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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1908)
00 r ro' ir ji nn XL Nl'.MHF.n SI. LA GBA NDE. CXTOX COCMTT. OREGON. BWXU.VV. NOVICMBEK B, 1008. VOLl'ME VUL BAIIKASSETS -KEEP- CR&VillG THY Mlt-S. Gl'NXFSS' Ml'RDlCKF.IL t'urnlvul of Crime In I Porte Again in MiiK'lltfliU TOTAL SHORTAGE AS N ANNOUNCED PREVIOUSLY. Appraisers VenterdMy Spent Many Hours Willi Stock and Paper Un official Report Is Tliat More Valua- v Me rape Tlian First Thought, Han Been Found Scrlber Said to Be About to Leave Jail on Boutin Ex pected Home Soon. s 4 4 4 4 Ray Lapher, accused of murdering Mrs. Belle Gunness and three chil dren, was begun today. Mrs. Ounncs was the woman, who Is suspocted of killing several ' men for their money and burying them In her back yard. COUPEE M EE RE-ELECTED CI 1CIE0 Rumor of Repayment. A rumor, originating, one one 4 knows where, but Is neverthe- 4 less given some credence. Is to 4 the effect that when Scrlber 4 reaches La Grande, It will be to- 4 meet a large bulk of the bad pa- 4 r,r in the bank. In such an 4 r- event the depositors will not lose 4 much by the failure. The Ob- 4 server can neither corroborate 4 or deny the rumor, and publishes 4 It as rumor only. - : , . 4 - The assets of the defunct Farmers & Traders National bank, will In all probability exceed what the depositors have been figuring on. The shortage Is thought to b the eame as previously reported In the neighborhood of . $125,000. Beyond the above statement little Information can be secured from the results of the work of the appraisers v who ' spent many hours yesterday In going over the assets of the bank with" Receiver Keldner. " Those who assisted In the examination , wre Fred J. Holmes, president or the M. & M. company; J. T. Phy, , expert ; accountant; F. L. layers, cashier of the La. Grande Na tional bank; Joseph Palmer, president of the Farmers & Traders; Guy Mc Culley, assistant cashier of th same Institution, and G. L. Cleaver, cashier of the Eastern Oregon Trust & Savings bank I, BYSTREET CAR UNERY MOB ABOUT TO LYNCH CARELESS MOTQRMAN San Francisco, Nov. 8. Miss Mag. gie McLlnn, aged 18, was literally cut in two by street car in this city last night, and dragged 40 feet. An angry crowd attacked the motorman, J. H. Lance, Who was saved by the timely arrival of he police. Some body secured a rope from a drug store and was rushing toward the motorman when the police Interfered. The body of the woman was mangled beyond recognition. All her limbs were bro ken. '' - Haines Trial Set. New York, Nov. 9. Captain Peter Hains and Jenkins Halns, his brother, charged with tne murder ; of William Annls, will be tried Jointly, beginning December 14. This date was today set by. Justice Asplnwall. i SUCH SEEMS OUTLINE OF DEN VER MEETING. mm if ,!!EHI Sil Conceded That Samuel Gmiers Will Agalu Be Real Head of American Federation, 1 Contrary to Advance Opinion-Victory Will Be Signal One, If Ef fectcd In Face of Recent Action Convention Will Last Two Weeks.- Js ' ;i nnvAr Nnv. 8. The election of Samuel Oompers was practically con rorfnd when the convention of the American Federation of Labor con vened here this ornlng. However, the fight on him will be bitter.' James Lynch, of the Typographical union. Is the leading candidate against him. John Mitchell, a former presi f the, United Mlneworkers,' is also mentioned. The convention opened with ad dresses of welcome by Governor Buch tel, and Mayor Speer of Denver. The sessions will continue two weeks with the real work to bejln tomorrow. This will be a very Important convention Insinuates Taft Lied. Gomners refused to discuss Taft's statement made during the campaign that Taft laid the foundation for the prosperous and effective labor unions while he was on the bench. He de- olared such a statement Is false on the face of It. .Gompers said In an In terview: - - ,: 4 " "We., lost-'the- fight" this eaffor ! justice to working peoplo, but we will keep the fight up. The campaign has solidified labor." ';, . J 1HS ASSSASSIX THEX SHOOTS HIMSELF DEAD. (Continued on naireS.V Baby Smothered by Mother. Klrke A. Bunt, the 3-year-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bunt of Lawr ence, Wash., was accidentally smoth ered to death by his mother Saturday morning. Mrs. Bunt dropped off to sleep while holding the child, and when she awoke found the child dead in her amis. i Blanket Spec $1.25 Sheet Blankets IQxh size this I weefr, price 89c a pair SIM Sheet Blankets this week price $1.19 a pair. This blanket is full j 1M size in Green, Tan ana wmtei in pretty pink or blue borders I $1.85 Outing Blankets this week's price $137 a pair. This blanket we have in white only, 11x4 size $2.50 Teasle-down Blanket this week j $1.78 a pair. This blanket is full Ux f h and 12x4 sizes, white, grey on mottled, extra good weight. t Also a full line of Eastern Oregon wool Blankets, in all sizes and t grades, ranging from $3.69 to $11.95 a pair i 4 $ 4 i i 4 t I I 4 Deliberate Atienit at Assashlnatlon TliU Morning I'o.Hlnuwter of New York aty bot Mlthout Monienfs WarningHas1 Chance of Recovery Belkved to Be Outcome of Virile Attack on Grafting Mall Clerks- .' Daughter Witnessed Tragedy. New York, Nov. . E. M. Morgan, postmaster of this city, was shot down and perhaps fatally wounded by Erie H. Mackey, as he was leaving his home near 146th street and Broadway this' morning. The assassin then blew out his own brains. Mackey was a stenographer employed by the law firm of Hill, Hunt & Botts. Morgan was about to enter a sub way station with his daughter when Mackey approached . and anked, "I this Morgan." Getting an answer in the affirmative, Mackey pressed a re volver to his abdomen on the left side and ftred. The bullet went out on the right side. As a great crowd was iratherlna- Mackey suicided. The rea son for the-attack is unknown. A dagger and slungshot were found In Mackey's possession. The police think the attempt at murder was pre meditated. No Information concern ing Mackey obtainable at the law Offices. Earlier in the nay man noi rWanblln Mackey telephoned from a bakery on Amsterdam avenue to the Morgan home, asking to see the post (Continued on page S 444444444444 4444444444444444444444444 VANGUARD OF DELEGATES ARRIVE TONIGHT ?444444444444444444444444 4 4444444444444444444444444 On the eve of the opening day of the .Federated Women's club conven tion In this city, everything stands In readiness for the arrival on tonight's trains of 40 delegates, the advance guard of those who will come tomor row morning and evening. . . Figuratively speaking, the enter- ready'for their comlhg several days. Those who are to take a part in the extensive program j lasting through three days, have done their last re hearsal and when , President Sarah Evans drops her gaven tomorrow morning, it wilt be responded to by several numbers which have been pre pared and will be rendered by local perfple, i , The Public Invited. ' La Grande invariably rallies to the support of any good cause, and the ELGIN SNOWED VNDEIL Coe Glndliitnr 0crcone 0toncnts , 35 to 0 Nitiii-Uuy, Cove. Nov. 9. CSpeclal.) Elgin Saturday by the Cove toomau learn in a contest that ended, S5 to 0, In favor of Cove. Cove's superb use. of the forward pass and the Mlddleton spread sent the pigskin down the field, at a gallop as often as It came In the hands of the Cove players. ' ORE Ell El MONDAY SEES GREAT , STRIDES BY PROSPERITY. PUSH FOR 'TEDDY" TIIESEIIE NEW YORK WORLD DECRIES HIS EXECUTIVE ABILITIES New York, Nov. 9 The World en dorses Roosevelt for the senate to succeed Piatt, whose term expires this winter, The . World anhounces it withdraws no word, of criticism It made against the Roosevelt adminis tration and policies. That paper says about Roosevelt: "We do not regard him as fit to be president He lacks balance, 1 poise. dignity and sense of proportion; he lacks sense of responsibility; he lacks ludiment. and nearly all elements ex cept the energy and determination which go to make an administrator of the first rank." ', " i ' it further declares that Roosevelt nrful fund of expert WcfciW thairir (aJnvaluabWl vtr-s nation, and should not be lost. " "Roosevelt told us be ' Would keep his hands off of the New York sena torshlp flght.r said James W. Wads worth, speaker o( the New York as sembly, today after a' conference with the president.. It is generally under stood In administration circles, that Secretary Root Is the receptive candi date."..' . Dearth of Laborers In Coke Region Railroad Men Work Overtime in Re pairing Rolling StockMany Gla Factories to Reunie 0eratioa at Ouco General Tone of Prosp)rlty Everywhere Big Steel Plant Work Ilesumd. . 44444 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 Aptxwl for Men. 4 . Every coke worker Ini the 4 4 Oonnellsvllle region Is em- 4 4 ployed. An appeal has been 4 4 Issued for 1000 men at once. 4 4 . Employes of the P,ansylvan!a 4 4 railroad are on time and a half. 4 Work U ordered resumed on 4 4 the new model city of Allqulp. 4 4 The announcement that 10 4 4 glass plants, In Pennsylvania, 4 4 Ohio, West Virginia, Maryland, 4 4 and Indiana, will be put In op 4 4 eratlon within two weeks. . 4 4 . The' foregoing are the prosper- 4 4 lty features today. 