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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1909)
g THECU8EF0R bCHOFULA The usual symptoms of ScrofuU ars enlarged glands of the nee. res and ulcars on the body, skin affections, catarrhal troubles, weak eyes, end general poor health. The inherited poison, transmitted through the blood, pollutes and weakens this fluid, and in place of its nutritive qualities nils the circulation with scrofulous matter, which saps the vitality of the entire system. Thousands of children, born with a scrofulous taint, isve spent their childhood in constant physical suffering, and grown to manhood or womanhood handicapped by 111 health and stunted growth and perhaps later some disease of the bones or joints developed. 8. S.'S given in their early life, would have prevented this. It would have cleansed and purified the blood of the taint, nourished and stengthened their systems, and assisted each to grow into strong, healthful manhood or womanhood. S. S. S. is the very best remedy for Scrofula. It goes down to the bottom of the trouble, and cleanses the circulation of all scrofulous matter. It supplies the weak, diseased blood with strength and health-building qualities, and under the purifying effects of this great remedy all symptoms of Scrofula pass away. S. S. S. contains no minerals in any form, and is an absolutely safe treatment for children, even infants, or persons of any age. Literature about Scrofula and any medical advice lre. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. G A. t mm f Li i n i mercnanisi oave $10,000 In 1907 the i Merchants of Oregon saved over $10,000 by carrying a part of their Insurance in their cv.r. cor.pzr.y, . Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire As surance Association, of Dayton, Oregon. In 1905 they wiil save $i 5,000. During the same period their neighbors were hand ing over $1,500,000 in profits to outside companies In the Oregon Merchants Mutual you get: INSURANCE AT COST A LIMIT TO YOUR LIABIL ITIES PROMP TSEULEMENT OF LOSSES J.'JN. OLIVER, Agent 4f y TT tTTT TTTT F V TTIf TTT'Tf Pnill fOR PAROLE OF HAVLEY ACTED OK FRIDAY Amusement UNION NURSERY J. B. WEAVER, Prop. Fruit, shade and or namental trees. Sherbs and Roses. Strawberry vines and other small fiuifc SEND FOR PRICE LIST UNION, ORE. Tomorrow Judge J. W. Knowles will take action on a petition for pa role for Roy Hawley charged with stealing lard from the Oliver ranch, the charge being made Jointly against Frank Parker, now in the peniten tiary, Roy Chandler, acquited. and Mr. Hawley. The petition is a re markably strong one, being composed of representative names from a large section of Union county. It contains more names, and more influential sig natures, than the average paper ot Us kind. The court will alt and take action tomorrow. Parker Exeswratcs Hawley. . When Parker had been convicted and sentenced, he waa taken to Sleo TaeduMe Change Tonight. a t An entire change tn their vaudeville (bill will take place at the Scenic to 'otght. Billy Baxter will be better than ever tonight. Wayne, the Wizard, has made friends with all ot the theatre goers ot the city and is liked more every night Dainty dancing Du Mar is a buck and wing dancer ot rare i skill and that combined with her sweet voice makes her more welcome at by Chief ot Police Rayburn, and to every performance, his conveyer Parker said . that h ' would tm on the atand and swear thtt ! neither Chandler or Hawley had any- I thing to do with the stealing. The' ktl Carsen Good Shew. In presenting fact that they had any connection, public. Mr. J. P. wftn tne stealing. The ract that they had any connection with th matter at all, was due primarily to the h fluence exerted by Parker, according to Parker's own. statements. , OIL APVKES CIRCUS BILLS GIVE CHEERI BAKER CITY, June 21 Private ad vices received in Baker City Monday were to the effect that oil in consider able quantity had been struck in the well of the monmouth Oil Company. The fact that such a development had been made was a matter of -secrecy on the part of those on the in side, but it leaked out and was gen erally known over town yesterday and causd no little excitement for thj reason of the large number of Ba ker people who are interested finan cially in Malheur oil fields. , SHE'S QUEEN! SHE'S mET! Is an expres'on thai is always heard at signt of a well deve' d woman. . If you are f!