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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1909)
Itenuett Bros., confectioners, Morgns Try Ih newconfectioners.Hennett Brot DRHTtST Pr. Ramno will be in SI. Helens, at the St. Helens Hotel rridsy and Saturday of each week, prepared to do all kinds of dental work. need point, oil Somebody it going to . I have tli M.C.GRA goods V, St. Helen A Botdarss Snap Want to nil a saw mill cheap or trade same for farm or timber land. Apply at once to Henignus Lumber Company, Houlton, Ore. Taintd, Oils, Varnish, Nails, Shelf Hardware, Screws and Bolts all kindi of builder's material at the store of Jas Muckle & Sou, Lowest pricrs. Foa S.l.K A Uundrv. new house near the WM. M. ROSS See Skinner and Ttinmons about your papering and painting t Houlton Ore. Of course you have to eat and vou want your money's worth. Its my oust nes to ace that you get it. M. C.GRAY, St. Helens Ww n it 11 o n Jas. Muckle & Don Successors to Dart & Muckle ST. HELENS Carry a Complete Line of the Best in General Merchandise at Lowest Prices Con sistent with Quality. Country Produce Bought and Sold. When in Need of Gro- ceriesj Dry Goods, Hardware, v Boots and Shoes We Solicit Your Patronage and As sure You Courteous Treatment. Prompt Delivery. S I I IT If a t i ! ,i '? J. T .i 'T ... t .1 T i T .4 T i We Will LOAN You money. RENT You a lock Box. SELL You real estate or farm land SURVEY Your lots or land. INSURE Your buildings. MAKE Your abstracts. SELL Your property. DO Your notarial work. LOAN Your money. COLUHBIA COUNTY ABSTRACT AND TRUST COMPANY r " Oil UST hi 3 3 3 3 r I JOB PRINTING 18 OUR BU8INE88 rE hare the best and most fnllT eaniticed Job Print ing Office in Colombia County W And we are prepared to do all kinds of Printing on short notioe and at most reasonable prices k TRIAL WILL CONVINCE OREGON MIST Fok Salr City Lots. WM. M. ROSS NOTICE TO CREDITORS SWS'i VVVVSs) COLUMBIA COUNTY BANK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS I First National Bank, . Portland. Ore. U. S. National Bank, . . Portland, Ore. Hanover National Bank, . New York Officers Wm. M. Ross, President and Cashier, Edwin Ross, Vice President; A. L. Stone, Assistant Cashier. Directors Wm. M. Ross, M. White, Jamei Dart, Edwin Ross. tor S Ladies' and Children's TRIMMED HATS In All Shapes Summer wear for infants. Ladies' wash dresses just received in latest select line of Waists and Summer Goods of every description. All the latest styles in blacks and tan shoes and stockings ready made styles. A H. MORGUS ST. HELENS Nolle It hcwhjr given (lint Jth nnrienlsnml naa mi miry hmium n lit iwiniv i-mirv of Hi Molr ( tWinui, lor Cultimlila County a,lmlnlraitir ol th atat o! H.nlta 1.. (lltllint, tttH't. Alt paHmtta ImvlllR I'lHltlU mtntttni wtWI eMaUl are liarvby tmillrl to tvli4 III wm lit hie, wihiij' eni. aa ny law oulml. m ih oitti-e ol mv attorney. AJU t'oi tmlMiiiii. in ih liu ol roiilniul. Otvtrii, with In tx month from Hi tint h,mof. I Intel ihu.Vta itajr ol Animal. ltH. MAKKV I1IFP0KII. Ailmltiliitralorolth eatat.ol Berth. L, lllf fonl, ilo.l, B. K. Yuuniatia, Atinriwv lor Ih Atliiiltilnlmlor. Patent fltut pulilu-aihiti Aniti , line, i'at.ot al iiuliiuniloii ih'4. IT. Mus. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Not to I hereby tviu thttt t how iuIim a, heaadi iltiU- ntiiIiittl in- ItiAt'iimitv I'linri of ih HtMi of trvsrou MihuiiilnirMtur ot Ih t tit It of Km 8 yvo i, tlrcvamt. All iwnuw hnvmn lo trvtiii Hi uitw to n tMHny vtrtMi'U rvtiuiriH. hy law, At my oHlr In Kmtor. Ornou wiinui ix montn iroin tn uaw nrvoi. J. H. lOAN. Ai)oiliittrtor of thlMoot Kale 8vrun ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Nolh U heivby ivu thut I hv Ihmi, hp polnttst ly the County i'ourl ol I'olumlil I'ountr. OrMi. mimiuUtrwtor of (h VMUie of t'htHHlorv J. KokrvLiti, dtHiit, mil htiiii nvtn i'iiUm AKHtitdt mii r mrvny mrtltltM autt rHmtnsJ lo urwitl the mxnt with unwr voiKhi-r to mt ( the fMTU- of th (.omuy v itTK Ol Mid v ouuiy, wunui imunua. J, B. Itl'lT KM , Ptd Ana. lath. m. A4tut"trHtor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Soil