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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1906)
, p py 4") PROftSSIOWL CARDS PHYSICIANS 0 L EIGQERS M. D. Physicuh and, Suroeow Office RaLton Bid. over J.M.B,ry. store Office Phone Black 1521 Kmdence Phone Red 1001 J. H. HUBBARD. M. D. Physician and Surokon Offic m Slater Building. Cor. Fir Street !id Jef r!!nAlnu4- P"n Main 79 in. A. L RICHARDSON Physician and Surokon OiTce oyer Hill's Drug Store. Offke Kwne 1 362 Residence Main 56 N. PHYS CIAN MOLITOR M. D. AND SURQEON Car Adamc Ivmu - J r . r-1 Office Main 68 Resioence Main 68 BACON &HauI PHYSICIANS AND SUROEONS Office in Foley Building, Phone Main 19 C T. Bacon residence, Main 1 8 M, K. Hall residence. Main 52 DR F. E. MOORE DR. H. C. P. MOORE Osteopathic Physicians Airksville Graduates, under hounaer Office Sommer Building Phones: Office Main 63; Res. Main 64 Dr II.Volp. Dr. F. Moormeister. Phviician Physician AND yUKLlGN AND SuRCECN (Specialties: Suroery and Diseases op Women.) Offije'.Corpe Building. Telephone Mai. 1 80 Residence of Dr. Moormeister: Main 61 Calls Answered Day and Night. ATTORNEYS CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law La -ranoi oreoon Omce in Foley Building H T. Williams A. C. Williams WILLIAMS BROS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Ralston Building La Grande. Oregon L. A. PICKLER Cwil, Minino, Irnioation Enoinebrino AND SuRVBYINQ Estimates, Plans, and Specifi cations. Office in Bohnenkamp Budding. La GBANoa. Oreoon ABSTRACTERS J. R. OLIVER Attracts of Title. Fire Insurance Office in Sommer Building La Goande, Oregon. Dentists Z. B. CAUTHORN DENTIST Office over Hill's Drug Store La jRandr, Oreoon rERINARY SURGEON DR. P. A. CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON Office at Hill's Drugstore, La Grande Or Residence Phone Red, 701 Ofice Phone 1361 Farmer Line 58 NURSES MISS ANNA CARLSON NURSE Phone Farmers 19 2x4 f I IGHTMNG COLLECTION I AGENT H. A. Watson, Mr. j Our stem Bet tn6 money Full particulars made known upon application to interested parties. Office Lewis building La Grande, Or. IN fl HURRY? THEN CALL Wfl. KETHCLD5 p-HE TRANSFER MAN U will take that trunk to the De btor your home in less time than i i ikes to tell it. ,, Day phone Red 761 ftght " Black 1792 Wagon lwY t youi service LODGE DIRECTORY . A3LES - La Grande Aene 296F. O a. meets tvery Frioay right in Elk Mil at 8 . m. Visiting brhren nvited to atu v - . I. R. Snook W. S Jr.G. LBiggers W. P. w. i . uranaa Lxxige no. 10, meets in their hat) every Saturday night Vltltinn k.ntk. - H.. i . - s wiwiivii wuiuiauy mviiea w av- tfinH nU. .... L - Model Restaurant ; J. A. Annnrvi N Ct D. E. Cox, Sec UTiD fKlA Until r-M-r t -v 0. F. Meets every first and third Thurs days in the month in Odd Fellows hall. hitinff Datriarchs aIaiiv walMma i T- tr ' n D.E VJ. Cm rCWLER, Vrf. r. Cox, Scribe. M. W. A.- La G rand a fSmn Nn meets every first and. third Wednesday wm monin at i. u. u. r . hall. Ai Si tin? neiphhnrs ar r.nrHiallu imfita tn attend. . C. S. Williams. V. C- John Halu Clerk.' FORESTERS OF AMERICA Court aid Marion Nn OO moo - u Tk day night in Redman hall. Brothers ii b inviiea 10 attend. . r rep Hom Chief Ranger - . o'umuiui WW John Hall and C. S. Williaml FR1ENDSHIPTENT No. M , K. 0. T Meets second and fourth Wednesdays kach month ml O n 17 kn v mghts welcome. ' H. C. Ball. Com Mox Block, Record Keeper LO. T. M. HIVRNn"'37Mol Hrst and third 1 hursaays in ilm iftcr noon at the HuHmsn Kali An ,;; ladies are welcome. Maude Lono Lady Commander. M. C. Vessky, Record Keeper. B. P. O. E.. U GRANDE LODGE No 433 Meals each Thursday evening at eight o'clock in Elks' hall, on Adams Avenue. Visiting Brothers are cordially invited to attend. E. W. Davis. Exalted