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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1904)
r- t 'A B : v ' ' t ' r 1 t ! !' ! I ' : IP IHIIHM 1 I TTor A. Few Days We Will Sell Any Box of Paper In Our Window Uor IQCENTS NEWLIN DRUG CO. t 1 14 E. P. Staple E. E. Pomig . ROMIO & STAPLES --GROCERIES- A full and compiote line of staple and fanoy gro ceries. Fancy canned and lunch goods; Tiuware, graniteware and wooden ware. Fruits and vegetables in season. Bakery prodnots always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. ) We, r- it $10, B. I s fiO cents &i. cnh'!(3, Bioyu. J "IS r,0 Rullon (. Hvagon $5, dry J6 f - Up. , r .," ' Phone 431 collaterals. ande Pawr Fir and Adaf iy and aell .11) kind. J jt jl AN ALF Lund Alfalfa Krowfr i Ass 1 : Alfa.fa and c ij , i How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at the same time Assist the Stomach and Diges . live Organs in Digesting and Assimulatiug Sufficient Food to Hobuild tho Tissues Support ing the Organs Involeed. There is but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KOUOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to knntt more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL TELL YOU ed in bulk id A. T. Him Prescription Prugjist . La Grande, Ore ! . r r ly Seed Ht County. - ' Q- SECOND HAND GOODS - L V t. fought and s-old. Wo have the following bargains E. 1 Mione 16 tr rom" M' rH,,gp' 20, ce i lillliy 3p;V d i- ' opitta and up, bed spring9 60 r" --! : cents anil v:p, but'1 im'i 1',., -..ilcs j-, .,,) l,p flew lrou teus J J id turn jf I i 2 Merif cl "UN A,,: -1 'i,.. Mi j,,!;.,., ci lvr barrels 1 25. '( i 2 seat bugcy 1 10, 21 v..,,.,;'. ,iry If. inch wood 15, locks 25 neiits and up. Mouev loaned on collaU !: The La Grande Pwn:r jktrs Corner Fir and ,dam- Rrmember .till buv " kind: 'Phone 1581 ol Second Hul GooUM jt J J ' 301 LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Concerning People Who Come And go and Other Items of Local Interest. Mist Florence Carter ami alitor .re in the city guests of Mias Myrtle Bqoiret. JJr DrBrinesrame down (rom North Powder last evening lo visit her daugh ter, Mrs Albert Hnnter at Island City, Mrs Abbie Murchie, of North Yakima, who haa been vifiting friends and rela tives in this valley returned bume this morning by way ct Portland. The ei. ursioD train leaves this oity (or Meacham Sunday morning at 8:30 Immediately after the arrival of the east bound passenger train. WAN rED Kour girls at onco at the Knitting Factory, Sommer House building. Dr. McNaugbtoo and wife of Elgin, arrived in the c ity last night and will join the orowd hereto attend the picnic al Meaoham tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. 7m Mulbolland, of Juneau, Alaska, arrived in Union Tues day evening on a visit to Mrs. Mul hollmd's parents, Mr, and Mrs. B O Swackhamer. They will probably not return to Alaska, but may again make Portland their borne. Republican. Distriot Attorney Leroy Lomax, wife and ohild leave this week (or their new home in Baker City. This esti mable family will be greatly mlase.i in our city where they have resided many years. Baker City will be much the g liner by the ohauge. Soout. A C Miller, of the arm of Win Mil ler & Uro., who resides at Enterprise and looks after their Wallowa county business, came over to take otmrge of tho business here during Wm Miller's absence on the Minam. Mr. and Mrs. F L Meyers left last evening (or Portland, Astoria and other points on the coast. LOST Scotch Coolio pup, male, yel low with white tip on tall, white breast. 5 reward tor return to M II Kirtley's livery stable. Gone three weeks. 3t A .ubsorlpUon paper was being cir culated this afternoon for th. purpose of raising sufflolent funds to iid Mr.. Whitlock home to bar parent :Utab, having been departed by bar hatband .boat two month .go a fa hour, after tbv birtu of their little Infant daughter. There are three other obildren. Whitlock akipped out attar buncoing a man in a loot race out ol several bandied dollars, aino. which time bis family baa never recelvM a void from him. U Van Hook, who rented bi. (arm, Just east o( tbia city, last (all and pent the winter in Asbiand, hat or dered the address of bis Observer changed to Santa Rosa, Ca Iforuia Miss Olive Jones Is a guest this week in Union of her brother, deputy county clerk E Kay Jonet. Dr F E Moore write, from Logan Utah that be will be home and li bis office Monday morning ready for busi ness. He has had a great time and enjoyed every minute of it. . Mr Daily who ia looking over the' field (or an opening for a machine shop is .till here and Is syffi loutiy impress- J ed that be will spend aeveral day. in looking over, the valley and ia quite o nfident that he will locate bore He