The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, March 04, 1910, Image 4

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    "Ship It to Me"
to tan eeepttry. H ma rtt
won . We M per e folkm lor Iwi.
hinC h hr exntwsn.
Drori Vest, a to U Bsu...... 13SC
M Park........ .I've.
imaitkaa 1C.
llnilll Cklnaa ... J7-C
..wim rnct
"Ttswtesf Ik t Ten
no Cewnatstea
"Why do I hare to pay ueh enec
sous prices for round teakT" gruin
Mod the customer.
"You dont" nid the butcher. "Here'
a perfectly good shank you ca buy for
a good deal lea oKmey. Chicago
Trtbun. .
f Uvlnsr.
Ttu tough oa the old philosophers,
For tiurtanca, If yoa please,
laceesaat strife was tba cost of Urine
With Mrs. Socrates.
-Chicago Tribune.
Trrtae; to tuxnee Him.
"Q, Guy, you mustn't allow yourself
to be scared by papa's piercing eye."
Tm not so much afraid of that. El-
, aa I am of his cutting no!'"
ilTUttf Tnnnakt.
"Doctor, how do you account for the
existence of rheumatism T"
The mind, my dear sir, evolved the
i to fit the word."
$2,000 A YEAR
le bems- earned by hundreds of Cniropon
tots. Tne work to ensily teemed, compete,
tiee srerat. returns aKxauvn. A Ih.eisnnri'
sradawee cooia be
A Broken Down Pfvt-Arrh
"Woodlark" Squirrel Poison is the most
reliable and destructive agent yet devised
lor the extermination of Gophers, Squir
rels, Sage Rats and Prairie Dogs. It is
th cheapest insurance against their
ravages. Every kernel is warranted to
kill. Climatic changes or moisture of the
earth do not destroy its strength. Re
always ready for Use. No Other is SO
, ... i f
gwu. iscmiam wut iuuuu r'u4,-u'uv
price if not as claimed. Pamphlet free. I
HOVT CHEMICAt Co., Portland, Oregon
Meret towrnje. ISaaTI ea
Write for pexueulan I'LlI J
The Wcetera SdMet 1 f 1 1 i
ej Csereseer J 1 il .'J
Pertteed. Orcses Jk-jlA
IB! Ml
tl JO fr Unarn POM Irr Hun4lr. t lrr ThouMiiti
Now the Thn to ftant Khubarh and H'rry Ptantt
J. B. WAGNER. The RHUBARB and BERRY Specialist
SSJ Improve Cured by Electropodes ;
m "WW 1 av llZlTt-wIaei MHSl
If jf Olir laTI tC 1T1 0 -WV ' cvmMtatMt m. rtr-.iv oto?iZZum. 1
I 1 pun- 0Jr tl paly, Gohuim tm4 wit-
J KC Baking: Powder wiL. do it! Get I) 7$a 1 'SSrZZZ ' " tl"
f a can. Try it for your favorite cake. If (I I xr ZJZZZZ Ic.
1 f it doesn't raise better, more evenly, higher, mjm t
. V if it isn't daintier, more delicate in flavor, )
'mi nwjawa. we return your money. Everybody VmmmmmmmmmT'
&Ajizric , , It Yoo aii't tow fhltflu and
fet&3& agrees K C has no equal I f Cf ! u rou punt -dre-v
IVaT d?tj V 1 grow eiactlf what Jri J X
1-) powder (7 'jSsB
JoR Pure, Wholesome, J J f-'Es
fl Economical SB'
mi Til-' m mm jiy -' - i w. s-.s
i- ine proper snoes tor men: t ' v' , &
sWw snocs mat loon, pt, jttl ana Wear right I Jl4'''' ' X
I X every tuL Correct in style. Made by the finest I Tv w t
Blioe makers, in the best equipped factory in existence. 11 V Vs"- ''"I
hoe are "built on honor' built
muu lor aosoiut satlstacuon and lasting cornlort. Biggest values
yon can ever hop to get for th money. -
There Is an Honorbllt style that will exactly
Alk your Shoe dealer! if ha hssn't il.
th JHCoyt TnJt Jttarli on th sol.
