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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1904)
GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. - . Ml i 'VOLUME III LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20. 1904 NUMBER 49 THE ARMIES ARE CONCEALED BY FOG Japanese will Attempt to Carry Port Arthur it. This Month Heavy Losses on Both Sides. iMukden , Oct. SI The hostile arm ies re tody eoooMled from each ( tber Id a dense log, U opsrationa ere suspended. , Neilr er oanooadin nor musket firing has been audible. Bo with tbe country enveloped Id a thick fog and tbe oada in a wretched condition all aotivity ia lor tbe time bing impossible either lor lb Japa nese or Russian army sooth of Muk ila. JAPANL088E8 AN ARMY Kuropetkin's total losses will reach 26,000 men. Tbe Busaiana have been reinloroed by 80,000 men ol the 8evedteentb, Tenth and Sixth Siberian corps. Six divisions ol BaasUna now con front the Japanese lelt army. It ia stated at the war offltse that the Japanese left army captured near Lang Fono Uieob aix ammunition eart and 5,000 rifles. 6,000 rounda ol field gun ammunition and 76,000 rounda of rifle ammunition, besides Cbiosgo, Oot. SI A Daily News i clothing, tents and other war mawrial Little Information is obtainable tbe situation with tbe concerning right and center Japanese armlea. Elgin Jtyd I tone special from Chefoo says tbet camp follower with the Japanese army be sieging Port Artnur at present ia I Chefoo is authority lor tbe statement 1 that tbe Japanese killed betore the X forts are numbered at M.0O0. Ba- 4 . . ' . ..A I iiuih ins Jinnui uoom ht. l :., AH au l an fKiemDi win ne mane to narrv tun ' . . . ajj . j HWMI nntw fir in. 1 Mill r P 1 III IV. . London. Oot. SI f Riillntin A ? dispatch from 81 Petersburg states a ruinor is current there this morning f Ll. , ti 1 C i.i j-' i 1 dysentery. The rumors are uncon- i firmed Paris, Oot. 21 According to the St. Petersburg correspondent of the Temple report of tbe defeat of two Japanese divisions on the Shakhe river has been confirmed. Tikio, Oot. SI Tbe opposing ar mies are now devoting their time to tbe dead , earring the wound ed and planning additional move ments. It is known that . the Japa nese left army lost 6 ,000 men during tbe recent fighting. The further dis co v try ol Busaian dead indicates that building and this morning a huge stone bearing tbe three links was plac ed ovei the entraoe way. These stones being need in tbe building are the selected pioduot of the Elgin red stone auarries in Union county ' an all hand out. The Dalles Obroniole. 584 Years Old The oldest wcrkiog olook in Great Britain is that ol reterboiough Cathe dral, which dates from 1320 and is conceded to have been made by a monastic dock maker. It ia the only one now known that .is wound up over an old woodan wheel. Tbia ia some It feet in ciroumferenoe cairy ing a galvanized cable about 300 feel in length, with a leaden weigh! of 3 hundred weight. - The oable has to be wound up daily. Tbe gong is the great tenor bell of tbe oatbedral, whiob weighs 31 bundredwelgnt, and it is struck .hourly' by an 80.pound hammer. The going and tbe struck ing parts ol the olook arc some yards apait, communication being by a slender win. . The olook is not fitted with dial, but the time ta indicated on tbe main wheel ol the escapement wbioh goes round once In two ' hours. This clock U of most primitive de sign more so tban the. famous one msde for Obarlee V, of France by Henry de Nick. Scientific American ieady For Trouble Washington, D. 0. Oct - 21 All American marines will be retained on tbe istbumus ol Panama to be pre pared lor any emergenoy at tbe result of tbe disgruntled element of ihe re public ' Father And Son H. ?. Weir, an engineer on the Great Northern , was killed in a wreck near Vancouver, B. C, Wed nesday. Ten minutes after be died word was received that a sou, also an engineer, was killed in a wreck near St. Louis. . . S. Vi Referee Stops Fight "Taooma.Oot. 81 Tbe referee .pre vented Bute Turner Irom slaughter ing Ghes Levere laat night by stopp ing the fight in the third round, what was to have been twenty-round match. Lexere was dearly outmatch ed. THE FAIR A SUCCESS About $300 ; Realized Besides the Social Fea tures which were en joyed by all ot grammar that ia purely the inven tion ol text book writers, that it la no surprise to find children hating It and sensible men condemning the study of it.!'