Ruler G. E. McCully, Recording Secretary. La fSRANnp rnrv-str w icq WOODMEN OF THE WORLD--Moots every Friday of each month in tne K. of r. hall in the Corp building. All visiting members welcome. Fred Jacobs Consul Commander J. H. Keeney, Clerk. RED CROSS LODGE. No. 27 Meets every Monday evening in Castle Hall, Corpe building. A Pythian welcome to all-visiting Knights, N. L Ackles, C. C. R. Pattison, K. R. & S. RATHBONE- SISTERS Roweia Tem ple No. 9 meets every Wednesday even ing at 8 p. m. in the K. of P. Hall "in the Corpe building. Visiting members cordi ally invited. Frawley M. E. C nice Procter M. of R. Sl C. FRATERNAL TRIBUNES NO. 119- Meets first and third Friday evening of each month in I. 0. 0. F. hall. Visiting members cordially invited. Franklin Harris. Chief Tribune. Ed. W. Kammerer, Sec. 2004 Adams Ave LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC PROF. DAY. PRINCIPAL. MRS. DAY, ASSISTANT. institutions in the state, and that people in this city and valley are begininng todiscover the advantage t of this school. The . system is the J latest and most practical, and in- 4 eludes all the latest discoveries in t the art of teaching music. The school Is divided into two depart- merits; No. 1 is for beginners from 5 years or more and. are taught the first three grades. Pupils come one hour each day. This is no kin dergarten system but far superior. In No. 2 the grades are from 3 to 16. Here they graduate. Pupils take one or two lessons a week as they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school who do not study. Opposite the Foley House over the candy store. Pnone. 473. 3 V FRESH CANDIES . We Make Ti'em Every Day J and what is of more importance, it that we make tt.em of Pure Material. :: :: :: :: : SELDER, The Candy Man l - ' '''-Xl,Ci',ji'T,l A' At Jr. To amount received Coin and County currency warrants Total Apr. 06 $53,881.16 $5.884.00-$S9,765.16 May 06 2.158.24 -2158.24 June 06 July 06- 597.31 -697.51 Aug. 06 966.80 966.80 Sept. 06 27.829.59 27.829.59 By amounts paid County - . treasurer warrants Total Apr. 06 $50,593.43 $5.765.14 $56,358.67 May 06 3.329.62 77.07 -3.406.59 June 06 July 06 2.116.45 41.79 -2.158.24 Aug. 06 . Sept. 06 2.317.62 -2.3J7.62 State of Oregon I . County of Union f I hereby certify, that the foregoing Statement is true as shown by my Books and Accounts, of my predecessor dated this 1st. day of October, A. D. 1906, ' F. P. Childers, Sheriff and tax collector. T. B. Johnson, Deputy Semi-annual statement of the amount of money and warrants received for Uxes, and money paid to the County Treasurer, by the sheriff of Union county, Oregon, for the six months ending Sept, 30. A. D. 1906. WANTED A MINISTER Sometimes ministers of the Gospel see and experience funny things. Here is the copy of a letter one of them (not in La Grande) received recently, at the date shows. B .Oregon, 19C6 Octo. 24 Rev. M Oregon, Dear Sir and friend. I drop you a few lines as Miss J and myself is to be mar ried next S : the ... th of this month at the home of the home of the Bride and we would like to have you marrie us if you can come then. I will alow you the fee of five dollars. Please let me know by return mail so I will have time to get some one els. Please keep this secret at present, 'Yours Truly JEWELRY Siegrist itCo.Jewelers. have placed on sale at their store 400 fiine watches at wholesale prices. Mr. Herman Siegrist while in San Francisco secured about 700 Waltham Elgin watches at a bargain part of which were sent to this city and placed on sale. Watch their window for bargains. NOTICE The Blue Mt. Creamery Co. will dis continue their milk route after Oct. 31 This move on the part of the Creamery Co. has become necessary on accoont of the sale of the Spring Brook