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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1904)
r,- j- . in j ) n JEfr ee Don't Neglect to Grasp this-Opportunity to ooaumlt an npai, if yot bava defective eres or Improperly fitted glasiis. Th nodanrtaftntioni and instrumeiHi, tin itock of Cncot Leoaaa carried by DB 0 D POMS li the finest ond largest on the road, and enables him ts iaassrt ;iosltively tbat be li the only specialist who :-Yatt your tQ'p prepared to - Tesl om Eya, Grind Your Glasses and Fit Your Frame. Manj boaiuTer with severe iiaadsohes do to, from detective vision canned by an error 1 refrocUoa. , i All errors ol refraction positively fiteed even to the worst forms of Myopia, Hypeimetropio, asd Preeby ,opbla . The most difficult ease and children a specialty. . LA GRANDE MORNING OBSERVER CURREY 6R0S, Editors and Proprietors. sintered at the Pout Office at ' La Grande. Mill Mattm. ' Urrcon, as Second OLtas Dr. C. D. Pons, the Eye Specialist ' will be here S3 to 25. at The 'Rainbow Store INVITAIQN TO YOU,: ::THI8H8 A6BECIAL INVITATION TO YOU. f W aw receiving dairy many newdesighs in Wall ( Ttpr and' Wall Deoorationi, and we extend this special ) . iniUtion to yon and your friends to call and eee them. ) w.-We are inxlous to hayei yon eee onr line and we fee) MkTCrjpov will be delighted with the visit. Z Yourr Respectfully, ( 5 ( ( 2 $ffi SAN- "Stackland'S McLachlen 'PAINTS. f6IbS AND GLASS Pftbr V Chcipcr Than Coal 1 rand LooKs Better. Ia other - words- if yoar walls are well papered ' "your fuel bill will " be reduced. We do proper !h Paper .Hanging at dricea you can afford to pay, HARRIS & PRICE ' ' Painters; ' Paper 'Hangers and Decorators. A. 0. HARRIS, Phone 1666, J.M. PRICE, Phone 1491 IF BROKEN HEARTS could be mended as neatly, quickly and thoroughly as I oan repair your jewelry there would be no sor row in the world. No matter whether It be a watoh, ring, aneok lace or a baby pin dear from asso ciation needs repairing, bring it. to me and it will be mended so you eannot tell it from new. My specialty is watoh repairing. Bring it here and have it dooe honestly, expertly and cheaply. J. H.$F&re. the Jeweler Fresh ChoeolAtee ' Fresh Boo ;Bona- Fresh Sougact , ' Frtsh Carmels ' Fresh Taffey ' ; Fresh Salted Peanuts Fresh Salted Almonds Fresh Popcorn Fresh PHLL1P LOY Fruit ALWAYS ON TIME : ken yon order groceries from us ji n re awe to have Ibemjdellvered on lima ana, 'ER THING uinekK???: us you are sure to keep only the best 3d our store line of Published Daily Except siortday. One Ynar is Advance.., Bil Months in Advance. 16.60: Per Month.. S.50 1 Single Copy. .66 .OS THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 21, 1904 1 REPUBLICAN TICKET. State Supreme Judge, F A Moore Food and Dairy Comminioner, J W Bailey Presidential Eltciors, James A Fee, J N Hart, G B Demick, A C Hou jh Second District Congressman J N Williamson. Union and Wallowa. Joint Senator Peter McDonald. Joint Representative J H Dobbin . Eighth Judicial District. Prosecuting Att'y. Leroy Lomax Union County, v Representative N 0 McLeod, Clerk Jas B Oi ham Sherff J W Waldon. Assessor Ben Brown. Recorder D H Prpotor Treasurer John Frawley Commissioner J M Seldera Bchool Sunt. R A Wilkerson ' Surveyor T R Berry Coroner J C Henry. La Grande Precinct. Justice Peace J E Hough Constable J W Praser years." A clerk at another detlc has just finished a table' compiled from half a ton of U. S. Con sular reports showing the pro duction and exports and num ber acras harvested of wheat' iu Argentina for each of the past ten years. From this the Ob server learns , that Argentina harvested 31,048,427 bushels of wheat from 2,970.704 acres in 1891 and 100,635,593 bushels from 9,131,340 acres in 1903. Also"that in 1901 Argentina ex ported 14,oS4,i&4 bushels of of wheat and in 1903 she ex ported 61,778,195 bushels. After contemplating the woik -being done in that single de partment, instead of wondering what the" many clerks Bad to do you will leave it amazed at the great amount of work they ac tually do. 1 CALIFORNIA PRIVET. 