rSEB-Ifyou wilt .end ua the name of. dealer who sVm not handle A I
Merer Honorbllt Shoe., we will send von free. rfTfr.ld a band- s" "
Mat. Mctun. iim u,20. afrw.,.. w..u
WaelennieVet.HlnnT -J-Gl jt - -
Comfort Shoes. Yerma Cushion Shoes.
ocnooi dooc tpa work snoes.
anjn va. wjuconbin
A sergeant was oc drilling a qoa
of recruit They were Incredibly l-
: oormnt. On of them could not tU hi
; right band from hi toft. Th
j geant proceeded to teach them and al
last attained som degree of succe.
j Sergeant Now, yer bleated Idiot,
hold yer hand In front of yr aaa
j twist thvn round on over th other
' Stop? Now, which U yonr left bead
land which Is your right!
! Recruit (looking at hi hand for a
! moment) I'm Wowed If I know. IT
gon and mixed 'mi London An
Tho Stbaon Roe Kuraorlas
JO Acres of Itoacal
Two-year-old bushoa
Cnwa in tba open Mold
Now at a gocd Urn to plant
Catalogue Freo
11S0 MawaulBo Hood. Portland. Or.
Id Uvbte Htoterf,
Julius Caeaar bad Just organised tie
"This la something tike It." he as Id.
"A deccravlrate is eo Jejune!"
It was the recollection of this atroc
ity that finally nerved the aveagtag
arm of Brutus. Chlcano Tralbuna,
. He Was Handicaps.
Sagebrush Sam Ter say Bill died of
a lame arm. How could that beT
Cactus Charlie Why. yer see, his
arm wus so stiff that he couldn't draw
hla gun quick, an' the other feller got
the drop on him. Tlt-Blts.
Doctor1 Have you been taking an oc
casional cold plan, a I advised
Pyspeptlc Capitalist Tea. Tve been
Investing heavily la Ice stocks and I
got nipped- Chicago Tribune.
Bl Manse f
"One day," said Mrs. La piling, "1
saw a man thrash a big. brutal team
iter for beating hla horses. If I had
my way about it he should bars a
share of the Carnage hero fund."
inwmn bttitom
Lew. tie. lWraiO, BhiMNI M-K.- teft.
Silver. Lm4. SI. Ooi4, U-r. Ife; GoiL ika- Z .
or Vorurr. H- Mail ma itwkf4 n4 InU prirtlul
vtcotii rliw. CVnitrol "I I'npiv wocij. g
limtissl fi iifaHnMUnsi OliUMiH Tialfcf I !!.
Portland b the bit nrkd place if At
Send Your Produce THERE
We are handlers of Eras, Butter,
Veal, Dressed Hogs, Poultry, live) or
dressed: also Apples, Onions, Pota
toes. Consignments, whether large
or small, are solicited. We can give
you good prices for good stuff.
Writ Ua.
McEwen & Koskey
coiikssim mouirrs
129 Front St, Portland. Ore.
Don't waste time and money plant
ing poor seeds. Our seeds won First
Grand Prize at the Seattle Exposi
tion. Our ptices are reasonable.
Big Catalogue free. Send for a copy.
Vogeler Seed Co.
Salt Lake City, Utah
for homeetead reiinqoMiinents. and eaa eeB yonr
farm, and ranebee quickly. Let ne handle yout
business and we will cusrsntee yonr natwlsction.
Urre fuu psrueulan m Drst letter.
sio Dekum Bldg. Portland, Or
for ramklmJ uvln emt
suit yon and 6t you. f?na
errlra m I r.
.i - 1it..n ffvi'i
- . r -
Bnecinl Merit KmF-T
PTJTTP ATPH ae il AB Dne, '
svr it
Cures all blood humors, all
eruptions, clears the complex
ion, creates an appetite, aids
digestion, relieves that tired
feeling, gives vigor and vim.
Cet tl tntay In nseel Hannt tmrn er ii see tots
Tardy Jnetle.
Phldlaa had lust finished sculpturing
the decorations of tho Parthenon.
The gall of it Is." he aald.,"that Ml
get mighty little credit for these things.
Some day they'll be wanted In the Urit
lah museum, and they'll be known as
the Elgin marbles Elgin, with tho g
hard, as m "gosh'!"