.. ,;' . Hot Fight In Sumpter A ted-hot, three-cornered mayoral ty fight in Sumpter is now in pro gress. Oato Johns, Seymour U Bell and Clark Soyde are the candidates for the obief offloe in the leading town of tbe upper camps. ' f ; ,,,, J I '-.l. Tibbies In Idaho Thomas Tit bles, populist oandidate for vice president, it now campaign ing in Idaho. ' served. Those present who will al ways remember the occasion with de light wereHmlfla Krleger, Verla Wea ver, Edith Bush, Oaddle Harvey, Lotas Sohilko, Winnie Brown, Nell ie and Ivy Le ike, Golda Hopper Helen Sullivan, t Uioy Prow, Guy Warren, Raymond Harvey, Boy Wirt ler, Frank Balaton, Erwin U ram we 11, Vernon Bull, and Dean Smith. Stopped Buying Portland, Oot. 21 The Buying of Oregon and Washington wheat for shipment to Chicago and other east ern markets has ceased. Tbe railroad companies cannot sap pi enough cars to hani'le the traffic It is estimated that twelve to fifteen million bushels bavn already bsen sold on Eastern ao ouuls and not one third has been forwarded. Efforts to secure water transporta tion have also been futile. There is practically no export business at pre sent quotations. The fair given by the Young Ladles Mutual Improvement Aaaooiatlo n ot tbe L D S ended in a blase of glory last evening with their grand ball. The queen, Hies Elsie Christiansen, was crowned in Oriental style escorted to lisr beautiful throne by Ihe Mlssea Amelia Bramwell and Myrtle Rosen banm suarouoded by her malda of honor Misses Mayma Thompson, ot Baktr City, Mamie Pldoook, Lizzla Nlbley, Amelia Bramwell, and Myrtle Roaenbaum. ' ' Following sweet soft musio the grand march was headed by the Queen attended by her Maids ot honor and the big dnnce was on. . One of the interesting features waa tbe guessing contest of the large lump ol coal. The lowest gates being 861b, The largest 169. There were 38 guess e from 100 tat 125 and 8 from 130 to 125. The exaot weight of the coal waa 122H. resulting in three . ties; Chaa McClure 123, S F Andrews and tarn Story-122. .-,...,,, Jesse B Paul won the Ht cake. Mrs Hyatt of Imbler the beautiful hand made quilt. Mrs B H Lewis the band drawn linen set. The young people are more than de lighted with the patronage extended by the publlo which realized about 1300 and the committee in oharge are to be congratulated upon the success ful manner in which it was handled. General News u The Oregon State BoarJ ol Horti culture estimate i tbe va ueol the 1904 fruit oron ol tbe state at $1,390,000. The apple crop waa estimated at 400, 000 boxes. Uuion county will pro duce ever 100,000 bvxtu Ibis season. Kaatvrn wool buyers am eontrac - ing tbe 1906 olio in Utah and Wyom ing at 18 oente per pound. Tbe city of Salem baa contracted for 60 arc. 1200 power lights at 36 96 per month. If Judge Parker was shrewd enough so arrange in advance for a $60,000 salary in the event o( defeat the judge mutt be credited witb a good business man if not a great a talesman. I i SCHOOL HOUSE line for boys and girl Have your shoes failed to give won satisfactory wear? Then try oor JOHN STR00TM4N shoe for ladies and children. We kuosv from our many customers who wear them that thera are none .better. Come in and let us try on a pair of our ladies' $3.00 welted shoes with oak tanned soles. They will wear; they are stylish and you will come again. We also carry the Star 6 Star brand of shoes for men, ladies and children. L-Q the RED !s, all thoroughly tested and proven satis a .itor y. JUST RECEIVED Shipment of RAIN COATS at popularprices Ladies Oxford Gray Covert coat,. .$3 25 Ladies Blue Cashier, velvet collar. $4 50 Ladifs Olive Worsted, plaid linit-g. . 4 75 Ladies tan worsted mackintosh 5 00 Ladies gray Dutchess, belt effect. ... 