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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1909)
PAGE TH&EE. EIGHT PAGES. ETE.MVG OBSEBVER, LA GBAXDE, 0KEG05. 1': WHT NOT- TRY, Fopham's icniMA REMEDY? auett prompt and poslUe relief r ,vry ew. Bol& by druggists. Prlc 11.00. Trial package b mall 10 cent. . William Mfg. Co., Prop. v ObTOlan.1 j or at.- by . T. HILL. Druggist V - Plne9!kV. ILIIVM ALL Carbolized ron.tornuA sve have Just receive, a complet .ma of Columbia double dine record i5c Newlln Book ft Stationery Co. DRiLLINGj There are several kinds of drilling "but- the kind j the kind tn at makes the- j farm pay is the drilling j which makes water avail-' j able. There is no need j of a dry farm." The task' j is not so great as you j may think. Thave had j years of experience and J understand the well busi- j ness thoroughly. DM. HUNT! LA GBANDE. OREGON e DO YOU KNOW j FOR CERTAIN? I that your title - is gocd? "An abstract will tell you S all atout it and it may be I tc your advantage to have I one made. You cannot afford to take chances. J.R. OLIVER! La Grande National Bank J Building i s Merchants! Save f - - $10,000 In 1907 the Merchants of Oregon, saved over $10,000 by carrying a part of their Insurance in their own company, the Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire As surance Association, of Dayton, Oregon. In 1908 they will save $15,000. During the same period their neighbors were hand- ing over $1,500,000 in profits to outside companies In the Oregon Merchants Mutual you get: t INSURANCE AT COST "" A LIMIT TO YOUR UABIL- t ITIES PROMPTSETTLEMENT OF t LOSSES I The idea is to keep your teeth in a normal condition and this cannot be done without the aid of a dentist This is a age when it is possible to keep the natural teeth until the time conies when you no longer need them, provided you look alter them in time. Modern methods of treatment make this possible. Remember nothing can quite take the place of the natural. l , . Do not think because a. tooth has an abcess at the root that you must lose it. In a large majority of cases it can be saved. . Be reasonably sure that your Dentist knows his busi ness. A college training on theory is absolutely necessary if the best service is , to be ren dered. Practice is good but theory worked out into practice is better. My motto is The Greatest Good to the Greatest Number." J. . STEVENSON , D. D. S. . r t EG W RATES ' TO OREGON DAILY DURIINC MARCH and APRIL from all part3of the East l id UNION PACIfIC 0R:G0 SHORT ME INC OREGON RAILROA & NAVIGATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIfIC 33. from Cuicago $30 50 f cm St. Louis $25. frcm Omaha $25 froit Kansas City Correspondingly low from all other points. To the Public in the east and tell them about these Write letters to everybody you kno v low colonist rates. Send thorn litera ture about" Oregon, or send their ad dresses to us and wo will do It. In this way you can be a groat help In the growth and progress of your state You Can Prepay Fares for any one trom any place If you want to. Deposit the necessary amounl ,Uh our local agent and he will tele graph ticket promptly. Inquire of Agents or write to WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co Southern Pacific Co. (Lines In Oregon) PorllMiiil. Oregon (OVE TRIMS LOCAL HIS Sting of defeat marked the return to La Grande Saturday night of the La Grande high school baseball team, for the Cove nine trimmed up the lo cals. 13 to 12. This is the first game lost this year and It Is likely that another whirl will be taken at the Cove team and should La Grr.ude Iu that one, ,the rubber will follow. La Grande had a safe lead for a con siderable length of time, but Meyers lost his usual stability and the r?et of the team also "went to pieies" disastrously. Cove won Its victory in the last few minutes. The game was clean and the many rooters from ' La Grande veie satis fied with their team's showing ex cepting a few occasional moment when the players lost control of themselves. ( ARNIVAL mm That the Commercial club and busi nessmen struck a gold mine when they engaged the Parker Carnival company is attested to by the Lewis ton Tribune which speaks iu complimenting ways of what the show is. The general attractions which Mr. Parker carries are outlined in the display ad In this issue while the Observer will, from time to time, ex plain some of the features of this splendid show before it gets here. "The word great," says the Lewiston Tribune in speaking of the show, "is used advisedly for the Parker shows are the greatest on the road. No where is there an element of cheap ness. There is not a single fake in the whole list, while on the other ; hand every attraction is first class." i Thus we would continue to quote i from the paper the splendid success 'sioied iu Lewiston semilar auspices as the show will come to La Grande on May 3-8 in elusive. Treasurer's Call for County Warrant. '. