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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1909)
i.i tit sir. L JL!10 0 INSERTED, LA CRA X'DE, pKECOJ. EIGHT PAGES. EVKMXJ ItSKRVEKf t.l GR.IXDE, 0 BEGOT. MOXPAY.'APRItja. Wg TAfiE EIGHT. 3 ' ' ' ' . ,rr-rmrr f.w.w. W .a..!..,..-.,. i'n ,n. ijihwi in.m Li ywW J J . . '.' -, , ,, , . , . ml " 11 " '"' ' " i.niii'i- MMMMMM . .al.ii I. lil .il H ll II I III II I I IIW m I IWI" .11. I II ( The Big Beauty ! : M.;-;; : :C 1 jVf ;0f; i. W fee J.' I!-' ! - ; ; t. I ; kliT'li'' - 'i.''in':'iM-''i . ..' '...k .,.iw..V.... . . . , ,, Hoiise Spirit of 16 Big Red Mill Yama Yama Girls Dancing Dutch Kiddies WEDNESDAY NIGHT, APRIL 21 One Merry Musical mgklEZt "PL BELL BOP 30 People SPECIAE PRICES: . tower floor $t.00, ?5c; Batoni' SOe, 25c. Seats on sale TuesdaVaMI) I-M. yBrf)W-''1flitiJtf-'JtlJWLgltBBi,si:ilE 30 People A Special Carload of SCEilfERY The Big Electric Effects The Indian En campment The Moon Girl The Electric Mill The Enchanted Automobile iun-Tw..r' ingrihliiiillfcnillli ;JJ.;:-rr .w i. i. i.iitii 1 ij;1' - 1 : 1 N. j Y " A - " K n lfM V Ihe STANDARD Edcrheimer, Stein & Co. li The More You Look Them Over the Less Likely You will be to Overlook 0 u r Line of Clothes . They're the niftiest,, the cleverest, the smartest ap parel ever planned for young men. They're made in the young's man's way and jn enough different models to give you a good .chance to be exclusive. Prices ' start where quality can be guar anteed and the guarantee isn't just a start-it lasts to the end of the wear. J THE QUALITY STORE WE ST crew of seven men, who will act as his understudies during the survey. Amang them are "Doc" Bacon, Dot Snodgrass and EafneBt Gust. BIG TIME TOXIGIIT. Mudj local ArtlttU Will Show np on Excellent Program. Tonight will be a notable one for WnminiPii nf Ampilra in La Grande. st ...111 . t ....Inil f A spienaia progmiu wm uo tu out and the officials are extending to Court. . In re application for County Aid by Eliza Nodine, It was ordered that the same be denied. In re application of L. Tiipp'foi County Aid, it was ordered that he be given an allowance of f 12.00 per month for the months of April and May, 1909. J ' ' Fn re application of Thos. E, Parka for refund taxes, It was ordered that the same be denied. In Re petition for appropriation for Work on Robb's Hill road, it was or dered that the same be continued for the term. In re petition of John Hildebrandt I the Invitation to attend In a most I cordial manner. Regardless ' of the I fact that Invitations have been sent IOU1, all tUUUIUciD run uiu w i' v " i At , vi v. I n-hpther or not they have received the f0r increase of county aid, it was or ; invitation and all visiting members . dered that his allowance be Increased : are also requested to be present. The j fr0m $15,000 to $25.00 per month, i Royal Neighbors also have special In- j ia re petition of Anna Oliver to va- vitations to attend. The program to j cate streets and alleys in Island City, ' be carried out. as follows: j it was ordered that Monday, the 10th i Onenine AddieBS ..F. B. Cuirey, M. C. day of May be set for hearing. In re petition for change of road district No. 5, lt was ordered that the change be granted. In re appointment of Justice of the Peace for Union precinct, It was or dered that W. A. Maxwell be appoint ed. - ' In re. appointment of Road Super visors in R. D. No. 9, 10, and 29, It was ordered that Ed Logan be appoint ed in R. D. Ho. 10, S. N. Smith in R. D. No. 9, and Frank Flobbs inR. D. No. 