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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1904)
9 M).-:, TRUNKS.. ;r-;V' We re distributers lor one' of the largest trank manufacturers in Anieriea, A good assortment always on band SUIT CASES . , Indies' and geuUoqaen'e suit , cases in Leatherette, cauvass, aud full stock leather canvass, silk or leather lined, suitable lor every want and prioed to suit every purse $2.25 TO . $12.00 AGENCY FOR PENDLETON AND UNION MILLS BLANKETS All Wool Blankets $400 up. $5.00 TO $22.00 8 THANKSGIVING LINEN SALE V i ; ' ' " '.'-'.-f'-Jfi' m'-. : '.'.''1' ; : V''J'- . Let us remind you that it is time to overhaul your Liueu Closets and prepare for Thanksgiving and the turkey feast. We have made our preparations have spent a great deal of time in gath ering desirable linens of all kinds aud have prepared for your consideration a seleot ' assortment from the best linen mills in America and elsewhere. You will want linens we want , your : pa tronage and if assortment and low prices on choice linens count for anything we can't help getting your linen trade.; Note the prices carefully . ' Table Lirwits $1.75 .72- inch , Satin Damask, beautiful floral designs f O C thi sale the yard.... Ia33 $1.50 72-inch Satin DamaBk in fine floral patterns and extra good quality Special JM 1T his sale the yard. . . .. $L25 All Linen 72 inches wide tke yard. . Satin. Damask :.98 cents 85 cent all Linen Damask 72 inches wide and a special ?ood value at $100. : This sale the yard.......... 69c TABLE CLOTHS $1.65 all Linen Table Cloths bleached, full size aud made with fringe,. $1.50 Half Bleached Fringed ta ble cloths with red borders, al so iu bleached all white this Bile. ......... .129 $1.25. Pure Linen' Cloths borders and ; fringe this sale.. ....... ... with 98c Special $3 00 Value Satin Dam ask Cloths, without fringe. TS-. tra special' this sale ) at. 69 Lunch CMhs -; Mexican Drawn work hem-', stitched lunch clothes in all linen, and a most complete line to sell from 35 cents up. Dinner Napkins : Regular (4.50 the doa quality in beautiful sprig and floral pat terns Satin Damstik ; Q the doz.. 69 $3.50 Knapkins In as J AO sorted patterns, the doz. VP $2.50 Knapkins T98 $2.00 Knapkins 156 $1.50 Knapkins 1 35 DAINTY FABRICS FOR EVENING GOWNS Beautiful to behold a bewildering variety in all the most popular evening variety of fabrics and prices aa to please every taste and every pocket book, - shades, and such SILK MOUSSEUNE In white cream, light tan, nile green and light blue " . ; 45c down to 30c I SHANTUNG SILTS - 35c 'J In beautiful evening colors. I5c to 25c DIMITIES and ' LAWNS, special, the yard 3C SILK CREPE DECHINE in black and light blue. 75c , INDIA SILKS In all evening shades, 28 and 30 inches wide,the yd . 50c GREAT SPECIAL OFFER LADIES' TAILORED HATS About 60 of this season's choicest production , in . Ladies' '.Tailored Hats in Castor and white. First olass Huts from Urst olass work shops at great speoial priees this week. :i S2.00 Hats .- - '$1.69 3.00 Hats - - 2.49 $2.25 and 3.25 and 3.50 White Scratch Felt Sailors. 6.00 Silk' Velvet Wats with Chiffon Facings 2.95 4.98 LADIES' - NEW. BELTS ; KID BELTS in colors with satin ribbons , , laced through and through ODC Crush silk velvet belts with large gilt buckles . ; 65c Burnt Leather hand bags with beaded t, n(J leather strings, . - , ; - ,75c and spI.UU Latest New York Novelty belt buckles in fancy enameled cut steel, gun metal and beautiful shell goods 25c 35c and Vanity Fair Boxes in Gold plate and gun metal ..:. - ... New Evening Neck Laces, 25c to 50c 65c 65c fl Crush silk velvet Opera Bags in burnt orange, old rose and emerald green $1.25 fofU5iv Peter's Shoes' ; 1 he shoe that was . awarded the highest prize at the St. Louis Exposition 1 It is the best shoe ; on earth for the money we know it.. those whoweai ; them know it and we want you to know it Don't fail t3 try a pair of Peters' Diamond Brand Shoes next time you want a shoe if you try them you will never wear anything olse,- Men's Diamond Brand Shoes ? $3.50 Ladies' Diamond Brand Shoes . 3.00 I Knit Underwear Speoial value in ueavyy cot ton ribbed un derwear for women ' - . 