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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1910)
The. Oregon Mist KntctvjRt tlie l'ostollicc at ' Oregon, an jecond-clus iimi Helens, . mutter Issued Rvkrv Fhtuav Bv K. H. FLAGG. Editor and Froi-riktor. Countv Official Paper subscription Rates One year ft- Bl mntirfca - " I lMrfitlno ntM marie known on uppll 1 Mtlon. ' Leirnl notice 2S cento per line. Circuit Court Officers; J. A. Eekin Plsrrlct Judet T. V. Campbell District Judpr E. B. Tongue District Attorney CorNTV OrriciRi Jumei Dart. Jinlfr t. Helens ' W. A. Harris, Clerk .t. Heleni Martin White, Sheriff- St. Helens W. K. Tichenor, Corom'r Clatakunie f H. West, Conraiasioner Scappoose f E. K Quick, Treasurer St. Helens TJ. W. Clark. Assessor St. Helens J. H. Collins. School Supt Ctatsksnie O. T. Prescott, Snrveyor -St. Helens Frank Rberwood. Coroner.. .-...Rainier $20 REWARD FOR THE GRANGERS In order to help infuse life into the granges of Columbia County and to aid in securing the very ; best showing possible of Co lumbia County's resources at the State Fair in Salem nexs Sept ember, I have decided to offer a reward of $20 to the grango contributing the best collection of farm products foroage plants, grains, vegetables and fruits. This is an opportunity to help your neighborhood, your County, and your grange. The $20 is not intended as pay, for grangers do not need to be paid to interest themselves in this work. It is merely intended to stimulate competition and to interest your members. Take this up at the . next meeting and if your grange j. wishes to compete for the prize i let me know at once. This offer .holds good if three granges compete, otherwise it may be , withdrawn. I want to hear from you at once, as now is the . , time toHegin work on the col lection of grasses and fall sown . grain. Exhibits must be de ; livered to me at St Helens by September 5th. and may be brought in at any time. Instruct , your secretary to inform me if . you desire to compete, Dont con- .. fine the contribttions to grangers . by any means, ask an your ; neighbors to help. Get in and ;; drill and we will win first prize j for Columbia County at the ' State Fair. E. H. FLAGG State Fair Commissioner. THE OREGONIAN'S ASSEMBLY Persistently the Oregonian de fends the proposed assembly and claims that it will represent the wishes of the Republican voters of thi3 State. It quotes Governor Hughes in defense of the as sembly, but is not honest en ough to state that there is a vast , difference between an assembly or convention provided for by law and one advocated and en gineered by men who are op posed to the direct primary and would willingly see it discredited. There will He nothing repre sentative about the Portland as sembly except that it will "re present" the gang that by it3 'votes elected George Chamber ' lain instead of H. 1.1. Cake and boasted that it did so because it would not accept the primary . nomination. There will be no "1200 delegates in the Portland assembly, ai though 1200 votes will be cast, those present ac cording to the call, casting the vote of the entire apportionment for each county. No man in Co lumbia County who seeks public office will be foolish enough to seek an assembly nomination . should one be held in