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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1907)
LOCAL If! ill"' is fVl 1 PEACOCK FLOUR '8 THE BEST America's Greatest Weekly I W know 11,1, (o ba a will urov,t ,,,,,,. You "ot" bUM wok until 1" U IU foil i,od. M. 0. OKAY, . . .... mn Ir .. Oil vtrr twlft Talk lo Rots, Columbia County Bank, Unlet bt ti rMuint lo tbl clisrg Kv. HlMlb praicbta bl farewell sermon per Sunday ytnin, Wt hop, bow tvr, lnl be will U nlurntd lo u, bt he undimbMljr glvta much better flalltfaelloa titan any otlur miu liter Bt. Heleut and llotilton nave had for year, Tli Nw Hiigiarm dinner at tlia Masonic 1UII lt Tburailay wa quit lllicrally patroulatd and netted vary hamleom aum aonietuliiK ovtr Mr. AIm Nttr, ol Near City, waa rUltor to tin county Mat but Tuesday. Mr. John Backus, ol Ralnl.r, M a 8t. 1 economical boat, u.akina tlir Til it-Una visitor laat Tueatlav lot the r.a. on the asm. - .. '"I" ac oi utm i oi wit old America Kile la III Hill Lumber Company, ... slectricltv, J, C0Illlumllli; , FlrtUoodmnHwtUliatr. ,u,j'l' It ! IiU1 tbat nlio w,1 con li your property Imuredf II not, tat on ",e '". VWU Andtraon, at Hotillou, who art Tl Hi. u,M j,urn,n resilient Merit lor the German Aiutrl- l'lltt Hit Irw reading room U, ut ' can Insurance Company, ol Ntw York; lilnt for t,e ttron,K, ol'coluiiiiu. -1 i .t...t.l.- . o. Count. .1.1. . '.. VUlUIIIIJUt, w. .... 1 " ' io iu ttirlroiK) ia. It I. rrenosrv w-n in . " e.eunav " in every respect, and with Urge Notary leMI at our atom and am pr. w" (nillied rooma. You can Ket a pared to Uka cart of all kind of Notary be,l' room llii-re for one dollar than at Wnet. lb older and tietier known hoio, for Mr Tollman, who bail bl arm nearly doubl the amount, evertd by U iicMiit at tbt Cooperag. rVhool began at Warren on Monday Company1 factory at lloullon tow tfui U.t with Uim Ketel of 8t He Mo, want to Horttand laat Monday to a principal ,n,j M,a. Term iiurn. of "'. , " valley, aa primary teacher torn an of bl finger and great hop term will be nine montha uiat urn wm jwi it iiariui arm. i Turn, in i . ., , . .... .,.(W.IW vuniiiirrciai iiuhmt ii.. w U Toledo Blade Firit Glau Made in Oregon. ' 8' 0'l'y 15. 0. Oiltlior, of I ha Pott ",M l""'"'"t'r o( Uonimere. Iia receiv IK'Olinan of tlio Hrt glaw mad In 'i wi iuunrt. Tlia i i ' l"l" w'llit, and of tba pule hill ..A .1 . t r J iww. It 1 co .iderd qulto a curioalty, on account of In Indicating : - i"'"iiinpi in tut giaia mano racturlng of tb Hlata. 'lilt now fuotnr al.ri.l lll.,... i .... '"; oi trumpbet,," Mr.Oiltner it w now prepared to mak all undeof ulna.. Iiictmii w'ttliw. mirror, etc. Tba owner of tb nw plant write to K. M. Cederbergh, or ibit city In regard to obtaining tome chemical tiled In the manuhtctare of gut In Northern Kuiope. Mr. Cdei rgii I VUe.Con.ul In tbl. clly, for .1U WUV Hid Kwi.M .1 -i 1 vh, UMkarlaa Vn,. ' . .1 "."""T " JW" .in A"i- further. " Plant I not known here, but it I in purianc u duly appreciated." TOLEDO, OHIO ne Known Nawanaiwr In ft.. United States. AriiMc . vntUUi,ATION 180.000. POPULAR lit EVERYTjTATE In manv nnMi. th. ti. i it.. u. . ... ."ictw uiwic ia .... mhih nrmariciinii publlahed in the United Uti T It i. v.ti 7i etpecmily e1 ted for National circulation. It baa bad the .KoiKucuianon lor more veara tli.n . ,iic cueapen newanatvr in ii.. world, a. will explained to aby tieraon,.w"1..T",.e.,,,or tero- The' Nwi n of The powlhle at tb lime ol tba accident. KlMwhere we publish the orticlal notlct ol tbt meeting ol tb County Board ol KqualUation. It would be well, bow evtr, fur ell wbo And It poaaible to amine tb aaaeaament roll before the meeting and aacertaia whether properly la Uwir neighborhood ia fairly and equitable aateetod. Mr. Law nuke a tpccial reiuel that thli be done a be ha no other object than to do uttice to all, aa nearly a that can beacrowpllahed. , It tbould be remembered that all coin pUinta to lb Ooanl uuat be In writing, or, toiler ine w, inty win receive no attention. County School Superintendent Copt land bt appointed the following truancy officer andet 111 ntw law: V. J. IVpham, Claukanle. dUtrhrt S, 10, 1ft, 25, ft). S3, 33, 40. 41. 41. M; II. M. Fowler, Coble, dletrict S, 90, 34, 3d, (7. t. Jatuc !, Rainier, ditrkt 4, 13. 1(1. 