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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1904)
XT! IR I YOU WOULD GET, THE NEWEST COME TO. . THE FAIR ; . ' . New Goods from" our Eastern Buyer 'by Nearly Every Express. I-' ; ; ii Wi ,, - -, We Will Give . ' . - v ' THE Half a. Carload New II-- . , .... . .. ,-,g8ra8gg" am . . We have just received half a car load of the newest and latest wall paper. Half a carload means 20,000 roll. This is more oaDer than anv one firm ever thought of bringing into this ThU paper Is all for rale Bnd must bo sold this season. We have brought two first class paper hangers direct from Chicago, who are without doabt the most ekiilfnl workmen in Eastern who, with the five Hrst class i. i hangers already in oar em ploy, gives uethe beat working the Inland Eipplre. Stackland '& PAINTS. eibS Script Script Gilt-edged forest reserve, approved, nn. restrained, ready for immediate use any where. Lowest prices. " K f. & F. B.Riley, hamper ot Commerce Bid, PoitUaJ, or. I Wood Saw i T" Having leaaedlthe G W Alle etoam wood saw, I am prepared to promptly takeoare of all orders entrusted to - ' . ro M A n rl t . 'Corner Wreenwood and Hill atreets Vhons 738 8 12 0 t MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly- 01 all the Salvia yon evei beard of, Booklen's Arnica Salve is the best. It sweep! away anil cures Barns, Boros, Braises, Cute, Boils, Dicer-, Skin Eruptiona ami Piles. It's only 25c aim guaranioou w ; La Grande Drug Co., and Newlin Irng Co., Liraggisv. A THOUGHTFUL MAN. r m.1 k .ttn lU, . flUBwti w tn.siA .nlthe hour of need. t. -XI- U.A .nrh n (linUBUftl CMC Ol XJ1I WHO umM owf , stomach and .liver trouble phv-kian. could not neip ner. " - " tried Or. King's Sew Life Pills and she got relief at oncejind was Only 26o, at U Grande Vng O, vrlia Oroit3,Pr 8"r Co me in arcL liet ns sliow Yon k-: some of The New Styles just FAIR Received of ) 9) Wall Paper. ) (9 ) county in a single season. ison. ) (6 McLachlen . AND SLAbS TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE That is why people come here f,,r men's avid by boys sUnot The J. E. Tilt liii" is our 8PHC- inltv. Here is where price and quulity are combined. C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET COUGH MEDICINE tR -iijit I1U b-.V BE8T ucau'l eim-licitVontldence. Vou waul one that not only relieves but wauv one ,. , , nnnneii. I ,r.hlv harmlass. If on want one that 1 .,.R,it to take. Ot amoeriain a "oiuh rU-medr meets all ol these coo Ss. There OtW.M h.owyh..ndo.l,,nc-nvw od . r or vu I TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS $ to Charity, if anyone can prove , that ANY . OTHER CONCERN received a higher prize on 6hoes than was Awarded to us at the St. Louis World's Fair, j PETERS SHOE CO. ' . v ' St. Louis ' We are authorized by PETERS SHOE Co. to publish the above challenge to ike.. World. The Grand, Prize Awarded . "DIAMOND BRAND'! SHOES at the World's Fair - is absolutely the Highest Award, any statements' to the contrary notwithstanding. The makers of "DIAMOND BRAND" SHOES back up tbair claims as they back' op. their shose. , ' ' ' : 'f - v - ' ' BEEF CATTLE FOR PORTLAND Car'oads Shipped from Haines In Dav Stock Conditions in That Section G W Thomas, one of the rnont ex tensive cnltli) dealers in EaBieru Ore gon. aa In town a lew days I Bt wrek. .Mr. Thomas yos.erday drove to North P wdor eight oar loads o( lino b.'of osttlu, hioh he has been in this vloioity and which ho sold to Kidille Bros, of La Grande, r'rom Nort i Pow.ler they will lie shipped w to Ihe Portland .uarkot. Mr Thomas Taking the Hint Tlie Indications are that tho antis have received mch a sea e even iu the precima which wi-ni atuiuat prohloi lion tuut the saloons will le conduct ed wilb some semhU-nco ol diceivy hereafter Jlaycf lavlor ol Ainuua has issued a notice to the effect that he will enforce tho state law agiuusi. aamblini! In any lorm, me .erin,...A of minora; to loiter in saloons; aale ol Intoxlcatiug liquor to minora; l.a viinnllll of (iiaoidi-rly houses ana , I-'.ir h tfittu 1 all ullier iuiu m - - liba Aihetia thia 1 a long step forward I i ii. o i.,io,p.t. of j-otuiin. The lo. al opllou law la a kind ol a uauiocic. aword and will have tue eueci, oi iu sening vice even iupreoincta that don't believe In prohibition. - Milton aagie. t Breckenridge D.'ad Lcxlnuton, Nov W-Colonel William ; Campbell Preston urecaeu-nire m -: 11 -JO n m rrnm in b"d ul i'"' enatuined Wednesday Fourteen Killed, B C, Nov 21-Kotirteen miners are dead at the Carbonado mines, near Moirisscy. as the result of a tenillo e plosion oius-d by tos yes terday afternoon. -The bodiSB were re-covered. J while here alsi boaaht 150 head of beef caUle ivi.lch hu will f-cil hum until in oouditiou lor ihn markot Monday ne niil leceivuat linker Uity ao..'Lt 1UO head whitii he purchased ou Burnt river Jlr. I nomas eutt a that tho utook iu ttrels ol this section have nothing to fear from a hard winter. There is pleuty of .veil In tho country to ke p nil tim Btm k lo B"od couiiition. Tim st' ckmeu who BUlloioJ loss ihrouuh huiifge last winti-r ana not going to bo caught again lioxl biwl cattle are very scarce u', (irus.jut, as-mobt ot the saiuble stotk has been bouuht up. r-.-ui.iiue ill requiro tonalderuble (t-ediiii! lie ; r loady lor market jiMju.g ucoi-d CUUE4 !.) SOlti-i , UJ Birl nhiiiai it -J-x v'. ir in ow i.m.uieiit i-ii,i.l an aid soro ou . me sine 01 uiy emu ui.ii. v,,i3 oo. w OT . cwi.i'-'Ji' etll.l-'.l . IUH " u.iu ....... 1. 1 -., . al.l l- 1 -Dlitlllflllf. j til(ja bim ',.meut, winch did tho won. in alioit o.iior My sister,, ,Mrs .-joi-ii in j i ii-suu, Alle'iavitii), iiliilin Uu, i'a, hiia u sore mid mistrtnts that t l.i a oaii..e,r. 1'ioo.ij Bond bur a 0c bottle, -Soi-l bv' iiewiiu UiagCo. vj-;a!ty Kounluiu Tea Nuggets A Buy tMittM for B i-y Pwpla. InTi U...-i ii -I'.-b and i:or.tnc4 Vigor. r-.-(1c f-r'lnn. In u.-r,iflon. Mvo and Ki-lie r Tton'ilr I'iinp'-- . I. -'in-i. Iinpiire Bi -l. flrpvli. Hi.i-ei-li lion-e1-. If-'A-IU'-ho Sufi IJ.irtcil' -i-". T lt'"-l:V Mr.eienlil '!! in lor Jit l')i-!ii.-;r. ''ot n Ivit. c.