(it--vtd, with Bl undeveloped, a srawny neu :..:., u-ad arm' remark will never be applied t "SIP wafers will make you beautiful, bewltch tm rh-o THE RITST In a week from X I to 6 inches and produce a fine, firm, voluptuous 7 V- . mv... Mil a... , V a knllnn nlaitui malr. fh. UUBUIU. M UQJ 111, uut uwt.ww. trmg handsome and well modeled and the neck and shoulders shapely and of perfect contour. " Send for a bottle today and you'll be pleased and grateful. "SI REN" wafers are absolutely harmless, pleasant to take, and convenient to carry around. They are sold under guarantee to do all we claim or MONET BACK. Price 11.00 per bottle. Inquire at good drug stores or send DI RECT TO US. ' FREE. During the next 30 days only we will send you a sam ple bottle of these beautifying wafers on receipt of 10c to pay cost of - w 4 pie bottle of these beautifying waters on receipt oi xvc io pay cosi i T packing and postage if you mention that you saw the advertisement In J this paper. The sample alone may be sufficient if the defects are t trifling. ' ' J DESK 4. ESTHETIC CHEMICAL CO., SI W. 125th ST, NEW YORK. 1 Healing Salve for Barns, Chapped Hands and Sore Nipples. As a healing salve for burns, sores, sore nipples and chapped hands Chamberlain's Salve Is most excell ent. It allays tl o-'n ' j '- i J- most instantiv. auii unl th- m without leaving a m ar. i'rics, to cents. For sale by All Good Dealers, yourself how oulkly it relives the pain ard -soreness. The medicines tsualy given Internally for rheuma tism are polosnous or very strong medicines. They are worse than use less in cases ! chronic and muscular rheumatism. For sale by All Good Druggists. TAIltti DOVtl The circus posters which have been tacked Ob the telephone posts on Ad ams avenue, have ben taken down by the city officials. After the bills wew up Chief Rayburn and City Attorney Baker went to digging after an ordi nance to prohibit the tacking ot bills on telephone posts, and after diligent search succeeded In finding one an-1 orders were issued to the billposters to remove them at once. On account of rain the show people asked for a delay which was granted. The adver tising car left and also left the bills on the post Yesterday the city au thorities got busy and removed the obnoxious sight" Kit Carson" to tho Morgan has snared no expense to make this one ot the most complete productions on the road. The following well known peo ple have been secured by Mr. Morgan for the season: Miss Nellie Forest, Kate Forest, Alice King. Messrs Louis Koch. Fred Crosby. Ned Talbot. 11. Bryant, Will Gardiner aud Georgs Lane, This play holds the boards at the rU crttiay and Saturday night, 2rth and 26th, with a bargain matinee. Saturday at 2:30. , . " Reward Offered. ; Lost, heavy silver watch, open face. Rturn to this oflica and receive re- N'etice ef Impessdrt Stock. Notice Is hereby given tht on tlia 16th day of June. 1109. 1 took up white running at large in the city of La Grande, Oregon, the following de scribed animal, towit. one Jersey bull, about two years old. no brands visible. Has square crop off ot right ear and slit la left ear. that I Impounded sail animal in the city of La Grande. Ore gon, under and by virtue of an 'ordi nance thereof, and unless the owner claims and pays cost ot feeding and keeping of said animal, at the expira tion of ten days from the date ut this notice, I will advertise and sell said animal, as provided by the ordi nance ot said city. Done and dated In La Grande. Ore gon, this the 17th day ot June, 1909. L. RAYBURN, (J-18-20) Chief ot Police, DELEGATES TO IOllTL..:. Reservation Openings. ' For full Information regarding Coeur d'Alene Spokane and Flathead opening, send 25 cents for pamphlet to P. Simons, Nezperce. Idaho. Stop and look at the $35.00 camera, and explanation In our window. New- Un Drug Co. ' Local Baptist T"teret Has Stronjr Toleg-'"' - i ilonal Convention. Dtact 31 ( m - E. Damon and Mr. and - Mrs. C .; - 3all are in atten dance at the Northern Baptist Conven tlon at Portland. Mrs. J. E. Steven son, Mrs. R. I Matthews. Miss Maude Brooks, Miss Elizabeth Bunnel, Miss Lydia Hug and Miss Anna