10, S, ft), 31, 3d; frank George, St. Helena, dlttrict I, 3, 0, 7, II, I, 30, 39, 41. 43, W; Jatuc M. Hill, Miat diatricla a. 14. 17. IS. Jl. ti, 24. 87, 31, 4.', 47, 40, &0, ftl. M, M. The truancy officer, on mil fii . . ... i ... . . . ..... .wm ih nl, neiena next uar veniug at 8 o'clock. Kverv ,neu in me welfare of ih. jcomniunitie I. earneMly requetted to aiwoo, wnetiier uiewljen ol thv club or not, Mr. 8. A. Mi ca who uniu...n . aeriou operation at the (load Samariuu hoaplul, Portland, on Tuc. lay of laat week ia reported a improving. Mi I.llhe Clietdclin, of Vernonia, eiaited St, Helen on Tuewlay lu.t. Mr. and Mr. S K. Llnegar who bare aptoi me greater part of the tuiniuer with the family of K. K. Quick, of tbiaclir, tclt on Monday lt for their bom in Indianapoll. t.lia. Mr. Un- rgar hi a brother ol Mra. culck and eo nere K vean ag.. Mi. snd Mm. Quick and Ih Miwa Alice and Annie Uuuh accouiiiied tbeai at far a Port land wr. Arthur George returned home Wednesday alter a ten day vitit with her ton. In Portland. W , II. Biuilli. ttte lire warden and pecUl warden lor Ihe Wealcrn Tlmlier receiving notice from the proper officer, I Company, wa a vititor to H. Helena art to notify parent ol the uon alien. I yetlerd.r. He iiaed the tunnel on the dance of their children. I'pno receipt I lillamook road on bit way In and reporta ol tbit notice tb parent moat at once I work procreating very tlowly, ettolt that tbeir children attend Kboot, Tarheir mill, ner Warren, wat de- aiwiltliey fail to do ao they will be ttrored by fire laat Salunlae mom in.. CoMugl,. ,a,an , 1B RIl(h,r.. KL that bU.y IVIIIc, In Ibo Nortbeaern n.rt of la- Wrn:t'! lOUlity, whore a eood UlULlltv tit mmnA I I"M. All CUrre&t tl)tinl tna1. nlnl tM for tb mnklrg of glai. la found, and writeTnmyinpeCI?1 ito,,al m"tter whretbfaolliiiMf...i.,i..i . wrmen. ,rom 'nception down to date. -"."hi, Mime toe oniv tainer tml.1 .l.J eonthlened at g.xjd In any portion of Pple who do of do not read Wily new. ,,.-,-...,. rri loirai lor main fiu-t. That tbit kind of a newapaper ia popular, Syrup of Whit, P,e.nd Tar. the old 'bi.T L' reliable cough remedy. For tale by A.J. "riber. and I circulated in all port of IJcniing, dmggiit. the United Stale. In addition to the , ... "?. " iaoepuonmiea abort and aerial HI'JI JlO.Vti " . "d """y deparlmenta of matter In , uur, ol the aula f r, .... Sta 5. ' ' tttt """"V- 1 .ihltnl,!. i'......,. -.7 '"" icr. Annie A llll, I'i.liillir T n Hall, l, f..l.t ToT. h. Ilall.ihr alaive namul i I II II IUm. nl I k. ui.i. ... i .... . .. . l...t... . V i i ii,kuh. iuu are ! . iVaiT'"",' "' auawer Iheeom 11.1111 flint aifalniil ,nn t Hi. ..i...... IW7 whlrli U .li wwka alter H.l. tli the date ...r miw in (rt hla lurfira. r,l . J i!'iu , " ! ' "d anawer Ihe .UIa llarllU.iljt Inr ilia relU-l utarnl for in hi. "in .Mint, lu .u ur rtrcrts. .Il.,lrli, ih. I SSiSSS. "STB In U.e Circuit Court of the Stat. f nr. mmr aim niillitr relief at to Ih court ri. nirvi anti jii 1 hlaiu,iona l pnMUhed lr onler ol Ihe 'II. U a. Il.llaii In.,.. f ikri fii..i- , ala i aim etiioed on the I day of MtiMAMON Mi'DKVIT. pR. EDWIN BOU8, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 8T, HELENS, ! 0KE0C jrjR.u.B.cttrr, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON BT HELENS OBIOOM. JJALDWW A 8HEBW00D tTNDKBTAAKIS AHD EliDAIiMXK Hear lor fiiner.1t at all polnla on Href and ' muuiai ourtipeuat. . BAINIEB, - . - OBEOON DB. O, L. CUNNINGHAM Osteopathic Physician CsnaulUllon frtt- S Perrjr'a Bow Houat l: to p. m Houllon, Ore Write for free tpecimen copy. Auurerat THE BLADK. Toledo, Ohio. Tile Blade and Miat 1.23 wr ve for a abort time. Take advantage of thit great offer. MUXJIU.18. Steamer Ira Ida n - C.I. Hooghkirk, Matltr. RAILROAD TIME, IjtfRTM KalnlitV if aallar d.. J x wa URfl, St 6 A. M.. (itrtinav fetaaw at m r"" nenuruiun. lftftVM n I aui1 u Q Sn rrtvini tU Bt. fitleru t 4:44. Passenjierx ant! Fast FreizbL FOR PORTLAND DAILY POBTLASD LANDING, TAYLOR ST the lot (mounting to about 7,11)0, with l,.V) inturance. The mill bail Ueo under repair, and there waa no fire in the furnace, but it la thought there wat tome fire In the forge lo the blarktinith hop, and the nly theory it tint the fire canght bom the forge. The mill had been doing a ptaeperout butinrri and itt dettructlnn