His gloomy forebodings proved true,
and It Is with the high and noble pur
pose of doing- full Justice to the mem
ory of a great man that after tho laps
of twenty-four centuries this tncldent
Is for the first time given to th public
Chicago Tribune. " ; ;
-What was your husband aavlng tc
you last nlghtr
"Nothing." . ...... ....
"Why. I was or I heard htm talk
ing to yon for over an hour."
"Ton did." Houston Post
Pet tit's fye Sah for Over 100 Veer
has been used for conpested and in
flamed eyes, remove film or scum
over the eyes. All drui;iU or How-
am Bros., tsuiiaio, r. i.
t neln A Ilea.
"Ton may not be aa good as Pevtd
r as wise as Solomon." said Unci Al
len Sparks, "but If you know how to
train children you've trot the bulg on
both of 'em. Each of the two had
boy that went wrong."
rats cvnto m to m oavs
FUO MNIMfT I. mmmdtxennraa
ef luhnut, bind. Bieedms er PrMradin Pttoe a
S te 14 dara or money refunded. eOs.
At th Artlete Heeeptloa.
"Mr. D'Awber, what are you going to
pamt on this coat black canvas?"
"Madam, that Is a completed paint
ing. It la listed In the catalogue aa
Early Morning In Chicago.' "Chicago
I "Talk about reformln foot ball!"
J said Uncle Jerry Peblea. "The only
I way you kin reform It Is to take an ax
S to It!" Chicago Tribune.
"I have been using Cascareta for In
somnia, with which I have been afflicted
toe twenty years, and I can say that Cas
carets have given me mors relief than any
other remedy I have ever tried. I shall
Certainly recommend them to my friend
aa being all that they are represented."
Thos. Gillard, Elgin, 1U.
Pkesant. PelstaMe, Potent. Test Oral.
Do Oood. Nerrr Stcken. Weesea or GnpSL
11. 25t Sfie. Neeer eokl in bulk. The sen
nine tablet etsmp-d CCC. Guaranteed to
It wul instant! relieve that racking ceoga.
Take prompt! i will ehea perreej
Ajtfaaa. Bronciiirii and etrkw throat end
lung troubles. Gun intrvd isle at
brnlimMil.fc n.
tehed In eea dsf
We sdl f ne rev feel
22k tii4 w fKriie
w S3.
gelar CreeM
Eunel MTm. 1
tlhw rilliew .60
Wr, Fill-. 2.60
IMtTtUs Nltlltffl frtf'fWvT 6l
PalnttsTM &stteUm wb4a pimAtmryw hr4um wortr
U rrU4. (JoDOTiitotlott Fr4, Tot caaturt ft bHt
pMDiMi wore oou MtwMr. AUWOrK ruu
Wise Dental Co.
in. roe . '"ewrgnm,
Mjau, rvmuinDiORiagn
mot aosa: a. sl u 1 1 . a.
BfiOPiCHIAX Thociees
tsntr .telU. Bora Thrert, HsMensal and
Co-hfc Veisslel tm efaartaf ins eolcs. A hoe
W fce. trera OplMe. se snrtt.hc fcarmhd.
rrlct, 25 cent., 60 cents ami $1aH MS Hv,
JOHW t VftOVN lc ton.
. lN.el'HII'l.-Jf4,Le'il
Sppatfcetlc Strike VIII In
rolre 125,609 Workers.
PhrUckphta Citiiani, Alarmed at Pros
pects, Urge Company rbJ"
traf - Two Kitlsd In Riot.
Philadelphia, Feb. 28. After a tea-
ton of more than tix hours, the Cen
tral Labor anion delegate last night
voted to call a ympathetie strike of
140 trad union in th organisation.
beginning next Saturday. Th dele
gate assert that 125,000 men will re
spond to th rail.
This action of th Central Labor
Union is fraught with momentoua eon
sequence, th anion officials Say. The
decision was mad at a secret session
of TOO delegate In Labor Lyceum llall,
which lasted more than lis hours.
There apparently was no question that
the delegate would vote a itrike, the
split being on whether or not the trike
would be started immediately.
