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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1907)
n I? Spring Medicine The best is Hood's SarsapariLa. It is the best because it does the most good. While it makes the blood pure, fresh and lively, it tones the stomach to bet ter digestion, creates aa appetite, stimu lates the kidneys and liver, gives new brain, nerve and digestive strength. An unequaled list of cures 40366 tes timonials in two years proves its merit t - a..k . I '. . f1 ft V -a ta f3r- -TT k. DM SavtM pt H m 1 ran In a wAt :.. a. a-aaarauaa. wt- T"Z 'i, j-ua -a-aaaa-M --- EuTTwir GciaiSTKO and lb Focd and Pre Act, Jane 30, 16. So. S?. Skva Ma. ea r4. Her arm sboct hi sc drew fighter. 11 fmslB km." si sa'.d, "tilt Ok Take -la kr Uil. A r-oent r-maivcjEt of ti tihsts la the ArrVairar-l M .- of o will writ, from P7 foreii- city lb CiTr.ty cf Uiao J t J to SiifTi-g bee to the other knee. ; Li-wia. -Ucfe pr: tojr v, -JILl th I-rl w'.ta sura slight toStaaoa la lSTt Br orirr of Prl JT! ' 'cVnt Draper tiw y.vke Ui 1 ! , -.w- t mnr- ta a txm cue tb fraaework of l"0 n w ' , . t.rtd nLrturw wJtica 1 td cf arC petal card LMar i oid t-aooh- boailStnulA a-M-,---- . 1 II ... . .. M ( ' URGE AREA IN RUIN Tia Cl'.Ies Ib Mexico Enen to It Cestrajed. bTANOARO 0L GUILTY. or-r Jut F-a Co- C 503 LITE. ARE IEP01TED LOST Panic Rin at Ctiilpanciogo ai4 Chi Upa. tt Raird Cits Si!- Co-r Other. CMIi wjjo, Mei-o, I- K. .r, Mt;k. Tb known 41 inttf 11 an4 ti tad.r int-iwi S rb t -v-t: w.te nrraiS aaJ tlx ar Sin to tfc our tr? rh Mrth eoatiatiM to tck at ' bocr sEtrr! an4 bijjt minor - ixMTia It I'm first rrO ;o-ke. virl iwhl h t!ut tb ti a of CtuijDB. 4- kjictBtert totb -lb- AMaik beta rwvtvwl as lo U". . r r - T.i ? oat;! ti ptoie sct- aara th csilBrtM t-r ken taroa t fc lril to fSaUe Us aanf- I j wt,rl ta ha rvofii free Mr;..'. ;i t Zpv.4 it aktilf TT m a sere rrf-ses t U is cec-usc ic -a- . t - .5,-1. A:tKi". to 1- ttoot from ti UIJLJy 3 WJnLal KEPT OPEN JBY XMPTZRITIES IN THE BLOOD V&earr er a sore n-s fc it Is beca vv- . ; Oioitid te. fcet is ifec-ei -ri 1 oo fcU Cost j wtJkH itar-J i7 -su'i5 1 niht U Ui FJfJ w j 1 lot tkw-lxe- c lh l ikioa - Aftw a U-! Ut h- h-a ... . ...1 K JtaaaoU -4 tiWT i " . fv.wniwcJ :!n-vt aai v-l Kr Staiklaril Oil vip!:y. tm w,t to us j- - 0000 anJ at W oVkvk wfW turaJ in aokrh th JfJr.t tn- r.U in lis ta4n- - -ti. n.i ' tli. it U 0 f t Dt fWp4f liW d fcy th FitJ (wt-aow.l in naU-t acau- M?"1' Tfct " av th bot. If I J S!4 a fc e '- sa pwtbiT wrly t.i . Tis ck-JV in tS it5:cttcct a th-l U iaiKSarJ Oil ft'TOxy a.wf4- d a fc rat fot th frnmi 1 w fix W&.tscf. 14 . U tt N tfcao u a::i i t vl;.hiJ t-t... jt u lu.:. Onir.;y tb ' r or (4 ral st by J Sf Lc i j, ai hatic uf it os rcs cf scc-e e TiC3 tso; ted tie cinnu-isoa. rce sai wiJi cli sores a.