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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1904)
. V ,. r ' . f'..' J J J! V. ' KjT j JwtmtltllMMIIIIIMtH t 1 . I,. Ill : -.v-: w-..;- : .1) ; : "v i -V v I 2 BICYCLE TlMiHson is on lor bicycle and if you wish , to rkk ia the lead, jet a Crescent or Rugby Wheel Step in ant we will show you how they are built If your lawn needs sprinkling, we have cotton or rubber hose that will give you perfect satisfaction. Our ball-bearing lawn mowers lad them all for easy running and durability. MRS. T. N. MURPHY v Shovels, Spades,Hardware , A FEW OBSERVATIONS -.- nv aiid ocnrknTcnc i imimmh leave May Observer SNAPS SNAPS la all kinds of second hand goods, pay eash and sell for cash. We. Books 05 and up Spray pump $ 7 60 Cook stoves 8 00 and up Top buggy, new , 60 00 Bed steads 1 00 and up Open buggy . 15 00 Bed springs v 50 and up Spring hack 7 60 Chairs 25 and up , 21 jewel Elgin watch 15 00 Revolvers 1 00 and up t 425 suit of clothes 7 00 Bioyolee 5 00 and up $ 8 set Ebony brushes 1 00 20 lb candy scale : 2 00 Parlor banging lamp 2 50 The La Grande Pawnbrokers , .:".,. Corner Fir and Adams W Jamea tnd wife will 11th for theot Loala lair. Bring jroor job work to tba offloe. . , CirouermaD J w White' Dew delivery wagon ii certanly swell. O M -Rlchey left this morning for Elgin and. Wallowa county. ... - F D McCuily of Joeph left last night for Portland. Mr Chester Oabnrn is visiting in Athena. Mra W Dunham of Walla Walla ia vlntlug frieuda in the olty, J W Knowles la arranging to add a second story to bia residence on Main street.;, ' ;, v 'v . Bishop Zuudell hat completed a very neat residence on bla properly near the High school. V ' 'E W Jobnaon left yesterday for Prine- ville wheie be goea to make final proof on a timber land claim... ,- Mra J Rebut Wilaon tr.d daughter arrived this morning from Albany and are gueBts of Mr and Mrs w A Worstell. Bemember ihe man meeting of tax payers this evening at the Commercial Supreme Court Pendleton, May 3 Tbe aupreme ooort today ia oonaidering tbe oase of E W Oliver . t,he Oregon Sugar Co, ; :-; ; Pioneer Meeting J A MoWbirter president of the Onion Ooauty Pioneer Association baa laaoed a call for a meeting of tbe Vice Preal denta of the aaao'iation to meet in this oi'y on Saturday May 14tb for tbe par poee of selecting a date and plaea for the holding of tbeir annual reunion. TURKESTAN ALFALFA. .The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gation. BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley. Oats, Etc' w - The only Seed House in Union County. A.. "V. Olive i? JEFFERSON AVE ; Phone 1571 We Offer Good Shoes Hanan Shoes. Walk-over Shoes. You know that they are good Prices Range From $3.50 to $7.50. ... " i Ho & Andrews, TAILORS AND GENTS FURNISHINGS. Locomotives There are auld to be 43,000 locomo tive in this country, and of these about 3,200 areanpplied with electrio head ligbtt. while 1,660 are equipped wltb acetylene generators. The remainder of theea engines are making nae of oil for the headlight illuminaut. ' In Spite of AH ; " In aplte of the freeaoup bnoiei of 18113 to 1SD6, the smokeless rhimneya, the closed facurlea, tlij ideal workmah, tbe want and aullerirlg uAhat period of tie pewaion, in spite of tba prosperity we are now enjoying, there ia athl a cry in tbe Democratic party tor Free-Trade By what trick of logle or ontory the Demoeratea will attempt to persuade tbe people to adopt an anti Protection measure is at present not very clear, but there ia no doubt than an efloJt ill be made in that direction. Kansas City Journal." : . ' ;. . Notice ' - . - z ' -H, v ' r All nieinbera of -the Uniform rank team Wo dmen of the World are ieq- oeated to meet at Labor Union ball Sun day afternoon at z o'clock. . By order of the captain..., i ...'MM- Oats ! Oats Car load or sack; Roll- ed or chopped. Bar ley the same. Wild, And Grain, Hay A rid Timothy.- .r':,y-.- Cards of Thanks We the undersigned, husband, parents 8 O Swaekhammer .waa in the city ,.to,llt,nH hrnth. ,,ao!, t,,.t fl, roperty in-. " - yesterday looking after bia property terest. ' t-,-v.