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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1906)
patron i HOM INDUSTRY AND UP . YOUR home: town, 1 mm VOLUME V LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 26. 1906. NUMBER 113 BUILD NAM CALLED 10 EXPLAIN (Scripps News Association) Cleveland. Ohio, Juiy 26 Mayor John son who yesteHay headed a gang to tear up the car tracks of a corporation in favor of a municipal ownership track,' to day appeared in court to answer a cita tion why he should not be adjudged for contempt of court in refusing to obey the x 'injunction ordering him to stop tearing us way yeste-tay. Tne court withheld dten until Friday. Sip mur.x pal company which is called "ThVeefer ' because it will use a three! cent rate continued to lay its tracks tins j morning. , I The court has ordered thesuspension of; work on Fulton Street by the city, pending I the decision. I PAPER DEALERS HQLD (ONVHIHM (Scripps News Association Minneapolis, Minn., July 26. -The an nual convention of the National Paper Trade Associaticn opened here to day. The attendance is quite large and nearly every state in the Union is repre sejjWd. jne situation of the paper trade in L- United States and various features of the business will be thoroughly dis cussed at the meeting, which will be in session twodays. An interesting program has been prepared for the entertainment of the delegates. Bryan Meets Edward (Scripps News Association) London, July 26. William Bryan and Bartiold. and other American delegates to the inter-parliamentary union, by special reiYftl of the King, were received in courfoday. They were presented by Ambassador Reid. Previous to this the King had received Bryan privately in a special audience. FIRST FALL SKIRTS We just received by express a fine staging of advance styles in fall skirts, ue call attention to our ladies' ready to wear department which represents some of the best showings of ready to wear garments !n the county , t ,EW GOODS COMING DAILY 6 i Phone B k 130 REGATTA fOR POWER BOATS (Scripps Newa Association) Marblehead Mass ' Jujy 25 To-day is the opening day of the power boat re gatta under tne auspices of the Eastern Yatch Club. The regatta will last three days and the program includes a number of races for power boats. Four classes have been provided for: 1st Class Non cruising boats over sixty feet rating: course two laps twelve miles. Second Class cruising boats and boats with stand ng awnings: two laps twelve miles Third Class non-cruiing boats over 21 feet and not over 60 faet rating; course two laps, twelve miles. Fourth Class Handicap-dories and tenders not over 25 fen aver all s x miles. Handicap will be bised on horse power. Mir CUSTOMS (Scripps News Association) Berlin. July 25. -The Chinese govern ment has plans for many reforms among the national custom?. Particularly will the authoritits make effjrts to have the men remove their cues and the women will oe forced to leave their feet in natural shapes a d not mutilate them as has been the customs in China for ages. WILL ELECT NEW COMMANDER (Scripps NewH Association) Washington Ju y 26 The annual depart ment encampment of the Department of the District of Columbia United States Spanish War Veterans opened here today witha large attendance. The principal busi ness before encamprrent'is the election of a new commander to succeed the incumbent Commander John Lewis Smith besides a senior and a junior vice commander and other officers. " ENGLAND'S KIM ENTfaTAINS (Scripps News Association London. Juiy. 26 -The King today re ceived the delegates to the Parliamen ary union who are still in the city. SHOWING of If you want the latest Come and sec us l IT tt.-WWtM J.1P.VIV-SVM.HIJ "i W 'S m w 10 THE JURY (Scrlppa New Association) Portland, July 26. Concluding the ar guments in the Nickle land fraud case I occupied the day in the Federal court to- day and the case will probably go to the j jury late this afternoon. It is stated that I Horace McKinley. the alleged partner of Puter in land frauds, is located in Shang- hai, Cnina, wher. he is running a broker's Oiiiv.e. Worried Over Safety of Americans In Russia (Scripps News Association) Washington, July 23 Tne 'State de pigment is flooded with inqu ries from C'tizens wio have rilatives and friends in Russia, and who are anxious about their safety there. The department is unable to give any assurance because no official information has reached the officials in regard to the actual con ditions or if the foreigners