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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1904)
f ; , Tsf.m f . , ! "i . ' urn jCa Srande Snvestmont Company, 1110 Adama Avenue, . La Grande, Oregon OFFICERS: Oao. Pause. President J. M. Bsbbt Vice Preaident J. It . Chuech.. ........ .Cashier F. L. Metes sod Geo L Clearer 3655 -vv La Grande National B nk La Grande, Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 Tiaiuaota a general banking buslneuj, Boya and sella exchange en all parts of the world. : Collections a specialty. BOSS Meat Market Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS. Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers' stook Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry. Coal For Hot Weather Our Rock Spring coal will give satisfaction We always baye it on hand. Castle Guts and Clear Creek coal, too, if you would rather have it. We al ways have coul, all kinds aud at lowest piices. If you want wood we can furnish you the kind that burns longest and best. g: e. fowler, TRANSFER AND DELIVERY ' Phone lVo 1611 lODnaDaaanDiiaBsisi JOHN JAMISON W E STULL We will call for it and bring it home whenvpromisedi We guarantee satisfaction aud only ask for a trial order to demonstrate to you that we un derstand the laundry business, Ifou enn stop our wagon at any time or phone the Laundry and your work will be called for at once. We make a specialty of family washing, and can do your washing bettor and cheaper than you. A trial order solicited. Union Steam Laundry PHONE 1081. Will positively cure any case of Kldnoy op Bladdei disease not beyond the reach .of medicine. No medicine can do more. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE strengthens the urinary organs, builds up the kidneys and invig orates the whole system. IT 18 GUARANTEED TWO SIZES 50o and $1.00 TIME TO BUY. good real estate U now. The place It Homo Investment Addition ilun we wilier i holce lol, 195 213 feet for ftlOO to -U0 lor cash or installments Do von not know that mousy put In to tbe ilijlit kind of real estate la one of Ilia moat profitable investments? : Home Investment Addition will grow ripidly, and the price of lot there U bound to go up in the Dear future. It will be wine to purchase now, .' . DIRECTORS ; 3. M. Berry, J. M. Church A. B. Conley, Geo.L. dea ler, Geo. Palmor Asst. Cashiers f ELVA JAMISON 742 KIR STREET. : irit mm SOLD DID RECOXXENOED IT A. 1. HILL, liruguist, La Grande Evening Observer CURREY BROS., Editor Prop EuUred at tbe Port Office at L Grande, Oregon, a fjeoond Claee MaU MatUr. 5 ;A Published daily except Sunday One year in advance, . . . j . 16 60 Six months in advance. . . .3 60 Per month 66c Single copy...... 6c SATURDAY EVENING JULY 23. 1904 THREE POINTS OF VIEW. (By Rev. Andreas Bard.) Great artists are generally classified as reilists and idealists, but striotly speaking there are not two bat three distinct schools of painting. Tbe realist aims to give an exact picture of life as it appears, carefully avoiding every reflection on its character, the idealist adds to things they seem, his interpretation of what he thinks they are, beauti fying and transfiguring them in a higher light tbe caricaturist finally pictures life in its gloomi est aspects and deepens the colors of horror and disgust. Every man is a painter. His thoughts furnish the color, bis tenipermeut the brush and bis moods the background to the picture he gives of life. ' He may be a realist abstaining from any comment, merely observiug the plain fact that the rain falls on the just and on the unjust,, that life is made up of sorro and joy and thut the common path leads to the graveyard He may be a caricaturist suspecting the mean est motives in God, man and nature and harboring in his boBOiu a picture of life as a vast battlefield where accident rules aud suffering reigns supreme. Or he may be an idealist like Jesus and see beyond the lilies of the field and the foul in the air the merciful care of the Father in Heaven. Now let us suppose for argu ment's sake that none of these three methods can be absolutely proven to be correot, that eviden ces can be adduced to prove any of them and that therefor before the tribunal of logic they would have an equal claim on truth, does it not seem wiser to accept something that makes life beau tiful aud inspiring than to linger over a philosophy of despair and doubt? If history and nature fail to furnish positive proof one way or the other, is it not more satisfactory to throw the benefit 1 of the doubt toward the Gospel of good cheer thau