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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1908)
i '3 n ' VOLUME VII. ' ' ', ' ' zi ' . LA GRANDE. UNION COUSTT, OREG0N. W EBNESDAT, APRIL SB, 1808. ! ' ' ' ' ' , - NCMBER 230. , i in i r rnnniiT 4. LUW mm- : RATES IH EFFECT 3D 1TLL 6CHEDULE OP RATES '- FOR L AGRANBE OFFICE. Oregon Railroad Commission Has Pre- pored Full Schedule ot Rate, Which Bwowa Effective After Mar 1 Third .Result of Sweeping Decision Made ay the Commission Recently -Material Reduction In An Ctaatea ''?" FreightThe ' Complete Rate - Schedule on An Classes of Freight From I Grande. . Through the courtesy of the Oregon "Ralfroad commission. The- Observer is In Dosltlon to nnbllsh th itlfrn.. In freight rates which become effect ive on May t, as a result of the ruling -made by the commission some time ,.-ago. ' " , ' . 'V---:' ' 1 . These rates are applicable to all ' points on the O. R. A N. east of The t Dalles, when the shipments are con signed to Portland or vice versa. 'There is material reduction In all -classes. This reduction was provided "I forvora! Weeks ago but It Is only re 'cently that the commission named the Joflate on which they are to become ef fective. J . La Grande. Rates. . t On all freight shipments from La Grande to Portland, the rates after "May 3 will be lowered as follows, the f . SEVEN DOZEN LADIES WAISTS WORTH, REGULAR, 75c to $3.50, . THIS WEEK . ; . Stc, 8tc and $1.18. Waists made from Linens, Lawns and mercerized Walatlngs, In , plain . white and a few figured materials,, pleated, tucked and lace and Inser tlon trimmed. 81ightly mussed and aoUed, but otherwise A-l Waists. Spe cial this week If 39c to $1.18. I HTAen Yoa Buy a Suit WHY THE ROYAL TAILORS WILL MAKE YOU A SUIT, AND GIVE YOU A LEGAIXY-DRAWN AND SIGNED GUARANTEE THAT IT WILL HOLD IT 4 SHAPE AND STYLE UNTIL WORN OUT, LET CS TAKE YOCR ORDER IF SUIT DOES NOT FIT DONT .TAKE IT. 500 SAMPLES TO CH KMSE FROM, AT $17.50 UP. ' ' . Bryan Given Jolt. New Haven, Conn., April 29. The state democratic central committee refused to adopt res- volutlons favoring Bryan today. This state thus follows the action of Rhode Island, Michigan, New York and Minnesota in turning the "Commoner" down.- 44444 first named figure being the rate now In effect: . On first-class matter, reduced from to $1.15; second-class matter, from $1.14 to tt cents; third-class matter from 44 cents to SI cents; fourth-class matter from 80 cents to 61 cents; fifth-class matter, from 64 to SI cents; class A matter, from SO to SI cents; class B, from It to 4 cents; class C, from 41 to IS; class D, from St to tt cents, and class E mat ter from ts to tt cants. . , Classes I and 4 are the ones which especially appeal to Grande Ronde shippers. Under class t come all ap ple and potato shipments, while class 4 takes wheat and other grain ship- menu, as tnese are tne main items in the county's commerce, the reduc tion of IS and 11 cents respectively on the 100 pounds will mean that buy ers can afford to pay higher compara tive prices than heretofore. Will Remove Embcxrier. tt . .... 1 Havana, Cuba, April, 2 9. Governor , b . . i General Magoon today signed an or der for the release of Colin Harbottle, whose extradition was sought by the Toronto police on a "charge of having embezzled $20,000 from a Toronto club last November. Adolph Newlln made a business trip to Imbler this morning. SomeSpeciaLGoodMaliies in Ladies' Suits, Caracter istic for Splendid Style, Su perb Workmanship . . . . And most beautiful shadings in all the popular colors-Mn black, brown,, tan and blu, of the Cadet, Navy and (Copenhagen hue, made from Serges, Panamas and Chiffon. Panamas In plain white striped and self-striped weaves. Jackets trimmed in flat braids and oriental Silks, with full Silk linings. Skirts made In the most approved styles, and trimmed with folds, etc. These Suits were a lit le late In reaching and In order to move them quickly we prt -ed them from $4.00 to $7.50 below what they would ordinarily sell for. Choose one today and tomorrow for . $18.50, $20.00, $22.50, $23.00. ladies9 Jackets The sensible, thing to buy for the woman who feels that she cannot afford a Suit for every occasion, and for that matter desirable for most anyon-!-lf,you possess a Jacket which' can be worn with any kind qf an extra Skirt, you can be stylishly dressed at any time and have as many changes aa you desire, at very amall cost. . Don't fall to Inspect our line of Jackets. 