29.' ' '. ' , ' ... In re petition for refund of fees er roneously paid to county recorder b? La Grande Investment Co., it was or dered that a warrant be drawn in their favor for $1.00. : .,. In re advertising for bids for one hundred and forty cords of wood,' it was ordered that the Clerk publish a call for bids for 140 cords of wood. ; .Mrs. Sampson. Oracle. ...... v... Miss Bush. , ... .Miss iouise Douglas. .. . .C. S. Williams, C. H. G. Greene and W. T.Hen- ....... '.tl. C. Vinacke. Miss Disiiua and Miss Response . Piano Solo Recitation Quartette . Jordan! C diicks. Address . . Piano Duet Wilson. Vocal Solo ........Miss Laura Green. Dialect Recitation ..... .C. H. Jordan. Quintette. Misses Jessie Greene, 'Lena McReynolds, Helena Love Beatrice Greene and Jennie Oliver. Recitation ............ .Ia Sampson. Violin Solo M'88 Youn Qnin ...C. S. Williams. ildiea Trio . . Misses Oliver, Hu. Neiderer. -1 minute Speeches by Members. , MAY LOWER STREET. 1 DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME and money. planting poor seeds. CEDDES BROS, have these that grow. All kinds of gar den vegataoles, potatoes five varieties. Flower seeds of all kinds and varieties. Win .the prize this year by planting our Aster ' seeds. If you need anything in the grocery line, we 'carry -the best. . . : - InmiM r iiMcv k ill HM . 1 1 1 f ill; TOMORROW KmidrBtii on Wnshimtlon Will Present lVtltlou to Couucll. I Residents' "on Washington street! have prepared a petition asking that .iruot h lowered. The petition will probably be presen- q -n at the next meet- leu in iuc ing. It asks that from Greenwood to Spruce the grade -as at present es tablished, be lowered four inches, from Sprue1 to Hemlock, eight Inches, from Hemlock to Maple 12 inches. HighScIioolWeek At " REMINGTON'S ALL WEEK, FROM MONDAY MORNING UNTIL SATURDAY NIGHT a percentage of all sales will be given" to the Athletic Fund of the High School. A SPECIAL SALE ON YOUNG MEN'S, YOUTH'S "AND BOY'S CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS GEDDES BROS. - PHONE Engineer Plckler is busy today get- ting supplies together and making j ready to start work on the permanent : survey of the Beaver creek pipe line t tomorrow. A. J. Eckleson. the civil ; and hydraulic engineer who Is to be j Mr. Pic kler's asiiatanit ";!uied to arHv this morning from Portland ; saying ; that he will be here tonwrrow, but sent a letter this moruiug. About '60 days will be consumed In doing both the field and office work, and seven men will 'be used In runuing the permanent lines and establishing the grades. Mr. Pickler will take with Uimx ( OI RT PROfKEPIXC.S. At the last session of the county court, the following transactions wero made: In re-monthly allowance to various Indigent Persons, the Court ordered that warrants be drawn as follows: To D. W. Souder. $1."00: Baggie Slae ner. S12.000: John Hildebrandt. $25.00 Klizabeth A. Garren, $12.00; Harry French, $10,000; John Dunnington. $10.00. In re-appl' atlon of W. A. Rodifei" T:)r County Aid. it was ordered that he le allowed $1500 per month for the, months of April and May. 1909. re-spnnval of the bonds of var ious Road Supervisors.',ltdi t'-ie'd that' the bond of S. L." Brooks. J. H. Adams. J. M. Jones. W. O. Sherwood. L. C. Grout and Wro. Frasler be ap proved. - In re County Road petitioned for by John Croll et al It was ordered that the Board of County Road Viewers survey said proposed road and report C C. PENINGTON & CO. zsasxs New Back Combs . :, Bantlts;znd Hand some Whits Belts ADAMS AVEXCK 4'