-! j-rso-S -io tae re-ci or f-ssei cii ac c ive aTT;'---i cccw t a t decll-s. aai tie potsjacs ft of "a slszrisi a-4 i-actrre cos tsoa f tie . - l rr :.t v- vv ' ;-i -v-i- fc-rce oc.t ca tie uce, arrs. les. oc otier tart"-? tie toi;f. Xie ?ce jrrc-rs r?i -i T. s5Jvari Kotii- is -ore trrt- ai d-ajreei-e tixa a stn.bcr-, oo-ie-i- sore. Tie tcA- fjet that irsists cri-ry res xoi trcits is ri rexx far arisckioc- tie $-e rer-cio-c:? c-acerwis risers is tc ci every CU sore, 4 especU-T is tiis -e tie trocile is aa cic-.tei ce. WaiesTsaes, sor iadeed ytii ee, arj-ed dirw-y to tie ire. cia , doaTrtti;-tTwareov- I vaac tewd a a-Brr . -.J. castic r'.isters er tie fT ifl TZl er7 p-cle cf tie dise-sei Sesh - Ml'iWt It a1 e vtl tiira aoter sore coe. ie mmnX riT'--a. TSwy; all - ve ttt:e is i tie al tie TfVi I Tie cre 5t cce lya ticco-g-. ce-s-4. itr ki4 ia iz ci tietlood. Ia a S. a -rl t fccd i !cers cl every kiL It is aa czeqCZed t-Iood p rier :e tiit soul after WJ tiaj r I ban a " ... -1U Tm TTa , Oa w tma:t.T cieiseS it cl aa tccs . tiists. It fets dj-. ta tie Tiry tcttcci cf tetr3:.eai fxres c -t err trace ci ii- PURELY rcrtrr a.i niies a ccp.ese aa g a a a cir-s t.e cs-:tT ct tZood so tit istei cf f e-j tie diseased VEGETABLE T&SAlSyt: --. .s.-l ' v-- .i is crd. all r-ia asl i-ra at-ca WiTPi tie rLcescas C-er. al wie- -S.S.-13 -- tie toi sore is p "-? f jr ocr j-ja c, Te s e to care f r tie .oci c. a-r. ' 7KC SYfTFT SPCCtTlC CO ATLAJtTA, CAm iU direct lir. Ha Repwb&c Shaken. ) CitT. Actil 1. TSs F-ira: s.tfTrb ccw ar c ism - Pwffl that Saai- b.$m j fartioite l mttfri wsta ts wrk;.rjr of tb ire ia a.t jatia cf to KEmctae 5sta of a ur tl.-a irecs ar,ako ca th t ftxat to Ta on ti Gs:i coA. !! D5.te r mri at ti trWrapi cfic o t . c it rfa tiaS th st:r toca tali U ta ripdi'iae iciIirf th k a rr ai th Mrsai- iit Wit th k Hi N'-t csai fii of Ma t w csireij a w'eazc ayi-- that r "-t ta ti i-tr-r.; of Cli; Cfc.i':rsi3ix la -.rffl-r.t cir ci th rf5t at r: crii-.Si. It is admitted tit bctb. ct: "fr red :o tt rrocisd. Hit it a tbcexht ttat tfc dcattii Kt w.ii v?c aiat 5.. c;c to th fct that ti bocos are bat'l of stone in red to re- tat tarti-; 1- b.x-kj. TAMPERING WITH GOLD COINS Under fcntire Cutpsrt Ot Dtrrtr Mint Legal Fineness. Wstw- Arrit 15. IV;ar?asct sr-a c the cv Stal mint tii ;:t ao-3 tr.ref gj-rin.a.i ... -..t . Vtwl aieitiT cti a a a IS lor sae at ai tr; c- .5 ----, t VT -0 ti soec tat ca saw c 1-. - - -. Ti sasy mw aad Sit3ale rctr of e."i tare W W . a-rCT mrA taitstivile. csarU i cf C Trs;ae. : .rettcc cf iiiii-i aitc aI tie Dt I t-.'e ia soK-a a cacsta-t res- to a eil-kaowa pjsiLa tilt ta ferare a Era recreate- be