444 4 444444444444 Pittsburg. , Pa!, Nov. 9. The short-' age of coke workers, caused by the failure of foreigners, who returned to their native land at the beginning of the panic, to return to their old places. " The railroad men are work ing over time repairing rolling stock. The woiV.un.thlv. new .model town,, where a IIS.OQO.OOO steel plant will be erected, was ordered by the Jone- Laughlln Steel company, The glasa Dlants to be opened are the property of the National Glass company, now In the hands of a receiver. All have been Idle for months. . ' women who are entertaining the many visitors again look to support In the way of attendance. The clubs are es pecially anxious to have a large, at tendance of the La Grande public at each session. Night and day sessions are alike to be thrown open to any one. "Come and bring a friend," Is tne slogan rrom club headquarters. So carefully has every detail been arranged that when the vanguard of the delegates arrive tonight, every one of them will be assigned to a comfort able home for the convention period. That La Grande will once more dem onstrate its capability as a convention city. Is a positive assurance.- - Watch It for the next three days, for. it is already the mecca of Oregon's club women. What la done here will be Bryan Not a Canccllor. , Lincoln, Neb.; ; Nov. . -The rumor that Bryan Is being considered for the chancellorship of the University ' of Nebraska to succeed Benjamin An drews, Is not seriously credited in uni versity circles. The university regents say they are not considering Bryan's name. The great Commoner says It Is news to him, - 'Continued on pane t.i CANNON CERTAIN 12 Hi "SAiisMcnoH or rouR worn mcic OF ELECTION MAJORITY OF 213 REPUBLICANS PLEDGED FOR HIM Chicago. Nov.. 9. Speaker Joseph Cannon met several western congress men today In a discussion of the tar iff revision issue. He conferred with National Chairman Hitchcock yester day. The republlran national head quarters here closed last night, mean ing that the last official recount shows that 21 1 republicans were elected to the house of representatives for the nxt senlon. tnH s TraJri'y of. tbm are pledged to support Cannon for speaker. Advocates of the Lakes-to-Gulf waterway are planning to oppose Can- SPEERY BRIHCS DOWN TROUBLE (ConUnaed on page -) DENIES RIGHT OF SHORE LEAVE MAY APPEAL TO UNCLE SAM - Manila, Nov. 9. Admiral Sperry re fuses to allow any men to go ashore to participate In the celebration plan ned for the fleet's reception on ac count of cholera.: The cltlnns of Ma nila resent this attitude, saying It keeps tourists away. They are think ing of appealing to Washington for an order allowing the men liberty to go ashore. Soerry lakes the attitude. .that one unnecessary loss of life among the men will be too dear a price to pay for any celebration: The business men who hava contributed for the celebration are leading In the movement to appeal to Washington. Pastime Film Shipment Fall to Ar rive for This Evening. No films. That is the condition of things at the Pastime theater tonight, and natrons of that playshop will have to be content with a promise of some thing good for tomorrew night. The film shipment destined for the house did not arrive this morning, and ac cording to advices by numerous tele grams from the film house, it will not arrive In time for tonight's perform ance. "Attend Ma's New Husband" tonleht and come to the Pastime to morrow night." says Manager Ecch-s. Aecntied of Smuggling. Blaine, Wash., Nov. - 9. Charged with attempting to .smuggle 11600 worth of diamonds across the line from Vancouver Into this country, Harry Field, arrested at Vancouver, is trvlnir to secure extradition papers for his prisoner, who ts accusei-of Is suing worthless checks to the amount of the value of the diamonds. ' Gompcn Snubbed. Washington. Nov. 9. President five labor leaders to dine with him on the evening of November 17, to dis cuss desired labor legislation..' Gom pers Is not Included. The Invited men are: T. V. Powderly, John Mitchell. Daniel Keefe, James Duncan and P. H. Morrlssey. : ; ; Birth Rfleord. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Coolidge, In this city last evening, a son. : 'Getting sore at the world Is a ready way of laming yourself in the race. , He who has nothing to do always does worse than nothing. : I STOP THE - FIRST COUGH ' Eir1r fall coughs often pave the way for many later ones, by set ting up a chronlo Inflammation of the air passages. , Cure the first cough promptly and rightly and vyou will thas be taking precautions against liability to later annoyances and danger. For any kind of a cough at any time, we know of nothing better than ! Newlin's White Pine Expectorant i It Is a remedy that we can highly recommend, because It cures in the right way, and Us value has been demonstrated by years of use. . rrk 23 and 50 Cent. NEWLIN DRUG COI T LA GRANDE; ORE. i