The more conservative element pre
vailed, however, and the walkout
put off until next Saturday. Mean
while, there I hop that the street
railway strike will be arbitrated, de
spite the repeated declaration of the
Transit Company, controlling all th
lines in the city, that "there is noth
ing to arbitrate."
Nobody doubts that last night's ac
tion of the Central Labor union make
the situation grave. There is a strong
feeling, especially among business
men that the strike ought to be settled
speedily, as all line of business suffer
from the interference with traffic.
Consequently there is much sympathy
for the move for arbitration, made by
clergymen of all denominations early
in trie week.
There was surprise at the unanimity
of the vote in favor of general sym
pathetic itrike. The meeting yester
day had been discussed previously
and there was mixed sentiment a to
the wisdom of calling out all classes of
workmen. Leader of various trades
unions said they were opposed to a
general strike because it involved bro
ken trade agreements. Others doubted
their ability to order all workmen to
lay down their tools and have the order
A the gathering was secret, little
of an authoritative nature can be
learned of what transpired behind the
barred doors. That there was much
oratory is evident, as the meeting
lasted from a little after 2 o'clock un
til 8:30.
The great crowd gathered outside
the hall would occasionally hear loud
cheering, and a responsive cheer would
go up from the outside. Finally when
the meeting broke up and th an!
nouncement was made that unless the
Philadelphia Rapid Transit company
made an agreement with its striking
employes by next Friday, the greatest
strike in the history of Philadelphia
will be inaugurated, there was a
cheer and the crowd dispersed.
Not only member of unions affilia
ted with the Central Labor union and
the Allied Building Trades council, but
those of every labor organization in
the city in any way connected with the
American Federation of Labor, partic
ipated in the meeting.
Two separate meetings were held.
The delegate to the Central Labor
union met on one floor of the
building, while the president and bus
iness agents of the other organizations
met on the next floor.
Declaring the ear strike here had
become a battle between capital and
labor, the members of the Central La-
bor union unanimously adopted a reso
lution that every union man and woman
stop work on next Saturday if, in the
meantime, the striking carmen have
not reached an agreement with the
Mexico Seize U. 8. Plant.
Nogales, Ariz.. Mar. 1. The pro
prietors and employes of an American
clothing factory on the Mexican side of
the international boundary were arrest
ed today on a charge of smueirlins:.
Their factory, warehouse and retail
store were closed and sealed by a Fed
eral inspector. One of the proprie
tors, L. B. Fleishcr, all of the force
and the male operator are in jail.
Only the girls were allowed to go free,
Another of the proprietors escaped to
the American side. No formal charge
has been entered against the suspects.
Weston Ahead of Tim.
Albuquerque, N. M., Mar. 1. Leav
ing McCarty's sUtion at 6 o'clock this
morning, Edward Payson Weston ar
rived late tonight at Sandia, a way sta
tion 22 miles from Albuquerque, hav
ing walked 60 mile today. Mere be
will spend the night, and leaving there
at midnight, will reach Albuquerque
next morning at 8 o'clock. He will be
four day ahead of his schedule on ar
rival here. To date Weston ha aver
aged 40 mile daily and the long elimb
of the continental divide i now behind
Trib Near Starvation.
El Paso, Mar. 1. In dire strait for
food because of the failure of their
crops and without even seed corn for
planting, the Tarahumar Indians of
the Sierra Mail res are wandering
through the state of Chihuahua and
Coahuila. The Tarahumare are
peaceful and follow agricultural pur
suits. Their condition is pitiable and
they are on the point of starvation.
Captain Joaquin Chavez has appealed
to Governor Creel for aid for them.
20 ramifies Buroad Out.
9 New York, Mar. 1. Twenty famil
ies in Jersey City were burned out to
night In a fir which' destroyed 10
double dwelling house and razedjrthe
plant of the Now York Veneer Beating
company. The damage is $200,000,
.1 feminine Deeern "I
.l..ner-a Brk .f
U China, as la other Eastern coun
tries, It 1 Imperatively ne.-e.aary II
women ar to b. reached to reach
them by aornen. writs. Lady JXmM
Ccll la th Worn.' Magasln.
Though not absolutely evduded aa In
Indian .euana. a Chine, womaa to
practically unapproachable to
who ar not near relative.: o0
not. It U tru. turu her .