Sas wsun to rata A TJKtor ead oat siit a i -I wiat ti doctor to ce as fi-A-' 6-T-e mrter xctl ia Tr t-aa-eeaa. f-Ca, Tie ceT-i-e is sfctai-d tr -He caat do ft." tie Rmit arrr-' tnti fatd os-XTe;y :ti ed. "He left orferi tia: i u so ad aiai a.i eut-t Tie at kcrr tiat. cst a was aieotsrteXy a : V-os -1 rrwsd wi ti rcrc- ssatter of ii-'e aid deati. be eoclda't : frcca.1 c-r are trwt- ; til w:ti tylrjeijsrje ir.-i i tae a- wasted wlta wai titilii s&i's&iffl. 1 avi .ed ca a Tie ..itr go oct at i-'l til er-rTii,' Bat." aai tie caier. at alL "Wiat tieaT W, wad aits to e o-r ad taie cot.a zxa. w bp para Ok t ce- ta a ri ef wijc" I :i. 2 to 13 jaru o tie o'-i a'- "OX tisafs d-Ierrct. ! tu. aati to 45 ;irts ef fee cjtr Tie teroat dLi;;arl, aai ra- KtU3.a. Ti sai is treatfl peered a avxest li'tr. , witi fvruiiei- le. ri'taVy eirl. Tie dorttr sajs i"Z i o-er ta tea ,. -i tiea ;jswi tato a form cr 00--.IntTM .'?." he ansiJMrf. Tlt-BIta ! fa Wii;i Cliiiilv.d caa t Mtd. Creel Ihw. "Wiat utXta j&it c-cie i:k cede. Baraetr" -TTiy. be tw - ta ticsail iart rear- -EUrw Sa ten Cwca-i? Wiy. I aerer kiew j-iir Gcia t te datt pated." -Ob. tiU waaat 43';atl:'d. T;a see. te isritied a y itt leii.wt tiat b .f cvt a fiitre." A Fnsora ;a .-:r ot Air TisiiJ ti .iiia !a Pirj Ls eaatr-aiT w .:.i 1 fr"jid i ti ic-LEt ird Bii:r.ii tbe aa :ai ?to-ct. several eks ta s 1 .ar cf tie tic t.r ti !t- stf-at. Ta.s aetj..-i, lAiamitt i-t f'' rr:.T.t rj:-rt tiat rl coia ffics th tTer mizt hat teB tocri tji l t Us r W3rt a ray.isi'.Ht .r ie u.m Ti rKr3at rrt.rt rai tia tb ?-ize are fic&J to t astitr S: so th iiV'.! A 5 eecsa 00 ererj t? toii pir. Tb :..rrta-f di-rrl by tr Eack of Eani aaayr. pmtd b a thipeoect i I,5J.S;S so Ea?aal in Jic-iry. Ti - lc? 'a ";s. s5aB that a r-eori ' r:tr:xr.t h I wis cts to d; --tv!er wjyj ei.-!i4 fc;r ti d: For TA. Poor Blood Yoa cib truii medicioe eed 0 yen I Sixty yer of experieocc, thial ef thit! Exre'''0 ith Ayef,$ Stf sir-ril!-; the crici-t Sirt. Priil; the wrocjtst Sirtr rilla; tbeSr$ipril! the doc tors endorse for thio blood, vttl nerves, generil debility. M rmmt m f-.M ". -r il " t J t- 'I '.T pt, , u ,, wtiai l l"l ' LAST VESTIGE Of WAR. Japan gt, y. J e A O- t,i - ill, A " . attt tan a tff Mian. fiCO cauan rt-twa. .trj t "'!!!;!! t;i--j T .. 1 kit lw S"l " drfr t Od. ;a M -. t! f lw " . ., .. kiartr wr t U !a t-e -4 . at it." b "I iv num. th.-.---'. Trans'ers -ta-ehurian Rai road to Goto s Compary. Tci, April IS. Wfcea th tcaa- wnt t-i ti MarKfc.tiia n. a a tnraferred to Biroc Cn4o com- pcy eo April 1, th Jfn asct omaied WilbdraeiOjC U rT--.-t cf ti tr f employtd ic lUaCBtu'ia. Th wotk was cvo.-p!te.I jb April s. wh!-re a th in:t-r frc-r-r-fCt as re -a Japut, wi.kis it ia rifmrted, 4xe tU railway -iti U W thin wt- the aaabet of ea t;p"d ty ti t.