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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1906)
17 1 .1 E 1 s t url hai Ti I 1 jy ; . ' ' i fo GR l i. i oi f thef thing MQ e not woni fen ji rill I inytf I mo ' at eef. i to I nc WE WANT MONEY i and in order to get it we have FOR CASH ; at a reduced price! 2 We can do this and still make a good profit because we ! have cut our expense account in the middle and we are ! willing to give the benefit to our customers. Our line of groceries is complete and the quality is un- excelled. Call and allow us to quote you prices on cash purchases. . J I SEATTLE GROCERY STORE I J ' LAWSON BROS. Prop. J GITY BREWERY I JULIUS ROESCII, Proprietor. 5 Largest Brewing Plant inEasiern Oregon i ! Ask for La Grande Beer andtget the Best LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THE PREFERENCE LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor Gjmplete Machine Shops aad Foundry Oeneral Blacksmiths. We manufacture The Fitzgerald Roller Feed Mill., the betl and cheapest mill on the market. Our shops are equipped with machinery to handle any sized work, nothing too large or nothing to small. Highe prices paid for old cast iron. A ROAST i 1 FROM QRANDY & RUSSEL'S Jill give you a very agreeable, surprise i u f not a customer of ours, an J fu will wonder why you never favored with an order before. Anv of rur trone will tell you that our meat far rpas anything ever tasted, being of th feet and most Under quality; and what I more, always so. The best lamb, itton, beef, veal and poultry in season ft lent tta ka Iai inJ .a ; v . U W IUUIIU fei irandy& Russell dEAT rrcsh and Cured est I n be obtained at this mar be c all times. We deliver all 1 toilers promptly. Phone to s or leave your order. We le 1 do the rest, dot t; ROUSE BROS Prop. 01 iccessor to J. Bull and Go. ;Cet Phone Main 48 decided to sell groceries eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei All our groceries are good, clean, fresh, and pure. The kind that s will make your meals very delici- ous, and give the house-wife an easy task in prepairing it. We challenge the city on fresh farm produce and herria. iTom. thing that should he found in a i fir.t rl.. .... PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE MAIN 46 QEDDEJ BRLf : NORTH FIR STREET If you bring her to our ICE CREAM PARLORS you will have her won withou pleading your case at her feet SELDER, The Candy man ------. A'':Mr ,M t t V RAIDING DEPUTIES EXAMINED (Sciippe News Association) Ashville, N. C. August 29 Here as well as Statesville. Salisbuiy, Charlotte and Winston civil service examinations ars held today for clerks and deputies, store keepers, gaugers and division deputy collectors in the internal revenue service. This is the first time in the history of the Civil Service Commission that "raiding deputies" must get their appointment under Civil Service rules. The President reached his decision in this respect at the time of the recent change in collector for the Western district of North Carolina, and it is stated that, if the plan proves successful, the Civil Service rules will be applied to all other internal revenue dis tricts. (ONffWNCf APPOINTMENTS Presiding Eider J. O. Qillilan and Rev. B. F. Meredith arrived this morninff from the annual conference, which was held at Idaho Falls. .. rtwA. Saajiwft iwiu um Haul at Ooise The following is the appointments for the La Urande district. J. D. Cillilan Presiding Elder ' La Grande. B. F. Meredith Elgin and Imbler. J. M. Hixson. Union, W. W. Deal. Cove, J. M. Dressier. Baker City, J. F. Finger. Haines, H. T. Creene. Wallowa. J. W. Kern. Utopia, H. Martin. Enterprise, C. 0. Day. Joseph, S. C. Stanhope. Flora, A. F. Kline. ' Huntington, to be supplied. Harney, H. E. Carter. John Day. J. M. Johnson. Long Creek, E. R. Little. Ontario, D. S. Smith. Prairie City, L. W. Chandler. Sumpter, to be supplied. Vale, C. F. Wheeler. Weiser, A. W. Hartshorn. Long Valley, (Idaho) P. L. Johnson. Cambridge, J. L. Baker. Payette, C. McCord. BAPTIST CHURCH IS MOVED The building which for many years has been the church home for the bap tists of the city is now on its new site ana reaay to be lowered on the founda tion. The work of moving was completed by Ral Walker, due to the accident which Deieu jack Ohilds recently. John Wilson is sti.l unahla tn -r,A just what the building will be used for is noi certain, out presumably for a store i i t iiuu&e iur nay. A hard lot of troubles to contend with, spring from a tornid liver and hlrvU.Hw k..u i you awaken them to their proper action ...v..,. rn.iH , ,,ow ue nli; mepieaa antest and mni ffs,.;u V ..www,w wuiv iur xms- tipation. They prevent Appendicitis and ." iyjwm. zoc at Newlin NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS Notice is hereby given to all users of i.iiy waier tnat no remission of water rates will be made for lass than rina. month, and without filing a written notise with the Recorder. See Section 4 Water rules and regulations. Notification blank may ds obtained of the city Recorder. H. C. Qilman. . Water Supt OREGON STATE EAIR On account Of t! Orunn Qtt. c, which will be held in Salem. September 10-15 inclusive. The O. R A N ;h give a rate of one and one third fare to roruana plus 5S.26, ticket carrying pas sengers through to Salem. The above rates will be offered under followino con ditions- Sale dates -September 6, 8 and 13. Limit Continuous nfcua in El ection up to the final limit. September. 