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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1906)
ClaASSIFIEB ADS Sheriff Delinquent Tax Continued from pas 6 Retee-On. cwU imd. one-half a cent a word each subsequent inser tion. ClaMified add bring quick results. Try one today. 31RLS WANTED Two girls wanted to learn printer's trade. Permanent posi I tion. Apply at Observer 40NEY For loant on city property tee !Wm. Qrant'e agency. Alto real estate and insurance. ABSTRACTS OF La Grande Invest La Grande Ore., in ?OR RELIABLE I TITLES go to the I ment Company, f Foley building. REAL ESTATE LOANS Any amount on city and country real estate. Loans dosed promptly, as soon as title is ap proved. La Grandi Investment co- fANT. FOR SALE 200 acres timber land, three 1 miles west of La Grande. Good timber for cord wood, ties or telegraph poles. I Address H. C. Stoddard, Med ford, Ore f 800 'ARM FOR RENT 600 acres well improved, 3 miles from Island City. Cash rent None but teliable parties need apply. Inquire at Adcocks & Fritz furniture store, La Grande. auhmts Canvassers, mixers, peddlers. solicitors, mail order people, etc. should buy Kramer's book of trade se crets. Regular price $5. but balance of last edition for $1.25 as long as they last. Guaranteed. Order quick. Sioux Pub. Co.. Sutherland, Iowa. J OR SALE Well mated driving team, Hambletonian mares, 6 and 8 years old. oaric brown, sound and gentle, also I nearly new buggy and harness, $300.00 I Inquire at this office. FOR RENT A nice front room, suitable for two young men or a man and wife One block Trnm Ailimi Mum Dknn black 1681 or call at corner Greenwood and Washington. SITUATION WANTED-Japanese boy wants any kind of work in this town P. 0. Box 236. FOR RENT-To family without any small children, a Hi ronm hrwi ifh mHr improvements centrally located corner 8th and O street Sale FOR SALE Eight acies, six room house 1 barn, place for chickens or hogs, all kinds of fruit and plenty of water. Locat ed east of flouring mill. Apply at premises or dddress, John Gavan, La Grande Oregon. FOR SALE Five room house and one lot on Third Street Grandy's Addition. A good barn. A bargain for the one who acts first. Inquire of H. P. Lewis at corner Srd and D Streets, or of Lewis Bros. f: BOARD MD BOON Having just leased the Mrs. Ladd houss on Fourth street, I announce that I am now prepared to furnish board and room or board only. I , personally superintend the cooking, satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. John Wood, 1614. Fourth St Phone Red 1461 FARM TO RENT 600 acres, well im proved, near La Grande. Address Mrs. E. Androes, 761 Commercial St. Portland, Oregon. STOLEN From my place five miles north of Union, one bay saddle and buggy horse about 8 years old weighs about 11 hundred has a little white where the back band works. Branded on left shoulder in shape of rocking chair the brand is dim now. He is in clined to be lame in left shoulder. He was taken about the 10th. of Novem ber. 1 will give fifty dollars for infor mation that w.ll lead to the conviction of the thief. John Boto, Union. One of the splendid results of physical beautifying is it's tendency to create an ambition to be beautiful in every way. When a woman gets a good start by taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea she is all right Tea orTab'ets, 32 cents Newlin Drug Co. HELP WANTED Dining room girl wanted at once. Experiences unnec essary. Good wages. Blue Mountain hotel. FOR SALE Furniture for sale and house for rent A bargain if taken at once. Mrs. S. C. Zuber. FOR RENT New five room house and bath, located on 4 street near Com mercial Club. Rent $17 per month with water. Inquire Miss Maggie Mahaffey. 902 Fourth St Levy, Sam Toe E K of the S EH of Sec IB and the SWWofSeelTmTp 6. SRS9EWM 69 69 Moore, J T-The S 800 feet of block I in M A Steven ton's Add to Elgin - 81 Mooris, Q E Lot 3 in block 1 m SimiMn 2d Add to Morand. J-Com af the N W Cor of clock 1 in Sunny side Add to La Grande, thence N BOO feet thence in a southeasterly direction to a point on the E line of theSoftheSW i in Sec 32. Tp 2 S R 88. 260 feet north of the N E Cor of Dwights Add to La Grande, thence S t? the N E Cor of Dwights Add to La Grande, thence W along the N s de of Dwights Add tinnvirill Add ta La Grande. 1194 ft to beg 9 18 Matott J A Lots 1 1 and 12 in block 4. D street Orimnal Town of La Grande 26 66 Mays. Mrs. H. J.