-nnliii) mndo by li'ji.i.iaiiiii Iie- ii r-iypAyv. Hviinen. Wla. 9OL0ES HUGGSIQ FOB Sft'-LOW PEOPLE Now Ready for Sale T? e peor-le of t.ils eouitty sre now notified that tho O'l-otiii' r addiMon is ri inr ready f"r thm market a id thnt ci.ol- e lots ean b -bad -it remarkulil" low prices. Itiesd lots are (10 by 110 feet and are without ezoeptlbn the test reoldenoe lota in the city. Per 83ns wishing larger traots can secure just what the? want by going a little further baoic in the fame addition. Do not fall to see this addition and se cure one of these cholon selection be fore some one else gets the lot you want. For fall description of prop erty and quotations call upon Dr O'Connor La Grande Ore. ' : i'hone Main 2141 Cor Park and Oak Btroe a . HOTICEKOR PUDMCAXIOH, (iHolateri Tract) DITUI II' I ArJil U&t K. NoticoliihenbyKlu, tlmt In pnnaanM ft lnitruclions Iroin llm uimmiiiiiioijr oi ,uw Gtiieml Lmid Office, under uuthorlly vested In lllmhy Hcrtlon S. Revised BUtnUX. H HUiulkifed hy ll not of ConKreSi approyed February Irftls. we will proteod to offer at public wilo. at ten u'clrx-k . in. on the liuuy oi ofrKml. ioii:- f4 B,nur, 14011 u7 iu. .... ahova describmf bind are nitvicd to 61a tlielr ItlalinH InthU office o orbeforo tho day above ik'stKiinUJ lor ttie cflmmoutjement of said sale: uthcrwiie. tlieir rlghia will bo lorfeltod. Bated juoo ia iou4. E. W. ravlR(iMer. A. U. Koburtc Uccelvur. Head thU paper and The Weekly Fine Organs $46, $48, $52, $55 The well known and s pnpular Pacific Queen. Very bundsome stylos. Payments $8.00 down and $4 a month. Write us Inr particnlrrs. Mail Order? promptly and carefully filled. Eilers Piano House 351 Washington Street, corner Park Portland, Oregon Large atoros also Spokane nnd Snntllo, Wanb., and Boiae, Idnhn, 1 JProlessional W. J. BISON ETT EXF-liriT ACCOUNTANT OUlco with J T.Williamson, La Grande Parties wishing the services ot a com petent bookkeeper are aae jrerl jintii-. fautorv results. PrioesTTfliSblB C. B. Cautl 1; - DENTIST Office Over Hill Drug Store La Grande, Oregon. ' l)r. T A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Oflice at A T Hill's Drug Store La Orando, Oregon ' Phone 1361 -Kesiaeuce pnone vux-.' . ?v Malheur County Investments For Investments In ' .MALHEUR COUNTY Write to C. T. MoDANIEL ' Outario. Oregon Columbia Collegiate, Preparatory rimnmaMlal Urn ve r sity radr apflt rot SATALOaui Couross. Boarding school tor yoaut men A boys. Box 34S University Park Station, Portland Oregon Lodtje Directory. KAlll.l'H-U llranUArie if9 P Oi K nW ovory t-'riilay niir'it la K oi I- hall . t y m Vhttlnu brothorn tnviUnl U. alten C C Itockw.U. W e n-H ,ay vllls, W Seo. KORKMTEltH Of AM KBICA-Oonrt Maid Marlua, No ti nieeta eaoh Tuesday la llk'a halL JiroUiera am Invited to altond. 1 HclanarUlilof Eanser. OJ Vanderpool KeeSoO. I O 0 V L Grande Lodge, No IS rrse' .It their hall every sat urday nlant. VltHltig n.em bera cordially Invited to attenit. 5 K Kloehaii N U , U B Coot dge, 80c A, V. A A. M. La Grande Lodge 0.41. meets every 1st ud 3rd 8atur ij of each month. A C Williams Seo, . OD Huffmaa W. M KABTEnN RTAU OKU Hope Charter No H meeia llieareoilil and founll Wedeeaday of eau.ll uiolilU al j:e p ui Ii' Maaonie Temple Mra t lini T lyle, W M ; MktwIA Waruiuk. Seo ' HrSM