toward the gloom of Atheism? Even if Christianity should be an illu sion, has its happy dream of a loving God, of a kindly Jesus and a future full of light not given something more helpful and inspiring than the bitter resentment of unbelief? Faith throws light into mauy a dark hour, bridges many an abyss and guides over tumultuous waves. It alone presents an Hmi Hm m4 Irtvtl With Exeruolitlnf Palm A. H. Thurnes, Mgr. Wll Cress Coal G., Buffalo, O., writes! "I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, pass ing gravel or atones with excruciating plna. Other medicines only gave relief. After taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE the result was surprising. A few doses started the brick dust, like fine stones, etc., and now I have no pain across my kidneys and t feel like a new man . FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB bas done ms $1,000 worth of good." la Glfcar Imtiy Ca Campari With It Thos. V. Carter, of Aihbore, N. C, had Kidney Trouble and ne bottle of FOLIY'S KIDNEY CURB effected a perfect cure, and says there is a remedy that will compare with it. la Giande, Oregon aspect ot the world thai :uuke life worth liviug. In yesterday issue is an attic e MttiDg forth a proposition which : J.E. Hough is promoting. Thisi matter should, be taken op by! tbe fruit m-n of this valley aud Investig ted ' We certainly need aoinetbiug whi'h will offer a market for our stcond and third grade applet. There is little difficulty experienced find ing a market for the first grade apples, but there is a consider able loss in tbe poorer grades. Tbe report of tbe discovery of tgreen diamonds in South'" Africa is looked upon as a ' gold brick story. Carrie Nation Struck Elisabetbtown, N. Y., July 22 Th Carrie Nation acsie wee temporal ly but violently interrupt d tonight when A: R. Neighbors, ea'ooo keeper .truck ber twice wiln a obair, knock ing ber down and producing a toilp wound. The assault occurtd at Neigh bors' saloon alter Mr. Nation had be rated Neighbor. ' Horse Thieves Arrested Deputy Sheriff J. O. Tnoma of Malheur county arrested a gang of horse thieves in tbe Iinnaha country day or two ago and yeaterdaj took bis men back to Malbeur with about fourteen bead of horses which they uooeeded in getting away with. Tbe men will ba tried at Vale. Deputy Thomas bad a long obase over 800 milea, partly on foot, and deserves muob oredit for hie i ucceesful arrest. OREGON CITY WILL WIN Portland July 22 The secretary nf tbe treasury yesterday evening n ti tled tbe interior department that there ia no vacant room in the federal building at this placo aud thtrefixe the Oregon City land office cannot be noted here now. Congrrtulations Mr John 11 Cullom, Editor ot the Garland, Texas, Newa, has written a letter of congratulations to the manu facture of Chamberlain's Couuh He inedy, as follows: 'Sixteen yeara ago when onr first child was a baoy lie was subject to croupy spells and we would be very uneasy about him. We began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and finding it such a reliable re medv for coldaand croup we have never been without in the house siuce that time. We have five children and have given it to all of them with good re mits." For aale by all druggists. Change of Management. Tho undersigned has purchased the busin sb known as the Harris Cash Meat Market and will here after conduct the same. . We wish to inform the public that we are prepared to furnish all kinds of meals, game and poultry at the very lowest prices consistent with first-clas articles We have- our own delivery and make two trips daily to the Old Town. Highest market price paid for all cuttle, hogs and sheep. We solicit a share of your patronage and guarantee the very best satisfaction. Phone orders receive prompt and careful attention. Harris meal market across the track. Phone 1601. TURNER & WALTER .For Kodak and Kodak Supplies , A complete stock of professional paper. Plates at wholesale prices Mail orders answered promptly. ; - . t: - La Grande; Drug Co. and Red Cross Drug Co FULL MEASURE Chain wood by the Cord 128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-iuch dry chain wood $3 per cord. This is chenper than ty the load. You pay for what you get ai.d get what you pay for. Phone 571 FOR RENT A S room bouse on Adam Avenue in western part of city In quire of C. B. Thornton. : ti FOB SALE AND RENT On aocountof ill health we will lease our forty five room rooming house, which is doing a good first class business to responsi ble parties for a term of years. Will sell tbe