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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1908)
LA GRANDE, UNION COC3TTT, OREGON. 6ATCRDAV, JCNE 13, lai)9. xt-mber stu. 1 .i v . , . v f : ".r- -: 1 : - r . ' .'"7 e POM I (E an sstands a8 world's most ! ' ; famous prisoner. . ,lutnrV' Kami sh. don by Governor' Wilson Today- Fowera Ha Bern Prisoner , Nino Years on SuHpicion ot Having Hc4xx! Murder Governor GocbrlJIm How ard Pardoned, But He Una Other Troubles AgalnM Illin, v ' ': Frankfort, Ky., June 1. Caleb fowem and Jim 'Howard were par i .loned today by Governor Wilson for , alleged connection In the murder of Governor William Goebel of Kentucky. Power waa America's moat famous jMinoner.-' He has been Incarcerated al pioat nine years on a conspiracy charge In connection with the killing of Ooe bel. Howard was under life sentence ' la connection with the assassination. ' tmt he b under other convictions and will not go stark free. 'T!'. '.' , Powers, a young- motmtuiner. was elected secretary of state en' the re publican ticket nine years ago. , W'(l llam Taylor, the republican nominee for governor, was. declared elected.- Ooebel, the 'detnocratj contented tha election and bloody scenes followed. Ooebel was shot down In front of the capitoL .' Powers, then 10 years old, was arrested and . tried ' four timet. Each time It was claimed that Demo cratic authorities packed tha juries. When Wilson,, a republican... was M4. ho aui4 nxM ' ers, if he becam convinced the pris oner waa Innocent. . The pardon today la tha result of his Investigation. . 'During the election campaign last winter, the principal Issue at stake was the fate of Ooebel. . Wilson had the stamina to soy that he would free the prisoner if he thought him Innocent. In a state radically democratic, the republican victory was the subject of surprise for many days following. " The aftermath of the pardon will be as bitter as the day when clan killed clan over the dispute of the election when Ooebel was seated. . PILES REFUSES SECOND PLACE TAfTITES WANT DOIXtVEIl AS TAFT KCNXING MATE. Gov: JohnanN for Vtr-...i.. vii.v. Bryan Is Now a Powilbility 8Miaur From Washington Rejects Offer of - Seioul Plac With Tatt Ainxni TluU the Man Taft and Uie President Want as Vlee-Prtwldont, Is Senator DoIUver From Iowa, Butte. June 15. Miners' day was celebrated here today by a parade of 1000 miners. All the mlnea were closed. Chicago, 111.. June II. Senator 8am H. Piles of Washington, said to the United Press today: "I am grateful to my friends for , mentioning ma for the nomination to j the vice-presidency. ' I would not ac cept the nomination If I could get It. It Is out of the question. I prefer to continue as representative of the state of Washington In the senate. Thomas P. Walsh, a millionaire miner of Colorado, climbed on the I Hammond band wagon today by an- 4f ttHtMf tslisiS 4t? tllstitiSsss ii4sssiSSAiasi SPECAL Hfl'IS fl f- SPECIAL II WT noucclng that he would blp Ham mond get the nohiTnuillon for : vice president. "Hammond ' ljelpe fjne when I was a miner. It's up to me to heip him paw," he said- , r Mr Tall End Tunbor. , A big sensation, was sprung late to day when It waa reported Ituit E. E. Clark, a member of, the. IntovsUitc eommgrce commission, who was for merly a member of the Brotherhood of Railroad, eoctSucUKv had been chosen by Taft leader as a candidate fur vice-president. The decision wag made. It Is said, for the ' purpose ' of meeting the possibility that John Mitchell . will be. Bryan's running mate. It Is understood that Governor Dlneen of Illinois, was the first to sug gest Clark..'',-'. . Johnson With Bryan. '' .Omaha, Neb June IS. "Affairs may so shape themselves within the next week or two as to result In my name not being mentioned at tha IVn- ver convention," said Governor" John A. Johnson of Minnesota, in reply to the question of whether he would ,be a candidate for the nomination of vice-president on the Bryan slate.", - "So far as I know Minnesota will present my name to the convention, but a week may bring one big chnnge," Taft Wants DolUvcr aa Mate. Washington, D. C.', June 1 J. That Senator Dolliver of Iowa Is the 'man the Taftltes want for vice-president, was Indicated today when It was re ported that a representative ot Taft and the president would shortly go to Fort Dodge, Iowa, to urge Dolliver to accept. ' . . SALDOH 001 111 hEpt',y.;,'.T.''' ' t i y.