.tart br fac whe. a atanger ap.
pear, as a Korean woman do
neither do h veil her tac a.
Mohammedan woman would do. Ml
verthelea h I P r
lntrcour with men, and to Uln
frely to mal teacher, though far
more possible la the latter days ol
mancipation than It r before.
U stl a difficulty and aa Impropriety.
A Chinaman' best M'" "T'
think of asking after hut wif or
daughter; tbsy do not appear U b
Dlertains guest; th. higher cie
womea ar seldom seen driving out,
much lea walking about th streela
A missionary of many years iprl
enc told me of a breach ol etiquette
he one mad In bowing to a lady
who husband h knew Intimately;
the hurried by. blueblng deeply, and
returning no lgn of recognition to so
unmannerly salutation; h never at
tempted uch a thing again, hence
forth Ignoring any Chines lady he
might happen to mett.
Medical work among them can best
be undertaken by women. In point
at fact th Chinee women Bock by
thousands to tbs women hospitals
tarried on by lady doctor and nurs
On lady doctor told nit h bad dealt
with a many as t.OOo out patient
case In n month; another lady doc
tor worked with her. aa well as a
staff of Chinese nurses onder her en
tirely trained by herself. A their
shyness of foreign men and dlatruat
of th motive of missionaries wear
off tb women do. Indeed, freely at
tend hospital staffed by male doctor,
but undoubtedly this particular field
of women' work will alay continue
to need many laborera
Much, too, has been don la the
way of training and teaching young
Chinee women, both a doctor and
nurse; they r teachable creature
very docile and eager to learn, deft-
fingered, neat and aoft volced all ex
cellent qualities In nurse or woman -
but no Oriental can entirely believe
a th ataolul necessity for rigid
cleanliness and for antiseptic precau
tlons. A surgeoo told me that ens of
his most onerous duties was lo Insist
on hi students obeying tht ordinary
regulation of an operatiug room or to
make them understand that they must
wash their hand again If they strok
ed their beads or touched their queue,
or again that they must not open a
note la th middle of aa operation:
consequently the lady In charge of a
hospital has arduous work In perpet
ual supervision of everything, even
to the smallest details
8 Wit of the Youngsters 5
Harry, th small son of a young
Idow, was tired of frocks. On even
ing when a gentleman called to see
his mother be said: "Mamma, will
Mr. Orson boy me a pair of pant If
I let him marry your
Little Robert received a wagon on
hi birthday morning and within an
hour he had broken a wheel. After
trying la vain to repair th. damage
he called to hi father, who soon
mended It. "Papa," bs said, "you ar
smarter than you look."
"What ar. you laughing at, dearr
uked a fond mother of a Utile 4 year
old mis who seemed to be greatly
amused. "Oh, at something funny
that happened," was th reply, "but
It' no us to tell you, bersuae It ain't
funny enough for both of us to laugh
Elmer Mamma, didn't you say w
bould alway try to mak other peo
ple happy? Mamma Ye, dear. Kl
mer Well, I know a little boy that
I could mak. very happy If I had 6
cent to buy candy with. Mamma
Who to th. lltll boy? Elmer-Why.
It' me.
Klnse sf th Jew..
Th official style of Herod L, th.
Great, was King of Judea, this belriK
conferred upon him by th Human;
but ther. la little likelihood that the
Roman Benato understood that any
difference might eilst between King
of Judea and King of th Jews. View
ing th. situation In th popular and
not official sens of tb term, Herod
waa so little King of tho Jews that the.
day ol bl death became a pnuular na.
tlonal festival. Haul, David and Holo.
mon as King of all Urn.H were Klna-a
of th Jew. After Solomon and the
division of the kingdom the line of
the Kings ot I.raol .ztended from
Jereboam to Hoahea, ending at the
captivity (721 B. C), the King of
Judah from Rehoboam to Zit..n,.h
699 B. C. After the captivity the
style of King of the Jew was first it
lumed by Judus Itareanu Arlstobulu
(107 B. C) and after ul death by
hla son Arlatohulus (70 B. C), who
reigned until overthrown by Pompey
Thin second ArUtohulu of mmc
beean dynasty was the lust lo bear th.
official designation of tli. King of the
"Wer you ever arrested bofor.T
asked th magistrate, who, principal
business 1 Imposing fine for gpe.d
lag. "What do you think I've been dolor.
all the yearsr asked the chs.,r....