Neiderer I left last night for the convention. Pastor and Mrs. W. H. Gibson will leave tonight, giving our local Bap tist interest a strong delegation to the National meetings. ward. (S-U-St) 1 'J An Ideal Congh Medicine. - -MAs an ideal cough medicine 1 re tard Chamberlain's Cough Remedy la l class by Uselt. aa-s Drr. R. A. W'ilt hire. ot Gwynnevlll. Iod. "I take treat pleasure In testifying to the ru ulta . ot Chamberlain's Cough medi cine. In fari. I know of no other preparation that m ?V? . , expectations of tha most exacting lo, rases ot croup and coughs of chUdrea. A tt -sontaliu n eMvrtojff M4i9t U aeU3Ji 1 iate. pleasant and efficacious remedy tor the ills tt U intended." . For saie by ill good deelers. ; . ;TTif uUii' j SCHOO PASTIME THEATRE J011NSO.X St BRUCE. Proprietors, FRIDAY AXD SATfRDAY MtJHTS AND SATl'tt DAY MAT1E1 KIT CARSOX A four act Comedy Drama Prices NlghU COc; All Seats 25 cents. Matinee, , LOST. : About June 7, black seal pocket book about 6 by 4 inches tn size, with name, Dr. Otis Akin, Portland. Ore gon, inside, contained a note, mone and several other things. Generous reward upon return of some to Dr. F. E. Moore, La Grande. The Scenic PANTAGES CIRCUIT La Grande's Foremost,, Vaudeville Theatre. . Depot Street. S. A. Gardiner, Manager. Matlnte, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Adults, matinee: 101; Children under 12 years old Cc. Evening prices, 10 and 15c. Week Commencing June 21. Wayne, the wizard, asslstted by M'lle Adele and Company. Billy Baxter, the black faced comedian, formerly with His t Henry's Minlstrels. X0TICE OF ANNUAL ELECTION. Notice is hereby liven lo the legal voters ot school district No. L of Un ion county, State of Oregon, that the ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETINQS for said district will be held at High. School building tn said district, to begin at the hour ot 2 o'clock p. m. on the third Monday of June, being the 21st day of June, A. D. 1909. This meeting !s called tor the pur pose of electing one director to serve for five years, and the transaction ot business usual at such meetings. Said election shall be held from 2 ' p. m. until 6 p. m. and It shall be by - ballot. . . Dated this 10th day of June, 1909. ARTHUR WILLIAMS. - restrict Clerk. DAVID BAY. Chnlrrr.nn Board of Directors. (June 11-21) t Cage! Xatotk t Plank sidewalks built and repair ed, excavating and filling. Phone Black 1562. ( J-20-J-20) ELGIN, OREGON, Where iocl business men are co-operating and buying stump lands preparatory to setting commercial orchards. For par- ttculars regarding good orchard land at very low prices call or v . write The ' ' SLOUGH INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate, lavestaients. Loans and Collections. a eeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee4 s I He Heating an dMenMMn BmMem Solved i t 1 ' t- --! :-S -'-I : I - v''l.;r' v.-:' f . "t J V ... ;.,. ' '. ' f " .: :t ..'.'. .', ;','' :'. . . 'I y V-,'i;i J 4 , i '! r"" ... :it . ,. . i I ; i . .C id. '7 V By the Eferbury System For Schools, Churches, Lodge Rooms,and Public Buildings " ' i ' Does away with window ventilation, which is almost as great an evil as impure air. Maintains a uniform temperature' all over the room. Eliminates the cold floor problem and the "dreaded hot stove," Adds 25 per cent to the seating capacity by removing the plant to the corner. Great saving in fuel bill. Requires no basement. Always under direct supervision. No expense to install. Will burn either wood or coal. Every plant guaranteed to meet the most exacting requirements. No Experiment, Plant in 'scucessf ul operation in Public School of La Grande. Invented by J. L. Waterbury who.for many years taughtin the public schools, after carefully studying the problem and long experimenting devised and patented the system. Those seated in the farther corner of the room will be just as warm as those sitting near the plant. Can be attached to any flue. Every school district should investigate this system. : ... e i i . n . a 1 ri er I- ' JT I Have taught in the various scnoois or tne county ior tne past iouneen years ana ill ; S Af l OC i? i Cll L3 Cjr3flfl6 tyjf' the knowledge of the improper heating and ventilating conditions caused me to take J " " " ' .,.aa.A,AaAa,AAava.a.