tea erlout loat to tbat com wunlty. C. K. lAraon, aged H, wat drowned in Willamette tlough at Chapman Com" pany't booininz grounda Sunday alter' noon. He, with hit wile and two tuiall children, wat bathing. He twain acrott tht tlouith with hit little eon on hi back. Returning the child to the mother and taking hit little girl Into Ihe water, he Grows Railroad Ties. proaccutcd, the penalty being fine or tta pruiun incut, or both. In cat the parent art not to control their children the oflkcrt of the law will take ibent in hand. A good old fashioned blrthilay urpric party wa tendered Mr. Met P. llaacn on Sunday Utt when a Urge party of neighbor and friend gathered at the reaidence ol Mr. K. P. Laraen, laden with well filled baaketa containing all we good thing to b fount! in a pro ptrout community. The table were tpread under a lare aileer maple tree tad fairly groaned with the beat the countr arTorda. Mr, llaren received a atmlicr of my nice preeenu, one being t bantlaom gold watch and chain . Be aut the boat and botteat, preteat were ttarled to twim acrou again, when be klr. and Mr. J. M. Cooper, Mr. and Mr, wat beard to groan and aauk from tight. 1. 1. Laraen and children, Mr. and Mr. Some men near bv reacued the little urirl T. I.uinl and daughter, Mr. and Mr. R. I and lecovercd Urton't body. A brother, 0. liuen and eon, Mr. and Mr, W, C. I George Larton, live in Portland and a Cooper and children, Mr. N. J. Kwtng. titter, Mrt. Truxell, livct In eatlern Ore- 01 klaygar, Mr. and Mr. Jame Heegl I gou tad tlaughter, Mr. Lucy Knudton, of Wall Walla, Mr. and Mr. U. W. Klch- n tnu lamlly and Mr. E.II. rlagg, TI,. AtcbUm. ToiHjka A Santa Fc oi SI Helen. I11.11.....1 1 in tWIIIIimt, WW HUH, IIMV tivw I'vwmn ... J. 8. Oiltner, of Portland, bat order to provldo for it future supply of Imttd a portion ol hi coal land on cros tie. Tilt Santa 0 ha adopted fctppoos Creek to practical coal opera- the tucnlyntli at the minil uitab!o pe- tonii on condition ol tb Icaae being I clet lor tie niiroott-. beiause of Itt rapid that the leaeort thai! go down to the Igroatli, groat tlnmlly and durability, fU of eren hundred leet In order and 1 now planting 700 acre in a ranch fatly to tet the quality of the cuet. of 0,000 acre In iitbern California to Tbeyexpreaa great' fall h in their enter- euctlyptui aeedllngt, with the hiUntlon Priat and will undoubtedly give Ih mat- of repeating tlilt amouiitof acreage encli Wr thorough Utt, believing that at that atiocrsHng yuar fi r a total of twelve depth they win find Cll of excellent years or more, when It will have planted quality. Work will beln at once. iliouaand ai re. The acedllnn- TUere mi an adjoiirntd aetalon of tb which iue tprouUd In bote to the num Hytennof Circuit Court h.ld at the bur of 10) to the box, and toml In wirthouMin St. Helens on Saturday "lath houses" until they aia thieo or Ten divorce decree were granted, four Inches high; at whlsn tlms they r ' the cat of II. M. Powler Ih three or lour months old-are set In Spruce and Fir Lumber Company ol rows right feel spart, at a dl.tfliica 111 0We,for0l7.4:,and J3 coat, udg- the row from enlli other of five feet. ., rendered for the plaintiff. In Their Cililva-b... tifUi lliat l. r or of John C. Adam, lor 3im.4S. lo" y ihorougli bu tl.nule Zimmerman, Well. & Brown for and Inclmb-s their wn'orln, two J23 agalntt th. Columbia Lnmber or Urn llinea a year. Tlmroafier the CPny ol Scappoote. Jmlgment was plHuUr..x,Mct,d to take ere ol them. WMered lor the phduiUf. and the prop- lv, aWwiigh l lh. warsn of lime, "ty ordered aold they ren lire thinning out, which is ac- WHITE & ANDKRSON AGtNTS German - American Ins. Co. enoii m and lor the County of Col omoia. Charles U. Flick, nlalnliff va Vara F. Flick. defMiidnnl To Vera F. Flwk, defendant''' In the name of ihe Ktnta r nrnnn yon are hereby summoned ami to appear In Ilia entitled chuw and anawer the complaint of the plainl- 1,1 ma awTv eiivitieo suit on ortxiore ' twentyigblh day of SepU'inbcr. 