furniture at reasonable pricea hot partioulara call on or address W. H . Ferguson, La Grande, Oregon. . J 18 ti NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT Notice is hereby given, that at a re gular meeting of the Council oi tbe City of Lis Grande, Oregon, beld on the tith ilay of July A D., 11104, ttlxtb Htreet in tbe oity of La Grande, Oregon , was or dered improved by the codstruct'on ( f a seven 71 foot eide-walk along the weeterly side of said Ulxtb Street from the ally-way la block 00, in Chaplin's Addition, to N btreet, said side walk to be construe ted bv tbo abutting prop erty ownera on or before the 7th ilay of September, A D., 1004, and to be con. structed aa followe. to wit: Tbe top of the walk shall oonBist of plank one and one balf inches by eight inohes, ot pine wood, seven feet long. Tbe top of the walk shall be supported by not less" than fonr etringera of tamarack or fir wood and shall not be less than two in cbea by six inohes. and shall be luid upon srlla of tamarack or fir wood not lesa than four inches hy fonr inches; eaid illi shdll uot 1: iro thnn eight feet apart. 'tb atriueiH shall not be more tuan Ibt-u,- in - roin outside of the walk, mm. I l,,i, . ud to eud ; all other stringers rti..) I.lpi anil all shall ba s ili.lly uaned to. nor with n,it lesa than !ul wne ioIU ; cov ering shall be put on and solidly n.iilcd to the atriugers with two 20d. nat1- in encb board n eaih airtnuur. Notice ia hereby, further given ibut nn leas tm d hlmvilk ia e ristiu. ted hy ttie abutting p opeiiy owiieis in the manuer aforesaid, oil or before the tu ua.vuf September, A D., lUOi, Ihul the same will be constructed by the City oi La tiraude, Orecoti uu I a lieu tnk n BKaluet the abultmi; pio)eryfor th construction ol isms. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, thiailth day of July, A D., 1904. Cheater P Newliti Recorder of tbe City ot La Grande UDion County, Oregon. NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT Notice ie hereby given that at the regular meeting oi the Council of the City ot La Grande, Oregon, held on the Kth day of July A D. 19(14. U Street in the City of La .rauila, Oregou waa oruerea improved Dy cue construction of a seven (7) foot aide-walk along the aouth aide of O street beYween Fourth and Cedar Streets, said aide-walk to be conatructed hy the abbuttino- property owenere on or before tbe 7th day of September A 1 1904 and to be con structed as followe, ,to wit: The top of the walk shall consist of plank, one and one half inches by eigbt Inches, of pine wood, seven feet long. The top of the walk ahnll ne supported by nut less than four striugers of tamarack or fir wood and shall not be less than two Inches bv si Inches, and shall be laid upon sills of tamarack or fir wood not less than four inches by four Inohes; said sills shall not be more thau eight (eet apart. Tbe outside stringers sliall uot be more than three inshes Irotn outside of the walk, aud shall joiu end to end ; all other stringers shall lap ; and all shall be aolidly nailed together with not leas that 20d. wire nails ; covering shall be put on and solidly nailed to tbe string ers with to 20d. nails in each board on eaoh stringer. Notice is hereby further, given that unless said side-walk is couetruoted by tiie abutting property ownerB in the mat uer.afoieaaid, on or before'the 7ib day of September, A, D., 1804 that tbe same will be constructed by tbe City of La Granile, Oregon and alien taken against the abuttiug property for tbe expeueea of constructing the aame. Dated at La Uraude, Oregon, thisuth day of July A. D., 11104. Chester P. Newlio Recorder ot tbe City oi La Grande, Union County, Oregon. IV THE COUNTY COURT, FOR THE COUNTY OF UNION, 8 TATE OF OREGON. In the matter of tbe estate of ) r Citation ANG1E A WOOD. Deceased ) To William H. Wood and Percy M. Wood, GREETING In the came of the state of Oregon, You are hereb cited and required to appear in the County i ouit of the State of Oiea-on, for the County ol I'uion, at the Court Room thereof, at Union in the County of Uulon, ou Monday, tbo loth day of August 11X14, at 1 .30 o'oloek, iu the afiernoon of that da.i, then ai,d there to show anse If any you may have whv the iwtitinn of J. K. Wright, aa Administrator of ihe e-tate ol Annie A. Wood, Deceased. io sen lot, .o eight (N) block sixty Chaplin's Addition I . ti e City . i Hi CliHicle. iTCKi nild not t WITNESS-! be lion. M. A. Harrison Judge of the County I omt ol Ihe Stntc oi iregon, lor the tounty of Uo.oi-, , wi h the Sesl ol said l ourt alined Ii j, VMh d J of July K4. ATCESl-J. B Gilliam, Clerk. 