1 LA GRANDE NURSERIA H Makes a beautiful fence or screen for oily .Ms. Its iRi -lira) foliage is so dense as to shut out all wind. an fij evergreen and cau be cut to any shape or form, It is j hardy and grows on any soil. Also fiue for cemetery jl lots. Fruit, shade and weeping trees, shrubs, roses, fcto. , Let us know your wants we do the rest. Write box 637 or phone 1161. QUEEN CITY GREENHOUSE 22 'f c j We Do Not Claim ! S That wo can please all of the people all of tho time, but j WE DO CLAIM id m"gemeiil for NEW S! il!W2ll .. ; I Vandernuilpn With tn announce that on Saturday February ,27 ' they will open a first class J Meat Market iu the old S Stand , - , "THE BOSS" Corner Railroad & Fir St, We will always keep on baud a good stock of f rtBh. and smoked meats, sau- sage , .lish ami poultry, and will lie glad to meet S all my old patrons and J as many new ones. All orders -will receive our prompt attention. Phone 4gl The strife in the republican party this year is not over who will receive the nomination for president but who will be en titled to the honor of placing Theodore Roosevelt iu nomina ion at the convention. Sam White will meet his Wat erloo this time. The great majority ot the members of bis own party did not want to see him renominated and they ' will see that he is not elected . FARM PROSPECT FOR 1004. ST BACON 0NLYED MEATS If by chauce you should ever go toWashiugtoii City and stroll through the offices iu which Uucle Sam does his routine bus iness, you will be surprised at the great number of men. and women that are busy - at work with type writers, pgnsand pen cils. The fiiBt question that you would feel an impulse to ask would be "What do all these people find to do?" Being from the country you would naturally be drawn to the Agricultural Department and your wonder grows to see so many people working at desks. This looks like queer furming and you ap proach a desk presided over by a bright eyed, sunny faced, nim ble figured young lady and peep over her shoulder to eee what manner of flowers the is planting in that great stone building. She ceased her tattoo on a typewriter and whimpered to heiself "1 am glad that's done." You look at the sheet of papr she holds in her hand which was headed "Crop Con ditions on April 1, 1903" It is a bewildering maze of figures and names of states. Upon a closer view you una that it is the concentrated information gathered by tuousanus o! cor respondents in every state am) uoarly every county 111 the United States. This, informa tion has readied ' Washing. on by mail and wire, in multitudi nous letters and reports showing the conditions of everj crop grown on the nearly sixty mil. lions of farms in the United States on April 1, 1904 and this was but April 10. You look again and read tho first para graph as follows: The monthly leport of ihr Chief of the Bureau of S aiisiice of the Department of Agricul ture shows the average condi tion of winter wheut on Apri 1 to have heen 76.5 per cent against 97.3 per cent . on April 1, 1903, 78.7 at corresponding; date in 1002 and 84.1 the mean' of April averages of the last teu The tickets are all complete except the nominee on the dsm ocratio ticket for representative, which vacancy will be filled by the county central committee. r The action ot the city council in assisting the fountain fund is heartiiy commended by all lhe order for the fountaiu will be placed in a few days. Congratulations. Mr. John H. Oullotn, Editor of the Uarluud, Texas, News, has written a factures congratulations to 1 10 auanu leltet of of Chamberlain's Cougtj Remedy, as follows : "Sixteen yean ago when our first obild was a baby be was subjeot to croupy spells and. we wi uld be very uneasy aoout him. We began using Cham' berlain'a Uougb Remedy in 1887, and finding it suoh a reliable remedy for oolde and oroup, we have, never been without it in the house since tbat time. We have five children and bats given it to all of them with good results." For Sale by all drug gists. of La Grande School Muic Opposite Sonimer bouse. On of the beet musical institutions in the state. Pour rocnis used for musical instruction, 15 guides ot mueio tbUglit. Department 1, 2 rooms used fur (he 3 Hist grsdea. Culldreii at the age of 6 and elder como one hour every day. Drpsuuent 2, 2 rooms for grades 