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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1906)
M ERR Y C H R I M A A : T: : v r Nearly 9 years ago, the present owners of Hills Drug Store came to La Grande. Since then we have enlarged our store three different times to accommodate our in creasing business, a business founded on the Rock of square dealing, good goods and reasonable prices. It has always been the policy of this store to give Its patrons the very best for their money; to havo satisfied customers is our aim, and so well have we succeeded that we are known as the leading drug store of Union county. By hard work, push and energy we have given the people of Union county one of the most complete and up-to-date drug stocks In' Eastern Oregon, and now at this time we hav on display, a . " i . . MOST HANDSOME LINE OF HOLIDAY GOODS PERFUMES AND TOILET WATERS True Odor From the Natural Flowers It with much pleasure that we call your attention to our perfume depart ment Wa buy our perfumes direct from the maker. By careful itudy and etrict attention to the want of our patron w are able to offer you the beat (elected line of perfume out side of the large cities. SPHEILERS The beet creation of Sphailert' perfume are in our -Vi -i are beauties too, up-to-date and tylih. All nw and the bett of odor. You cannot afford to mis teeing Spheilers' package. Queen of Violet H for 75c an ounce and i one of the most lasting - of odor. They come in all sizes from the dainty 16c package up. We can jit the pocket book in any case. We also carry Palmer', Wright', Lightner's, Lazelle Dalley't, Roger & Oallet's, Colgate' and Piver's per fume. In fact nearly everything may be found in our slock. RICKSECKER'S The name of Ricksecker on a pack age of perfume is the same ae Sterl ing on silver. It insure quality. This year we have the exclusive tale of Ricksecker' holiday package. No where else in La Grande can these goods be purchased. It ie worth while to come a long way to tee them. They are certainly one of the most beautiful and dainty lines of perfume that w have ever handled. Beautiful cut glass bottles in handsome cases of satin, ilk, plush and silver. The bottle to the large, elaborate packages at $7.50. TOILET WATERS To the particular buyers of toilet waters we will merely say that you are sure to find what you want in our stock, from the 25c bottle up. Roger & Gallet's. Colgate. Ricksecker', Palmer's, Pinand's, "4-7-11", Hud nut's etc. We invite you all to come in and inspect our perfume depart ment. For quality and prices it can not be beat. TOILET AMD MANICURE SETS If you are thinking of making useful present a well as ornaments, you should see our line of Toilet and Mani cure sets. We certainly have an ex ceptionally fine line for men, wome-v and c-uldren. FOR THE TOILET All the best brands of powders, lotions, soaps, cold cream, cosmetics. massage creams, manicure accessories, ets., are to be found in our stock. We can please the most critical. HAND BAGS AND POCKET BOOKS. Save Yourself Money By Buying Her Our price on leather good are down to bed rock, and the quality of the good are unequalled. The newer styles. Best of leather and workman ship. Be sure and get our prices, w know we can save you money. HAIR BRUSHES AND MIRRORS ..Without question our line of hair brushes and mirror is most complete. W carry the very best and at prices which make them desirable. W take neat care in selecting our brushes and mirrors and will have nothing but the best. We buy in large quantities and get good prices. We give the advant age of our careful buying. Our' hand mirrors make nice present. Atk to see our millitary brushes. ' ARTICLES FOR THE WHO SHAVES MAN BOOK DEPARTMENT Tnis year we mad special effort t get some nice gift books. They are in elegant binding and from the' pen of standard authors.' A good book makes a good present We euggect that you com early a they are going fait STATIONERY A complete line of tablets, boa papers etc. Whitings, Berlines, Eaton-Hub- See our handsome assortment of fancy box papers. The latest style and the best prices art here. We carry Colorado view tablet. Shaving mugs, singly or in case Shaving mirrors, brushes and razor W tell the celebrated Gillette eafety