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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1905)
3C tTr.s.z,:33 PT nPTTTAT j c Local Item j J 1 n 1 IS WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS NOW AND LOTH NG ' IS WHAT WE HAVE ' AH the new things, as well as staples In MEN'S, BOYS', YOUTHS' and CHILDREN'S, cut as It should be, made to fit, sewed with regard to wear rather than cheapness. Not the lowest priced you can buy, but absolutely THE BEST that can be bought at the price. ' ' Boys' Suits, - - $1.50 to $5.00 Men's Suits, - - $5.00, $8.50 A strong line at - -. $10.00 and some swell thing at $13.50 and up THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY .' ' . ' 1308-131O-1312 Adams Avenue - " Largest Store- Srmllest Prices We do all kinds of Repair Work and mg Watch this space for Suit winners RAnarrwd S35 Tom Short $25 'Suit tat Saturday Two drawings on Sat June 24 AL.' ANDREWS . Haberdasher and Tailor n Second hand Goods Wanted Telephone Fred Jacobs, Main 67 and we will call. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Mra E P MoDaolel and Mias Graee McDaniel, of Baker City, arrived in La Grande this morale g on a visit. Mrs John Strlnsham and bar thraa children left laat awning on No 5 to Jfiin bar Husband, who realdea in Los Angeles, California. . Mr J T Williamson waa anions the large crowd hat leit here this morning to attend ibe Old Pioneers' reunion at Union today. ' Mra W 8 Peters, of Jefferson. Iowa. arrived in the city last evening on a visit to tha families of . Win Allison and Mr K E Kiddle. She la the mother of Mra Allison aud Mrs Kiddle. Mr and Mrs John Gowlth. of VUln. expect to leave within few weeks for Southern California In tha hope a change will provo benefloial to Mia Gowith's health. They have been rest dents of this oonnty for the past 2-4 years and thia will be their first trip since ooming here. They came from southern Kansas hare and have made them a comfortable home. . "STr.W 0 Smith, who has been In charge of the men at work on tha new track fur the 0 R & N at Lime Siding, four miles from Huntington, la inthe city today. He states that the work is now complete and ha la now anroute to the Dallea with the horses and implements to do some other work of the same nature for the oompany at mat place. Strawberries for Sale The strawberry crop will aoon U ready, and those wishing Clark Seed ling strawberries, phone 2154 or call on u M Kiddle, May Park. June2i !i I SEEDS SEEDS Jast received a Car Load of Alfalfa Seed Bed Clover, Timothy, Red Top. All kinds of Grass tsaa.- Bulk Garden Seed, Bald Barley, 'tlye, Wheat and Oata SMQLiyER IEFFERSON AVB PHONE U7L THE SORT THAT WILL PLEASE That is the sort of groceries Ve sell Our aim is to nloQQA oil fvF nr. nf - j We realize that iu ordet to I An tV!s - ii i mio wo ujubi, ecu oniy First Quality Goods We also ' know that our prices most be right, and that our service must be correct. A child can do the trading at our store A trial order over the tele phone will convince you. We solicit your patronage. North Fir Street Mr Jake 8hark, of Elgin, arrived la this city on a baalneea visit yesterday. We are assured of extra fine alfalfa crops thia year.. Mr and Mra Tbomaa Badge and daughter. Miss 81d, went to Union to day to enjoy tha pioneers' reonlon Over; ninety axeonion tickets were sold from the La Grande office for Pioneers day. Geo B Stoddard left th!e morning for Baker City, expecting to be borne tomorrow night. Mrs Chas Noyes, bo bsa been at tending tha fair for several daya ro tor bed thie morning. B V Etlllwell ' and John flagedan enriched the city treasurer yesterday to the extt-nd of 110 and IS respectiv ely for Indulging In an alteration. , John Young ia looking tver the territory across the river from Hood River with a view of making that his fatnre Lome . ..- The question of street sprinkling is one that will have to be met immedi ately. '- There are several sides to (he question but tha princidal one la to raiae sufficient money to have it done J E I'atemen, the well known timber oruirer, left I hie moroing with bia family for Canada where he expects to make his future noma. . Una Davis, Hugh McCall , and Raich Revnolda rotnriuul thia mnmln. from Corvallie where they have been attending the argicultoral college. f bey also spent eeveral daya at ttie expcaitlon Mr David E MoQinnia, who ha been in oar city several daya noting as a representative of nine of tha prin cipal agricultural papers In tha Middle West, left this morning for a business visit to Flgln. : Mr J H Howard, who lately arrived in this city from Nebraska, left this morning with his wife and daughter for a visit to the eiposltlon at Port land. Mr Howard expresses himself aa well pleased with the Grande Bonde and thinks he will return here to locate permanently. . l Attorney Wm Ramsey haa returned from Portland where he went as a delegate to the Convention ot The Episcopal Diocesea for Oregon. The principal business being the election