-Vv WEEK TX-lX GIUXDE. HIES JURY IS iUI IRLO BELIEF IS THAT f'Bt'IV U.RXES WILL JIANG EMI HI! SEE II : ''.v- torupper4boppen Sunday needs of highest quality f prices that will make ; this store a veritable shopping liive ot men and young men : buycjsNoihers,' -wives, and I , , sweei neans are coraiauy invited to come and see bow men can shop and save money In a ' . I a "J vviiuuiicu uj i lie I dir jiviz, . .. - 5 - I.- .Special'-for': the. Men i S.V AXD Mc MEN'S FANCY HOSE. lOo KEIlCHIEVf, FVMi HtZK, IIE5I-' STITCHED t :. 4 cents 50c FOVI5.1N-HAND ,coi.on$ TIF-S, KOI.II 18 cents 1 : &0c It)I H-IX-IIAMI TltSi. I'ANT PATTERNS 11 cents c : , 27 cents IV AXD a.V MEN'S FANCY HOSE. 19 cents IV AND, XUrt VALVES, BECK AND TAX HOSE II cents : : yc work box ; .... 7 cents ; ; lOn CANVAS GLOVES .'. 5 CZ ' , tl.iS AND $1 AO DRESS SHIRTS .... 79 Cent$ i lie AXD 8V? DR8 SHIRTS 38 CCntS Me WORK SHIRTS 34 CC nt$ i50o AND So I'NDERWEAR 39 Cent$ lie. FRENCH DERWF.R RALHRIGGAN FN- 53 cents 12.00 TO 13.00 WORK PANTS , 4 9 i ........... . a Special for Ihe Ladies' . ; 1 $2.00 LONG GliOVES 91.00 LONG, SILK FINISHED, LISLE. gix)ve8 70 C.prV s x lie LONG, EXTRA FINK I.ISLK , wveh . 58 cents 73c LADIES' FANCY HOSE 9 CPntS S0p LADIES" UlACK HOSE 2 CCntS V LADIES' BLACK HOSE r f CenlS 1,1X8 " 2 cents 5o HOOKS AND EYES 2 CCntS .-. . ... 4 cents BOOST LITERATTRB BEING COMPILED NOW, Sporud Agiuit for' Pacifk? Monthly ' Pecjile Itaa A'lrtcd- Fmft "flection of tlie Valley and Detlarea lie Has Never .Seen Better Natural Condi timid for i Varkrd ludmurlco Will ' Remain I'ulll Tnceday ; Mornings Mauy Pidom Taken. ' ' Uusonr That Sal(Kimcn Hal tUvii s""''wful I" Vmatllla County In. So otirtnjr IiiluiU'tlon AptliiKt Cuunty Court, In Error Circuit Court He fuwu fialooiia Must Go Out July 1 Early Rply tat Local Cams to Ex. - ported. . Notwithstanding rumors and news reports fronv Pendleton tha( th j;lr. v.'i tntit county, had tm- talned an Injunction against the coun ty court ' enjoining tha county court from declaring the -local, option law effective, the saloon men of Umatilla county were nevertheless foiled In their efforts. To make doubly sure,' the two courts of that county declared the law In effect and on July 1 the saloons ke their exit from Umatilla county. The action to 'secure the Injunction was brought at Umatilla the same day on which It was In this county. The charges In the complaint were practi cally the same as those made here, but fter hearing the complaint read. Cir cuit Judge Bean refused to grant the injunction. It Is the belief In Uma tilla county today that no further steps 111 be taken to thwart the wish of Umatilla county voters on this ques tion. ' Reply Early Next Week. Steps are being taken In this city today to prepare a reply to the charges made and to ask for a dissolution of the Injunction against the ' county court granted by tha complaint filed by Julius Roesch.' This action will be taken early next week, but just when Is not known today. Concerted ef fort will be made to bring tha matter a,, climax, before July which time the saloons would hav gone out like they" will In Vmatllla' eminty,' had the Injunction not been granted. $1.00 DOZEN TOILET SOAPS, PER ..DOZEN ,. 36 cents t&c COMBS 18 cents 10c LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS ... 6 CCntS lie LADIES HANDKERCHIEFS ..' CentS lln tiADIEA" HANDKERCHIEFS ... 