1U07. or itidument and dn-rofl l..r ., of an autwer thereof will be lakpii against you In accordance with the prayer if the cnmnlaini. The piii-e if ttiia euit Is to oblnin a di-rree of abso lute divorce in favor of ilm i.uii,it ngnlnst the defendant. The dato of the onlnr tit of thit tommona is August Hth 1007 ami tne aaie 01 me nrat publication thereof i Augott 10, IWI7. OKKl S KICHARDSOX, ; 15i"?y 'or Plaintiff Columbia Connty Bank Does General Banking Principal CorretpondcdU Firtt National Bank, Portland, Oregon Hanover National Bank, New York. Wm. M. Ross, Proprietor, ET. UK LENS. OUE. H.riORGUS '....,' r Carrie a Complete Line of Groceries Dry Goods Hardware Crockery Flour and Feed at Hay Notions Candies Stationery Fancy Goods In fact, everythintr tumallr kept ia a first I clat General Merchandiae Store. Myl price will be found a reasonable a any I tore In Colombia Connty. Your trade I tolicited. STATE BANK OF AJmER RAINIER, ORE. CAPITALiag,ooo Fonr per cent, interest paid on caving depoait. Internet eomponnded seml-snnnally, March 1 and September 1. W. B. LOTTMAN, (Ushikr Collections Matte :- Drafts ued 1 in m w ML Cy 0 Ia the Circuit Court of the State of Oraaeo la I ana roe the County ol Columbia. Anna E. Scbannafhora, Plaintiff a Brron J. SrbenDerboni. lVfradant To Hjrroa 1. Schmuerboro, defendant In tba nam. ol ih. HUM ol Oregon yew are nerebr aommoned and required 10 appear In theauor. entllled eanaeand anawer the eom plaint of tno vlalnlia la tba absra entlllrrf ault on or before lha tweoly-elehlii day of Septem ber lwn. or Jutlirmant and decnw for want of an anawer inereoi win o. taken aeaim yon In accordance with the prayer of the complaint. The rurpoae of thit anlt it to obtain a decree of abaolute dlrorce In favor of tbt plalatlSaaalnat the defendant. The date ol the order of onblleation nl thU oromoni la nrut 1Mb 107, and the date ol Sallownew Transformed . . to Dnsky Beauty A dark ikm becomei fjucinating when delicately toft, underrpread with the radiant glow which indU eatetaneaJthy actirtakin. Robert, toe keepi the akin refined in quality, keep. pore free fromclofxir.r watte aad itimulatei the tiny carillf to eontributethecolorwhichcharmtin Monde and brunrtfr d..i . , . , nuutii' ae u certain Drotectiim .ra;n., ... unburn ind frecklei if applied h! fore evnosur tn n. , preadt like ah imperceptible tliern ofgauie over akin tu.facr, forminjr a alueld atirmilaiing and preaerring a actuate, lustroui beaut y. M . Am imi 1 .1. 1W A WW SUMMONS. IntheCln-nftrtonrt of the State f Orreou, fMrlhat-ounlv ThomaaC. Thumpauo, pl.lntir) Of New York. Leading Ame- "1! In the name of the Htaie ol Or jtwi. rican Company. NOTARY PUBLIC HOULTON, OREGON hervby notlrtM nd retiuirvsl lo appear herein "ii wr urivirv me ivtn uuv oi kx.u Ihe pfmpliitt rt.ed irulntt vou CUAROIANS SALE Notice Is bervbr slven that, pursuant to an order mad In the County Court for Multnomah County, Oregon, on 8ep teni Imr 23. 1007. the nndertiened at Uuanlinn of tli prraoti and eatnte of Waller Y. rcoit. a minor, will, on and ndi r Mondiiv the Srjih day of October, ofivt. I1U7 to annuel nat vou In thf. .Im.v Ieiiuuen court ana rinw. 1 1 you no nnt ii. 't it and anawer by that dale the pl.lutlil will hh.Iv I In the oniirt for a dlranw front )mi and fm Iavm-iH, nriivi. ThU anuimon. la nnhltuhnt bv nnUi nf II. ,n Ioratde H. . Ilatlan, Ju.lw 'i.l tho county Court of Oregon Columbia county. inuilri icnamneraon ine inim tiav oi r.iiifiiiiM.r nan Idtrectln Ihe mikllratlim of llil. In Ihe Uiexon Ml.l for ,n coiKn'iiilvo wi'f ka W Klnnlnton the lib day o!SrH'iler, no;. The llnienrewnhed In the onler illm iinetn la pnl- Iiif-wti.-n i. wwa. .iiu ine nay on wnicn yo.i muat apiear lieii in la l lie ilnv follimiiie the ex .lmlon of .li areeka Inun Ih dato of the lint publication herool. aun.KT U. MIIHKdW. Attorney (or flalnlltr. Sottre for Publication tienartment of the Interior Laud utno at Ponlaud, Ureeon, September, 14, IIKiT. Kntlce la hereby alean that Alexander Aeak. of Yauatoii. tlreaon. ha, HU-d imtlre of hla In tention to mate Snal commutation proof In clip.. and, Ortifon, all of the riitht, title and ulireat ol the a.iid minor in and to the follow Ina tlctcritied real property, aitnate in fJoltiinoiM uounty, ureiton, lo-wil: Tho west nail wh ol the soutli weal purler (aw 4 ) and the north eaat quarter (iie4 ) ol the soutli west quarter of Section nllitibvred thirty two in Townthin tevon (7) North, of Knnn five lb) Wi'Btol Ihe wiiimueue Menutan. The torni of said sale are: Toial ptir chn'6 price to oe paid in cash, or one hull c"li down and the lemalninsr one hnll m two or three yearly luaial nietita, the pavmcnt of inch Inslaliiienl to bo rfHiuivd by a mor'eaire on Ihe ptem- i'ca. All wilca tiiadn tubjoct to conlimia- tion hv the above Uoort. IhiUd snd iirtt piibliahed Sept. 27, hh)7. anna scott. Guardian of Waller F. Scott, a minor. 