of Frederic E J Lloyd aa coadjutator with Biahop Morris.. Mr Ramsey also visited the exposition , and naturally was well pleased with the exhibits. Mr A W Laffle, who haa been east for several weeks, has resumed bis duties aa express agent and brake man on the Elgin branoh. . While cone. Mr Laffle attended the convention of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen at Buffalo, where he remained two weeks. Afterwards be visited rela tives and frienda at different points In Indiana before returning home . to La Grande. ... : Rev A Eades left this moroing to be present with the pioneers, and expects to enjoy the honor of being the oldest pioneer on the grounds as he first view ed tha beautiful Grande Ronda valley in November 1844. He la possibly safs aa Mrs Geo B Currey, who la tak ing in the fair, will not be there to contest tha honoi with him. She also passed throngh the .valley the came year enroute with ber parents to Ore' gonClty. . At the school election held Monday afternoon in Baker City Hon C A Jone was re-elected director to succeed bim. self, after having served for eleven years on the board. The Hobos certainly have the 'city today. The Baker City boys are' ex- pec tea io arrive about seven , this evening. " The ball game is in pro gress and it is a eight to behold. The nniforms are beyond description as well as the "made ape". Road Supervisor Coal well, op .the river, has attached and garuiibeed the wages ot several of the employees of the Grande Ronde Lumber Co. and in eaoh iostsncs the parties were sub jected to a fins and ooit bill of $9 26. The balanoe is being eauily collected. Wm Dixon, of Hilgsrd , waa before Jnstioo Hough yesterday afltrooou charged with an assault with a danger ous weapon on the person of B F Sparrow. The defendant waived ex amination and gave bouds lor bis ap pearance at the next term of the" cir cuit court. l( Mr Henry RineLart of Summerville the secretary of tin Pioneers who meet in Colon todsy for ibeir annual re Union, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon on the Elgin train, and left this morning for the scene of pleasure to tell and listen to rminio,ncea ot , tha early days, and to give the warm band clasp to bis numerous frienda ' BOYS' WAGONS 1 hrve the roller bearing kind that ran like a bicycle. Different sizes to setact from and prices in proportion. If you see the in you will want one. , If your ol.i garden hose is worn oui let me send you a new one. I also have a few lawn mowers left. They are the ball bearing, run-easy kind. Try one. Do not forget about those bee hires aud hammocks. MRS. T. N. MURPHY, "" Builders' Hardwate and Crockery. ' sTHE i PROPER PLACE To bring your laJy friend or your wife and family to secure the best refreshments is ....... S ELDER'S CANDY STORE The best candy The best Ice Cream The best equpped candy store The best Soda Fountain in Eastern Oregon County Institute County superintendent Bragg baa iaaued notlrea of the annual county teachers Institute which will be bald in thia city on Angoet 21st. ,That Tired Feeling If you are" languid " depressed and incapable for work. It Indicates that your liver ia out of order. Herblno will assist nature to throw : off head aches, rheumatism and ailmenta akin to nervona and restore the energies and vitality ot sound aud perfect healh. J J Hubbard, Temule, Texas writes, March 22, 190 : "I baxa uaed Herbina tor the tha past two yaara. It baa done me more good than all tba doctors When I feel bad and have that tired feeling, I take a dose ot Herbina. It ia tba beat medioina. made for chills and fever" 60ota a bottle . The Home ' of good cookery is onr restaurant. . It bas bean oar aim to provide tba public with the beat of everything and In thia way we have been very successful OUR BILL OF FARE Provides for all the meala that are strengthening and healthful and when eating here reminds one of "home cookery," which always s'rikea a tender spot In tha hnmane heart Tha pleaaant odor ot our many fine things In tha eating Una arouses the oravings ot the "innei man." When in n ed of good and healthful eating give as a call and you'll be satlaOed. Oar prloee are joat right too. M ODE L RESTAURANT J. A. ARBU0KLE, Prop. OPEN.DAY AND NIGHT We sou weakly Meal Ticket Ceah 54.50 cnl WE BUY Doors Sash, . Shingles and 1 1 Lumber In large quantities direct from factories and mills at a yearly contract price, and while we pay the lowest price, we get the best goods, and can afford to sell at figures that others buy for, thereby giv ing our customers the benefit of wholesale prices I STODDARD LUABER "CO. HOOD RIVER STRAWBERRIES X. .'Received daily. 1 Fresh vegetables Every Morning. Gclica Get Ceffi Do not grind too fine, as pulverised coffee hat an en tirely different flavor from the same coffee granulated. J. A. rOLOKR n CO. ? Vraaaleeo Xm of Flaw CwsTecw NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE t Joi. ir and Jefferson 8ta. ; 0. RALSTON. Won. V 3 ,1. 1 Wr.v-fMf eawnliti vmm 11