7 50 Misses blue eashmere with cape. . . ."3 00 Misses Tan Covert, with cape 3 00 Misses Blue worsted Automobile Gents wool mackintosh 5 00 Coat 4 25 Boys covert coat tan color 2 25 Gents wool mackintosh 6 50 "We are always glad to show goods and will do our best to please you- The La Grande Cash Store. What is and What IS Not Grammar SON OF 'AMERICA'S' A I iTHTiD A PF I ftM ' nuuivi)n i t i j . ,(6terver ,Rpoi'l) : Davenport, Iowa, Oe. 21 Ex-Hay or 8. F. Smith, nn of S imuil Franci 8mith author ol "My Country , Tis :. . of thee." was today 8n'eood to 10 Ci years' impriscm'nt In the peniien- ' tlsry." As tru-t;e. o' a Urge etatw Smith ledently acknowledged embes slement of $110,000. - L; , , f.;.; f? tS":' Roosevelt's Birthplace :J f , cSueoial to the Observer, . New York, Oot. SI The lions- a. 108 East Twenliolb- strct In which President Kooa- veU. was biro has' been. , tested by a ropnhfican campaitin cl"l Toe latter r' xrginised'KCrnily, b'lt has a mmle'riliir nf more tbsn '160 1 Since the B msevelt boue, four story blown stone, was erected - some years ago by family, it has been used for business purposes tueoharacter of tbe - : m ighborhood uaviug changed. Rummage Sale. ioe Bieinouist laaies win nave a Rummage Sale at Mr. Kilpatrlokt o November 8,4, and 6, lhey- have been prepaiing for this for some time and will have many useful artio'es to offer at bargain prioes. ' Surprise Party La t evening" Mr and Mrs J E Housh cave a surorise nartv In honor of their damhter and son Late anil Earl Games were enjoyed for several hours and at 10)30 refreshments were Qlenn Marls oame over yesterday from Union on bis wheel. He made the trip in exactly one boor and a halt Be will r.turn tomorrow morn. in, :o - v "i ; ;- The members of tbe whist olub were entertained by Mesdames Mm Brioson : and Cavana yesterday afternoon, Mrs Given winning first prize Mrs Erio sun second. ' - Tbe foot ball team of the Baker City Hlith School and the team from Waiter will meet., on the grounds In Baker City next Saturday for tb flrsWs-, . game of the season. ' v;. . ' s Is the Subject Assigned to Prof. Hockenberry to be Read Before the Inland Teachers' Association, Professor H J Hockenberry, in his address before the Inland Teachers Association now in session In Pendle ton, his subject "What is and what it not grammar! " made use of the follow ing strong language, which will meet with hearty approval, "More ignoranoe and mors foolish nest has been shown in the teaohlng ot grammar, than in the the teaohlng of anything else that Is found in the curnonla of publio sohools. Grammar is that part of the science of language whioh treats of tbe right farms of words In sentenoes. Let we repeat it. It is not analysis, and it is not diagraming. The teaching ot an alysis and diagraming as It is now us ually done in the public schools ot this nation, is culpable Ignorance, is pedagogical asinioity, is orlmlnal Idiocy, ia cruelty to animals. If there is one thing more than anotb. er which the American publio school should give the American youth, It le tbe ability to nse his mother tongue I This Is just what tbe teaching of gram mar should do, but It is just what it does not do. This Is a radical state ment, but If I oould, I would make it stronger. There Is no other branch in our curriculum so thoroughly abused bynewpapers and practical men an granr mar, There is so much Stop That Shivering v And save that Coat Kour horse needs a blanket and we have the best assortment In the valley to t from. Horse' blankets at all prices. . New stock just received sf . MEN'S GLOVES rVorkinmen's high grade gloves. This is a new liue with us and we are proud of our se.eotion. OaU and see them. Har ness and saddles mads to order. Winter robes just reoeived. Second hand sewing maoh iue for sale cheap. E. Christofferson Harness and Saddles ' La Qrande, Oregon 4AsAafcXAAse A tl A A t A A tl t) f A A s 1 A Store With A Record We have been dding busi ness in this town for 5 ears In that time the town has nearly doubled in population During the same time our business has increased FIVE FOLD. In other words our business has made a great deal more rapid increase than the town has. There are dozens of reasons for tbis all of whioh you will perceive if you begin buying; drug store goods of as.- In the first place we had a thorough training for pharmacy. In the second place we bad ex ceptional opportunities for learning the praotical side of pharmacy in a successful drug store of the highest stand ing. In the third place we have kept our eyes open and attended to business until we know the demands ' of the people of this town. A. T. HILL, i Prescription Druggist La Grande, Oro I , m P It -1 f s . i " tv.