there are in any danger. Government food Bad (Scripps News Association) Gettysburg. Juiy 26. Dr. Warren, a member of the state board of food com mission, examined the milk last night used by the state troops encamped here and reports that he found fifty per cent for eign matter. A prosecution will follow. Prosecution Near End (Scripps New Association) Chicago. July 26 It is the plans of the prosecution in the Standard Oil case to have the work completed by the end of I the week. Atmng other things the gov- ernment will again test the immunity j pleas, this time before Judge Bethea and may get a decision to counteract the effect of Judge Humphrey's decision, . UP-TO-DATE STYLES Vergere No. 27 KM vm ray APPEARS I RUSSIA (Scripps News Association) St. Petersburg, July 23. The home fore gn and war ministry today predicted that a period of cairn is near at hand and that in that time Russia will recover its prestige and credit. They say that an enlargemant of tne suffrage and the re noalof disabilities among the Jews will improve tha c: d tons of the country. NjitJ Western "seoijerlest Tiiti .. . Association St Paul. Mm.. July 23-3.iween eighteen hundret and two 'thousand German .ini-rs r j iresanting sevo.ity-six singing sjciet'es o 1 'ngmg to the North western ra?.'gir-u,id. ore assembled n this cty to atiend and ttke part in the twenty-s-c ma Sienijsrfest of the North western aae-'garound. w.uch Will open here this eveni.ijj Miny of the singers are acconpinied by ladijs. Some of the delegates are quite large. Milwaukee, for instance, ba ng represented by three hundred men. The Geriru.) singers of St. Paul and the citizens in general have made the most elab rate arrangements for the recepfon aid entertainment of the visiting singers and hive systematized everything in the most admirable man ner. In addition to the singers several thou sand excursionists have com to this city, who availed themselves of the low rail road rates, which enabled them to take a trip to this beautiful city at smalt expense. The hotels down I own are crowded, the visitors do not And it impossible to obtain quarters. Although the big audi torium erected specially f r the Saenger- fest, is not completed, there will be no change in the program of the festival as arranged by the local committee. The Saengerfest will last four days and with a grand popular picnic with music, sing ing, popular games, dancing and speech making. BARRINGTON NOT HANGED I Scripps News Association) Jefferson City, Mo.. July 26. Today was the day originally set for tha ex cution by hanging of F. Seymour Barrington. the bogus " Lord " Barrington. who was found guilty of the murder of James P. McCvin. The execution did not take place, however, a his esse will be brought before the United States Supreme Cour' on a writ of error. "Lord' Barrington appeared in Si. Louis about four years ago and was apparently a man o' leisure, wealth and aristocratic lineage. He spoke of his English estates and the ownership of Melrose Castle, and captivated Miss Grace Cochrane of Kansas City, and they were married The falsity of his tales was soon after discovered and a divorce was granted to Mrs. Barrington. "Lord" Barrington then became acquainted with McCann, a prominent horseman of St. Hewa convicted of the murder of McCann on June 18. 1903. Russian Bear Supresses Rumors tScrlpps News AvsoclHtlon) St. Petersburg Ju'y 25 The govern ment's eierg i s are being devoted to the creation of the impression both at home and abroad there is no danger of a revol- ut on. It c uls the general striko a failure in business because, of the need of money and is preparing markets that are favor able to receive request fir huge loans. WILL WELCOME GilDDEN PARTT (Scripps News Association) Boston. Mass.. July 26 - A large num ber of automobilists belonging to the Bay S&e Automobile Assosiation started from here on their annual sum mer tour. The route chosen for this tour leads tne party ti Bre'.ton Wood, in the White Mountain region of New Hamp shire, where they will await and welcome the participants in thi Glidden tour, who are due at the Woods on July 23. ; Six Little (oons ' (Scripps New Association) j Nashville Tenn.. July 26 At Kingston I a negres gave birth to six children. All ! are living and appear health. i YOUNG. GLADSTONE Of AGf j (Scripps New Association) London. July 26. There i great re joicing today at Hawarden, the seat of the iate William Ewart Gladstone, ind a great celebration is boing held by th villagers and tenants of th