10. F. A F. li. Kllcy, Attorneys. ,r'y ordered sold. P'cs Poa 8ai,-I have twenty sia eeha old plK or M, t,M enCi,, "Sherwood, Bachelor's Flat, Post Warren, Ore, . ud Mr. M. F. listen, Mr. and J"- J. 8. Bacon and Mr. and Mr. Nym ' nd dauKhtr attended the Stale at Salem latt week and are very en """lattic over the showing made by wlumbla county. totn-To tbs wlfo of R. Snyder, of ""v et i,und oa'' October 24tli, a wughter. MJ. and Mrs. R, R. Reynolds, ol "P Grove, Mlttourl, who have been "" Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Cooper, of wtren. left fe - "www ansjt, w . a. m ld lsltt.r of Jlr.r Cooper and they had not met for over twenty years. conipltalieil by cultlnn out every oilier on to Hist thoy tun le:i loot i the rows. The young aupllnjfS thus re move'! mnke excellent funoe pots, and hence no lots befiills Ihelr Inking sway. Tne rewHlnl is young lnn, numbering 660 lo th sere, will ftt the en 1 of lllicon years' of growth, esoli ylekl six tlcs,.lt is oalctilntcd, or some 8300 ties to the sore. Thete tlet IU l cut from 700 noret of the U orchard each yesr, after flfleen yenti from the flnt plnniliig, with the remit of obtaining "'"rs tlvm 3,50,OHO tics p.-r annum i nd, acel8 H' ",0 ru,e of reniovnl will be exactly equal p the rnte of phniilug. ths in ''X"1 !re"e will, theorstlcnlly nt k-atl, maintain the sail's annual supply or tios to the end of time. The 0 at per cnltlvuied Ho I far and ... Iinw thnt of i.MjdlhOc.'l S weal and tliat aatd proof wi'l he made beforu the Hivuutr and Receiver at Portland, urt-itou. on Oeioborll. IWI7. lienamaa Ihe lollowln wltneaeca to prove hli eoti.lnuoua reaidence u pon and cultivation of the land, vli: Hlophen lntna.ol Yankton. Ore eon: Robert Besker. ol Yanktou, On-irou: Joseph lniHint, of Yankton, Urexvu; I.eoild Dupout, of Yauk lou. Oregon. ALGERNON 8. DKESKKR, Kettaler. N0IICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LIQUOR LICENSE T. A II I'rtMlAa CniH-erneri. and tn ,h vpieie now u-tiially reaidlue In ecappooae l-re-cl.rfrt. (.oliiinbia Loun:y, state of Oregon, in You .till earh of you will Ukt notice and yon are uereny nntllied that I, F. A. Blarkwell. will ii ia yof October, 1M7, apply to tho ........... innV , nun oi ine mjiic ol tlraeon In and for ihe county of Co:umbfa. fora liceium to aell .uiritlioua ttliu.n. aiul nd fcruii-nu-l elder lu lea. ,uantltlea than ons .,.vii iw-i owl oi our ve.r. me w.ikwmu ... tM'aoiNMwe l-rwiuci. Coltimbt. l!oii,,ti- K,..i.r Ureepn: which application will he aupnorted and bi.el min the follovrlut petition. Ih-wit: In the county Curt ol the Stale ol Oreaon In the mailer ol the Annlh-atlnn of T. A Rlaflkacll for a l.treiiHi to Srll Knlniani.. vi... oua and Malt U.liioraau-I KarmotitMt 1-l.Ur In Qiiautilie. than One Uallon. at ranpnnae. In SrnpiMMx I'rw-iUi t, Columbia county, Stole v-.vBuu. r-ETITION. o Ihe llonoral.le Couuty Court of ColnmMa vwnniy. oi v.rem-u; we, Ihe unaeratKiietl, enmprtain an actnat in.Jorily of ihe wli..le unmber of leeal voter, of -M'ooe Pm-liM-l. Columbia Couuly, ftaie of tlreaoti. and who nour In anil k. ai-tuiilly rvildw1 In aaid rV,.pooee Precinct for uon- mm mi. iv ov imiurdlately pm-elint Iheduteof ilyuiue. tiilu-r and prvaentatioa ol ihla H-litlon. herchy respectfully petition thia noiHiraoie i-oun to arm-ji to r. A. Hue kwcll lllieniie to aell aiilrltnoua. vlnmi. ami 'lu Hire and fermeutnl cider in lea quantltiea than oue tallon. at tfeapponae In Scappooae pre cinct. Columbia County out of Oregon, for pri iut, it, unp rnr. leo Klmliall. ppin flemh. (ico W ict, Tom Callahan. Cinde Somer . ,1 rivo. n ti ni,nnn. v j i.vni.n w h u. ii U B Milloy, K T Gore. R A McKay. Sag Set it lot!, U Kalvh, P 1) Kammever i White? t I. Chancy. E: V ri.U-h.J 1 Morgan, John Koaa. D k Freeman. K C Smith. Thua cloninirvr, R Ha ev. F R Adam.. O I. Hmi.llr a u U ir.t v u Tucker, l Rrmliieton. Juo Roerle. K Bar tell O C, K O klcK.r, T L ilrodey A D ....... . o ... i. -1 . . . . . . .........ii;, . ..vni.i.ii. 4 nirtn. a Auaereon. I W l.ralll. J XeiHIUfln. Jlltlui Hhoonhnn,. Crl ur.u.1. r. buHuri, u nuiier, 4 Kaiianan. li. A. Smith. P, l L Iiiulgnonl. M Han .on. II HlKanit John Kieenblate. ( W William, Kd Crawford, Paul IVteraan, R Jl McCanachy.U ljiit.eo urant, Friti Kammever. Peter M Hirer. 