-va-y -i-.i:-!d at r.r;rc-jth. S.Hwixii tU oajtbrr ci jraari ta e xc f-r k:kcVr. Is aa iesert: E-" j-oo il: "Tb awt it ie -f war this .--tkffl ha r.w t-xa jvrri-v-!. F r rat a icy rasdis sr.scipi. Its rf:o.i-s ti pea?sl d-Vp-et ol Xaar&ara tiroKjri wi-xi .jit r. rut, ti ttoeaJ d-Sereae- wU te eMste.y aoroi. Xjw-x.- ': s.j fieii S:r Bjetitac c .i rat.c. Ia orfcr ttt w cay ca;ry -:it ti j r.r--:p!, I m fatjrce -'.c ti jars ot T1 ww. Vti : ti ef"r f rt w cd lb eat 6!Y of tL UeS tury. tMt frwo tl w.UU of Myra iiJ Itrwwa v.-.: a-otrrt wuaid br.r; ,-i.a to avrkt ad aeil it suae- jor tila iwrk w id i ,!lJt dij, ijt t r. prefrrrrd fcy t. n.r tva :o tUe rrd Wr of t wa K wm la Cat t:a tiat n o t:re w:!d tu:.y. Tu:! wuai.1 f'. St S ( r-: fJf t'v ti ;rcut P-prs'aw--t of s wrswaejt ajtc rbk li ra, sad d.0 juil couil ! ttit for auwy tia it now take, to boy 1 duVn links of Ma-tottr mi lie nil mi-''-l o uufcjorrs.Je -tlrt t..d :!." lodiiaijwl.s Nrs. ot. wtn a w,-w,.,'?i1!! ( .". u kaaui J-4. M Harrr. -Currs'-er t a ei city pseitioa. kara t kr "O. kc's kl slut for sil oioetLa or xor. Wtt wo-k 4os e hl ts 4or lis aisa't fu-4 oat yl." ryn . ww r- ""3T" HOI" . . 1 . 1 kt K IlKi. tt Strf ;.-Sj ... tra. f !N a,.ly fr f tod frl -V J. w;.i JJ-W t y ' ' it. n- s r" f.ii of o- i Ud t -iw-w. ; t y ajOl 4.I'i!jV4wt a. s:i l I q Wiql JWNS mM KiMi v-l -a f !'" I iv ! J-.U K-l MS t"l ti H "-' rre o JwV St.rkf Ti r"J ! Utors I ts. . . . , Ai rfet- ! ksr tk f Saws say wko - I ta Banking by Mai! WE PAY INTEKEST Ow swtioaa ArmU ef a (Ut t snore, msnfoxuk-lwl twice etery yeae. II is jns m .m t osn IUt.ns kmat e. c ty Ms I a if yt atl eior. swt tut eor tr- buot Wt. -Peoko wy asd Uaa tall it.ctiars. A dines Oregon Trust & Savings Bank Portland, Oregon Sixth 4 Washington Sia. arai.-t f ti 1 a. sts -r .5 trac.frri t sa :c !.- 'i sreaeet -ti. Ti a-ie-waare . scft- .--- - -- - ; i-! ti ..Eli.' r r. i we &:Aa s:r ct i.Sr4tjt." -all Bo r wit. Tie tnarktiu of Uutl are st!n fu'.l ' E(;iab rwJ- Coose. O brotiar.. zi k-t us :i sy list w will not poi- tu: oor hinla by toa-Uln .n.isa rtKds. We will aut let Uie Haiifi.1 now t o-tie a otiJvt of ridicule Let E:i! jooSs rot ta tie anisjsos" oV-wss sod t tra tip by wbjt auu J rata Ci-.:t SsaiiUaal. SaaU Waa Vsar Slues n im r-; li w a r -ta a rnt, tf wir p- than :.rcf STEVENS C'SCwSSES C HAL. Morey tor United States. SJsteri:, April J. Tb rani cf rc:Td ff:si ti Coite-i :rtat et tie Fimice Eiif cocnasiesiiio tv jr v awi to pirciav 5,'? of drt "pr.tai, wbkfa wr r-:d to ti f.-xt. A dpwtch wa r!ire.i t-iay frosn a Chits KiSxiti iffericf to pt, &ir the rt tins ia iifV.rr. raat.SaW a5i ti Sock cf i Graod anal, this cutttr.r icwa ti tisc tJt trtt.' to ti fsiEioe -1-41 tct from tht etty to eiat dayi. Forthr part ana lars of tie ltrf a istic shw that she pij ' are eatiEf j th jrr seaas frm th ?, cjiy a.