- : L O Proctor of Elgin left this morning to seek a location for the practice dent- estry. He may possibly locale in Wyom. Dr and Mra Moore have given up their apartment in the Foley and are occupying the home of Wm ;Allison during Mra Allisons eastern ' trip. Mr Anderson, who for some time has been connected with the O. R. & N. has purcbaeed the 8vea rt-aturant :and will- have tbe same open in a few uya. ; Geo Ame the ell known pioneer who died recently In Union is reported to have driven tbe first ox team into tbe Cove .in 1802. '.. Carpenters were at work yea'erday reparing 'the interior of tbe Council chamber in tbe Fire Department build ing. -vine holea In. the plastering are being filed up and wainstotting la oelng build around the walla," ThU is a much needed improvmeot. ". Prof Talt recieved word yesterday from his son Robert, who for the past two years has been with the navy lead er of the band that be uxpeuta to visit here about the first of July. : This will be Roberts first visit since becoming a marine. , . D J Beinbart of Jefferson Iowa arriv ed in the city yesterday and is the guest of bis old time friend and neighbor Wm Allison manager of tbe La Grande Flouring Co. . Mr Eeinbart has been looking over the Frosser country and while there purchased a tract of land under the big ditch. He is now on his way home to Iowa. : ' VLn W F Hendricks the photographer haa located at La Urande Oregon having bought out an established business at that point Hta wile and family left here this week to Join him. Mr lien drlot iB a maBtr of bla profession and and a good citizen and he is highly commended as such to the people of LaUiande. Ravena Neb. News. many friends who extended na such deep sympathy ' and did everytbiug possible during our great affection. H P Kennedy, Mr and Mrs (leo W Allen, Mr and Mrs A C Hnynes, Mr and MrB John Allen, Mr Frank Allen. . Waiting for the Waiter. V Is something that never happens in our restaurant. We know tbut prompt service conduces to good, temper, ana good temper Increases tbe rppreoiation of the viands. We Want You " To enjoy what sou eat in oar place There is nothing we will not do to make your enjoyment perfect. It plain business with us. For where you nave enjoyed a meal so much yon will certainly come again. Come and see bow muob we will do to make your first visit enjoyable. Mass Meeting , All tax payers are requested to meet this evening in the auditorium of tbe Commercial club for the pur pose of disoussing matters of great importance to this oity at tbia time. Neighborhood Club ! Tbe ladies Neighborhood Club held their bi-monthly meeting tbis after noon Mrs J E Slater beirg the leader. Tbe sudieot waa "English Art" and the manner in wbiob Mra Slater bad the walls decorated with portraits of famous English artists gavo evidence of tbe magnitude of the subject under discussion. Tbe following interest ing program was piesented: Piano Solo.. Mrs Lyre Artists reviewed Mrs J D Slater O H Broughton... .Mrs G H Currey Burns Jones... Alma Tademe. Vocal Solo..... Menr? Woods. . Mrs J L Reavia .....Mrs Bodmer . .Mrs E 0 Moore . ... Mrs Geo Oarpy Famous English Artists.. Mrs Oavaua ; Business Change Jack Childa has exohaoged bis har ness business for a farm up Giaode Rondn liver to E Chrlstofler. SOMMER HOUSE Withrow Portland a n K A Moxley A Kinney Wm Hexwell J A Moxley O M Green M O Conner D E Fayue " Jerome epratt Fred Pay N B Kraitse J W Sutler M U Hoswell A S Malor ' : tferber H Mecbem eo F Hatter . . A H Malard Mrs Oscar Jacobson' WHBhogan K L Snyder . Leonard II Neer (J K Orr E B Biiihnp A O TruJell do do do do S F do Minneapolis Ft Wayne Ind Jvrry City Ohio Reattl Denver Walla Walla Portland Bait Lake City Denver Portland North Powder .. baker City . Kokoino 111 I90S Resolutions Whereas, it has pleased God in his infinite wisdom to remove from our midst our dear sieier Carrie Kennedy, Be it therefor resolved, that wo as mem bers of Harmony Lodge No 30 Degree o( Honor.eitend to the hnsbandand family of our departed sister our heart felt sympathy in tbis tbe hour of their deep bereavement and be it further resolved that our Chapter be draped iu morning for period of 30 days: that this reso lutioos be spraad upon upon the mln uets and