0 II Hiercks, H Schinldi, J D McKay. A K Huek, S Newmaii. W I. Holly, K K Morria. John Wiest. Ileurv tatraen. A 11 Laraou. (1 C Johnntd. Dvmn W Bniivii. Harry Haver. A M Wieat. Jaa Foaa. OeoCalkina, J H Iinncau. LLoiia. V K Jonea. F M llmui y. J M Klchartlinn, Jeo Unwanl. Hurt llonuetl. put cooiMsr, t L Sauboru, J Johnanu. W O JrAa. M Bachehtcr. W K Mtovrnit. c U.bln. ky. John Allyu. 0 II ;illarkwell. K (' Hon. K M Oltllw. I, llr.nvn. R Hau email. K W U laal. Chat C Troxell, .N Hill. toe 8 rat publication thereof ia Aueuat Ifith, 1907. uaii MicuAKoeux, Attorney, for PLainUS. 8UHX01IS In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon In mi wr inr lihiriv hi toiuaiuia. , Mary Moor, fUioilS va Kathanlel Moore, Defendant To Katbauiel Moore, defendant: In the name of the 8 tat oi Oregon, yon are herebv auntmoned and required to appear "i o the alKive entltleil eauae and anawer the eom plaiut of Ihe plaintlfTin the above entitled ault on or before the 26th dar of October, lair or Judgment and decree for want of an anawer inereoi will be taten agaioat yon In accordance who me prayer oi tne complaint, ihe pu poae of thin ault la to obtain adeerM of ahanlMt. I iiirome in favor of uieptaintlB agalnat th defendant. The date of ihe order of publication of thia summon la riepl. S, IW7, and the date of the nrat intoiicauon inereoi la Mix. n. l'Mi. Unci HIUHAKUSUH Anorncva for I'laiutin. In ORDER the Connty Court of the Stat of Oregon or the County of Multnomah la the matter of the Uuardlauaalp of Walter T. bcott, .minor. It apocrine to ihla Court from th. net! Hon thia day preeenled and Sled bv AnnaSeolt. the (iuardi.n ol the peraoa aD.1 of the eatata ol Walter F. Scott, a minor, praying for a order ol aale of certain real eetate eituale In Colum bia County and Bute ol Oregon, and more par ticularly deacribed aa folloxa. lo wit: Tbeweal half (',) of the aomb weat iiuanr(8Wl,)and the uorih eaat Quarter fXE1.) ot the aoaih w-i ouaiter (So'.lol Bectloii numbered thirty two a) in lownahip seven (7) North of Range Sve o; neat oi ine Willamette atertttian. uelouglng to aaid wnnl. and that it la for the intermn of aaid ward, and neceaary that auvh real eatate ahoald be told. It it hereby ordered that the neit of kin of the aaid ward, and all Iteraona interealed in the said eatate. appear before thia Court on the 2nd. daj of September 1M07, att: 30 o'clock a. m. at the court num ol thia court in the city of Portland. County ol Multnomah, Oreeon. thou and there to .how cauae why an order ahould not be granted to. tne aaieoi ancn estate, ami it la turtlier ordered Ibat a Ooov ol thia order ha tMil.lli.ha.1 at I.., onre a week for four ancceasive week. befiHe the aaid day of hear! ng In ihe -Oreeou M int", a ncwsiawer Ol general circulation in aai.l ttl nmoiaconuty. ana Ktateoi Un-cou, publuhed iiieu aw.k at w. llelnit, (irvgon. BigneauustL K. MEinsTER, Judge. Hated Ihla at h day of August. l!W First publication AugviH , WU7. Market Western Meat Ed. Hafliger, Prop. Carrie a complete line of fresh and cured meat. Try our home cured bacon. Our own brand kettle rendered lard always on hand. AMD Oregon Umoji Pacific union tonwT C'H IC Atit- HORTLA N t SPECIAL for the EaM via Hunungton SPtJKASK LyT, ior r.aieru aanina. mu, " 1 1. Ti i n - Lion, Coeur d'Alene and ureal Northern points. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In tho County Court of the 8iate of Oregon, lor c-oinniuia uouniv. In the iimttur of the Ebtitte of John i Oiilnliin. Decnitil. Notice it hereby given that Margaret Nctilulon, the administratrix of the ettete ol John J. Qiilnlan. dccesied, ba rendered anu presenica lor settlement, snd tiled in Siltl Court, her Final Account of her ndiiiltiiutration of aaid estate ; and that Snturduy the JJOtli day cf October, 1007, at one o'clock p. nt. at the court r.xim of en id court, in the court house in Ht. Helens, In taid ouuty and .tata. hat been duly spnointeJ by said Court, for the settlement ol mid account ut which phtce any heir, creditor or mher Derson intereateii in raia estate - ..I- , i i i... i , inity aprana me in uujeuiiou line- to, or to nnv part cular item thereof, and contest ilia sniue. Dated nt St. Helen, Oregon, Septem ber S27, 1IH17. ' M4HQAKET NETTLETON, AdnilnUtntlrix ol the Estate of John J. Qiilnlnn, deceased. Houlton Oregon ATLANTIC KYPREHS lor the Bast via Hunt- 1 ingtnn- licavea S:lS"aTaT Dally. IS P. M. IhUlJ. Arrives. i. P. M' Daily. S.