-jd tt hiisi af tice- Ex-Chujf Ergireer of "6 O tcn Reacnes Ne- Yora. ens, who re-ect:y r-s.r.! )u chf ts rsf cf li Facat-s ra.t', a:r:-. J hre t .t!ay Inxc C!oc. II ieft Wah-tVjo th a;r-ix.Ti. Jlr. !-trv- ra .aid: -I was ct ekd to re:R. On th critrary, tie hlht peition was eo :c'.t c tet crfwl cps me. I :nt; iai asy r.ath wto any of my v.ztx. ar.d Uieir attitude was ai itn at sci rt ci ssy J..rts. "Ti tssaeirfjco o ti Waehinytoo -.;. w '.h the art!-l work 00 th sKitai ia Vj sacil t- offer many rhws.: 5:e -i.a;r--r.t. I have cerer doisa th work by coo- tract 1 I adreraied tarfe a poiary. Th s'jj cf .ctr.rt uir shea bid w-r rernel "a t.a'a.'"! by tee. I ocpv Jsttia, tisctraet to ti OHi tt t-ril.-3a.' fc r.oJ teaaccA. 6c t ti fta"EDr.t tiat I ri ccjel the 0 "T OXUKt US U -Wi- Sl a 1 me name tne ievr Perfection Oil Stove gives the iostant a lighted match is ap- . plied no delay, no trouble, no soot, no dirt. For cooking, the V NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove : : is uireciualed. It gives quick results because ia heat is aighly concentrated. Cuts fuel-expensa in two. Made ia three sizes. Every stove warranted. If not at your deal er's write to our nearest agency. Five Burred in Wreckage. . ' Sc PaiU Aj-tit 1 Eansicr t--i .( so: aa fv,nr c a st; tr:k, th 'isvat Sorthero wt tccud irieatai Liatiffi. eharfa left her for pKiiroatt ptca Sr-jiiy :r:ct, ww deraiX a? 1 IS yesutday anomic 4; &r.,tt. S. i. Fie frf-.ra were t:id si a spice or cr is'3rd. ; La-r tb &s tiai i;-iVi aid the - ra'.a t::-i -re, se-rws fadtc-jKr 9fath r.ri'Z lr.? . ' Tie s!a-pr td '.b j rTa"i.a- ear eseajed Si ias- j Ti-r ia ! to le tijcie e-ti-r-t that i ra.t ti teeo tamper! witc. Same Csrsuts for Both Countries. 5-w V&rk, ApriS I. Foiwwir. th :tsaS:.'ic hs i!in;ittke in Centra; Anasrra anB-McretEfrtt ia made that ti ii-ciir.a aaiBnie care p p, ia'.eil ail Ska rear-si a eixsetsis. rrjo u cra!. eharfe d aaires acl aaia- iwten t.,th of tfai emsritry and ahras.1 aio to r(pteet Hocvdnia. Tft pt- yy y tt rw .:.trrtro-r.i ei ii'Jt 42 rat is to letrewh anl this is) stated to b the tcaifs raM for nrir the Tackle Ec..n Matter. Ssa Franci. April IS. J-u J. S Jtodiw, t"c:"d states r,t:njioT t ed-n-at-soc r-r.rTiTaaia, ar.