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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1906)
A CHRISTMAS DINNER Without Precedent can be served on your Christmas Dinner table if you would call and examine our lines of Heinz pickled goods. We carry his complete line. Then we have pop corn that will pop. Delicious Booth oysters are sold hee too. Then we have a hundred other assessories that make a record breaker dinner. THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. POLACK, Propr. 2! A Qnnaro Honl QEO. T. PARR. ? a m m m J v si m m m u l hji ui inii; PHONE t Sec'y and Mgr. MAIN 51 President PARR-SIMMONS COMPANY INCORPORATED Dealers in Grande Ronde Valley Products Fruits, Hay, Potatoes and Grain ::: Apples a Specialty LARGE COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE Hay Wanted Now HIGHEST PRICES PAID Call and see us before you sell Jefferson Ave. and Greenwood St La Grande, Oregon I ' DECEMBER SALE passed our expectation New Heaters from $2.15 to $16.95 Goal burners, nickle trimmed, only $4.95 Wood burners, cast bottom and top.nickle trimmed, only $7.75 BARGAINS The sales during November' sur- So we intend to make Decem ber the best month by putting the prices lower than ever for cash. Our lounges, couches, and rugs are beautiful Christmas gifts. See our prices on crockery A fine double reed organ, tuned and in fine condition, only $20.00, will sell on payments. BARGAINS BARGAINS Phone Red 1161 Phone Black 641. P. D. HAISTEN H.B. HAISTEN 14! 5 Adams Ave Fir Street Store Dealers in Mew and Second Hand Goods HOLIDAY ROCKERS $2.25 Cane Stat Rccker. Sale price S1.65 $3.75 Cooler Rocker. Sale price $2.50 $6.75 Reed Rocker. Sale price $4.60 $7.50 Upholster Leather Seat Rocker, Sale price $4.75 La Grande Evening Observer WANTED t Hay, Grain, Apples, and any other Farm Produce I that you may have. We are in the market for HAV from one to 600 tons; also OATS in anv quantity, and all the fresh eggs you have. . WE ARE READY NOW to contract for your apple orchards and vour ' potatoes. 'i M?RViRTDm!!cb,c,r,SUMi1' and REMEMBER that we pay HIGHEST j its thf LnSpv "j ,nd th1 w ar' "Johny on the Spot" ...... w..-w ... v w i mm esyvm yuvus arv uauverea. , Ja lHf TADE, W. wl" a: LW hav nic ' "f F'ney hay. oats, rolled barley in our Warehouse, which we offer to the local trade in a retail way. at wholesale prices. We also have Honey, Cabbage, Dry Onions. Carrots, Potatoes, Apples, and Vinegar for sale. A CARLOAD OF PAPER.-W t P,atoftfwOyrpailt and Paper bafigs all size, and also twine. We bought this car before the advance in paper, therefore we can cive vou ad- . m ... y, ew uui tfWrrLILO nvn, PHONE MAIN 2 Oregon Produce Company tfAtttftttntttJ X B. W. NOYES JOHN HALL NOYES & HALL Dealers in Electric Supplies CHILD LABOR Published daily except on Sunday One year in advance .... $6.60 Six months in advance 8.6 Pr month : ; 65c Single copy . 6c ;URREY BROS., ED'S AND PROP Entered at the Post Office at La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter. This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretien of the editors. Please sign our articles and save disappointment ADVEKIiMiMii KATES Isplay Ad nun rornlahw upon apHilrtlon .oatlrwdlDinoiloeelOc per line Hr I met- lion, jo per iln for each ubequenl iain- lion. eaolntlon orooofloleuce. 5p ; er Hue. ! o Uwnks, do per Una. CRfATNtSS Honor and shame from r.o condition rise; Act well your part, there all the honor lies. Fortune in men has some small difference made. One, flaunts in rags, one flutters in bro cade; The cobbler aproned, and the parson cowned. The friar hooded, and the monarch crowned. What differ more (you cry) than crown and cowl?'' I II tell you, friend; a wise man and a fool. You'll find if once the monarch acts the monk Or, cobbler-like, the parson v. ill be drunk. Worth makes the man, and want of it the fellow: The rest is all but leather or prunella. Alexander Pope. Governor Magoon says hisCuban post is the most pleasant ore he has ever had. So it is useless for the Cubans to insist that the pleasure is all theirs. LAMPS and HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY Phone Black 1161 Corner Fir and Adams Ave-ue L. C. Smith in creamery building j X m More joy is felt by Mr. Bryan over the return of Missouri to the Democracy than he would have experienced had he carried ninety-nine safely Democratic states. v-in.u uwi ;i ao;t:r.s2 to sm; into me coming Congress an issue as close to the people, and as squarely moral, as meat inspection and pure food and as potent in stimulating into motion the great en gines of public opinion. Federal suppress ion of child labor is to be accomplished by the means on which the national govern ment has so often relied for power to leg islate where its jurisdiction is uncertai n Senator Beveridge has