-0S A.M. ueily. :1S P. M.jT-lS A. M. Dally. rally. Lower Columbia River. Steamer Haaaalo leaves Portland daily, except Hsturaay lo.uo Bunday, at SiOO p. D. Inr Aatoria and way landings. Returning leavea Astoria at 7:00 a. m. dally, except GeneraJ Pasaenrcr Agent. PORTLAND Or. NOTICE TO CKEDITORS In the County Court ol the State of Ore gou, for Columbia county. In the matter of the Estate of James Muckle, Hr., deceased. Woiine la hereby Biven by the nnder- ('itnetl. Executor of the estate ol James M noli le, Br., deceased, to the creditors of, snd oil persons having claims against il entitle, 10 pruaunt itioiu aim mo nropnr Voticill'lt, wiiiiin mx uiunuia Koin the dnte of thli notice, to Ihe Ex- ecu'oi'i at tno oiiu-e ot win Duy, t 81. licit'", in earn county mo Slate, the tsnie belntr the place lor the I run nil 0 Ion 01 IIIB otltllllti.a ill aa in oawne ' J 1MK8 Mt'OKLK, Jr., KeftitorOfr.tho'aatUttU'i HIGH FLIGHT FLOUR Makes a Little Better Bread and G)sts a Little Less Money than Other Flours. It is easily the ..... ... .... ..... v . f " LEADING BRAND IN THIS MARKET And is spoken of most highly by those who use v It Wheat is going higher, which of course means higher Flour, so - GET YOUR WINTER SUPPLY NOW . . . For sale only by . . iaijjjajsiEiiaina m m -Jt&'MltwmmmJm!' WhaaBtaaTrJ SUMMONS la the Clrenlt Court of the SUIa of Oregon, for the County of ColnmMa. ' ElUDavla.phtlntlS'. Rosert R. Davla, defendant To Mnbeii R. Davis, the above named defend ant : In tb. name ol theStato of Oregon yo are hereby required to appear and answer to th ii.i-5 i. againaa you in ine above en .1? " lrore. thai xp ratloet of tlx weeks from thedateof the Srat publication of . "nioti. to-wit: on or before th 2Mh dav of October 1907, and If yon fall M an anawer for want thereof the Plaintiff will apply to th Court for the relief prayed forlr. Ihe complaint, y-'i:Uir . voroe from th Bantam exist ingbetweeu you and plaintiff. """ eaia. . Tb is Summons is pobiihed by order of Hm. Thoe. A. UrUHit. JnH n, .l. iii Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the county of CoiHmbia. made on the JMh dayot Jnly 1BT. lireellng that aaid pukliculoa ba made at leaat rP Tiff '"' ,,m eonaeeutlve weeks In the Oregon Miat. and thedateof th Irat pnbllra Uon of ihl. mmmona be made on the Utb dav of September, 1907. and that th. laat public. Hon be made on the 2.,th day of October 1907. ORYt RICHARMON, n , .. Altorncra forflalntia P. O. Addrest, Portland. O.-. , Timber Land Xeilee. (Timber Land Ar-t lane 3 1S78) t nlted Htate Uod Office, Portland Oregon. April 2, 19U7. Kotloe la hereby given that In compliance with the provl.lntis of tba act of Congress of '."" ".- euwueti -ao ,ar ma aaie oi ttmberUnds In the Slate of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend ed to .11 Public Land State bv act of Augoat I IH92, Kate M. Cameron of Portland eounlv of Multnomah State of Oregon has this dar filed In thia office her sworn statement No. 7362. for the wurebase of the SK Si of section S3 lu Towu.ntp No. 4 North Range No. S West and will offer p. mf to abow that the land sought I more valuable for lu timber or atone than or agricultural piirpoees, aud to establish her rlalm lo said Ian ' lielore Register and Receiver at Portland, Oregon on Thursday lha 7th day of November, 1907. S hs names as witnesses: i. C. Kurte, Cbs. btm.c. Kd, Burke, and J as. Miller, all ol Honl.od. Oregon. Any and all perauni claiming adversely lha above-Hwcrihed lands are reoiiested to Hie their claims in thia office, on or before aaid 7th day ol November, llaiT. w ALOKSNO.f S DRE8MER. , Register. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. LaodOaice at Portland, Oregon, September, 7, Xotioe is hereby given that Tell Sonle of Vee noiua. Oregou, ba. Hied notice ol hla Intention lo make liual five year prom la support of hla twin, .... uomvKicst, r.niry ro. lltfl maile AuKust i. IstrJ. for the KWI, ol Heetiun 1.'