-t :ir r:s Sasett, .atst crict.'r ef tie ie- fartnatot of Coconser.: ao4 La5r, ap pointed aa a fn-i t.ccai:ifc t Prir.t K.x- it to ioreat ;! u 3itjj i of tziirtizt the tsiriaswo. at th. prt, h tieir Artt sweioo t iy. After Use aJMfEmect, tmt-. scr tc:t as3l tiax t j Tti--!:-o Will be of a iprtseraS arote 6sr the of ixptotesceots in th nwTsee. Rournanaa Burra; a Nary., April 15. Eto tb liltl in Uoi kic rdr jcc of Koca-vs.a seecce have daxcji of a tr.szisy cary, . hie crirei a Bomber of Wpnio kat f torn a Genrvao -rot to te detirerad & as pranibi. F-wt Icrpttlo bwlit built ia P!a-taaa aal lcteorle.1 for Ih boiiir. Koomanan caty are sow their way op the Bhio a-l the ohr .jay paoned Fraakft on th Main wriere thy srere Insperttd by the peo ple with treat tot rest. These mat' wii! go throQiih th Ladwic eaaav! .-.-n'Aa RFA-k K.ri- eoceai ara- ert of Nssrac-- in thw eity. wifl aivi Iab nrer to th K'.-k Kern. herairjft m ta a aaal capacity. for ail -found Louse holi use. Ulacle of brass throughout tad be-ucJuiiy nickeled. Perfectly cocsstnicted; absoimrly safe; uaaacelkd in Iight-eiriaj po'fer; aa oraameat to aay roora. KTerr lam? ararraotac. 11 hoc ax your Staler a, wntt) to our acaxest ajeacy, sTANBAim on. coMPAanr uaarwa-iTa-u 3r Mad WW Earth SKake. Alfacy, S. Y., April 15. The timet acd l.cyt earth-Toakr thsxk rw.rii opo th tr;i-Tph at th state mneeara here s,o.- th iatrasBct wis installed las at 1.11 a. to. yea tTiay and ecctiriwd for Dye thava two h'-nra. Th rwwnl is mvh core pr coerced than that icaie by th Saa fitze'jro earthr-ike of Isvt year. The B-txtmata stbtttwo was so sTr a to swine the pecdalom ckar off th re efardsng ir.d:caf . Froat Nipa Fruit Crop. St. Loaa. Apsil 15. Xorsery 00 ao! initratMrs in tfc t?mity of t-t Lmia hl;te th ap-pie rrcp ha been raised by there Id weather. IXscateh e from the bait belt in th oa(hns cart of MiaHrort say pnachaw, ear scrawtwuiea acd aaria trark hai been 'imtroyed. t"jfatrhs frn Ma coo, th esater cf ti trait raairr to- doiry of 5irth Cr.trs! MiawMri, s'af that peach, pis cm, ehetrcea acd ap- pset prcticasiy ai -eetf-yjj. Andean Volcanoes Break Out. Zoettm Ayrw, April 16-Aetire rept s.7ta are in ptoarremt amoce th - i . n n t. ..a in thatfrtrvT Rio 'r. Askws) ate being thiowa ! eorcpieteiy deetroyed I7 the heary lea a grtat distacc. lrot a tew tEorain-f f- Kansas Fruit Crop Damaged Toeeka, Kan.. April IS. Report: rereited from ail tectKo to tb e-ai tsdicate that th Ksuai fruit rrop was VTv.-a:j damiirw tM in sorti J, .w s .. i!!.-m A-a a Ouwul, fraa T1. i.W3 ti's t ca rr-b t heart ; tse iiciity beityr a:ia s -ri;jfi jaaik wili li g-j.ur zssitr t.t r "Btr try rjaseii-. id ana," si iJ tia fr.eal, -Tr.:.:r "T-i. I i-ri bsr aay that yoa wsr. cr it U.r . 100 Beware. SlOOL T, rralara tl.i ;a;er el.l ta Fiaaaal if la-- '.1'. ia f a av aal eioa araata4 dvaraat la4 -M-fta a uia aua W cara 10 at 14 aa t it at i, a-ai-a Ma.nia" a ii-.taOKiy poaili'a en--. o.. an u ts lit. fa'.ru:!j. ta:a.