3.50 TO $15.00. a ball, NOT Get Ail You Pay For LA 0FFSP1C OF.OLB -EHEftlYS ELDPE RUMORS THAT SCANDAL WILL BREAK OCT VERY SOON. New York and Forth Worth, Texas, In High Pitch of Excitement Over Supposed Elopement of the Son of the Railroad Official Whom Harrl man Downed, nod Daughter of the Victor No Definite News Availa- . ble Believed Couple la Harried. Fort Worth, Texas, April tt. Has Stuyvesant Fish, Jr., eloped with the daughter of E. H. HarrlmanT This Is the question that friends, of the young man In this city are asking UKtuy, oui uvowu &uua ui awu. Conflicting reports concerning v the elopement are extant In New Tork. The basis of the story la a, rush mes sage sent from New York from Fish, sr., the railroad man, asking railroad officials In New York to ascertain the whereabouts of his sop. Then fol lowed a -rumor that he ' had , eloped with Miss Harrlman. Last night an other message came from Fish stating . . . LI. - . . " " .T. """" m"""ng nor marnea. out tnis message has not , , , . v stopped the elopement stories and the friends of FUm. Jr., are looking for more details today: ! K. Fleet to Visit FIJI Islands. .-0- Suva. FIJI, April 29. AnnouricaVt ment has Just been made that the American fleet will .visit here on its ! trip across the Pacific. FREE THIS WEEK. ' And In this connection let us Im press on your mind that we have an Immense line of Boys' Suits too many. In fact and will sell them to you at Special. Price Reductions for this entire week and, la addition, will give the boy, - ABSOLUTELY FREE,' good, hard-wood baseball ,bat, and J with each Suit. GRANDS 0REO0N r SAILORS SMASH SALOOH PR0PER1Y IXEET SAILORS TAKE HAND IN ROUGH HOUSE. Ctwrged Santa, liar bar Saloonkeeper With Sotting Exorbitant Prices on Beer and Other Goods Furniture Brambles Debris After a Cyclone When the Indignant Sailors Get Through Police Arrest Rioters , Feeling Runs High. . Santa Barbara. Cal., April tt. In dignant sailors from the Atlantic fleet wrecked a saloon and restaurant be longing to John Senlch. They smash ed the wlndow'glase'and beer bottles ... . . . ..o p:sc; lzY. like it had been struck by a tornado. Senlch la one of the local saloon men who lias been charging sailors : (0 cents .per bottle for beer, and 25 cents for sandwiches. It tock but a tew minutes to wreck him inint um.i.i.. - - ...... "...I' - menjand the naval police quickly ar rlve and arrested the recalcitrant saflark Feeling Is runnina- hlrh amoiiB both civilians and sailors, as the ilors have been charged shame im prices for inferior rnndi uv,n. hereJ TKe damage to the wrecked place will amount to aoout oo. ; - , Th men had been controlled with lUffltilty all day yesterday because of freq nt outbursts, of snirer over th axorlltant prices and th truim... whlA they received from shopkeepers ot trfls place. Today groups of angry sallows are congregating along tho wa terfront and the provost guard of the navaj police are being strengthened In order to prevent another outbreak. .i.Thn trouble started In the Senlch itaSrant when sailors wero-efmnred $ for supper. The men paid and then spread the news of their treat ment. In a short time there was a crowd about the plase and after re moving all American flags from the building they rushed In and within a tew minutes made a wreck of the "lace. CiRAXDE ROXDE MEAT CO. , PLWS BIG IMPROVEMENT. Addition to Pni kliiff pluiit at Oro Dell Now Under Count ruction Company Will KK'iil Nearly $ loon on Now If-c-Makliis; Miuliliury and Siructun Cement Floir Now He lint LoUl Will Supply A.I.qimt( Cold Storage Room t'omiwuy Com mmh1 of Ixx ul .Men. Work has been started by the Crando Ronde Meat company which will, when completed, mean a modern and fully equipped cold storage. The cement flooring of a one-story building, which Is to measure $4x60 feet, has been commenced. This floor space Is to be divided off Into suitable rooms, and will be an addition to the packing plant and slaughter house now In use at Oro Dell. In addition to the cold storage there will be a boiler room and a structyre for the Ice machine. All these various equip ments are to be Installed as rapidly as possible. At present the company contem plates supplying adequate cold storage rooms for Its own use exclusively. It does, however, plan to manufacture sualiclent Ice for Its downtown mar kets. Modern ice-making machinery and a substantial steam plant will charac terize the equipment which Is to be Installed. The total outlay, when the plant Is completed will be .close to $4000. More "Friendly" VIhKs. Pekln, April 29. Claiming that the visit Is purely friendly, another Jap anese cruiser squadron has made Its appearance In Chinese waters. Tha nine hew COLD STORAGE Cake Wants Clialrmanxlilu. Portland. April 29. The re publican state central committee Is In session here this afternoon. William M. Cake, a brother of Judge H. M. Cake, the senatorial candidate, la the leading candi date for chairmanship. Union county Is represented by Attor ney C. E. Cochran. Chinese do not accept the friendly protestations and declare . that the visit of the fleet Is purely to frighten the Chinese Into abandoning the anti Japanese crusade. The people are furious. The squadron la at anchor at Chlngwang, near