1 H. W. NIBLEY Classified Ads FURNISHKD ROOMS Parties desire ink nicely furnished rooms apply to G D Simmons corner 8 and M :reeta FOR SALE A complete tbreshin out fit inquire of Jud Draper at th Andross Ranch. For Sale Good paying bueine-s for sale. For particulars write Box 1)37. Ls Grande Oregon. Pasture Plenty of good pHsturell per bead per month, Phone 1276. All Kinds of Work Wesley Davie does all kinds of scav enger work, such as cleaning wells, cess poils, etc. Hive him a call. 4 24 tf New Lumber Yard. I am now prepared to fill orders for all kinds of lumber. If you need lum ber see prices before ordering. E RoBeobaum Prop Rainbow Store. Piano. Instruction. Firs class instruction on tbe piano. Harriet E Young, Pbone July 27. Camping Ground Good camping ground at Hilgard apply to Mrs C J Hart Uilitard Ore. Wood Saw Ordora for cawing promptly executed 1 'lions 184U. resilience on Oaborn St. Terms reasonable. G W Allen Sweet Cream Commencing Thursday June ltlth the Grande Konile Creamery Co will be prepared to fumUh swwet cream in quanity to suit, whole sale and retail Hememher the place Huntlngtons new buildiug next door to fire building, tf. LOST I n the streets ol La Grande s sealed letter mm toe Brownsville Bank sddreBSed to 0 P Goodall, finder will plcaeo return to post olllce FOUND On tho streets of La Grande, a puree coritainina gold aud silver o in. The owner may have eame by calling ou Henery Henson, describing property and paying for this notice. FORE S A 1.10 Oood work teams. Have one ligbtteam. For full par ticulars, terniB and prices address E E Vehers KF D No 1 La Giande Oregon. J'Jl. Machinery For Sale One 20 H p fire box boiler, J I case One 16 iuoh engine same make One resawlng maohlne Oue rip sawing maohiue One wooden frame tenonor One 6 inch Bided moulder All iu good shape. Taken out to in stall larger plant Stoddard Lumber co. La Grande Estray Notice Notice is hereby given that there oanie to my place on the Owsley esiate one and one hnlf miles north of La Urande, one g-ay horse, no visiable brands, about 11 yeara old, weight a bout 1160 pounds, Owner may have same by proving property and paving for this notice and for care and atten. tion and feed. Dated lliisdayof July 1904. Joe Jones Best and; Easiest Way to reach Wallowa county jsj to patronize thej TE.DERF0()T,TRANSP0R TATI0N COMPANY. and arrive at, Elgin daily good service Past"' time cojJRTEous treatment: Special rates toParties Livery Stable Accommoda lions. Proprietors own fstablesat Joseph and Lostine. Elgin office st City HotelJJ That the way to reach a man's' heart is through his stomach. Try it by using Geddes Bros' canned fruits, delirious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden. We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, e'e Special attention given to phone orders. Geddes Bros. MEAT CLH1M.S a large place in the food question It is essential therefor tint tho meat bi good. Toiiirh, gristly steak, or day jiiiceler-s roasts will spoil any meal 8uppoBe you consult us on THE MEAT QUES TION We know and buy the beat kind. Yon can rely on our knowledge and our de sire to hold your trade to get you the finest meat you ever closed your teeth on. As for prices, well we are nut so foolish as to have them high. Bock & Thomas Early Risers TBI FAMOUS LITTLE FILLS. 1 Per a,fek relief from Blllouanese. Slok Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun dice, Dtiilness, and all troubles aris ing f rem an Inactive or slugglih liver, DeWIN's Little Early Risen are un qealM. They act sromplly and never gripe. They are so dainty that it la a pleasure to lake tkem. One to two aot as s mtU kusttve; two or four set aa a rlesasat sad elfectlvecathartio. They ere swab vegetable and absolutely aarmtaea. They tonlo the liver. riPARID ..IV BV K. O. DoWiti Ic Co., Chlaaajan H By All Druggists ARE YOU GOING TO ST, LOUIS If so, purchase your ticket via tho ROCK ISLAND FRISCO sytTEM8. Choice of routes going or returning via ST.PAUL. DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, or PUEBLO. For rates oal I on your local Agent. DateB of sale: June 16-17-18 Julv 1-2-3 Aug. 8-9-10 Sept. 6-6-7 Oct. 3-4-5. For further information and sleeping car reservations call upon or address A II Mc Donald ..r. . . Geu'l Agent 140 Third St., Portland, Ore City Scavenger Vaults, Cesspools and Wells Cleaned All work done bv Scavengers N1. 1ST. Mason Phone 1841 La GrnnJe Or. f1 nr n i. coffee,te:a.u RArtflNfi DAWMB fUVORINOEXTRAcfs Citator Slrtnjlh. fouoMbk Wea (CLOSSETftDEYERS i