4 to 16 (or pupil ol all ages. Trie latest course best pmc linal musical instruction. Musical oonteats for medals every few wci Its. E. Porter Day, Principal. Mrs. Day, Assistant Tha our plant has heen under the same I near'y TEN YEARS j Tl.iii d iring tliis t;me our aim lias ber-i; tc please as J -J near y all, at all time, as good work and courUons treai. J we will do our best to olease you if vou will f 'V i J J us wi'li you- patronage ' J Tl.a! l'a k gos left at Audi r-nn & Myers or Kirtlry'g barber shor, will recoive tl e name prompt attention (hat J they W'.iiid if left at Hie laundry. J I A B C LAUNDRY j . PHONE j i85i J a a lssSPlQSBBQt191BBIIIBII Z E m e E E3 n t: B 53 63 Ci B n B B WHITE ROSE FL0DR Js rulled with the idea of pleasing every dealer's high class trade-customers who appreciate quality. The name of the Pioneer Flouring Mill Co. guarantees re liability and highest grade iu every sack of flour bearing the White Rose brand. P;orfeer Flouring Mill Co. S BI1IIBIH1HIIIIBIB Farmers' and Traders' National Bank. LAGRANDE, ' OREGON Capital Stock fully paid . $ 60,000 Surplus fund ... 13.000 - Liability of Shareholders . 60,000 Responsibility . . . 133,000 We do a general banking and exchange business. Drafts bought and sold on eartern and foreign banks. JOSEPH PALMER, President J. W. SCRIBER, Cashier mixii Ruin B B B Poiu oi a kind is :i m,: jrc:t l,niul at rnr.ia. But nt ill'- hiM h-rs t'B iritj kin.t 111 at rntMH, not tho mr. Wt- kt-cp hi ly one kind nif-nt, tin- ki:,.l tlmi'a i'rusli, l-ertltt-y. tt'iiuer tin 1 rryy, liuy your ett'olTj ut i fhc,- Ii -rf, lit d tiiey'll nUv.iya lm rilit. (hit sUvk jg wt'll-fnil and p'Op- rly niiul for. C'oti'S. jtiLMiily our ii:,'Jit litis a lU'iicioua tlrtvyr. Sock &. Thomas JEHEX3SBMtf,a km TU FAMOUS LITTLE nLLS. For cutck relief from EIUouanBsa. Sick Headaha, Torpii Liv.-;r, Jaun- f-j dice, Dizziness, and all ltoi:l:l-.3 arts lug from an Inactive or sluggish liver, DcWItt's Little Early Risers are un equalled. Thoy act promptly and nisver gripe. They are so dainty that 1 1 Is a pleasure to lake them. One to two act as a mild laxative; twp or four aot as a pleasant and effective cathartlo. They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonlo the liver. rSBMRID ONLY SV K. C. DaWltt ae Co., CHUaaf n For Sale by all Druggiets NOTICE: I would like all my oK triciid- nnil custon ers to know ilmt I have rent ed a iiortion of A. J, Wnldj.s feed bf for LIVERY PUJCPOSES ' and will be found H ere for business with flret-i'laPH liuenml good arcomo dations, I ill nlso board horses liy lhe month. UoiFes buughr, sold and exchanged. G. W. ALLEN ADAMS AYE. I'hout imt. DO YOU WANT A CHOICE TIMBEk CLAIM? SACRED HEART ACADEMY La Grande, Oregon. O induced by flsters of 8t. Franil Select boarding and dsy snbool for Young Ladies AcJemio, Preparatory and Kined garten courses are oouduoted on lb same principles as those pursued in our schools of Philadelphia. Mumc and painting reoiva epocla attention Lottcrs ol inquiry directed to " SISTER 8UPERIOR ? e r-nn Inrate you u some fine claitiis iu Wnllrwa Cminty WSP Like n Gcrnet VA In th Vv e. M'Daniel &, M'Donald WALLOWA, - OREGON 4 famous remedy ai-i-.sior ti:a s;c ' Is ur...t ? ti'.-;i. i Comes alth ,nd or everbu .".::T,lfkVig- . ' -i aB"",8t 7'3 i,er ceut . April A Two Light Electrolier Empire style complete with etched glass shades and all attachments put up it yi ar residence for $5.00 See samples in our window. . La Grande Light & Power Co A to v i: w V d.-.;inn- ' 'f j ; ' t-. rr-stivta i I -A I I.' mo L suprdics the natural I' Juices of d! hi dor,a lht , tJ k nf ts nervous tcrUvn, whtla th- j tl anrf rr.Mr,.-. , .L. li organ are a.locd to 101 ana neai. it curss g Indijestion. flatulence. pa.pilailon ol the hsart. nervous dyspepsia and ail stcmach troubles by cleans' na purlfvlr.j and strcnythenlhj tho glands, - v. uio uorn- sca and digeiuve organs. UolDjspepsiaCuR BstOM Mr. JI .OO Site keMh. stf IBM U trial mm. rial JEKSloL , .aw? WWMt For Sale by all Druggists : 'V 'r f n''j' ,:'' t ' v""'' . l rV--;'- - - yx'-' WW.-. - A m,L ...j. i-i-.,. ..,-.'':. -v ' ' v'-. .-' ' j'- - '' ' ' ' v , f'- ' -i ' 'y-'-" . Jilaas.W..i.i, i i !i ' "i , 1 T