now being tried for hy the city. After the outcome of the present' trial at the hands of the city attorney, District Attorney Ivan hoe will take a shot at him and Kell er will be held as a witness in this trial also. ' " Several Bills Reamed But no Announ v.' cement of Nature. Afer Inspecting the public offices at the court house and- vlilltfng tho county poor farm this afternoon ths work of the grand Jury will be com pleted unless something unforseen oc- TPwi'ft-tti' require further" deliberations. All witnesses were examined at noon today. '"'' Regarding the results of the delib ei ft Ions Attorney Denham and the court officials are silent It is known that a number of Indictments were re turned, but as none of the arrears have been made the names were lot made public. SAD SCENES ENACTED IN VIC1NITY OF EXTENSION 1 ' ' VIctlns of Extension Disaster Will Not be Rescued For a Week at Least Some of The Eighteen Already Rescued Are Badly Burned And Lacerated While Others Merely Suffocated Relatives Harrying ,to The Stricken District EXTENSION, Via Ladysmith, B. C, Oct. 6. Thirty-four are known to be dead In the terrible mine disaster here yesterday. Others are missing, and there is little hope for their safe ty, and owing to a cave-In it will be nearly a week before the bodies are reached. - Sad scenes are enacted at the, mines where the frantic relatives are ar riving. Resciles were resumed at day light, but no other bodies, in addi tion to the 18 recovered, have been I brought out. . Football Hero Killed. ' , Among the bodies recovered was that of Tom O'Connell, full back of the Ladysmith football team. , He had run against a pillar in the dark and was stunned and lay where the after damp caught, and suffocated him. Alexander Mllos, a giant Greek, and the camp's strong man, ran farthest of any, but was caught by suffocating fumes. MIIob was so badly burned that his skin peeled from him In strips. MID.WEEK BRINGS THE BEST IN THE PROGRAM Marriage at Alleel. . ' Solomon E.'Keltner of Enterprise, and Iva E. Gaskeil, also of Enterprise, were united in marriage this nornlng at the home of L. L. McKennon In Allcel, Rev. L. E. McLeod of this city, Officiating. ' The bridal couple left on the noon train for Enterprise, where the groom has a good hardware busi ness. 'A-'j . ' " .:'..... fOU WANT A SUIT 21 11ERE Y0U CAy BE SURE OF GET. TING GARMENTS NOT ONLY Cp 'v RECT IN EVERY FASHION DETAIL BUT FAULTLESS IN WORKMAN. MANSIHP AND PERFECT IN FIT. THAT IS BECAUSE THEY ABE BUILT BY. TnE BEST CLOTHES -MAKERS IN AMERICA. COMB EAR." LY WHILE THE ASSORTMENT IS COMPLETE. VALUES $10, $15, 13, $20 AND $25.00, ' ifljVER COAT Viyfi MAGNIFICENT OVERCOATS A BIG WORD BUT NOT TOO BIG TO TELL YOU OF OUR LINE, ANY SHAPE, SIZE OR STYLE THAT YOU MAY ! WANT WILL BE FOUND 'HERE. .'" PRICES $8.00, $10.00, $15.00 AND UP. MLSTERS YOU WANT A GOOD STYLISH COAT FOB THE RAINY SEASON. WE HAVE THEM AT PRICES THAT ARE IN BEACH OF EVERYONE. PRICES, . - ' H0.00, $12.00, $13J0, $15.00 to .$22.60. ' "IRK ' ROYAL TAILORS WE ARE AGENTS FOB THE ABOVE WORLD WIDE, MADE TO MEASURE' T CLOTHING. i 'I "5 V ! . j " ; y - 's ' " :' If: h) ( . ' 1 5 . ? , , . i hi "s i , Tomorrow Is an All-Important Day For The Fair Program Tonight Hinges on The HImes Address Program Tomorrow, Evening Will be Principally a Musical One Lo cal Choruses Ready For The Enter, talnment Thursday. " Wednesday Evening. . 