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned treasurer of Union county, Oregon, has funds on hand with which to pay all county warrants that were endorsed by the treasurer prior to the first day of April. 1907,. No Interest allowed on the above warrants after March 11, 1909. ' S-22-tf JOHN FRAWLET. Treasurer of Union County, Oregon. UNION NURSERY J. B. WEAVER, Prop. Fruit, shade and or namental t r e e 8 . .Sherbs and Roses. ' Strawberry vine s and other small fiuit SEND FOR PRICE LIST UNION, ORE. l asies uae rcapie Said !WMt llttl clrt bitrird .'ton bo eakM. It testa Ilk mmple oo ill kindt of bread and cake. Towle's CIRCUS Brand Table Syrup I t dallckHM Mwwl of Sara r Can fcjrnp, Cora Srrap, Homj and Maple Syrup Toor trocar baa It-ask him Mar bow o a caa aw " in uwh m TU TtwU HU Srr C. I. W: OLIVER, Agent t! RIHQS OYSfEPSlS T15LETS j T ""ar--r-Br WTTTT raW-waiw a - m m m 9 I J. T. Scott has purchased the In terests of F. S. Bramwell and the other stockholders in the Ilramwell Music Company, and hereafter the business will be conducted as the J. T. Scott Music Company. 0TI(E OF FISAL SETTLE.MKST. j Notice l hereby given that the '-. undersigned has filed her final ac count as administratrix of the es tate of H. D. Drake, Deceased, in the County " Court of the State of Oregon for Union County, and said ! Court has fixed Tuesday, the 4th day .; xf.v-ifiod ai t'u Court Tlc.ise in l ': L Grande. Union County. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing any and all objections ; thereto and the final settlement of the fame. : ATTON H. DRAKS, ; Afln-lnWtratil of ld mtste. Bay biaiz Paint Large consignment just received. All colors. Formula on each can. You take no cnances in buying this brand. Carter White Lead Standard the world . over. Gave satisfac- . tion years ago and gives universal satis faction today. WALLPAPER New designs, and our prLe will appeal to you. James A. Bugg Adams A .enue DEVELOP THE BUST - SUE S A QUEEX1 SHE'S A S1RKS1 Is an expreson that Is always heard at sight of a well deve 0d woman. If you are flat-chested, vlth BV undeveloped, a srawny neck, thin, lead arm' remark will never be applied to you.. "SIJ' " wafers will make you beautiful, bewitch ing. They DEVELOP THE BUST In week from I to C Inches and produce a fine, firm, voluptuous bosom. They OH out the hollow places, make the . arms handsome and well, modeled and the neck and shoulders shapely and of perfect contour. Send for a bottle today and you'll be pleased and grateful. "Sl . REN" wafers are absolutely harmless, pleasant to take, and convenient to carry around. They are sold under' guarantee to do all we claim or MONEY BACK. Price $1.00 per bottle. Inquire at good drug stores or send DI RECT TO US. ' ' . ' FREE. During the next SO days only we will send you a sam ple bottle of these beautifying wafers on rectlpt of 10c to pay cost ot packing and postage If you mention that you saw the advertisement In this paper. The sample alone may be sufficient If the defects are trifling. DESK 4. ESTHETIC CHEMICAL CO., 31 V. 125th ST., NEW YORK. DAILY OBSERVER 65c a Month A GOOD RrZCORD We have conducted a laundry business in La Grande for many years. There must a reason. A trial order will explain the mystery. A. B. C. Laundry riir.!P Ajiini "7 t4HN4NH4w,tw X DAILY OBSERVER 65c a Aonth ED STRIXC.IIAA1, 4 .AUCTIONEER. &tie cried ufl short notice. : Satisfaction guaranteed. 4 4 No extra charg for d lata nee. 4 4 LA GRANDE - - - OREGON 4 4 Route No. S 'Phone No. lMxt 4 Kin 5c CIgaif. tv -l. ! v Arrived! oday. Our Ox Bloods, Tan Oxford & Pumps We are prepared to give you a perfect fit, as we have the largest line of lasts and widtns to. select from in the city for $3.5 O IVe Have a Complete Linelof Hosiery Smith & Greene, DEPOT STREET Repairing Neatly Done - ,- v r