l hmbj ivn that I hav Iwn at- tHititcJ by tit County I'onrt ol 1'oltiml'i i ouuty. lin'icviu. auittlimtririx oi invwiaivot May a. tot. 0vvtM. All tvnona navin, lalms a.mltiHl aattt out! r hertty iutttUl ami rv.iitnM lo pr!w. l the aatne with irvr TouontTB. lo m at in omc ot m .Miiifr. i. llU'ti.. within alx tnouthi I rum IbolaW ol Ibla n.nk-. (It Al. A . FVA, Ai!mltiltrtrlxcl Ih eatale ol May A. Cox ilwvamtl . Pa r.1 Aiw l:h. 1V04. SUMMONS la lb; ri milt Oourl ol Ih sut ol Or'itou lew the l ouuty ol coiuiubta. P. A. Maniuam. plainltfT. . H. S. Mrwrr Thomas ami I nil mit: rewr Niatnia. m-SI l Fon-.John ll..inllh. Vfilhrlm Haal ami Minui Ka.t- Maulvbaltul ami Slarta Miuil. i1Itl.taill. ToThomw an.i Ltlli M.erv. ol Ibe ilot nattil ilrK-ndanu: In Ih liar.i ol Ih iilal ol ()m tott arv h.Tvhr rv.iuirr.1 to amxmr an.l aur' m m .llnt'"irJ anatllM ll In Ih atHt utlllrl .till within lis wt'i Imm Hi lat ol thr flr.t piiMttiiii ol lots aitmlnoiift, th tint lMln lion bvtnt July ', 1m: atfl il you lil to atuMr Ih ttlaintitT ttl aotily to lit rollrt I. lh- rlll .lmau.W.t III Ml.t omitiialm. arhti'h i lor a dei'rv .ittiftitiic lit title to tho loltnw i. tract At In-l lil. l. . ;. aii'.i. the N'. aim ttio m immi oi MH tltHl iT' ttlV Oa-"! Ol tlH' t'nf t'll.tll in.l l"t. .'. 3 an.l ul M'tlu it. all III I V K I W o( ttie M illaiio'lt MiTi.tun. nil .unouont l. tullltHtil t.y I'Mpr ot lion I", t'aint.twll. in.!.,! i.l court, ma.1 J'lly Jti. iltwttUkTMal It ' ao uhth! in tit woair tm-;ou Ml.t at !at otu- racn wi-ca lor i ucc'miv wwsn. titlAn.t t A I l.r.r.lll IHD H. B. Mt'lldl.AS, iy.u Attortito. tor riattitiiT- Electric Light Notice. Those figuring on the ape ol electricity for lighting purpose re reiiueetl to have wiring done in the near future. Mist and Oregonian $1.80 Per Year. St. Hki.kns, At e. ffiih., KOR MR HOMfiLKS Fine House. Go A Iot. Magnificent Scenery. Gofxl Judgement. Mix Thoroughly, Take at One Large Dose and lie Happy, Dr. MovrcowKRV. If of your farm or home you're tick, Call up the Doctor, call him quick, Ami he, 11 prescribe a sedative By selling all you have to give. jjtt. u. b. cur, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 8T HELENS OKFOOS Steamer Iralda , C. I. Hooghltirk. Matter. RAILROAD TIME. Leave. Rainier i)al!f (sxcept 8i)niJT)for Port land, at f A. tt.. duuartlna from Hu Haleti. at o'cUK'k. Kuturnliii, leava rortuui4 at 2:W r M arriving at Ml. Helen, at 4:o. . Passengers and Fast Freight. FOR PORTLAND DAILY PORTLAND LANDING. TAYLOR ST K. MILLER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW fit. Helens, Oregon R. EDWIN K08H, PHYSICIAN & 8T. HELENS SURGEON : OKHOCK PEARY SUCCESSFUL Flashes News ol Discovery Most Northern Point. ot AMERICAN FLAG NAILED TO POLE Brief Message Announces Success After Lllehma of Effort No Tract of Cook. New York, Sept, ".Peary has reached the North Pole. It has been doubly discovered. From the bleak coast of Labrador Commander Peary yesterday flaahed the new that he had attaned his goal in the Far North, while at the same moment in Denmark Dr. Frderick A. Cook wai being dined and lioniied by royalty for the aame achievement Yankee trrit has cortquered.the froien North and there has been created co incidnce such as the world will never tee again. Two Americana have planted me flag of their country In the land of ice, which man has sought to penetrate for four centuries: and each. Ignorant or ; !,.. m Seattle. the other'i conquest, ha4 aent within a ! a tl div n, fCordinit to the dla- period of five days, a locoaeonlo mee- j pBU.h u nmpa,rd by mud carried into sage of aucceea, i the hull of the steamer by the current A dispatch from St. Johns, N. r . -...i, anintvlnir into the bay says that Peary found no trace of Dr. j MM by J - CLATSKANIE PUBUC SCHOOL Hull Buried In Mud. Seattle. Sept. . Five thousand dol lars" worth of jewelry hat been recov. sred by divers from the wrecked steamer Ohio, which lies submerged in Carters bay, where she was beached by Captain Johnson, according to wire tees dispatch received here from the stesmer Humboldt, which is en route The worn ft?' E . .1 J ! . . Sa a - I T7 '. 