this ' county, for the Republican voters of Columbia County take no stock Svhatever in the Portland assembly, and whoever , goes to the Portland assembly from Co lumbia County will represent a very small constituency. It is very probable, however, that the -assembly crowd will pick a few winners. There are some candi dates for reelection whom it does ,not dare turn down. . Judge T. A, McBrida, for instance, is one of the foremost advocates of the di rect primary and other recent re fprms.' No doubt the Oregonian ,would be pleased to see his name left off the ticket, but it dare not advocate doing so, and there fore he and several others whom the Portland gang does not want will receive the O.K. of the as sembly. Then the voters will have their siy at the primary, and if they have the wisdom to center their votes on strong men the assembly crowd will be de feated, and it will then, as in the last election, do its utmost to de feat Renublican nominees. If the State were at all close Democratic victory would be assured, and even as it is there is a good chance for a partial Democratic victory. The Republican Voters would not stand for Furnish and there are others whose names would prove to be just as objectionable should they receive a plurality nomination by the aid of the assembly crowd. THE INCOME TAX At the next session of the Oregon Legislature the amend ment to the constitution of the United States, providing for an income tax, will come up tor ratification or rejection. So far the Legislatures of six States have ratified it, five have rejected it and two postponed. The people of the States that have, by their Legislatures, rejected the income tax, no doubt favor it but their Legislatures are controlled by the capitalists and corporations. We are sure the people of Ore gon favor the income tax, and it would be a good idea to compel each candidate for the Legis lature to announce his views on the subject. The Fruit-Crop Lou. (Saturday Evening Tost.) Over iive million acres in tUe United States are planted to fruit, yielding their owners an annual income upward of a hundred and fifty million dollars. But this yeiir the income from many thou sands of acres will be small, and from olher acres nothing at all. Freezing weather over the whole cen tral portion of the country, continuing two or three days, late in April, after an extraordinarily warm and forward spring Djiglit make one temporarily discard the whole category of modern agricultural science and turn back to the Hook of Ecclesiastes for images sufficiently power ful and gloomy to express his thoughts. The most approved method of combat ing blight, scale and rot lose interest eu fruit farmers, over immense reg ions, see a temperature below thirty de scend upon trees and vines that are loaded with tender buds. Devastation by fire, flood or earthquake. and those catastrophes that happen in Wall Street, have at least something dra-maticabi-ut them. The victims have the consolation of being overwhelmed to a proper theatrical accompaniment of und and fury. But killing frost de scends in the most casual, matter-of- course way, as though it were nothing out Of tiie ordinary. The farmer, so to speak, has to take his medicine in dead silence. In few industries has there been a Kr.ater