Dairy Herd by J. W. McAlister whom they had been getting their supply of milk, they have however secured the milk from Fred King's Jersey Herd in Old Town which will enable them to coutinue supplying all custumers who are able to call at the C:eamery for it. Blue Mountain Cream ery Co. Now is the time to have your old umbrella re covered. Smith u ill do the work. CREAMERY BUILDING Agent for Cleveland Bicycles 0. D. HAGERTY SUCCESSOR TO WM. SMITH J I Way, Grain, Chopped Feed and Wood f Free Delivery 1410 Adams Avenue Phone, black 1211 CARLOAD LOTS A SPECIALTY No order too large None too small All our groceries are good, clean, fresh, and pure. The kind that 2 will make your meals very delici- J ous. and give the house-wife an a urn t U :M ' : : . vi hi ii vpaiiutg n. We challenge the city on fresh farm produce and berries. Every- J thing that should be found in a J first class grocery. j PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE MAIN 46 QEDDEJ BRU! 1 i i " x PALMER MOUSE JOHN PALMER, Prop. J Firstclass accommodations. J V Unard bv the dav wnplt nr nrmnth at reasonable rates New furniture throughout. ' Centrally located ADAMS ANENUE, between Fii Greenwood. MEAT Fresh and Cured Can be obtained at this mar at all times. We deliver all orders promptly. Phone to us or leave your order.' We will do the rest. KR0USEBR0S Prop. Successor to J. Bull and Co. Phone Main 48 coughs QUICKEST CURE colds THE WONDER WORKER ! THROAT I L(eU to CHAS. EBY, SR., of Elizabeth, III., writes: "I ppld out over $160 U lx I phy sicians, who treated me for La Grippe without giving me any relief, v a 1 i ward bought a $1.00 bottle of DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY, and after takln i cents of this one bottle I was entirely cured." Prlet 50c and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial, ttitifrii Newlin "Drii ComTDan e CITY BREWERY ! JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern Oregon Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best , LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE ' AND SHOULD HAVE THE PREFERENCE If 'I ' OYSTER UUUviAiLS SGHEfciRER'S POSING is perhaps the most important point in securing a" good picture, and it's a point to which we give much care. We study each subject and bring out the character individuality of the face to the best ad vantage. The same care is given to every part of the work, to the retouching Printing, Toning and Mounting, so that the finished picture is a pleasure to you and a credit to II. J. RITTJER Photographer ' ' La Grande, Ore.' THANKSGIVING BALL Remember the Forrestore will give their annual Thanksgiving Ball, Thursday November, 29th. Do not forget the date. - 10 TEAMS WANTED $4 per day to haul 6 loads of gravel or sand from my gravel- bar. 6,000 pounds to the load, furnish one man if teamster hauls, 6500 or more to the load. I will pay accordingly. Haul one mile, good evel road easy plan to load and unload. J. L. Mars. DR. KING'S I LUNGS U SOLD AKD RECOUUENOED eeeeeeeee STARVING TO QEATtt : Because her stomach was so weakened by useless drugging that she oould not fat, Mrs. Mary H. Walters, of St.- Clair St., Columbus, O., was literally ' Xjktng to death. ' She writes: "My stomV'Vfas so weak from useless drugs that r couH not eat, and my nerves so wrecked J!" could not sleep: and not before I was given up to die was I induced to try Electric Bitters; with the wonderful result that Improvement began at once, and a com plete cure( followed." Best health Tonic on earth. 60c. Guaranteed by Newlin ' Drug Company druggist. . , - : FOUND A heavy chain, on Fourth Street. Owner can have same by call ing at the Horseshoe Chop house and paying, for this ad. Cn nr ji rsnm V i n f LslJu BY t i 'I el. - a1. retumj (. .