-Lots 6 to 8 incl, in blcck 63 and Lots 1 yH inrl in hltv.W E8 in Hindmans Add to Elgin '. 49 62 McMiller, T F Lot 2 in Sec 1 Q in Tn fi R R 42. RW M 5 62 MeAni&h. Stewart Block! 1 S inCogginsAddtoLaPrande 6 67 Mcooy, (Newton Lots 1 to B tn Uik 14 in Arnoias at Rdays Add to La Grande 9 68 McConnell, Mrs. S. Com at the S E Cor of a certain piece of land conveyed to George Wright by Harry L Lewis and E W Lewis, thence S along the E line of said Tract 272 X feet thence E 167 feet N 272K feet W 161 X feet to beg U75 McDaniels, J, W. TheSWV of Sec 10 in Tp 6, SR 41, E W M . 8 27 Newell, Maria A. Com 20 rode E of the NWJof Sec 8 in Tp 2. S R 39. E M, thence E 102-2-6 feet S 102-2-5 feet W 102 2-5 feet N 102-2-6 feet to bes S 68 Nelson, Chas. Lots 1 and 2 inBlk.O in McDamels Add to Cove 8 24 Nelson, P. Q. The EJ of Lot 3 m BIk. 5, original Town of Elgin 11 64 Nessley, Mrs. Cora Lots 16 and 17 in BIk 1 16 in Chap- lins Add to La Grande 6 79 North American Trust Co The S of the SWW of Sec 2 and the NE! of the NWV, NW( oftheNE't' Cm II. To 6. S R 39. E W M 1 00 Continued tomorrow QSTf OPATHY AXO ANATOMY The Osteopath is obliged to be a good anatomist He cannot practice Oeteo- 1 pa thy at all unless he is. He is the fellow. who, when a patient presents himself, goes to work to find out exactly what the trouble is. He looks upon a man as an anatomical structure consisting of a framework of bones, a network of nerves, a tangle of muscles, a web of lymphatic ducts, a complication of ligaments, blood vessels and viscera. To untangle and lacate all the mulifarious organs and tissues Ip bis business. - He goes to work to heal the tick man much the tame at an engineer would fix hit locomotive. He finds a nerve crossed or stretched. He finds the musclee tense or strained. He finds bones dislocated, or partly dislocsted. He finde cartilages misplaced. He finds a thousand that an average physician would never discover. never dream of. . Hence it is that the Osteopath must necessarily be a good anatomist As a rule, these doctors carry the ttudy of anatomy much further than the ello- path. the eleclrio or the homopath. Even the most experienced surgeon knows nothing of anatomy in comparison with the educated Osteopath. Medical Talk, Pride of Grande Rbnde The product of the Imbler flouring mill situated in the very heart of the bett wheat land in Grande Ronde valley, consequently the best flour. . A trial will convince you of itt tuperority. Insist on having your order filled with this brand or the "Patent", from thie same mill. 1 For aale by all first class dealer. Don't eubmit to any tubstitution. Pride of Grande Rionde PRETTY YARNS, MW RIBBONS ; WOODEN KNITTING PINS BONE CROCHET NEEDLES HOLIDAY GOODS OF ALL KINDS I. i, - v i. JC-J r THE BIST DINNER you ever ate is the kind we Are serving, Just think of what you like best to eat and cone here and get it perfectly cook ed and perfectly served. Each dish ap petising in looks as well as smell and taste. THE PROOF Of THE PUDDING is in the eating. So drop in by yourself and put our brands to the test. After that you will come often and bring your friends with you. For in addition to a first class meal we add to your happiness by carving the prices as well as we do the meals. The Model Restaurant J. A ARBUCKLE. Prop. OPKM DAY WtH-IIWwklv tn KD NIUHT MiwITIi-kfla rnr 4 3" i T7 .TUT Y71UU - & r..j ... ADAMS AVENUE "LA GRANDE SUGAR" None Better. None Purer. None Sweeter. Use La Grande Su&ar and Us n Other , '. M,,,IMHMMMIMIIM 9 SAVE Money f( Buy your Christmas goods of us AVE! A Time! Have us do your Repair , work : i : ACOCK JEWELRY STOR The Ncu Jeuelcr and Optician Is the Place Opposite Bohncnkamp's Hardware I What makes a more handsome Christmas present than a nice piece of good jewelry WATCHES LADIESTCH ES atfromS7.00toS23.00 GENTS' CHAINS TlJrZ. W VI RINGS 8011(1 gold set rings atfrom 75 to BAND RINGS sold by weight. RPnOPHFC $500.00 worth of solid told DIUUlll L O and gold filled brooches. Fobs, Double Vest Chains, Stick Pins, Neck : Chains, Lockets, Crosses, Culf Buttons, : Hat Pins. The Largest Selection in Town. Clocks, Silverware, and Cut Glass. . t i " I! !. ----. , , , T::jxz'rTn - rr EvytWn we sell is guaranteed and is stamped with the factory mark j FSnTarked so you can read the price as well as we can. We treat all alike I vl y v."!-r ' ' - - :M;,;tr.r,.mmtr