expansion of late years than in fruit, and in none has expansion on the whole teen more desirable. Good and oher.p fruit is better to have than the ig,!est battleship. It seems rather un fair, in a broad view, that many thou- sards Middle-Western fruit farmers. bo bave helped to give us good and cheap fruit, must stick mostly to pota- oes this year. -a mi mt CELEBRATE THE 4th Do it anywhere you want to and in your own way BUT CELEBRATE. Make a good begin ning by purchasing one of our new SUMflER SUITS And when it comes to Gents' Furnishings we are there with the goods. That's our business and we only want you to give us a chance. Don't stop at a new suit- be dressed up-It will go a long way towards helping you to enjoy yourself. And don't forget that you can t look and feel the best in the world without a pair of shoos that are the real thing, and that is why we always carry the best that there is. Try the Dougherty ! ithian College Brand, There's a lot of satisfaction and com fort in every pair. A new suit and shoes call for a new hat. You never saw a stock of hats in a General Store before like the one we carry. Genuine Panamas and Stilt Sraws, Soft Felts in all shapes and colors, Stiff Hats, English Knockabout Hats-We have them all and the pricos are RIGHT. J. H. WELLINGTON ST. HELENS, ORE. LODGES NOTICR OP SAIB. ST 'ili'M.KN N0, A V A M tWv 1"' ;l" rmiuiuiijr ... each im.ntli. VWUnK hmthers cor diallv welcomed, U W Clark, Mai ler; H. 1!. ijulfk, Sccrctui'.v, HoillTON 01 lil. 1,1': NO 47H, Women of, meets Oie ,," foi.rlh Tiuluy ..(L'riio .11 ut each mcuili ut lUmllon, .. Minnie Morlcy, tlimrdlim Nt'lK"'"! Al" Vail NHtta, Clerk. COURT UNITY NO. 7.1, K. of At . Mwta every FrltJ.iv iiIkM In K. of P. Hull, St. Helen, Otcnoil. VUitlmt brother wl fume. M. li. Miller, Chief Hanger; I.exlieH. Comb, ! I"'" COM' Mill A IiOMIiSTitAi: No. iilntl, l'riMlierhooil ol ,morirHU leo,,,, meet tin' wound '! "0,,rlu u.,l,,v nlirlil of eiteli month at Ytuik- ton.Ore. V!iilliiiK,'"ilr , K. 8. I'.xon, Hoi.omliKt l oreuiBii, t IS I.AKK, ST.Ti kUEN8""CA M V, NO WW M W. OF A. Meet fint and third Wednesday. K. I 1UU.AUII, CoimiiI. II K. I,AllAHK,Clnr. " " NOTICE. S.itlir U iliili ii.l""ln''J I, .y KriM., hVi. IV i.Mlvll itlli,H.l :i,t..iir iv.i" ' 1 ";",""". ll II. - ,-n. t.,..ili,.r.l 'I''"''', ?.w EXCURSIONS To The East Mav 'J. Julie IT, "I, Jiiiv f,. A,. ;!, S.',U'iiit-er H. L't'tuni limit l'",', muliths, hilt lU't I J.v'r-.lllii! Octid'.'t 3lt. VIA ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER RY lllul SPOKANE PORTLAND iSEAT'TLERT (THENOUTII HANK KOAU) Chicago J72.50 Minnpoli 60.00 St. Loui. 67.50 Omh 60.00 MilwKukec 72.50 Ksiimi Cily 60.00 St. Pul C0.00 60.00 III tlio I'oiinl In tli y t'oilrt, of M, . ft I tin, i.tHltur l tlm uii , ;, .. niiui'M Is liuritlty ,lv ih,t , " onlor iiin.lil vnromt hv il,. w td. int alier Ihr mil day ,,( May ToWJ llS un.l will mil a. ,rlv.t A "lo '2 J. kckonaiu, ut In and u Uli.,.?L1SS! l.y ul (ho t;iiy ..I hi, omiiuy aim atata. ' I jj A.lmliilalraliur of th. cil.l, ohh'JSSS! rnni, Uwaaawl. ""won I, ('hoii't1 ol Stop a moment! How much have you wasted this month? There is but a thort time left. Begin this week with a deposit. Time Certificates draw 4 per cent. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE Or OREGON, FOR COLUM SIA COUNTY NOTICE OF FINAL. ACCOUNT. In thn mutter 6f the estate of John Borrhler, deceased. Notice lb hereby given that the un- (Iprsigiif il, Executor of the esiato of John Boi'i-hier, deceased, han filed In o Co ;nty Court of Columbia County, .ite of Oreson. hi (iruil account as; -ach Executor of said estate, ana thai i'.onday, th; 3'Hh day of July,- 1010, at the hour of lf o'clock a. m., ha;-i hf-en fixed by said Court n the time and the Court room of said Court as Uio j'Jaoe for hearing all objections to said final report and account and the sett;onic-nt thereof. JOHN J. BAXZEU, Executor of the Estate pf John Borchler, decease'!. J. B. McDEriTT, Attorney for Ex ecutor ;nd Estate. First publication June 2i, 1!H. Uist publication July 30, 191 D. -3 rlNUKlrl JBHACH; Z Queen of the Northwest Resorts 3 ivT it . i ii. . l-n? ii. . txf V l i. a, iear me ivioutn 01 ine t oiumDia mver on me wasn. toasi 3 THE PLACE TO SPEND YOUR SUMMER VACATION Twenty Five Mile of Magnificent Beach : : Level. Compact, Smooth : : t Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful hotel, cottage 3 B a i 1 a ,1 a, x -j; 1 1 xl teni ana camp uie. All ine comions 01 nome anu me healthful, invigorating recreation of the seasideand bath P ing, fishing, clam digging, beach bonfires, riding, racing, hunting, strolls and drives through picturesqe wooded headlanbs. Reduced Rates from all parts of Oregon, Washington 3 ; via e Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co. J Season Rate: From Portland Round Trip, $4.00 Three Day Saturday to Monday Rate, $3.00 Purcrchas tickets and make reservations at City Ticket g- Umce, 3ra ana Wasnington btoeets, .Portland, or inquire gj- . U. K. & In. Agent elsewhere lor lntormstion. of WM. McMURRAY, General Paasenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON Sm, ill tract of Lund F01 Sale l'ive ten, fifteen or twenty acres. All rooA fertile land and easy to clear. About two miles fiom Houlion. Water, d by a stream that uevcr (oes dry. School one quarter of a mill, from the plat e. Mui route and cream Kauon pusses everyday Inquire of Win . Hkuzic, lloultnn, Ort'KOit D1LLARD & DAY Attorneys-at-Law Practice, iti any Court, 8 tat 01 Federal. Next door to court bouM 8T. HELENS. ORE. FOH PORTLAND DAILY STEAMER AMERICA Leave St. Ik-tens 0:00 A. Arrives at Ponlund l():.'li) A. Lenves rortland at 5i:.'i0 I. Arrives St. Helens at I". Notice of Final Settlement. M. M. , ml. wraa laraMirMiMriiifffFvyiTgWirriiiiPxgfcfc ! aowiwii MrTiBatiwIiBnBgq , hiki :ic -i l 1,-th. i, t ,, Bids for Road Improvement in Road District No. 1. , S'.-lc! bids will Ijb rftceivid by the County i niri oi i (HiinmiH i.ouiny ti iri Li ri uux'K nion iif July fith, K,10, ht the lm;.royeinc!iit of (he St-i:yipoos4 Cud von Kon'i ut Cornwall i'lunu, in n'Tor'ltUKH' w'irh r.r'ifUe nm! siiri'tJlciition on ,'ileln the oHi- oj the County Clurk. Hid inut nrnoiJipjinlrfl lf- ri-rtllicl irheiik or riop Ni I of Mvr; i;L'rrtnt of the amount hid. 'Ihncourtre serves th right to recent anv mid ail h'idn. (silfiifd) ' JAMlis UAkT, Couiily Judt'C. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby Riven that J, IS. God frey, administrator of the estate of Florence E. Godfrey, deceased, has filed his final account and report in the matter of said estate, in the Coun ty Court of Columbia County, Oregon, and that said Court has fixed Saturday, Inly 23rd, at one o'clock p. m., as the time and the County Court room in St. Helena (Oregon) as the place for the hearing of objections, If any, to said report and account and the final settle mi iit of said estate. Dated at St. Helena, Oregon, June lfctb, 11)10, J. B. OOBFREY, . Admluiatrator. CoKVflilil if br OoteaaU Advertllnf Co., Chg St. Helens, June 25 Dear friend: July 4th will soon bo here. Won't you be glad? We will have a pic-nic then. Mama told me this : morning to go down to the grocery and get a whole lot of nice things for the 4th. Your friend JACOB .. P. S. We don't trade anywhere but at WELLINGTON Nolle- N ,rl,y (h,;, tht K It. rnlnMrM.,r of ihc ,, ,,f i: i...... I'.ascd, has Ml.rd hl linn I iwcouiil and r...i.,,i , tin- mntti-i- rn buI.1 rmnti., i, tho r-.iimv i;. nrt ol ( ol'iml.1.1 1,'olTlilv, llrr-K.,11, mill II. .t i. ! ! ' ' .;1, ,1 HIV ii, win ai inn I IV !'"' ll,M!. ""'I II'" n.'iinty roiiri nuMii In ni'irii". uri'Bon u, n,r. ,, ,.,. f,,r ii,. i,,... t mid iu: iriint ll.ltid ill, St. llidi'li.Mi,.L.,,.,,i j, ,,,m , ,' '"STIUi. Aillillliln.ialor, J'. T. liiixlcy, Att.irrcy. ;inis' ttl rtturninjr Stonovoi-8 allowed. "North Hank" trains run through to St. I'liul, Minneaiiolis and (.'hi catfo witlnmt eliano. Low KOL ND Tltll' It VTKS TO I'OltTI.ANI) for the Host; Festival in June und tho Hiliernian Convention in Julv wil true your IneniJs a chance to come to the coast and stop off at Houlton. Details furnished by CHAD CHADIMA, Acknt or 11. M. ADAMS (J. F. & P. A. Portland Oregon DR. R. L, Jkffcott , DENTIST Oillce with Dr. Cliff. 8T.HkLW J)K. U. tt. 0LIIV, , . " PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ,,BT,1.L. 0KK00 , SUMMONS. In tho Court, of Hit Dtau of 0t. t. Arthur Tlionm Roblnaon, Blalntlf t. rirntla Hol.ln.on . ,l.l.i1J,,1J , 'N ' ,M.,.d.i,.7m "ou,u-"-u"' In .ha of th Data of (lni,klu liir.fcir ruiiilrait In fr and aait, CVJ Id.liu IlivJ aaalaat ).ni In (a alw.Su'S vmirt and rajiM, on or Ulora Ih. ju. a.J May. UIO loh U al wa... .7 l tlila unlit e. ami If )nm latil u, aatSua.1!! .iiavrd lr Ii. hu eoniiilaln., tu wlt: i.M ih.,ilki,i ..i . i.rvTa riIHii M-.wavtt lhaalmvt namn) aUlMif 2 didmdan.. ami fur iiioli otltrr ami lanaltZ lief lo mort aronii mrlv and Inn ' 'I hu a,Htitl,a U klitdlahfi hy on)r af Ik. II, .11, Jmim llarl. Jud ol UieCuMi.lT Utntl 11.(1, I.AKK. Allnmry fnraUluK Halo of H,.l .,,i, A,rl . Hii'a"U 1'alc of lul iuhlli' May IS, lui, NOTICK Mill IMMUJCATloa, IK lr1iiiriit nf tl, lulvrlur. I'. H. l-andOatotf I't.iilalnl, Orriuu. April and. Ill SiMli'a l. hir.l.t ulrrn thai Jamn L. DuttU. AITIt lull,, iw, mad,. hiMiietttrail anuUiauai Si, IM'i.l aarlal tin Ul 40 to, n.nlhrul aKl Miln . lown.liln north, mini w. o. iamvt.a nitldlait, haa tlad .HHicaof laitama ... ,, nun, wuinmiiiun pnH IIIHUHia clnlii, .u Iho land alwva drariiwd, Wt tat Id l.trr ami Kwclvar nf lha U. a, Um ojki a. Pi..lad,,riiiu.ou Hi I .'ill day of I'lai.itait. rtamna aa wl.ntmva IViartWriw miu, Umnie ill., iii, kdmund H. Miller aol Jala U I . ' I -. - 1 1 .., Ll.l aa CIIAit U, UKHHICK, lUflaat. Str. Iralda C. I. Hooghkiri, Mmlir. KA1I.KOAO TIMK. Iavaa Kaliiinr dally faawfilHiinrfarlfaraat Und, al a A. M.. dpar.ln( Iroui