razor. Get one of our razor strops and see what a fine edge it puts on the razor. They are made from the bett of leather and will last forever. Prices from E5c to $2.50 GUT GLASS, CHINA, BRIC-A-BRAC Any One of These Make Nice Present Everybody liket cut glass and china. W have some lovely designs. Our prices on cut glass and china are the lowest in the city. CIGARS We eater to the wants of our cus tomer. W find out what he likes, then put in stock his favsrite brand. We keepour cigars fresh. You always get a good cool smoke from our case. Imported and domestic cigars a speci alty. Christmas cigars, all standard brands, from the small boa of 12 cigars to the large box of 100. They range in price from $1.00 up. We can suit the particular smoker. PIPES Come in and see our line of hand some pipe. They make nice present for men and our pricee are way down. Genuine French briar with amber item. Some are plain and some have beautiful gold mountings.' Be sure to see our holiday line of emoker's articles Smoker' sets in sta, gun. metal, etc. Ash trays, cigar holders, tobacco Jars, and many things loo numsrous to mention. LA GRANDE, OREGON HILL'S DRUG STORE Prescription Druggists IsTEWARLVS 0FEM HOUSE D. H. STEWARD' Proprietor and Mar 1 TUESDAY EVENING, DEC. II the Seasons' Big Event Vj Maude Fealy Management of John Court RECITAL TOMORROW IN- THE llllMOfl im fmif : A new modern comedy in four acts By Martha Morton mhiiwmi e e I Motrnnniitan Cast of Players " ivivii Hun , . Z n ' n-nrlii AT I fill Complete acemi; nuuumv.. It "A PLAY ADMIRABLY SUITED TO AMERICA'S Y0WGEST STAR" I ERICH Ksat?a$1.50 Orchestra Circle $1.00 Dress Circle .75 Gallery 25c and .50 Tomorrow rvfri-g is the date for the benefit recital to be given by Mr:. Reed and Mr. Alexander, both of Portland. Both are artists and this opportunity to hear the leading singers of the Northwest should not be missed. Seats are still on sale and those who hve not reserved their seats should do so at once. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Eastern Oregon Trust and Slaving Bank will be lieid at itk office, 1.1 the City of La Grande County of Union and State of Oregon on the 1 0th day of January 1906 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the election of the Directors for the ei suine year, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Geo. L. Cleaver, Secretary PRAYER CHAIN SUPERSTITION The writer has in common with some other well known persons been receiving what purports and is intended to be, an endless chain" prayer arrangements; it is said to be sent out by a certain (or an uncertain) Bishop Lawrence, as its orig inator, tho the real sender signs no name. The writer hae had several already.' Whether the Bishop Laweenc is a Protestant, Catholic or Mormon, we have no means of discovering. Only thegullib- ly superstitions would answer such com munication, the only possible resultant good he:pg the further enriching of the post otfib department It is supersti tious in the threat that t'.jse do not do as it commjuJs. will meet with som dire calamity or "terable" sccident. Contarwise. he who accede to request, rewriting it for nine diys and sending to nine other persons will, on the-ninth day, "exDerience some Grt at Joy." "Do not brake the chain." None of these have I answered, nor will 1 do so and as inone of threatened curses have fallen. J. D. Gillilan "IIUNKY DORY" What is it? Newlin Druo Co. BURN STODDARD In this city Dec. 9. to Mr and Mrs. Dsve Stoddard, a son. MAUDE fEALY T01HI i I J f if' ,t n m ' .? Hi.. , ' j-nf T- ,.-" f ! JJHi : ; ! w QnP r " .- - . Ait- ' . ':r- 3C--'-' LUMBER -RETAILED AT- WHOLESALE PRICES Better Lumbcr'ind Cheaper than is sold in La Grande, We deliver it to your building Grande' Ronde Lumber Go PERRY, OREGON . : HOT DRINKS OYSTER COCKTAILS AND TAMALES For Ladies and Gentlemen only SCHEtiRER'S jSHEivL. Fish;; A New Department To our already large and complete stock of gJtca'les we have added a SHELL FISH C0UNTLR up a U'kick' be found fresh crabs, clams, Crawfish, ("lyropia r jd Eastern Oysters. In fact all that should b3 lead in an up-to-date Shell Fish market :-: Seats and boxes ready Satoo; ; J. W. WHITE, GROCER! rhone Main 42 2 Observer, 65c a month Prompt Delivery. ef ri mwvvw