"pushing a wheelbarrowr--w..t.
Ington star.
Th thing an old man became moet
thoroughly tired of I grumbun. ,.
though h doea a good deal of it hlm-
Yon may Imagine you am
and miss all ..... ..
ton't mao lu,r'
. - .i.tii Hlr.
f seeiw-w.-
. ..n..n or manor
TH I"-.- ,r.
gird. U Btu nl", " ' , ,
Although ahen .trlpM
feather. It I hardly Itwr nu
a pigeon. t no n.n '"
Jul time th. tit of It. ettended
wing. Tl' ''" U"" " "
el.ngly "
ratu of If wll t ..tremelr devel
oped. o that lis rl weight U '
trlUlug. It m t a great bright atwv.
th. water. a4 from that elevalloa
pounce do a on B.h. iMiJ P'
'erring the lr. per'utl flying Bh
for Its prey. Afcotdlng to "'
thors. lb name of manwar bird
was given lo It becan.e II tn"ranr
was said to forotxlt the roiiii of
(hip. proi''ly bee"" the frlgai. peli
can and real frlgslr
vers to storm, and bolh Ilk lo com.
Into harbor If the weather threaten
Tou're hard a natls," said M
trainer. . . ,
-Well." IrrltaMv answered the acior
puslll.t, "wouldn't naturally ex
pect me te t? I clawham
mer rnl two or three hour every
alght" .
In a!t It. forms, m"it U are of kore
and Uotf. currl and other In tl m
ble lire rent d from hl" tuedlae with
ttp.'hn'e lttrnif t'"e.
g'iaraatee.1. ' r fV,a ltl' sold lal
year. ..'0l H. - ilruifte. or
n.l lo m.n itai-li'rera. Ainte wa'lel.
Write furtiT lk. llln Wel.( ,,tw.
Cotttagwu lMseaer. (Inelieu, I a J.
When the post oH was first opened
t Kal Kng, China, th clerk had
fight with some men who bought
stamps and refused to go awty until
th stamps were licked and stuck o
their nriope for them. Tb foreign
poet orute In Palestine ar usually
convulsed T Plrll of keen competi
tion. If a parcel ex.Uug tlis regu
lation weight or slie I taken to an
oflr and refused t traveler In tb.
majority of rase hsi only lo threaten
to tak. It lo a rival timre. and It Is
tr!ghtr received althout a mur-
Imur. a keen I ll rivalry between
some of these offlrvs that restdeois In
Palestine poue . fnt soet within
certain dlstrM. pvtwren Jaffa aad
the urrounIUg mlottles and a1 with
in Jerusalem th Herman and Aus
trian offlret make no charge for the
delivery of loal Idlers -Chicago
rasta t.ATIVK MKI'UU OflNlNrt
f. the Mcnslurv el K W Cunt Kimm
WerU e,w tuCur ll'Jali tat
A a Mnedleal !.
rVhnapt'S It a d;trt!iund. and th
people who know U aUuut the breed
call tb queer looking animal band
tome. In the house la Near York
where he l the pel he I credJIod b j
more lhan ordinary dog ernu and with!
ndrt!amt!itg evriy word said to htm
In fcrntluh or (K-nuan. In order lo
denionstrtts bl sagacity hit mailer
aid to him a fc eventnr am:
"8hnppa. the young petpl have
been here long enough Co down and
lell the boys to go home." Downstair
b waddled and. standing before the
visiting youths, harked and howled,
then ran lo the front door and back
again and kept up the performance
antll. aa M proud muter etplalned,
"th young im-n heard and aaw the
point. Pr-itr smart for a da ht, ehT
a other vrr gas y wtn.!' Brhtag
.frap lit- rl t,. un . Ikell ,hulr4
(sua in ieetslit airlu4,
In (ne ttn .
rienjnmln Kranfclln. full of Ms
l)emr for dr,,it,s ciniiiiiir from
lha, in at a hard'
ware store.