50c Regular 11.25 Wrights health underwear for men, special here at $1.00 Regular $1.25 men's natural wool, extra heavy, speoialJ QQ NUBB VOILE all wool in, cream colors, special yard tea . H - m Half a Carload of New Wall Paper. ' aSSBaaSSSaWaaBBBIW MMMMMMHMNMHHBMMMMMaMaMMMHMM r We have just received half a car load of the newest and latest wall paper. Half a carload means 20,000 I rolls. This is more paper than , any one firm ever thought of bringing Into this county in a single season, f " This paper is all (or sale and moat be sold tbla season. We i have brought two Bret olaas paper hangers direct from Chicago, "i who are without doubt the moat ekillfol workmen in Eastern who, with the five first olass oti hangers already in oar em t. play, gives us the best working ton the Inland Umpire. iStackland & McLachlen ! i PAINTS, 0I12S AND. GLASS THE LEGAL STANDING Of OSTEOPETHY ' ' 1 ' 1 TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE Spript Script 1 aMtdjrorl fioreat rcMnrs. n rcstrminea. ranay iur inuaeuisMs aaw where. Lowest price. K. F. A P. P.RlleV. itumborolCommoroe Bldg, t'onlaad, Or' Wood Saw to ; - JHaTlng teaaedbe O W Alle ateam t wood saw, I am. prepared to promptly take oare ofZall orders entrnated ' me. W M Audit, ' Corner tireenwood and H ill atreeta 4fhone738 812.01 II ' .' MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP ; v.iJ Thera'i nothing like doing a thing ' J thorooghly. Of all the 8alvea yon ever beard of, Bnoklen'a Arnica Balve Is the v Vi best It aweepa away and cures Barns, V; :f Sorea. Braises, Cuts, Boils, Dlcerf, Skin feniptiona and Piles. It'aonly 25c and guaranteed to gin aatiifacttoo oy La Grande Drag Co., and Newlin Irng Co., Druggist. A THOUGHTFUL MAN. If. U. Austin of; Winchester,' Ind., knew what to do in the hour of need. His wile bad such an nnnsual rue of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could oot help her. Be though of and triad Ir. King's New Life Pills and she got relief at oneend waa finally cored. Onlv Oe. at L Grand Drag Co- and That is why people come here for meo's aud by boys suoes The J. K. Tilt line is our spec ialty. Here is where prioe and quality are combined. C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET BEST COUGH MEDICINE FOB CHILDBBN. hen you buy a 0011 irh medicine for mail children yon want one In which nn ran nines Implicit conBdonce. If on wint one that not only relieves but .ma. Yon want one that is nnaaes tionably harmless. Koa want one that is pleasant to take. Chamberlain's (Vinah Rumadt maeta all Of these coo Jitlons. There Is nothing so good for he coughs and oolds Incident to child od. Tfoi tale by All Droggiete. Sinoe Novembor, 1896, when the first legal recognition of Osteopathy as a distinct sohool ot the apeatioa woe effected In Vermont, nearly two. thirds of the States and Territories of the Union have regulated its practice either by legislative enactment or court decisions. No other school of medicine can present such a record of growth and popularity. This , fact should be a suffioient guarantee of merit to lead allsufferlng from disease to investigate at leaat the principles of thU new contestant In the Held of therapeutics, The success achieved, however, haa not been won without sharp battles and good generalship In the matter of examinations eight States are on an independent basis, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Minnesota, Michigan, Missouri, Montana and Oklahoma having State Osteopathic Boards of Examination and Registration: while in Iowa, Kansas, Ohio, Wisconsin and Kentuoky the four schools allopathic, borne opithie, eceolio and Osteopathic are represented on the State Board of Medical .Examiners. The law in Tennessee N01 tb Dakota, South Dakota Nebraska and New Mexloo requires the registration of the diploma only of the regalary graduated Osteopathic phvsiolan, The usual medioal laws relative to examination and certification obtain in Alabama, Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kensas, Otilof North Carolina Virginia and Wisconsin, the principles and practice of Osteopathy being sub stituted, in .most cases, for materia medica and surgery. The courts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Mississippi, Utah, Colorado, West Virginia, North Cirolini and Kentucky have ruled that the medioal laws in furcedo not apply to the prao tlce of oateooathy, inasmuch aa Osteo pathic physicians administer no drngs or medicines, of any kind, neither per form operations in surgery. In Texas the medioal law especially exem pts Oateepatblo practice from Its provisions: whllo in Vermont thia status is secured by special enactment In every ae, the candidate mast be a graduate of a reputable Osteopa thlc Odllene, of wbioh there are now ten wherein ''the ooarse.ofatudy and re qairsmenta are Id advauce ot that which prevailed In medioal oolleges when the majority of the M. D's now practicing received their education" And the standard for graduation 1b feet and are without exception the ateadilv advancing. Beginning with September, 1905 all Osteopathic oollege must teaoh a currioulum ot at least, three years of nine months each, to entitle their graduates to membership in the American Osteopathic Associa tion wbioh standard will be quite equal to the mammum time require ments of the American Medioal As sociation