estate to ive expression to their joy over th fact that William Charles Olynn Gladstone, eldest grandson of William Ewart Gladstone, and heir to Hawardon, reached his major ity toda . Young Gladstone studied at Oxford, where he maintained the family record for scholarship and seriousness. He is one of th most promising speakers of the Oxford Union Debating Society, the nursery of cabinet ministers, and has joined tne "Sj Ciub". which his grand father founded to ceiebra'e his glorious victory m the campaign of 18d0. DEflED fOR ME YEARS ( News Association) New Richmond, Wis.. July 26. During the battle at Cameron dam on Thornap pie river between the sheriff and six mi litiamen and the family of John Dietz, who for three years has defied the courts, the laws and anyone who tried to arrest him, one of the officers who tried to approach Deitz was killed. The party, who was sent out as a last resort, to oust the ten acious man. found Dietz on a stump and on the approach of the officers, he said that hs wjuld be taken after his gun was empty and his body dead. Women of the family stood behind him with relays of guns and loaded them as fast as their protector csuld fire. The officers opened the Are in which Clark, a son of tha old man. was probably fatally wounded. Dietz still remains in possession. Three years ago he claimed that he would have a regular pay from the Miss issippi Boom company for running their logs through his farm in the Thornapple river. An injunction was gotten out and the first man who tried to serve th papers on him was quickly disposed of. Every concievabl plan ha been used to serve the papers of arrest. Last year the authorities read them to him from a nearby tree, but the act of arresting him was never accomplished. IOWA EDUCATORS' CHAUTAUQUA (Scripps. News Association) Waterloo, la.. July 26 The annual Chautauqna of the teachers of this state began here today with an interesting and attractive program. It will last sight days and promises to be unusually suc cessful. Among th lecturer who will address the assembly are Dr. A. E. Win ship, the H?n. John F. Riggs, the Rev. George E'lieott. of Detroit, Mich., Presi dent H. H. Teerley of the Iowa State Normal School and many others. mm COMB AND BRUSH SELL THIS WEEK : 20 per cent off SEE OUR WID01V DISPLAY NEWLIN DkUG CO. La Grande, C Mon. LABOR AND CAPITAL OH RBI BASIS (Scripps New Association) Naw York. July 26 The steamship bearing the Rockefeller party has spoken by wireless fiom seven hundrtd and sev enty miles east of Sndy Hook. The message reports all well. A second wireless telegram says that Rockefeller has had an unpleasant trio on the ship. The weather was foggy and tough atid the magnate was little on deck. He exercised in the gymnasium and played on the shuffleboard a few times. During coversatior.s with fellow trave'ers he said that ha believed that money should be spart and not hoarded. He thought that capital and labor wii! eventually get on a corrmonsense pasis. Iliaw f ainiiy In Conference New York Jjly 23 There was a con ference of the Thaw fe mily today and whatever differences existed have been patched up for the present as tha mother is apparently capitulated. During the conference Mrs. Carnegie sat with her ermi around Mrs. Thaw' neck and me moiner ana wite snowea a moss cordial relation. Dreyfus Reported Insulted (Scripps News Association) Paris, July 26. While it was reported that Major Dreyfus had been grossly In sulted and slapped in th fact -at .th military club last night, officials deny it Mme. Dreyfus adds her denial to that of the officials, CHAIN MARKETS Chicago July 26 Wheat opened at 76 closed at 77; corn opened at 61J closed at 63rtt ; oxts opensi at ZIH closed S3 HARVEST b NOW ON Walla Walla. July 28-Harvesting is now in full blast all over Walla Walla county, and many threshing machines ara being worked in almost every section of th county. Report from Russell creek neighbor hood are that th wheat is yielding on an average of 40 bushels to th acre. On some farms it has fallen lower than that amount and in other instance it haa been mu-,h larger. Along th line of th O. R. It N. south of Walla Walla wheat is turning out 40 bushels to th acre. Report from Eureka flat sho that while th grain was damaged to soma extent by tne hot winds, th yield will b better than was expected by th farmer.. The farmers claim that there is a short age of harvest hands and it is hard to get enough men to handle this year' crop. Pendieton E O. "f f f f f f f f f f Iff ff f f fr$