"Well." aald the Salesman, "whet Is
"Wlra, please," an.wrrrd H-rti)"nln
"In a momi-nt." the said.
turning to wait tm a winnun euarnef
who had Jo.t come In.
Even In themi V . as w l-rn from
this, tlia mart who .0t In a hurry sot
th busy tixnnl sometime 4?nlga
I lr.ll,..
Trher--As I have; i.-n telling; ynu,
there ar two .-nctsil 1 1,,.,... f wfk
srs. Tommy. d. your father n.ak
hi living by tiKin hi brains or by
uting hla muscles; Tinmriy Neither
one. ma'am. He's a .lkcman . -Chicago
a-as-antl IvionidlnilWlltl
I'jium.Morptiiiic -sstril
l-v W-
Jt. Tiimii e
- Xert
nraWe rSf4
Artrrfrrl rWtnritv tnrrnmto
Hon. Sour Stnmarh lllirrtm
noriiul ortviiliiiiit Ffwrlii
iwss and Loss Of SlHP.
IV Sin SljniW of
'- - a I '! in i .si. n. . i ii - r I
ljbsrdnuTidrrii- IhrAjX r ii Tlri, Copy of Wrapper, U U U fl
Dingcrouicoughi. Cxiremcly
.H,,. .,,,,,,. v.uuKn ti,.,
rasp tod icar the throat iQu
Innff fAueha that ak.L. ..
whole body. YounceJarcgu.
lar medicine, doctor 'a medl.
ulna je ene.K n . . t . .
viiiv, ivi Ktu kUUgfl, A$l
your doctor about Ayer'i
f7hr?rrv PrctAral
W reMM r.n
w. iia .leeks
front . eteateinnj
w et is,
Any good doctor will tell you thai rssjl
cm. Tik Ayr't Cherry rector! ciaaai
dn lis nasi work if lha rwa..l- .
iipited. Ak your doctor if ht taw., k.n lhen a I,ii.. , "
recline this llueeiahneaa of il.- ..
Made r tke t, O. Area ., Uetli, aaaM.
At tb Minis n..
"Mount your hor oa the M ut,a
"YVny What diue'euc ran tkaj
"It th. rula"
"liul why bould It b th. rulr
"Iterauo lo th. hast bartMmen .nrs
sword. They wor litem oa tht ttft
hip; bene had th.y mounird o tkt
right aid lha .word would have got u
th way. Bo they mounted a ta
left, and atUI mount on tb 10,
lltirve art aocuaiomed to It, aad g
you try to get ap from th right y
ar llabl. U b kicked." PhlUdelpMs
Itotly Melwet.
"I weal wash my taor aald DaUt
'Naughty. naughty reprevti
grandmother. "When I was a lilts
girl alway washed Oiy"
"Tea, and how look at It!- Kwy.
I krents.
Mra Jewlloe AIslom. w art re
of coal. I your credit .1 the dealer
lHad again'
Mr. llwtlTieNol "sgaln," A was
atill!-:htco Tribune,
Hnet tkMle-w
ea a, t.n. ,, il-ea,
nmi It -'-Ise n.Nes
tejly l. 1 1 aMej
Catalogue) fog
the) A tit mi
off '
for It
ISA Street fraesl PartUeni Or
enwtsna imii.
I t-4e 'Sf tw (
eJUaL.Wa) .-.i.e-r
) ta4t t
IM )
t I a a
-'oext, Va y " si
I tajj ajtohsjaj t,v t, -a a -
1 t-9 -rmt gnvw est,)
f- - l 0lf .?.
4w4 la-lt W 1W aal-e-lrjra)
J .sealiiaal nknul M ItWa.
f Te CktMik rMaW f tlMlt r a-ajiw tt
r n u
If ttfailtt HI Mi4tt.
For Infanta atnd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
'faetHt ,-1 .- -s .'
A ! ,v a i .. .,!... tees
lie -.V
li. V fn ) I V I ! .
llaalkf ', W y .. ti-t--aa)
IL 0 - a,Wa.s ft 4
II w, tm ml fcw oja. awfw -s-" eJBV
U Ms a-4 awaf. I WM1
Boars tho AX
fv Av is
hX Use
For Over