-a baits a comma Waal i:tm. r jo'-rea a , ifat aKQ. Havi auvfrS Ufa i ;aaaa IntarDaiiy ari.BC l.Fa-;if u;wtt tba U.mI an 4 mucut la." a- .f taa i'iW-9. lta'.ty 4,lft'lria tM aaua if ta .!;--a-i. .iiJ glvins ina va . .!:..& tT up tta O'U'llluli'.a aa-1 ,:,tiBt namra ia Ut. tu tiuik. Th pf-pr;wr, bava a muea latlB la lia curaim p.,,war, ifcat tay offrr oia lluo-trad UdlaM Lr as? raa, t&at U tails tu cuta. eoJ lor llal Qi t-liiSioOJkiJI- . , feM by iia.. s I asu.j lu- sr. io Mst. Tie ouatber of Istiorrrs In ths IdJus tr.aa of rraoot is about 0.VSMHIO. of t.a. eo tbs at (raja, can out gri work. A TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. Am- a Veteran Wss Saved the potation of a Limb. B. Iv remrss. veteran, of Ucoa. r!e Ave., Ia4ianali, Ind., wars: "1 Lai ln showing symptoms of kiilnry tr.Hiblw from the timi I a mut.'il out ol ihaartiiy, but in all my life I never auflrrvd aa in 1'.7. llnail aclno, iii!iji)Hi ami !, fiit, ami th-n diffxy. as weak ami hpltilcs. havinr ta l.jati from !) to potifsd. I wm havtrg trr- r.u.e te.n ia it, ant itm ti-.-r. pawwd aitiuwt involuntarily. My Wit iTf sweiiwl ontil it a 3 :cc'rf ir .cd, and the d'rtor tapnsl it rt.r..i i ir.-rainn onui i cull no Sora--r t-d it, anJ tlwn h ativi-t-.l imp-3U':i'.tt. I retol, a-nt t.avn u in. !'.' Kwiiwy I'llta. Tie se!iin tntmM ra4uaily, th urine btcsune t-iSa.'ai. : i ail my rai&s and wl. disapami. J hate been well now for Bin ysus Sitae mmt Liuau'a Kidney MS. r or rm r pv a:i oairs rente a bra. isr MiiboraCo., Baffa'o, S. Y Mica aAxle Grease I Ir-j-Arts the tie cf lis E wagws saves bon H power, tisae e.I tt- per. stJsir!catia tie worli cositaisa i "-a powderelclca aaa "--th ,mtm-am ' f l I B T a sssach. hard coatis j oa i. asd redact tVictioa. If yo wist yocr ctci to s.if as! estra r-ooe- wiit it Ut j-ne th aa wita Kxa ii Grease KUCiOtUKKUn Itte Kind IW .iay. "-" - a-..-. Vurr t.f t tusa. II. I lrtrltrr, 4 h Wrtt lit. Is tindrr his prra4.rii.l auprrslaloa Tor sr :; rare. Allow iVdnvlts y" hl tountrrf'rlU. Iiultatlon ar.,1 .. .1.,.o..e.M,.l urn but l.tperliMrola, .l endanarrr llto bcttllli of .hlldmi-l:ilr-rlrtc ealt I.wrjtirnU What is CASTORIA C-torU W hrinl-a subwllttitn fur t.r (!. 1'sur. .orlr. Irp and H.H,thlii? Hyrupe. tt to nrsvwnU H "ontli ! hrr Opium. Morphtnat tir other rrUo Hh.tanr. lu M I ff'irt-es . U de.trs.yw X gvM nnd lln IVrrlalttt. It rurrw !Urrli.r eu.d Wind (Vlli-. It rr-ltrra 1 rrthitiir Trouble-, rurr f.iiatlallor ami FliUiilmrv. It swaliiulHlrs thn VimhU rvRsslatie. Ihw I. and ttrttarK Blslnaj healthy d nalnnX ikfu. Tho CliUdrru's rucr-v-TUo alollirr a I rlrttO. The Kind You toe Always Bought Bears tho Signature of " w In Use For Over 30 Years. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES tAmW2u t KUaUS t Ull (( I "Oil C-Ktcf at 1-1118 1 ikt rMX sunns fon tvatYBoar at aim. rwoiai ahiMa. 