a copy be sent to the family. . "Though gone from sight to memory dear.". . ' Alma Llley . .. Fannie Cowen Lizzie Haw orth I V Lizzie Ellsworth ' ''' Madiin Gaidlnere -. ' Hulda Humphrey Our prices always the lowest; find forget that we handle coal utid wood. out. Do' not GRANDE R0NDE CASH COMPANY, Free delivery 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Retail I New Furniture I Open Tomorrow J I Johnson who haa purchased the Svea resturant on Depot street will be open for business in the morning. Read his ad in thl evening's Observer. MODKL RESTAURANT , J. A. AKBUCKLE, Prop. ; OPE.;OAY AND NIGHT ' We sell weekly Meal . Tickets, Cahh - M.5U , , ( ood Leather and Carload of high grade goods, the fiueat fver brought to this city, . Sideboards, Dressers, Bullets, ulegant line of Rockers a'ud Easy Chairs, Office Desks aud Chairs, Cabinets every housokeeper should see this article of beauty and utility.", piping chairs 65 cts to $4.75. Dining tables beauties. Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty : My undertaker M. B. H ISTEN, will respond ' promptly to' all calls, day or night, . - E. ANDROSS ' Phone 91 A J Residence Phone 367 S Ave . tjottct? nrTiTi jurxma imn .i Good Shoe Making An essential to the making of gocd shoes, all Included in the J ETelt hadd sewed shoes. '. . . C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Spcc alist, DEPOT STREET GUBAT BARGAINS At Closing Out Sale ."Of my stock of new goods , 40c Royal Granite Coffee and Tea Pots ...... 20c 20c . " " Handel sauce pans. .... 15c 85o " " Tea Kettles ..65o 60o Copper Bottom Tea Kettle , . 42o 11.25 " " . No. 8 Wash Boiler 98o - 15c Retinned Coffee Pot ,10o This stock inoludes all kinds of granite, tin and wooden ware, crockery, lamps and glassware. Knives, forkes, spoons, etc. In (act every new article in the store during this sale goes at wholesale cost to you, - SECOND HAND GOODS. I Lave a large stock and these are offered at very low figures. Bicycles. I have several tine wheels at 17.50 and up. . WANTED: Second hand goods. I will pav high est cash prices. F. P. HAISTEN, At C & M Nobles oi l stand, 1415 Adams Ave. Dry Chain & 16-inch Slab Wood All orders given prompt attention. Yards on Greenwood et and 3rd and Palmer at. Orders left at either yard promptly delivered. Price Reduced to three dolltir?. Phone 571 H. W. NIBLEY : : How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ,. . ASKED TIMEAND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS :; yes, thoustnds and tens of thousands of people : ' There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at the same time Astist tie Stomach and Diges tive Orgaus in Digesting and Assimulating" Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support- . r ing the Organs Iuvoleed. There is but one remedy that will do this, Bnd that remedy is "" KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to ', know more about Kodol, come iu and : y$ WE WILL TELL YOU A. T. HILL, :X U Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore . .-if Ladies' Tailored Suits at less than Manufacturer's Prices. We have left of our Spring slock in (his line iomt FIFTEEN SUITS and in order (0 make a comple!e clean-up have decided (0 offer these at sacrifice F.uer.nd ,1 ore elapor.tely trimmej , Voiles, eio. Wo suits f 12. $1U 50 stills mi 9n 17S ' - - r 1 ui; Blsek Kta.nine snir, Eton Jacket trimmed with black silk around neck and down front., stole effect. ' throe narrow silk bands dnnn front ; ." nr. R"8U'"' P" 12-60 "'9 price 10 00 ' , Jneket with cape, military effot, blue and gray miioil N.i in ' and servioal.le itegnlar pticB12 6U "ale price 1000 Nov.iltv anlL Ri f.-u: - : 'Knl erev auitinir i.ine.l ..u u ...1 f blue, small brass lu,n. 1 rirs, -riint and slxevra. skirt trim- mod same. R gular llfill ..iu .r fi.l-n mil .)i f. A' "a W line ol ladies' summer skirls just recmed Ch " ' ! 7 It ;'v .v. -,.r- : Golden Rulc-Comp'vi I308.13IO.IV? AfAM( atfea.s.i '.taQ . . ino.i a f ' . Braltie . do ' 1W V'irt,":;y'. '''-,, ' ' ' ' ' '" First-Class JOB WORK at the OBSERVER I308-I3I0-I3I2 ADAMS AVENUE, " yt wwt FIRST-CLASS JOB WORK call at the OBSERVER cc ."WfV, Shay HH iiuit IIIIHMM i J 1 '