1 ' jT. 'wMt K. of P, HALL, RAINIER Cook. This news reached here last Cooks Estate 10.000.000. Honolulu. Sept. 4.- The will of the late Charles M. Cooke disposes of but little property, the bulk of his holding being the corporation of C. M. Cooke, limited. Kvervthinff is bequeathed to the family. The will auks property be not sppraised. CHOWO OUT WHITES. Hundreds of Japanese Find Employ ment In California. Marysvllle, Cat.. Sept. 2.-Special Agent Pierce, of the bureau of labor and atatistlcs. Is In this vslley gather ing labor statistics relative lo Japan ese Invasion. He spent a couple of Hay at Chlco and found conditions fairly good, there being eomralively few Japanese In that section. In this section, however, there re hundreds of Japanese engaged In all pursuit, and the Japanese, population of this county is large. The Jspanese are employed eiten slvely In (he orchards and Ileitis and have in many Instance purchsaed or leased vineyards and orchard. There are aeveral Japanese employment agencies here doing a thriving bust- n.a. It is estimated that there are over a thousand Japanese In this sec tion and more are cumins' daily. Every Japanese her is employed strailllv. while there are a few whit men who are not working, principally because thev have an aversion for work. Labor Is scarce awl the Japan' ese are filling place that It is Impose! ble to get white men to take. night through Captain Robert Hertlett, of the Roosevelt, Peary's ship. While Peary due not expressly re pudiate Dr. Cook's contention in so many words, his statement msy hsve an important bearing upon determining the extent of Dr. Cook's explorations. The Roosevelt was in good condition bond be required and that the ailmin- : f io, tivO libel judgment l.eld again! and the crew all right. Captain Hart- Utration do not publUh an inventory ; nim by Philip Mothersill. Voliva ex- lett wired, and he reported that the j of the estate. This latter .'provision ; noetulaled all the way to his celt. He- schooner Jesnnie, carrying supplies for ! has been declared illegal by Attorney j (r ntering upon hi term he declar the expedition, had met them off the j General llemenway, owing to the in- j j that he would continue his religious coast of Greenland. heritance tax law. Some estimates i wort and edit his msgasine frutn (he value Ih estate at $10,000,000. I prieon during his incarceration. Zion Le.d.r Become Jailbird Waukeiran. III.. Sept 2.Vollva, Dow I' uccror as (he trader of; Zion City, was taken lo the Mcllenry thst the ! county lad t!sy to bcln a sit month that noja-ni-nce followinir hi failure to pay RAILROADS IN WAR. Will WFirniirrnnv mmUA ii lii.iiRi iir . iiiiiiji a Nation Preparing Home Comlna tor' Arctic1 Explorer. v .(. ADDS LARGE AREA TO DOMAIN President Taft May B Rsqusslts; U Honor Man Who Holstsd Ovr Polsr Continent, NW York, fiept l.-l'reimrsll,.,. already ar on foot to tnak the httm. coming of Dr. Frederick A. Cook M vent of national, and possibly nl national Importance. If plans outllnsd today by member of the Amis club are carried out, the welcome Dr. Cook will roeelvt In New York will b a ovation In which city, state and nsttoa will Uke part, while prominent siblor-ers-Cook's former rlvslsfrom all parta of the globe, will gather to penwnal tribute to his achisvemenU, Member of tlte Arctic club bom President Taft may be preasnL "Hack an honor would be no mora than fli. ting," one declared, "In view of tb fact that the explorer ha placed th Star and Stripe on th apex of th world and edited perhap 80,000 iqutr mile to th nation's territory." Among the explorer who ar ex pected to take a prominent part ar the IHik d'Abrussl. Dr. Naiisen, Cta taln Ronald Amundsen, General A. W. Greeley, Hear Admiral Georgs Mel. villa, Anthony ftale and Captain Jo, ph E. Iternler. Captain Bradley 8. Osborne, secre tary of th Arctic club, says the x plorer i not expected here tor sever) weeks. "lie Is due In Copenhagen In tkre day," said Captain Osborne, "tnd if he cam straight home would arriv la New York about th tnhklle of gent. ber, but