7:30 Free " concert and f vaudeville performance 4 u . outside the exposition Y grounds. , 8:30--Si:ereoptican show and ' lecture on views of hlstor- leal interest and Indian' Bcenes by Geo. II. Hlmes, j' V of Portland, and Lee Moor- V house, of Pendleton. Plat- iT." form dancnig and merry- A . x go-round every afterncon and A v, ' evening. v Thursday, Wallowa County Day. ,., . ; 3:S0 p. m. Addresses by A 1 . yrouiineni speaKers rrom ; Interestlnar featnrpn V 4 ; 15 Football game, Enter- prise high school vs. La A Grande high school. A Thursday Evening. V V Evening program will be rendered in the auditorium inside the exposition en- J:' closure. ' ; V. 7:00 Music by the La .V Grande band. O 7:45 Chorus by the L. D. S. Choir. "Let the Hills and A A Vales' Resound," by Brlnley A V Richards. ; ; Piano Solo Miss Sarah Col- ' Her, "La Villa Du Regl a . ment," Sidney Smith. band. , Chorus by the Lae Grande 4r. Choral Society, "The Bridal ; Chorus," from "The Rose ' Maiden," Co wen. Anthem. . L. D. 8. Chc5ir, "Holy is the .. Lord," Wall. . ''3 , A Q ."Wallowa Day,'" Thursday,, 1b the next event on the extensive program for fair week, and the local-commit tees headed by -,JoBn. Collier are see I tag. to it that the day will be replete I with great features. Though there are ilectures and addresses on the slate, 1 perhaps that . which will attract the 'greatest attention tomorrow evening I Is the musical features, which 'Have j been fully explained previously. To , night's program is published above," j and will be an event hinging on the iHIroes address and lantern slide pic tures. ' The week has progressed now to j the point where the best treats of the iweek and a greater number of at tractions, are on the list as feature I events. ' . .' . ... The . International Grand Opera company at the Opera house, a"' appearance at the exhlb' ' .two choruses frf (are really excelk" ' , . . I surprisingly . co! " j will be the chief . night. ' i Stock Parade Off. j Due to the frowns av6 rushes ,'of J tears from the rain pod1 faces, the ; parade of stock planned for this mor jning has been called off. The blue ribbon parade occurs. Saturday, and jit is Just possible that some arrange ment can be made for arranging all the stock in the pens before the pub lic's gaze sometime before that Historical And Relic Features to be Shown on Canvass. Secretary George H. Ulmea of the state historical society, Arrived from Portland this morning, and spent the afternoon at the pavilion explaining the curios and Wetorlcul relics in ev hlbltlon there. This evening Mr Hlmes wiil deliver a lantern slide lecture on the history of the Btate. The Illustrations which he will throw upon the canvass begins the history of the state with the landing of Captain Robert Gray in 1792,- and Including the old, forts of the state, ttie OlocK nouses, iuiuiigruuuu irtuiis, etc. One of the pictures which will be of interest to the people of this section of the Btate is that of Peter Skeene Ogden, who wms through eafctern Oregon In 1820. Mr. Hlmes enjoys the well deserved reputation of being the best . living authority oa ; the subject of Oregon history.' -.' . : ":- - , A movement is being agitated to get lie state to appropriate money with which he may employ stenographers to" catalogue and explain the vast herds of valuable old relics at the office of the Historical society in Port land. He is the only living man who can do it and it is considered that the loss of his knowledge of these relics would be f.rretrievable . BENCH SHOW IS WEATHER MAN PREDICTS ' MORE SHOWERS TONIGHT Pioneer Doy Attendance Not,, to Expectations Due to Heavy Rain All . Last Night And This Forenoon In-' dkatlons This Afternoon Encourag ing to The Promoters Pin Hopes on Tomorrow's Visit From Wallewa : County. '-.v- "Showers and cooler tonight; fatref tomorrow." . 't . ; ;: ' Thus reads the weather forecast for Thursday, and the fair promoters and ' the county as a unit, truats that the weather man knows whereof he speaks. Pioneer Day,1 the attraction' ' for this day, Was given a serious set- back by the heavy showers of last night and the incessant rain this forenoon. Farmers were held back. This afternoon's balmy weather with indications of fulfillment of the weather forecast,' brought a few far mers to the city; who had given up hopes earlier In the, morning, but the attendance has not been up to expec- . tatlons. ' However, the fair people are praying for better climatic condl-i tions tomorrow when the Wallowa special will arrive . with its sightseers.