M. lltlrai U, oiiura. urtur.iiiia, inan fuitlaud II 1 r I M., atrlvlm ai .. lUlriu a. i 44. Passengers aui Fast fmil FOR POIUANO DAILY . VUKTLAND LANUINU. AXMi St. Nolle le Creditor la haniy len that lha unJanlnat haa lu aiuuiu.t by Ilia Cuun.y Cow. 4 tin M.a.fl uf tiraguo lor Columbia oonlr, ai mlBtatraior nf Ilia kUU of llllaia Laau, caaMd, All ftarMHiatiaylBiclalmaatalailaM lata ar lnulrd h) uraaan. lha Man. araaa ty varinal w rriuurilby law, to m a. ar m lit HI. Ileliu. Oratux, wllhln all moiiiiu M lha data haiaol. al. E MILLal A.tiulul.trat,ruf UiaaaUla ol Willi lam UM ilataaard, liaia ul Hot buulleaUon, April U, Ul .V I , - , ir ,' k' -i ' li i' ELECTRIC Fixtures. Colombia Electric fib Notice to Creditor!. A&AAAAAAaVAAAaVa&1aAAaVAVaU r flr&u Feel 5oLii AND .WELL ARMED A - - . ' WITH MONEY ! IN THE BAN&I . Itaaaaa,aaaaaeaaaer IT IS YOUR, BEST FRIEND j N'otiCf; Ih in ri-hv ,'Ivrn It..., il i..., , . :. "'V' ",v mi. ij.:i-ii ,i , ,M ii u iiif. ,'oinil,' i'i..,,., , . ii... Hutu of (ir.'Kou for tin) (;imtv ,,i ;..!,, ,,.(,(, oxwi or of .hit A'tniu of .n,,,in M,.r,ij f CHM-ll AH T.OIH hllVII.H-hilnll, ,l,lt'nil,l cihi n,(. r. ,,,iln-,l to ,,r. til i. ,,,., ,, . ,';r ly vcrllh-'d tt ,,-.r I hy i,,,,., , ,;.J 'V, .,if;-; of lililanl A ,y,-Ht. Mr, irtilnii ilx iiiimtlm (rum the dull, hi.riif I .v ihh n ' Ki rri iV 1 It iw,',. !!'!a' " ' " r ' raiat. Of fJuU'd Muy l;ith. l'JIU. Shoe and Harness Repairing I have opened a shop in the building just back of the Methodist Church, and am prepared to do Shoe and JIarness Repair ing. First-Class . Work and Reasonable Prices. 1 . SA3I HAZLETT, ST. 'HELENS Notice of Sheriff'i Sale N'lillrn iu m, rl.u l il.... ...... . , i i ...V'i;. .. . ,' ' V . . l':ri'i' la-n. ,,, ha v'V, r " ,r , lr...''. !"'. '"I in tho , wiHtrnln r:,i rfstl e H,,loi, ,ini X'u,' s. iin.i'ii, j. ii. Wi'lliimton and If, M,lr..,. rh Hl """i!"? "t"' '"" "'"""""I'M d i " ;i!i:fn!:,sn,-Si:V',:-S! lottH, lilHml 'JO" htfirk ;i iT, h, lT" """ '", 'reiton, lift Miiii or ho ti'i iii lit hi', JL", ii. may Ih. uwiwanry to taiiafy Hu,i , , tiiriioy f'( ,'OkiH ,ni di.i,,i;un,,.iVtV ' , ;nt; till lutcrrai ofwild diifi.n,i,.iu I. 1 '"" hi uml to hiifil vWleii hy in Now iroiTtv . f.. . . " '.'"-'n i)d.ibriKhtt(,rV.iwirr ;:;::! rwleuin iw ,ro- NOW, tlRTltfori!, Ill COIritlillliw.,. ulil, .1 tnandH of alil wlt I V I 1 ,, i " fl.y of Jiiiv, 11,10, "the ,'"," Sft 'i1!11 the forenwri of wild day it t ha Zl ,"'k '" lli .oiinty court ,,0! !"f "U nt'y 5V 0?.r V oik, Column a Coiiiiiv ri., ........ HL ""I- - Ill uie t oitiiiy ()r,.on,s,.i nil th rliht ni In and t tlto alm"i diwVril,"!in,. ,,. ,.i,. i. ,i, 'itwriii'id iironi.r in, n in u lt Ihurcuf li nm awivo iiainui, ing cubta. hiiarlir inauon Jiina 10. nun ItlOB July ifV fcfa.' Flrat nub; l limy ho ii(.n,,Httr'y u, Ba,,,v i . . MaUTIN WIIITK i F3 AND IT IS SAFE MONEY INTTHB ANK t ir You Cannot successfully fight the business battles of 3 for Columbia County Bank i : r . , f c WK,I0t money. Gold makes the best armor thcsc business battles. Have you ever said to your- self: "If I only had $5000 NOW. i iaia" $14,00000 s .3 Wm. M. Ross, Pres.; Edwin Rosa, Vico-Pres.; Wm. M. J I IloliinKi A T 111 ' ., yi 11... 4 directors: Wm. M, Ross, Edwin ltoss, James m Dart, Martin White. HE COUNTY St. Helens, Ore.