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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1907)
... 1 .u 4; f, "-i- ! -Iguassifieb ads Rates-One cent a word, one-half a cent a word each eubsequent inssr tion. Classified adds bring quick resulte. Try one today. :JR RELIABLE ABSTRACTS. OF TITLES so to th U Grande Invet inent Company, La Grand Or., in FoUy building. . JR SALS Eight acres, st room houa barn, place for chiclcene or hog, all 1 kind of fruit and plenty of waUr, Locat ed aatt of flouring mill. Apply at premises or dddress, Joint Ga van. La Grind Oregon. .-" " ' tOR SALE Five room house and on tot. on Third Street, Grandy'a Addition. A good barn. A bargain for the on who act flrat. Inquire of H. P. Lewi . at corner Jrd and 0 Street, or of ; Lwi Bro. r OR SALEhaap for oath, a nap. Thr full lot and four room hou( ' cellar and barn, on good cornr. Prop erty located on outhat corner of Greenwood and Hill Strwts. Addrat W. M. Andis.600 E 18th Street. Port- " ..... JR RENT One furnished room. Hot and cold water, bath and all modern conveniences. Inquire of Mrs. Simmons, c:rner 8th and N. WANTED Gentleman or lady to travel for Mercantile House of larg capital, Territory at home or abroad to suit If desirable the horn may b used as headquarters. Weekly salary of $1,000 per year and expenses. Address, Jos, 'A. Alexander, La Qrande, Ore. FOUND A one chain was found near the A. B.C. Laundry. Owner may have am by calling at this office and payine fifty cents for this notice. Into each life torn sorrow must fall; . Wit people don't it down and sawl; Only fools suicide or take to flight; Smart people tak oeky Mountain Tea at night. , i, , i. Newlin Dbuo Company. UNDER Rf W MAIWCfMfflT ' I have leased theCentinnal Hotel build ing and those desiring board and room or either seperately can be' secured at reas onable price. ' Mrs C Shaw. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms in private family. Phone 41. : STANDARD COMMERCIAL COLLEGE SOMMER S M. M. Slattery, Principal. nap; 1 Complete j; Shorthand, Typewriting, and i Business Course COMPETENT INSTRUCTORS. S Day and night session . You can always find anything you like in the cooked meat line for your lunch on our delicatessen table Weanerwurst and Balogna sausage, Head Cheese, Pressed Corned Beef, Liver sausage, Veal Loaf, Ham sausage, Boild Ham, Fresh and Pickled tongue, Fish of all kinds, Eastern and Olympia Oysters, Clams and Grabs when the weather permits. We have at present a nice stock of home cured bacon but it won't last long, so hurry. Xhe purest open kettle rendered lard in the city In fact we have everything that a first class market should have, and the lowest possible prices insistent with quality. Give as a call and we will convince you e at ca Sedr. STILWELL REAL ESTATE LOANS Any amount on citv and countrv real estate. Loan closed promptly, as toon a title is ap proved. - La Grande Investment com pany. MONEY For loan on city property see Wm. Grant's agency. Also real estate and insurance. FOR RENT Flv room hous with electric liirhts and city water. Good location. Inquir of Gedde Bros. FOR RENT Two front bedrooms Reasonable terms. Corner Main and third Streets. Phone Red 661. FOR SALE Good business . location, boarding and rooming house. Inquire at this office. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Phone Red 251. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT . Furnished housekeeping rooms in suites of two, three or four, in ceniiai ha tion. .Also four room house. Phone Red 6Z2 or call at HI 9, Adams Ave. I ARM FOR RENT-600 acres well improved, 3 miles from Island City. Uash rent None but reliable parties need aoDlv. Inauire at Adcocks & Fritz furniture store. La Grande. LOSTA gold locket, finder please re turn to this office. FOUND Two log chains, found near th railroad crossing at Vie A. B. C. Laun dry, were left at the Observer office, where the owner may secure th same. FOR RENTFurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Apply at corner of 0. and 8th Street, 1402 0 St. STOLEN From my place five miles north of Union, one bay saddle and buggy horse about 8 year old weighs about II hundred has a little white where th back band works. Branded on left shoulder In shape of rocking chair th brand i dim now. H i in clined to be lame in left shoulder. He ' was taken about th 10th. of Novem ber. 1 will give fifty dollars Jot infor mation that will lead to the conviction of th thief. John. Boyo. Union. BUILDING La Grande, Oregon REASONABLE TERMS. Enroll now e e e 'COMPANY T"tr 16 LIBERAL DONATION EXPECTED U of O, Eugen Or Jan 19 Track work i beginning here. In addition to the regular meets, Oregon will probably meet the two California Universities. As a means of developing new material a track meet will be held soon between the fresh man and the ' sophomsres. Dodaon, th crack Baker Citv man will captain the '10 team, while Fred Moullen of football renown will lead the sophomores. Th freshmen have much good material and mav win the meet. Richardson is not going out for track work this year. The sophomore are now wearing jaunty class caps. The annual tryout for places on th Inter-state Debating team will tak place Feb. 2. There are eight contestant for places and six to be chosen. William Jennings Bryan is to talk in VV;-id::::unJir.u;r7 24. H' ihiect has not been announced. - Several students were injured last even ing while coasting down College Hill. The most serious injury was a broken arm sustained by Fred Ohart, a freshman from Honolulu. Hugo F Bezdek, Oregon's football coach has returned from Chicago. He Is already working with th baseball and basket ball contestants and hopee to develop winning teams. The basketbal team will be ready for game about Febl. The coming social event is the Fresh man Glee to be given in Armory Hall on Saturday evening. Examinations ror Rhodes scholarship are being given here now Four men from the University are competing. Students are watching th State Legis lature with some interest to see if it will as usual, appropriate $100,000.00 forth State Insane Asylum and then give less than $30,000.00 to th Stat University. Prof. DeCou talked Wednesday at as sembly on "The Peace Movement" He traced it more or less fully from Isaiah to Roosevelt and noted especially the good work of the Hague tribunal in arbitration He also spoke of th arbitration treaties at present in force and outlined th need for more treaties like the one rctly mad between Chil and Argentina, FOUND A girl' braolat with initials engraved, on Adam avenue. Owner can have same by paying for this ad and identifying the property. WE WANT YOUR TRADE and will treat you right at Stillwell & Co's. market Phone Main 16 HOMEMADE Saucage and cooked meats of all kinds at Stillwell & Co's market Phone Main : H. A. Staniels : SUCCESSOR TO Jarman Staniels &. CONTRACTING PAINTER PAPER HANGER and DECORATOR e Phone Black 1781 La Grande e Ore. ROLLER SKATES Steel or Hemetite Rollers Sizes to fit all shoes L. C. SMITH CREAMERY BUILDING PROFESSIONAk PHYSICIANS O. L. BIGGERS M. D, Physician and Soroson Office Ralstoa Bid. over J.M.Berry' store Office Phone Black Residence Phone Red 1S21 1001 J. H. HUBBARD, M. D. Physician and Surobom Office in Slater Building, Cor, Fir Street and Jefferson Avenue. Phone Main i DR. A. L. RICHARDSON Physician and Someom Office over Hill' Drug Store. Office Phone 1262 Residence Main 66 N. MOUTOR M. D. . PHYSICIAN AMD SOROION Cor. Adams Avenue and Depot