- - ','"'': ". - DANDY AFFAIR MANY "CLEVER" CANINES ARE ON EXHIBIT NOW. Large List of Entries In Dog Show at The Exposition Hall. La Grande's first bench show open ed today In connection with the fair. and a splendid array of pedigreed canines are now on j exhibit at the building. The liHt of exhihltnm 1b larger by far than had been hoped for, and the grade of dogs exhibited is surprisingly splendid. The dogs will be Judged next Fri day and made a part of the parade on the day following. . Yelps of doggish glee and doggish resentment at the confinement within the exhibit pens has attracted scores of dog fanciers this afternoon and the animal occu pants of adjacent pent are looking on with unfeigned Jealousy at the loss of attention paid them.. . La' Grande's Grand Opera Season.. One of the most notable bookings at the Steward Opera house Is the Inter national Grand Opera company, which comes to La Grande on October 7th, direct f rom its successful run of six Weeks In San Francisco, and two weeks In Los Angeles. This is the same Grand Opera company which has hnd such a successful run in New York, Boston. Chicago, and the east ern cities, and was brought to the coast on a large guarantee. The principals ate; Mhie. Therry, Bertonsl. .N'orelll. Strauss, jforad. Mm. Bari, ColuiiWnl. ArcaneM, Gravlni. Samo!'.-", a. ()ieri Gulllani and ; ; . own to those who keep ' operatic. The com- - , ghty, and an orches- 'clans, under the di , vinaccia. The tour is , .c-r the personal direction of Mr. Frank Norcross. Wreck In Illinois. CLINTON, Ills., "Oct. 6. Miss Clara Watson 1b dead, and 18 are injured as the result of a head on, collision be-, tween a north bound train loaded wtth-4iightseei'S'from th 'S..ialr. at Springfield. The south bound train was on the Illinois Central. The wreck occurred at Farmer, at 9:50 last night. ; , DRUMMING TJP TRAFFIC. Traveling Passenger Agent Now ; In Wallowa to Arrango Excursion Traveling Freight and Passanger Agent C F. Van de Water of Wall 1 Walla, came in this morning and left v. noon for the Wallowa valley towns to arrange for and manage the big excursion to this city tomorrow.' three of the coaches were taken on the regular train at noon today and seven will follow on a special tonight, Mr. Van de Water will have charge .-f the' excursion owing to the ab- Ktnce of Traveling Passenger Agent J. If. O'Nell, who is in Seattle at the present time. With fair weather a crowded train is expected by.the rail-; reed officials. . PROTECTS STOCK BIG RAINFALL FAILS TO DO ANY " DAMAGE. Lone Bandit Robs Four. CHICAGO. ; Oct . Threatening to shoot If they resisted, a masked ban dit robbed two men and two women In an automobile In the outskirts of this city last night. He . compelled the victims to drive him Into the country, and escaped. The robbers secured $30 In money and consider able Jewelry. Attendance at Exhibit Building Im-" proving Every Day. , . After a night of rain during which, time one-tenth of an inch tell, the ex- game" in .proper eotciu.- : fc o'clock the attendance exceeded that of the opening day including the eve ning. "In the evening crowds llle'l through the doors and fairly filled th . pavilion. . The best feature la th fact that all who were In attend anco found entertainment which they like I and also the' best exhibits they hal ever seen; If Jupiter riavlus ses his way clear to give clear weather during the remainder of the week th exposition will come out vwlth fly'nj colors. - L ... , - . ., ' l f v 1, w;"':''" t'Ti".wv.w p,fir-w-v x!,"',rrf'w'jf'i'fc-.:.r?t'W'oij5i(r-