1 ta l AO. kA W ! Ol io. Mlaaa W I. Ihifl .'.UlluMl If. t k!lb. bat ia stW. ft'. i -t inlttnr. IB Ibis c.Utttry. rUwk part of l.ia aiKia an4 nry llil ot Ua making l U k"l allrr an.l aat. b.l otr ! ;1!J tlu-inakr, ithol rl lo. . i... or i-ikl If 1 mall takn r Into mv larra a', t. . ..... -. I t. .. . ...r.. 1 ' . w I ik,.,lu 1 l n. ..'-, .... , . i , .. w . ' -. ---- .-.'.; . . . k aitoM ra toa,:o, yu wwi!4 itian nIntaiil wrlijr Ih-y Iui4 maw aaa, b -- au.l ara r pw,!it ralua hn any rtF-r mai -.i nl t'. i. m 4 w IN, h iuat aht.h MMtlMa M araWtf al'uUl-iiluMl, J Aav VS. I iHllalAk, SSr afciaa, SSa llt' abaaa. la SI S.1. M a I MlJraa . .h . l la Sl, i;:t'l-i by atfwll 'li'lsw af liaMa -v -rr' a r ..... UlVJa-vlkai.' Jvl- I -aar hn ic-r. -T a-.., Sf . amw -a aaw- aff . A iaaw k - JrJ sw . 1 I The Finest Gardens re always reined hri Ponlsrd Seed Co's "Dumond Dranr Seeds aie plant J. "Wh Lk'suie wa sell you the kinds trut grow fjt on IMS Coast Our hindtomaiy llluitrsted and descnpn , Annual tells sit shout ouf &"!, Hints. Rl. Spray Pumps. , reniluefs, Ineubaiors. Hftfs. Poultry and Iks Supplies a U a H. JM) v, ,m u-a 4 aH at trata saivia la. a- N. j.t aat a) PORTLAND SEED CO. Portland. Oration BooHen. Wash. Mw -T I I .i &r rn i s-a 9 - STAND FIRM "Whayoubuyiin 51 OILED SUIT or SLICKER demand oc;s It . th e&sicst And only w&y to oet tne best Sold every wKsr. ENGRAVING Write Us TlATtS rOR PRINTING MICKS-CMATTEN r.wtUnd 0rrg PAINLESS TENTISTRY rXAMtNAtrOM f ((..1,1 rtimnt.Sli HfMra Wt, tr toHh.sii -ii.ais. ml rat niiiai atwi oof.! rtitiba. It. TAIX DENTlSTf .,,, as'iWlHn K. Itt-MTUS -Swart- art fhai-i.t. 11 la.Jila, .'r Mfc hf, iuta Itiu ( iHittt, a.t, :-a. Mti,.i, f. : iuM. s..'; .att.Vl- i ,i fen fvaliM a Maal llaaa. cf the I hor-e- 'j J lea ill aisa mil Ml f ; il sT f7 I uifla tia M.ltlijf nvaio.a n4 it ua a-w !M).a. ivKiKjl'iM. Ma. aiMaaai I aj baaaia ha UA WTPfTi 1 ta !,- fo-a YY!i I LU " a4 6.,, f, fttlwexta .!:- S"15 ' -f r..n4 lii unt SlfClU.TV vmivG C0MPASV i2t riswtlaarwa -. Partlana, Orrge r: AttftTTM vsrw-i t rtwtt t ft w a ..aa 4mai". Vaia la alt eir!-a aixl alt u Ut aal'f a i..r ti.i iwuitaa twa a-aJ e- k aaa artt-a. BflAI ' CO. . at Hawthorn Ave. woituuia, C FREE SAMPLE abJtasVtoSjq- -uTVLTUTrjlH MDiv W- - . -T ? ,.tW,'fi' 'CiT JH a. s- DR. C. GEE WO Waaderfal Hcai Tru!Bt Tta va-a.M rkl. aaw tk... a taikaS al Savauaa av auaa aa ar-a a. vuaaal ra- B f at at raa) a. Ha n.-a t tua uv a. asa. Uaaa aatfal al- - kaasat, aaa k ,4 Wraa a4 ..aH aa la 11 a t-aaur nn..t ti- a naa k-ww Aai.ta4a l.laaaa.'MB--uiaaaaie'.iifi raaw" Ei W - Minaa.-V if ta a awa-S aV-x-w. T "SRI -a au.i k !- 1 Waa aaaVaa. laaawl iuaal i ritiua r TatCCesWsOii in UesVss C aTksMs CP sfawtK MfflfirtM-i rssw-4.oV