bla friend believe IHtl a may mak several stops on th y. For on thing the geographer and sci entist of Copenhagen will tender bis. a welcome. II may go to Christian to meet Captain Amundsen ttiacotmr of th Nurthweat peerage; It is that h will visit lUlgium where a sun pawn oerovetea tor pis eervine 10 dene and It I scarcely eonceivablt (hat the tlritish geographical tocistte would allow him lo paa them on kit way horn without an invitation la IrfMvloo." Ditatrhe from rano I In active erupttoo, cast ing great bavoc. There baa alao beet an earthUak with hundred of fatal, ttie. New Schedules Being Arrfgd for; Pacific Coast Linst. j Chicago, Sept. 7. When the Hill lines announced five day ago that they i ould lop ten hours off the fasieet ime between Chicago and th North . Pacific coast point they inaugurated a j speed war that has now spread over j the entire transcontinental railway j map. In the boutnweat territory, the . light I on for th mad contracts, but I to get these, the road must put on faster and better train. Th Santa F propose to cut ten hour off it . time between Kansa City and Lo i Angele and it rival ar acurrying very direction and ordering their ! expert to "string" new scheules, get equipment in the topmost condition! and be ready to meet the time of th j SanU Fe. The fight started when the Hill! ine apparently sought to forestall the : St Paul road, which, with it Puget ; sound extension, will soon be in a post-1 tion to make trouble in regard to rates j and mail contract. Both of these moves took the com petitors ot the Burlington by surprise snd caused no end of scurrying and consultation. CANADA WANTS OWN NAVY, Three Shipbuilders Consider Locating Yards In Dominion. Ottawa, Ont, Sept 7. Canada is extremely snxious to possess a war : fleet of tt own and effort are being ; put forth to induce British shipbuilders : to locate plants on Canadian soil. It is said three world famous shipbuilders are now considering proposals to locate branch yards in the Dominion and have ' been assured that the Canadian govern- ment will grant every concession in the ; way of tariff or in any other line pos- si ble. While the Canadian ministers st the London conference on naval defense hsv kept th government here advised on tte airrerent steps ol the negotia-' tions, an official account of what has been agreed upon has not yet been received. Canada Won't Retaliate. Montreal, Sept 4. While' it is true that there la resentment in this coun try over the new provisions of the Payne tariff affecting th puip and pa per industry, it is felt both at Ottawa and Quebec that nothing can be gained by Imposing sxport duties. The gov ernment It is announced will not take any retaliatory action In this direction, and any legiilation it msy enact will be directed rather to a final settlement than to aggravating the difficulties. Attsndsnce Record 8et. Seattle, Sept 7. All attendance rec ords at the exposition were broken yes terday when the people of Seattle, cel ebrating Seattle day at the fair, warmed to the grounds In an endlesa traam, the total attendance as given out at midnight amounting to 117,01!), This is 22,707 greater than the attend ance on th opening day, which here tofore held the record.' This brings the total since the opening of the ex position to 2,688,684. Wireless Across Ocstn. Paris, Sept 7. Wireless messages from New York are now received or intercepted almost daily by the mili tary station on the Eiffel tower. Oc casionally radio telegrams have also been received from Canada, which It Is believed form a record in wireless. J. H. WELLINGTON GENERAL MERCHANDISE Fancy and Staple Groceries Boots and Shoes Notions, Dry Goods Furniture, Shelf Hardware Gents' Furnishings Businesslike, courteous treatment of all. Since starting up a little over a year ago my policy has secured so many patrons that constant additions to my store and stock have been necessary, until now my line of up-to-date goods is unexcelled in Colum bia county. Arstorefull of neat, up-to-date wear ables and clean, wholesome eatables. J. H. WELLINGTON St. Helens, Oregon