3 CentS 'TWILL PAY YOU TO; COME m re ! ml U GRANDE, OREGON "In all th,e,tme that I have spent In writing up boost literature In the Pacific Northwest, I litte never seen a valley more fortunately situated and naturally adapted for - varied Indus tries than Is the Grando Rondo val ley.. It Is my firm belief,, after vis- Hlng many of the new and the already 'tearing orchurds of the valley, thai within five years there will be thous ands of arres set to orchards abovt .vhat tho fruit sections now claim." Coming as this does, from a mar ho hus spent yesrs In boost work am riving conservative opinions on th valuo of land, natural resources am future possibilities, the optimist!' statement made by R. C. Rohrsbarh r, special agent for , the Paclfli Monthly people, sent here to complli ata for the boost literature soon to be published, bears much weight and nlterates the common knowledge which sometimes becomes dormant to those who live her. During the days already spent In compiling the extensive data covering every Imaginable field In Union coun ty. Wherever ha goes In quest of In formation he Is tnat with courtesy pleasing to him and tha board of managers of the Commercial club Testerday morning he paid a Visit the new orchards nr Sandri Ut. I dimes bark much elated over the pros pects of growing fruit In that setlon of the valley. Pictures have been donated liberally ind with the 20 odd he has personal y taken and with what he will tak Vfore leaving here, will make an ex 'tei'stlve set of picture stories. The amera never Ms. hence It Is valusbli Ista to Include In the literature. The expert will remain In La Grande until Tuesday morning. De fore that time he will meet with th board of managers and submit the data which ha will have secured by that Urn. With tha facta gathered, classified and perused by tha board. Mr. Rohr- abscber will so to Portland to put tha figures and fact Into readable story Walla Wul'u'a Murder fuse Went Ur :- tho Jury fUlu Afternoon at .,T O'clock General Belief in That IX femtaiit Will Sl !laitl AwtiMed ot Murderiug Mnt. Aliirlth Ntnr Walla Walla Titia Spring Cwno oa Trial fur a Week. y Walla Walla. Wah., June II. (Spo- went Into retirement at i o'clock this afternoon to'couslder the Innocence or guilt of "Bud" Barnes, who Is ac cuned of murdering Mrs. Altlrlch near here some weeks ago. Tho bdy of the woman was found not far from here and Barnos was arrested soon af terwards, The warrant wrb sworn out on the strength of evidence which proved conclusively that Barnes hud been seen coming from the vicinity of where the body wag found. The state rested Its case yesterday afternoon af ter having spent nearly a week In tak ing evidence. The general opinion here is that the Jury will retarn a verdict of guilty in the first degree. The defense hr.s mads a poor case for its testimony, atut (t is believed the circumstantial evi dence will be sufficient to convict the defendant. KFIiLY mm NSANE MOTHER KILLS FAMILY OF SEVEN PEOPLE, UMilgnn Town Hlix'kd at Action of a Mothrr Who Killed llui-lmml, Six Children and Then Suicided Pn- unxl RrctikraMt and When Family Waa Settled, Slio Started FunIUuIi- lliat Wlicd Out an Entire Family--Waa Rational Before. FORCES GATHER iniiEfi;: WORK TRAIN MONDAY. Cadillac, Mich., June 13. The whole 'Ity was shocked today by the tragedy hot wiped out an entire family, when Locomotive Crane Engineer Goea In Today From Portlnud Offk-iato . Now There totting Iteady for r ntal OiM-iilog ol Con.Htriu'ilon Work Next MnndayBrldge Gang Already at Work on Slrm-ture Acrowt llic Grande Rondts W. P, Happerset, a locomotive traiu engineer of Portland, ' arrived this morning and went out to the front, where on Monday morning dirt will commence to fly In earnest, looking toward speedy completion of the Wal lowa ettcnslon. Mr. Ilapperset will take charge of the derrick until tho crane Is sent in. , He Is a brother of C. E. Ilapperset of this city. Bridge Gang There. ; The bridge gang which will con struct the railroad bridge across tha Grande Ronde 'river la already pn the scene with Instructions to get down to (Continued on page $.) (Continned on page I.) OMOO0M0OOMO0M00tOM0MMt IT CUjIIT to be the happiness ad GLORY j, ol every citizen to so live and act that his fcl- ; ; low citizens will esteem him for his goodness, ; ; his kl ncliies, and his usefulness. The principles of ; ; ood citizenship should constitute the code of rules for every kind of business whether public, or private. ; ; This applies particularly to the drul business, be cause, ovvlni to the limited knowledge of the qualities ; ; of drugs by tire general public, It follows that the re- II .ability of the druggist is the chief guarantee cf x X good service. , ' . HILL'S DRUG STORE La Grande ',- Oreoa it 1 (. r-it V I tarm". , I -. SSI ll I frl '