17 Stopovers will not be allowad tn n.... engers in either direction. Children of half fare aoa. one hlf aDove rate. Validation for return Tickat m,,.t K. executed for return by Sou'hern Pacific gemai aaiem or at the fair grounds, not properly validated they will not oe gooa ror return from Portland. Repairs for Any Make of Bicycle at Smiths CREAMERY BUILDINO Agent for Cleveland Bicycles I GENERAL NEWS I AS OUR - EXCHANGES SEE IT I Probably the fastest automobile trip between Pendleton and Walla Walla was made yesterday morning by Eugene Hunt M. E. Baumeister. Victor Cullen and Arthur Jones, in a 20-horse-power Frank lin car. The trip from Pendleton to Milton, where they stopped for breakfast was made in an hour and fifty minutes. From Milton to Walla Walla the road was covered in twenty minutes. Walla Union. FIND MARALE QUARRIES In the mountains near Snake River about 18 miles from this place there has been marble and granite rock discovered of the finest quality. Already capital has been interested and the quarries will be opened at once. A railroad will be built about five or six miles in length to connect with the Northwestern line to be built down the Snake river thus affording excellent transportation for the stone from the qjarries.-Walla Walla Union. SHEEP SOLD IN SUMPTER During the early part of the week two sheep sales were made in this city through CatA L . . . i . r-. ., . . ....wtfewj lilby.u. 1M ULilUI &, and Pat Doughtery.who have bands of sheep now in range territory about Sum pter, sold their flocks to a Mr. Palmer, representing Salt Lake people. The price per head or the number was not disclosed though the transaction is said to have aggregated in excess of $20,000 spot cash. Blue Mountain American. MEEKER DRIVES COWS C. A. Kees of this city, yesterday recived a letter from Gibbon Nebraska, which stated that Ezra Meeker, the pioneer, had reached that place on his journey back over the old Oregon trail by ox team. According to the letter. one of the old man's oxen had dieo and he had secured a cow to take its place in true early day style. Orherwise Mr. Meeker and his outfit were in irood con dition and making good time. Pendleton tribune. FRENZIED fINANCE It is reported that nearly every other man working on the O. R. it N. Co.s' grade down in the Canvon carriea a con cealed weapon. There are nearly ?00 of them. One was fined $40 Monday. Suppose we treat them all alike and figure that half of them carry a "gat "; you have 350 times $40 or $14,000 to turn into the school fund. Guess that's goining some. Eh?-Wallowa Chieftain Treasurer Calls For City Warrants notice is hereby given that there are now funds on hand to pay all out stand ing warrants issued on General Fund of La Urande City, up to and including, No, 6289 endorsed Dec. 10. 19C4. Interest on all warrants on General Fund from:No.6234 to No. 5289 inclusiv ceases from this date. There are also funds in the treasurv to pay all warrants issued against Water rund or ua Urande City, ud to and In eluding No. 6284 endorsed June 22. 1 906 merest on all warrants on Mater Fund from No. 6058 to No. 6284 exclusive, seases from date of this call. La Grande, Oregon. July 31, 1906. J. K. Wright. City Treasurer. I live and let my brethern live ' With all that's good to me; Unto the poor some cash I give. i nm oaiance I give Kocky MountainTea Newlin Drug Company A tragic finish A watchman' nad - ;... leak in the rraa Nnrth ji. .u:.i a child s ringer could have stopped, to be come a runinouv KraaL .J.! .; entire province of Holland. In like man ner is.ennetn Mclver, of Vat:ceboro, Me , permitted a little cold to go unnoticed until a traggic finish was only averted by Dr. King's New Discovery. He writes ;'Three doctors gave me up to die of lung inflamation, caused by a neglected cold but Dr. King s New Discovery saved my life." GuarantaaH Kaaf m,.nu i i , cure, at Newlin Drug Co. 50c and $1.00. i nai uoiue rree. f PALMER HOUSE! JOHN PALMER, Prop. Firstclass accommodations. Board by the day week or month a. laawnaoie rates New furniture throughout. Centrally located ADAMS ANENUE. between Fic Greenwood. SANITARY I, as essential in your OUR WORK Executed In workmanlike manner and approved X sanitary standards. Carrying a complete line of 1" 1 Bath Tubs, Sinks, Toilets. Lavatorys and all plumbing fixtures. G. W. O'NEIL 1013 Washingtan Avenue B. W. NOYES NflYF Electric LAMPS and HOUSE WIRIG A SPECIALTY Phone Black 1161 Hamilton Building. Corner Fir and Adams Averue A. STEAM PHONE La Gwnle. SEED field and Garden I IN PACKAGES AND IN BULK j For several seasons we have been the lrlin j f distributors of Union county .TwaJS R V. OLIVER i ouuer IEFFERSON AVE LUMBER S -RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES Btttr Lumber and Cheaper than U tM : Grande Ronde PLUMBING i I home as the doctor TELEPHONE RED J 61 JOHN HALL A HAI I Supplies eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Yes if you will step this way please, we will show you some o? the excellent laundry work we are doing every day. You will feel proud when you walk along the street dressed in one of those shirts that we turn out of this laundry B. C. I LAUNDRY I MAIN 7 Oregon. J isuildiiiir i Main 57' Lumber r i PERRY. OREGON. I