announced that he will introduce a bill prohibiting the rail roads from carrying as freight any article upon which children of less than fourteen have labored. This would, with practic ally perfect effectiveness, stop child labor in the, cotton mills, in the coal mines, in the glass factories everywhere. The twenty-first century student of the evo' lution of national legislation in the United States will marvel at the things that were done under the authority of the third par agraph of the eighth section of the fir. article of the Constitution: "The Congress shall have power ... to regulate com merce . . . among the several states." Yet this provides about the only effective means fpr the public opinion of one region to master the will of another; and there is no more reason to doubt the constitu tionality of this child labor measure than of the pure food and meat inspection bills, -Collier's Weekly. It seems to be generally understood that Speaker Cannon will permit the sub sidy bill to go through the House. There is a clear majority for it in the committee and in the House if he gives the word The President favors it, as-also does the vice-president, Secretary Shaw, Secre tary Root, Secretary Metc'alf and Post master General Cortelyou. The senate passed the bill early last session, the elections are out of the way, and the bill is endorsed by nearly all the leadiitg com mercial organizations in the country. Its advocates can therefore, see no ctaud in the hori-bill craf; this winter. KfLP HOIK i :WEE prices REASONABLE I SANITARY PLUMBIiV Is as essential in your heme as thr do tor OUR WORK Executed in workmanlike manner anJ pp.;ved sanitary standards. Carrying a comrUu. Vne of Bath Tubs, Sinks, Toilets. Lavatory, and; all plumbing fixtures.J G. W. O'NdL Nothirg in nature stands sti'i. If it isn dying, it is growxg: if it isn't growing it is dying. T-. s :s as trje of men as of plants. A creature euj.pped with muscle and mind must use bctn every day or the muscle w:il soften aod the mmd will shriv el. More than that -when bedyand bra n fail to grow, the sp r:t. all its power over life and -stf jilr.ess and happiness, is the first e.errent of :ran to snal distress. The startling suggestions about matri mony that are constantly being made nev er make any difference in the business done by the marriage license clerk. LUNG SAVERS Prevent lung troubles by weaiing a pood chest protector. We have splendid ly made ones at a variety of prices from 50c to S3. Mewlin Druo Company. Main 8-7. One of the splend;d results of physical beautifying is it's tendency to create an ambition to be beautiful in every way. When a woman gets a good start by taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea I she is all right. Tea orTab'ets, 32 cents j Nawlin Drug Co. : w KITCHEN N CABINET SUITABLE F6R A ; CHRISTMAS GIFT HjNFNKAMP CO 0 Hardware, Stuvcs and Furniture Crockery and Building Materials I A Olic te Throat Probably you haven't had any trouble for several 5 months, but you may have now. Gool nights and snappy" mornings may bring ur ' pleasant reminders of a delicate throat. I If you grow hoarse without any apparent reason, ' if an ugly little hack arises, you need SYRUP OF WHITE PINE AMD TAR z e at once. Diamond trand. It soothes and heals. Best of all, it prevents those 5 severe spasms of coughing which are so likely to pro- S soreness of the lungs 25 and 50c a bottle. Money back if not satisfied. e A. T. HILL. Prescription Druggist LA GRANDE. OR j Pride of Grande Ronde ! T-e f r.-c'jc: cf f i-rbler fiounng mill s.tuated in the very heart of the best .-at la-d In Grande Ronde valley, consequently the best flour. A trial will c:-v nee y;u of its superonty. Irs.s; ;r. has rgyour order filled wth this brand or the "Patent" from t.ns san- nv.,1. F;r sa'e oy all f.rst c ass dealers. Don't submit to any substi'ution. l!!r8Un Avnu ".EPH0NE RED 161 Ji liv - , . 1 1 Pride of Grande Ronde return w 'Ghe Sarmerr ana 7jraders 7atonai Siank CaP',al $ 60.000.00 Surplus and Undivided Property ... ... 5,000.00 Liabilities ofShareholders 60,000.00 responsibility $"l 56.000.00"' r Supervision of United States Eknk Examiners i o tE AND RELIABLE Glad to continue U cn .omers and pleased to:meet new ones. A General Banking mo fc.x..,ane Business Conducted. Loans made on approv Secj .y " I Highest Market Price paid .or U.. .nC.nty Warrants and iity of La Grande Warrants. e to ea. . on when you have warrants for Sale. L. e D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor i I LA GRANDE IRON WORKS 1 Complete Machiiw Shops and Foundry Genera Blacksmiths, W, manufactore The Fitzgerald Roller Feed MiIL, the beet and cheapest mill on the market. Our shops are equipped with machinery tc handle any sized work, nothing too large or nothing to emaO. Highe' prices paid for old cast iron.