. Town ship 4 awth range 4 west, and tbat aaid proof will be lielH-ethe Register and Receiver at 1'oriliiinl. Ilregon on (h-tuber 17. 1907. lie name ihe following witnesses to prove hi. continuous reaidence upon, and cultivation of, Ihe land vis: I O. K. Jonea, of Portland, Oregon: C. A. alalm aten of Vemouin, Oregon: I. p. Spencer nf Vertmnia, Oregon: '. U. Hurt of Vernouia. Oregon. ALGERNON 8. DRESSES. . Register XOTICE OF 81'HUOL ISOEMSITT 8ELECTI0X. United Sutra Land Office, Portland, Oregon, AuglUtS, 1907. Notice is hereby given that the State nf Or : eon on April Jt. 190a, anplie.1 for W H of SK i of Section T. 4 N K4 W and Sled in thia ofnee a llt of school ludemulty selection in which it eoleeted aaid land : and that aaid list Is open to the public tor inspection. Aitv and all iwv.,... Uimin. .Jmhi. .k- I above desohlie.1 lantl or any legal .ukdlvl.iiHi wi.ns or claiming ineaasae nnuer the mining laws, or desirinr lo show said land to be mors valuable for mineral than for agricultural uur pose, or lu object to said aeleetloa foe any h-eal ivaMin, shonbl me their claims or the'r aHHlavilaof pioteat or eonleat III this otSoe oa or Iwlure tht ahh day of Oct. 1907 AW.tK.NOS b UKEWKR. Register. EO. W. HIKKK ' Receiver. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby elvan be the nndantliMwl .. admillliilnilor of the eUte of John H IVrr. . .eceaaed, that he has Sleii in the orKce of the County Court ol Columbia County, State ol Or egon, his Hnal account and rlnal report of his administration upon said estate, and that Ihe moo. k. o. iiauan, J no ire ol mki court, kaa an- Kiuied Paturdav, ihe 211 day of September, 17, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon thereof aa lha time, and the court loom of said Court In SI. Helens. Oregon, aa ihe place of hearing said account and report: at which lime end place ut ite.w-.. .oerivBici, in para entaie may appear and tie objections In writing to aaid account and report, or any part of either ol the same. A. H. Cl'NNINUIIAM. W. II. Powell, attorney lor adminluralor. NOTICE FOI PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, Land Othce, at Ponland, Oregon, August IT 1907. Notice ia hereby given that f lust Strom of Yaukton. Oregon, naa a led notice of hla Inun. I tlon to make Snal aeven year proof In aunnort I of his claim, vis: Homestead Kulry No ls7 law, for the sw.i of Section 2. Township N. Ranges W, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver v at Portland, Oregon, on October S, 1907. He names th. following witnesses to prove his continuous resideue. upon, and eultivatiou ol. Ihe laud, vis: timlav Saudberg of Yankton, Oregon, Carl Sandburg of Portland. Oregon, Joseph Nltch, of Portland, Albert Sehwttzer of Yaukton Oregon. ALUKRNON 8. CRBSSKft. Register. SUMMONS I In th. Circuit Court of tht State of Oregon la and for tne county ol Columbia B. O. Belland. HalnUB vs Anna O. Belland, Defendant - To Anna O. Belland. defendant above named. IN the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required toappearand anawer the com plaint Sled against you In the above entitled oourtaud suit by the l.'th day of October, 1907, the same being the lime prescribed in tlit order for publication ot tho summous made and entered herein by the Hon. R. S. Hattan, Coun ty Judge, for Columbia ('ountv. Oregou, la Ihe abaenoe of Hou. T. A. Mcllrlde, Judge of th Circuit Court tor and In Columbia Comity Ore gon: and if you fail to aupear aud answer said summons .herein for went thereof pinintlff herein will apply to the alxive named oourt fur the relief demanded In said complaint. The relief demanded in aaid eoinplalnt Is for an urder and decree of the above entitled court to dltwolve the marriage contract now existing , between plalutir) snd defendant herein- and lor such other, further, different aud additional relief aa th abort oourt may deem meet with unity. This summon. Is ptibll.heil by order of the Hon. R. S. flatten. County Judg for aud ia Columbia County, Hmte ol Oreiroii, in tb absence of the Hou. T. A. McHride, Judge of the Circuit Court ol tho Slate ol Oreuon for and In Columbia Counlv, aa per onler ol Court duly mime alio eniert'ti niereui ii;i 'J..UI.'.JCJ.;sew,fi''