Osteopathic Health Would Do While J J Heine waa having a chat with President Roosevelt in ti.e White House last week the telephone bell waa ringing some hat persistently. There being no attendant at hand the beat reidenoe lots in the city. Per Bins wishing larger tracts can secure just what they want by going a little further baok in the same addition. Do not fall to aee this addition and as oure one of these choice selection be fore aome one else gets the lot you want. For full description of prop erty and quotations call upon Dr O'Connor La Grande Ore. Phone Main 2141' , Cor Park and Oak Btree s HOT1CEFOR PUMJCAriOH. (Isolated Tmcl) FUIIL.1C LAND BALB. Notice Lhon-byxKen, tlat in purfiaance of InitructionB from tb. Commissioner of the Ocuoral Land Office, uuder authority vested In nlm by Suction 2.65 U. S. RevLcd (Statutes, as Btiiontfed by the act ot Congress approved b-uh....a Jx 1KI). .v. will nnvututl to offer at P...l,l .rnn.Ad himaalf and went to public salo. at ten octajt .. m. untne joay o . .va-uw..- - Aiii,., 111. .L Lhll AlllCe. LUB IOIIOW1DK l t, ..j Tki.i. t.. vxrysts.T BDSwSr but, rtfJBttM3U uaii. u.a mio conversation that took place on the line seconding to the testimony of the distinguished gentlemen at the Presi dent's end of it: "Well, what ia it?" "Hello, is A'oble there?1, "No he's not," "Who'a this I'm talking to?" "The Preaident-" Well, you -11 do. Tell Archie to come over and play ball." And the President proceeded to ex- oute the order, aa directed. Furniture for Sate Furniture complete for hcusekeep: ' ing Everything from cook ; stove to pictures. Inquire Jefferson Av. be tween Chestnut and fourth St., La Grande Ore. . :. 11 9-12 8. Guntheries Candies All the essence of purity. As you can easily convince yourself by test. Bon Bans and Chocolates assorted Chocolates assorted Bon Bona 60 dts. an up. . . Newlin Drug Co. Any and all persuna claiming adversely the I...V3 litnri in nllviu!il to file their Claims infills office on orbeforo tho rtny aboveV detlRtiued lor uie comnenccincii. 01 iwiu ra'u-, Uherwise, tbeir rights will be forfeited. Dated juaeasi. B.a.D.vKegi,t.r. A. H. BoburU. Ueue.Tar Sacred Heart Academy La Grande, Oregon. Thia 'well Known institution, conducted by the MiRUirR nf Kt. li'l'Mnnln. nffnrilH nTni.llaiif eduaatiouiU advantages. Music, draw ing and painting optional studies. . Proparing young ladles for the orofess- I ion of teaching a speolalty. Boarding ana aay acnooi oiena tne nrst Monuuy in (September, fc'or catalogue address Slater Superior. Ang4-Oct4 Head thU paper and The Weekly Peace For Uncle Sam (Observer Special) Washington, Nov 10 Secretary of State Hay has useuranoes that Great Brltlan and Mexloo are prepared to negotiate treaties on the lines tha were recently followed in the under standing between France and the Unated States. Umatilla County Pendlelou defeate i prohibition liy a vote of 537 to 271 and waa defeated in that county by about 800 votea . FreJWaler which has for years been noted aa a wot town wsll be dry here after aa will atao the preoin .ta. Milton Booth Athena, Meaobam Encampment and Ruddock. ' Fine Organs FOR Now Ready for. Sale The people of this county are now notified that the O'Connor addition ia ; now ready for the market a id that ; eholce lots nan bs bad at remarkably , low prices. These lota ere 60 by 110 ;.. ....-.-.--. . . f $46, $48, $52, $55 The well known and popular Pacific Queen. Very handsome styles. Payments $8.00 down and 14 a month. Write us for parliculrrs. Mail Order? promptly and carefully filled. Eilers Piano House 351 Washington Street, corner Park Portland, Oregon NOTICE want to change your location t Have you a business you want to sell? Do you want to buy a business or real estate in any part of the United States for cash or credit. Write at today describing your wants,, we can supply them, we know how from 20 years ex perience. One aore of land partly fenced, a small house, half acre on fruit and berries, live minute walk from car line running from the center of the oity of Seattlo. Prioe 500. ' You puy S100 down and the balance (WOO) like rent 4, each month. Located on water 'ront. Large storos also Spokane and Seattle, Wash., and Boise, Idaho. If you have a business or real esta'e In any state in the Uditod States yoo want to sell at a bargain, and it will at'.-J iue Investigation Ve give it, we wnl sell It for you at onoe. Do not put it off but write today. We made 1235 business and real estate transfers last month. . . ... Hlllmaa Realty Trust.; Drawer 1230 Seattle Wash, . Reading Upom. The east room of Central Ohuroh o 0 brisk Open every day from noon tt six in the evening. Sally and weekly papers, maglnoa and books. . Men and boys cordially Invited. Bttangera t always welcome. , r (