Taku, It consists of four cruisers. . ' BISHOP MARKED FOR DEATH. San Francisco, April 19. Warned by, government secret ' service men assassinate him upon hla arrival in thla city. Bishop Merriman Colbert Harrla waa taken from the steamer Korea upon lta arrival here today and taken In a revenue cutter to Oakland. Harrla was a supporter of Durham W. Stevens In Corea. Government officials were warned that Coreans had marked the bishop for death.; ; V IIU.1 SPILLED ON WHIR SITUATION IN PERSIA GROWING ALARMING, ltusHlan Side of the Persian Frontier Is Sh arming With Armenians Who : !. Have Umtrhttr- Homes at Hands of Outlaw Kurds Latter Class Sold to NuhiImt Tlireo " Thousand Cos sacks Have Routed a Band of the Kurds In Russia Lately, Tlflls, April 29. Situation along the Turkish border la growing more serl- um ..u ivu ..muuts are now expect- s ouanv rum uie snans .uras, o and 8an Francisco. . who are ravaging the southern dls-j He was then asked: trlcts. The Kurds are reported as "Did you come to San having massacred 200 villagers near'aftcr Aorll 18. 190B?" Urmalah on April 2J. The Russian1 The defense objected. Heney then side of the frontier la swarming with said that there could be but one rea- cfugees from Aremnla, whose home son. why Calhoun should refuse to were destroyed by the bloodthirsty1 answer. At that Attorney- A A Kurds. The outlaws are said to num. 'Moore, for tha Cnlted Railways com-' ber 3000. Persia Is doing nothing to pany, Jumped Into the fray and shouU ,uer as a iock ot lunas pre- ents a punitive expedition Cwi k Succowtful St. Petersburg, April off tlioueunds of Kurds 29. Beating In repeated. cavalry charge:,, a Cossack detach- he would -Judge the tendency of mcnt which .was surrounded in the t'.ons out to fnihn .... iinunlaln country south of the.Araz .iMii,ieieiy. scatterea the outlaws and now a hot pursuit of the broken bands Is In progress. The 1000 reinforcements which hail Ulrrt. r-ulty In reaching the surrounded Rus- lan trwips, have Joined the vanguard and are now participating In the pur- Suit. ..J-, i . '. tteeaas T I0UCHT TO BE THE IT i every sitii;i si JJow citizens will esteem him for his .oodness, i his kindnesr. and his usefulness. The principles of good citizenship should constitute the eode of rules for every kind of business This applies particularly cause, owlni to the limited of drugs by the general public. It follows that the re- f t liability of the drujglst good service. HILL'S DRUG STORE V -am La Urande ; m . VERBAL COMBAT IN FORD TRIAL FULL LIST OF THE JURORS WHO HAVE BEEN SELECTED Maintaining- That the Public Mind In San Francisco la 'Such That a Fair . Trial Cannot Be Secured In Thai City, Attorneys present Arguments for a Change of Venue In the Ford Trial Victor Rostettl Is on the Stand Today. -' San Francisco. CaL, April 19. Ar guments in support of Abraham Ruefa motion for a change of venue are be Ing heard today. Ruefa attorneys de clare the state of tha public mind in San Francisco Is such that he could not get a fair trial. The KueC jury was completed urn night. . , j , , .. Ford Trial Proarcewe. ' ' In the Tlrey L. Ford trial ' today Victor RosaetU, of the Wells Fargo -bank, waa the first witness called. He testified aa to depostta of the United Railways company after the Are. None of the money secured at the mint by Ford appeared In these 'de posits and the prosecution declares ' this money was used for bribery pur poses. .1 '. Calhoun Starts Combat. To save himself the stigma of be ing compelled to refuse to answer' on the ground that It might Incriminate himself, attorneys for Patrick Calhoun J put up a desperate defense today to aeep tna unction magnate off the wit ness stand in the Tlrey L. Ford triaU Without any warning Calhoun waa , suddenly called as a witness by Pros ecutor Henoy. As Calhoun took his seat tho defense objected to his being questioned. ', . - . ". . v-v ' ,.'.'.- Caftioun then refused to answer the first direct question put to him and asked for an opportunity to explain his attitude. Attorneys at once clash- , ed In a bitter verbal warfare.' In tha end Calhoun was forced to answer the qeustlons put to him. . ' He irnvA hi raM4n,. . - rAn.Mi South Carolina. New York, Cleveland, Francisco ed that the prosecution was attempt- In? to make Calhoun a witness against lilm9df and the defense had a rlcht to object;, to his 'being a witness,. V 'Juries Lnwlnr rinniiv ,i,.ij . port or overrule Calhoun's declination to answer them, YLm.-i ha be examined. t ' ' Earthquake at Santa Crux. ' Santa Crui, Cal., April 29, A slight earthquake shock was felt' here this . .! mt- . iuiiiii ineri mi no damage. M gi i,. . . . . .. H1PPICSS AND CL0RY f live and act that his fel- I whether public or private. to the dru business, be knowledge of the qualities I Is the chief guarantee t t Oregon "I t WWt a. ,.lMilCLtCfti