St Office Main 68 Reaidnc Main 68 BACON & HALL PHYSICIANS AND SUROEONI Office in Foley Building, Phone Main J 9 C T. Bacon residence, Main 18 M. K. Hall residence. Main 62 DR. F. E. MOORE DR. H. C. P. MOORE Osteopathic Physicians Kirksvill Graduates, under Founder Office Sommer Building r- CSc: M'r Res. Main 64 J. T. LEFEVRE. B. L. PHa M. D Physician and Suroeon Call answered Day or Night Summerrille, Oregon Da. H. Volp. Dr. P. Moormekter Pptsioian Physician AND SOROEON AND SUROBOM (Specialties: Suroery AND DISEASES or Women.) Office :Corp Building. Telephone Main 80 Residence of Dr. Moormelster: Red 1712 Call Answered Day and Night ATTORNEYS CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD Z Attorneyvat-Law LaORANDI ' . C-BEOON Office in Foly Building H. T. Williams A. C, Williams WILLIAMS BROS ATTORNBYS-AT-LAW Office In Ralston Building La Qrande. Oregon L. A. PICKLER Civil, Minino, Irrioatiom Enoinrbrino AMD SUBVEYINO Estimates, Plan, and Specifi cations. Office in Bohnenkamp Building. La Qrande, Oreoom ABSTRACTERS J. R. OLIVER Abrtracts or Title. Fire Insurance Office in Sommer Building La Qoande, Oregon. Drntists C, B. CAUTHORN dentist Office over Hill's Drug Store La Qrande, Orboon I cRINARY 8URGE0N DR. P. A, CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON Office at Hill's Drug store, La Qrande Or Residence Phone Red, 701 Office Phone 1561 Farmer Line 58 NURSES MISS ANNA CARLSON NURSE Phone Farmers 19 2x4 Our Choice, Tender, Juicy Meats Prompt and Satisfactory service, and popular prices are our winning cards, with them expect to keep on winn ing side as we find them to be invincible with the public. Those who are not getting satisfaction in their table sup plies in meats, should try our prime roasts, steaks, and chops, as we know we can please the most fastidious. lOur Photos m BR AW ATTENTION twa' one wav to get ' that is by coming to our studio and inspecting the prk i: we do. Our talk here will not give you an idetnor ! ' ' will anyone else's, come and see. We never substitute i : inferior capers in our work, consequently 'our photos J have that exquisite finish Prices H. J.RITTJER Photographer , ((I,,,,,,,, WORK GUARANTEED SANITARY Is as essential i i in your Executed in workmanlike manner and approved unitary standards. Carrying a comfits' .'ina tf Bath Tubs, Sinks, Toilets, Lavatory, and att plumbing fixtures. G.W.O'NialL 1015 Washington Avnu B. W. NOYES NOYES Dealers in Electric LAMPS and HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY Phone Red 261 Corner Fir and Adams Aveaee L C. Smith in creamery building A child quickly grasps the meaninq of the abore characters. But it often takes a lifetime to appredatr their value. You can greatly assist the child in laarn- J ing the value of a dollar. How? Bv havinc htm nrhr I open a savings account with this bank, and by Jejc S couraging the saving habit. : THE ASTERN OREGON I F.M. BYRKIT. President ; uuu, u CLcAVER, Cashier T. J. SCROQQIN, Asst. Caabier . F J. HOLMES, Treasurer, A DELICIOUS DINNER Without can be served would call and examine mir ' We carry his complete ...... win iujj. UBHC10U3 aootn oysters are sold here too. Then we have a hundred other assessoriea that make a record breaker dinner. acorret idea of our work, S every one desires. j Moderate. -I 1 La- Qrande, Ore. iMItflll tiiis"issast PRICES REASONABLE PLUMBI1V, home as the do.tor WORK i iLEPHONE RED oMiaeaaa)Ma JOHN HALL & HALL Supplies V TRUST AND SAVINGS IATu OFFICERS ? wm. MILLER, Vice Pni4tat Q r Precedent on your Dinner table if you linoo nf u;n ...j. line. Then we have pop W '4 .! ewers i i taler 0 I T4 V IU1U fn U S- 13 part: I till i finnou t sh B less THE CITY .GROCERY ANDBAKERY E. P0UCK. Propr. KR0USE BROS Phone Main 48 ...i .