will take a trip over the Elgin branch the flrsiof next week. Mra Charles Norby and eon are here (rom ILs Grande, visiting with her parents Mr and Mrs W H Brown. Walla Walls Union Prof H J Hock en berry, Cha Bohnen kamp and Una Davis have returned Iroui their Minam outing and report excellent sueotas with the rod and line. The Mlanes f lorenoe and Cbarolette Carter of rlaker City are gueata of Mist Myrtle Squire.. Deputy county clerk Frnk Bram well is over from Union today. J D Heidenrlecb, who with his (am II) has visited the Yellowstone Park, Is now on his way horn.. He writes from Weiser that he expect, to teach here tomorrow or ihi next day, and that they have all been well and have hud a delightful trip r'OUND Ui'ld watch on county road in front my (arm Owner oan have same by giving proper description aud paying (or thia notice. James Moss, RFD, No. 1, J L Caviness !b building three silos ab nit uiun (eel iu diameter, twenty two feet Mali and will soon start in fm mailing the La Grande creamery with the produot of not less than twen ty cows. His original idea wet to on-y build two silos but the yield of his five acres in corn was so bvavy that it re quired three. Mr. Caviness is going tu carefully weijh every load when be onis it and believes it will exceed fifteen to. a to the acre. Quite a num ber i f our furmorB who are patronizing the oroamery are taking no small in terest with the expe.iment and the suceess that is now assured will re sult in many silos being built next yexr. Silos ere not entiiely an exper iment in this valley, several having found them prutitable by experience. C - . wj Half a Carload of 5 New Wall Paper. V Wc hive ust received half a car load of the newest J and Utat wall paper. Half a carload means 20.000 rolls. TWsb more paper than any one firm ever ) thought c4 bringing Into thb county In a single season. A Tall papa ta all Md mart U told this season. We 2 ban broocat two Brat tlaa. paper banger, direct from Chicago, who are wilbomt doM the most klilfol workmen In Eastern ? who, with the Sn ant elan P-i I hanger, tlready In our em- (j plo,, git Mine beat working tw n ibe Inland Empire. 1 Stackland & McLachlen S PAINTS. 6IbS AND GLAbS 5 &99 &9&&l9&9&&9&& The Clock it something that is Indispenratile Ic the bonie. It marks the hour (or aris ing to cope wl:h rventn( the day, and Ihe time for retiring at nisht. There Is Somrhin .boat (he clock tb.t t. ... uo heart of all. It will some day murk the Bflor f death, My ckxkiareof handaomeappearanre neat in deflgn, and made 01 nicely puliahed bronze metal ornaments Prices from 1,00 to $16,0(1. J B Peare Union Co's leading Jeweler NeztNewlin Drng Store. Wach re pairing a Specially. J. H. Peare, the Jeweler refrigerators; We are sole agents for the ICE KING, galvanized J And porcelain enamel lined; will not break, scratch, or corrode. Last a life time, always sweet and clean. J Noted As An lee Saver : Ornamental as well as useful All sizes aud prices E. ANDROSS Undertakers and Embalmers Phone 9-1 Residence Phone 367 HOUSE FURNISHINGS 1202 Adams Ave NOTICE I will not nay any bills here after run either by my wife K MarB my chil ireu Garflel I. J .hn and Annie M'8 orany one els- without a written oruer from me J L Mars. 8-29-20 MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly- Of all the Balves you ever beard of, Buckieu'e Arniia Halve is the best. It sweeps away at"i cures Ifturns, Soros, Bruises, CuU, Boils, Ulcers, Skin EruptionB ami Piles. It's only 25c and guaranteed to give satisfaction by La Grande Drug Co., and Newlin brug Co., Druggist. To Whom It May Concern After Beptembei 5, 1904, eight (8) hours shall constitute a days work for nil bricklayer., masons and plasterers belonging to this Union. Wm. Hansen, Pres. J H Blumensteln, Seo. Brloklayers, Masons and Plasterers, International Union No. 3. Mens Shoes A full liue of the famous Walk -Over (3 50 and 14,00 Shoe Han an & Son, none better made, from $5.50 to $7.00 We only carry these linen but we have them in a variety of styles and widths and we know we can please you. ROSS & ANDREWS hrl GET THE CHILDREN READY FOR SCHOOL 1 Only a short time now until the Fall term begins and they will need a new Hat, Dress, Suit, Shoes or other Wearing Apparel, Tablts, Slates, Pencils, Pens, Ink, etc. We have them all and at right prices. and -"ev. irtern atiV, Read tlie Daily Observer Good Children's Caps $ .16 Lead Pencils, nickle tip Ql Good Children't Hose. . Si Pencil Tablets, 250 pages. .05 Good School Shoe3 1-0O Good Pens, per dozen. 'mmt '04 Good School Pants 25 Good Ink, per bottle t ,'rj5 Good School Suits Good Penholders oi A large etoik of materials for children's dresses, from 5 cents per yard up. The Golden Rule Company Largest tore Smallest Prices Ml ,tj